Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olum e 15, N um ber 27 E s t a c a d a , O regon , T hursday , M arch 30,1922. UPPER BARTON OREGON NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. A. Horger and Mrs. John Hoffman went to Port OF GENERAUNTEREST I I land, Friday. LOCAL BREVITIES $1.50 P er Y ear DODGE NEWS THE MASONIC RING MAKES A CIO HIT Look up Hauser’s & Linn’s On Saturday last Dodge suf- new ad. I fered the loss of a most valuable T"\R. CHARLES K. CAREY Dinty has got ’em W h a t ? citizen and neighbor in the per- ■ ^ P H Y S I C I A N and S U R G E O N , Last Wednesday a surprise Rooms reasonable. Kum in—3-2 son of E. W. Joehimsen, who We have attended many school Principal E v e n ts of the Week Phone for j party was sprung on Maudie Fer CHICKEN DINNER served at Passed away alter one week s plays but were nevermore pleas- OFFICE APPOINTMENT Briefly Sketched for Infor­ rel, as it was her birthday the Estacada Hotel Dining Room. *^ness- It would be impossible antly impressed than at the one Estacada, Oregon. mation of O u r Readers. speak too highly of him as a given by the Junior Class Mon- ! Fourteen were present and the Sunday. Price 50 cents 2-16tf 0 R C. E. OWEN I man of kindly disposition and a j ay night. “The Masonic Ring” I evening was passed with music Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton DENTIST helper in time of need. The loss was a play well within the abili- Umatilla county Legion posts will 1 and cards. At midnight a delic were out from Portland to spend Oregon. organize a county council ia Pendle- ious lunch was served. will be keenly felt by many, and ties of the performers, and from Estacada, the week end with relatives ton on April 14. our hearts go out in sympathy from first to last the various here. ■p\R. R. MORSE. Miss Jessie Odell called on The Sweet Home and Foster public to his widow and children in scenes went smoothly. The dif­ ^ P H Y S I C I A N and S U R G E O N . schools were closed last week on ac­ Maudie and Edith Ferret, Satur Mrs. C. W, Strickland of Glad­ their bereavement. The Com­ ferent make ups were remat kably Office and Residence Second and Main count of influenza. day afternoon. stone, was a week end guest at streets, Estacada, Oregon. Telephone munity club sent a beautiful flo­ good, both as regards the girls Thirty-five school teachers of north­ connections. C. A. Looney and William the home of her sister, Mrs. B. ral wreath. ern Deschutes county attended the re­ and the boys. Stone were visitors at the Ferre O. Sarver. ft/TRS. J. E. GATES, cent teachers' institute held at the Red­ J. W. Marrs and daughter Jose Gordon who took the lead­ home Sunday. The P. M. Wagner house has AVA P IA N O I N S T R U C T O R , mond union high school. Mamie are recovering from an ing male part, was perfectly at been remodelled inside and paint­ Phone or call at The Bazaar, Estacada. Approximately $3,000,000 of the so- home in the role of a jealous hus­ Rebekah Convention called soldiers' bonus bonds sold re­ ed, improving much its appear­ attack of the flu. E. GATES, On Sunday evening, March 26, band, with no trace of nervous­ There was a good representa­ ance. cently to a Portland bidder will be * FU N E R A L D IR E C T O R delivered to the purchaser April 1. tion of the local order of Rebek- Lorin Ellis of Portland, was a a baby boy was born to Mr. and ness. Fred Davis had an envia­ and Embalmer. Night and Day Tele- The Oregon Export Lumber com­ ahs to the 16th annual district visitor under the parental roof Mrs. Frank Wilson. Both moth­ ble part to which he did just'ce, phone. Lady Assistant. pany at Coquille has made a satis­ convention in Oregon City last though he was rather too re­ in Estacada Saturday night anc er and baby are doing nicely. factory adjustment of its affairs with strained when pressing his suit Saturday. Mrs. Nellie Currln Sunday. W M . G. DUNLAP Charles Colson’s nephew is its creditors and will start operations A T T O R N E Y A T LAW behind the trunk in the last act. was chairman of the meeting in a few days. N. S. McMillen and family visiting at the Colson home. At Estacada, in the office of Woodle Ted Howe as the par-boiled de­ and Mrs. Cordelia Carter was Hood River orebardists, according left Estacada the first of the Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of­ tective, would not have been rec­ fice 1524 Yeon Building. to data gathered from dealers In Imple­ outside guard, both from the week, for Roseburg where they BARTON ITEMS ognized in his make-up, if it had ments, will spend approximately $25,- Estacada lodge. The next meet­ expect to make their home. 0 D. EBY, 000 In the purchase of new high-pow­ ing is to be held at Milwaukie Louis Rivers came near having not been for his voice. He made A T T O R N E Y A T LAW. Dr. and Mrs. Will Dale of ered spray rigs. a serious loss Sunday at 5 p. m. a typical sleuth of the correspon­ in the early part of 1923. Mrs, General Practice. Confidential Ad­ Portland, were Sunday guests at It is said that the residents of West Just as they were ready to sit dence school type, but he should Mary Eshleman was electee viser. Oregon City. Oregon. Salem probably will abandon their re­ the home of the former’s par­ cent efforts to obtain a postoffice secretary for this meeting anc ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dale. down to dinner, Mrs. Rivers have had a briar pipe in his TV/TcGUlRK & SCHNEIDER, which will require the renaming of The Estacada Rebekah lodge al­ thought she heard a fire burning. mouth like Sherlock Holmes. •LVA A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW. Mrs. W. A. Wilcox entertained the municipality. She ran part way up stairs and His ferocious blood hound is en­ so received commendation for its At Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ her mother, Mrs. George Currin discovered the house on fire. It titled to honorable mention for it Fred A. Williams, after serving more fraternal work. Those attend­ days ana Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow Portland office, 609-15, Fen- than three years as a member of the ing from this place were, Mes­ of Gresham, this week, also Mrs. was put out by quick work as took its part seriously. buildin Oregon public service commission, has ton bui ild ling. Benefield and daughter, Mrs. soon as the word reached the But if the boys did well, the Elva Ahlberg, Nellie announced that he will not be a candi­ dames Blanch Davis, of Wasco, Ore. P A U L C . FISCHER. store, where there was a good girls certainly rose to the occa­ date for re-election. Currin, Cordelia Carter, Rose * A T T O R N E Y AT LAW . Remember April 5th is the supply of men. The roof was sion. Nova Smith was a most Lawrence Stafford, an employe at Wilcox, Mary Eshleman, Mae Beaver building. Oregon City. Oregon. the Hammond Lumber company's mill last day to pay the first install damaged to the extent of requir­ dignified matron, Melba Harmon Kitching, Susie Kitching. Lydia in Astoria, committed suicide at his ment of taxes, with privilege of ing reshingling. as the deaf, elderly spinster kept W o o d le r ea lty co . home by shooting himself in the left McConnel, Claia Boyer, Mary paying the balance six months the audience laughing with her Posson and Elsie Fuller. Mr. and ¡Mrs. Jens Pederson, temple with a revolver. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, lence without penalty. misunderstandings of what was Small shipments of gold are being who run a poultry ranch, made a Collections, Notary Public. said to her, while Susan Bowman Mr. and Phil Standish left yes­ received almost daily by the First Na­ For State Treasurer Justice of the Peace. trip to Gresham to deliver eggs. They get results. tional bank of Grants Pass, the largest flounced around as snappy as a terday for Newberg, where Mr. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and Phone Estacada of these since the first of the year Senator Thomas F. Ryan of Standish will resume his position turtle in accordance with her Oregon City announces his can­ Miss Jennie, of Eagle Creek, weighing nearly 60 ounces. part. The other three girls were as fruit buyer for the Oregon called on Mrs, George Forman A. W. Sims, 63, a member of the didacy for nomination as state charming in their roles. Pauline city council, county road appraiser and treasurer in the state primaries. Canning Co. of that place recently. FIR E INSURANCE Rose, saucy and debonnaire, de­ appraiser for Lane county for the Vet­ Mrs. P. H. Batin and daughter He states: ‘‘Many friends have Mrs. Hal Gibson called on Mrs. lighted in teasing the poor bride­ erans' state aid commission, died last laine, arrived Monday, from requested me to announce my Louis Rivers one day last week. groom. Norma Randolph made week at his home in Eugene. London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Portland, and went out to the P. candidacy and views regarding In anticipation of increased busi­ Mrs. George Forman is still a beautiful bride whose charms Standish ranch in Garfield, Keep your policy in our Fire ness for the coming season, the Pro­ retrenchment, a n d complying confined in bed with sciatic were attractively set off by ex­ Proof Vault, tree of charge. ducers’ Canning & Packing company with their wishes, and believing the house on which they have rheumatism and seems to be quisite costumes and marcelled eased. will begin work immediately that it is only right and proper very slow in improving. H. C. S T E P H E N S at on Salem coiffure. Constance Richmond, a $2500 addition to the plant. that I make this announcement You have a chance to win a 5 Fire of undetermined origin swept The literary society met last her college chum, looked as at­ in my home county first, so that pound cake. Look up the ad of A gent . through the Olympic cereal mill of Friday night the 24th John Beat- tractively petitte and mignonne Jauser & Linn and find out. the Portland Flouring Mills company the friends that have been so tie gave in interesting talk on as Marguerite Clark the screen Mrs. C. M. Chambers left last In Portland, and caused damage es­ loyal in the past year may be the millage tax appropriation to star. These two girls made ex­ timated at approximately $250,000. Saturday for Seattle, where she apprised of my position. the O. A. C. He also praised cellent foils to each other in ac­ Dr. W. H. Lyle, state veterinarian, "I shall be a candidate for the will visit for a few days, after reports that the appropriation author­ republican nomination as state which she will go to Tennessee. the people of Barton for conduct­ tions and looks. They suggest­ ized by the 1921 legislature for indem­ Mr. Chambers will join her later. ing a literary and debating so­ ed to us the lines: “ How happy nifying owners of cattle killed because treasurer, and in the near future •? that we carry will submit to the public a plat­ Mr. and Mrs. Chambers have ciety, remarking that if all could I be with either, Were of tuberculosis has been exhausted. neighborhoods would do the t ’other dear charmer away!” LIGHT HARDWARE The tug Sea Rover, for which the form embodying what I shall ad­ been living at the Estacada ho­ same there would be less Rus- Before the commencement of ? Toys, Notions, Hosiery, Needle- Port of Coos Bay has been paying a vocate and endeavor to promote. tel for about two years. the play the boys glee club sang sianism. A program was then X w ork, Candy, Etc. rental of $25,200 a year, has been sold “ While I was born in Rhode- You should come to the Meth­ given by Alonzo and Ernest Mil­ a couple of songs, and Miss Nova by the navy to the Crowley Launch j 5c, 10c, 15c and up. sland I came to this county in odist church and hear the Geor­ company of San Francisco for $23,700. ler, who afterwards chose sides Smith played between the acts. | CALL AND SEE US The Shell dil company of Califor­ early manhood, and all that I ges. They are very fine leaders and conducted an old fashioned nia has sent to the secretary of state have, all that I ever expect to of song. Their solo work is es­ Fruitgrowers Attention spelling match. Mrs. George a check for $3177.17, representing the have is hero, and if elected as a pecially good, and Mr. George is Turner proved to be the cham­ Clayton L. Long of the O. A. tax on the corporation's sales of gaso­ state officer, I pledge you, fellow besides a very able preacher. I. O. O. F. Bldg., Estacada , line and distillate In Oregon in Feb­ pion speller. The question for C. extenticn department, will citizens of Clackamas county, Mrs. V. W. Hauser entertained debate on Friday, April 7, will hold the second of his meetings ruary. Because of the small amount of for­ that I will not perform or sanc­ ast night in honor of Fay Dun- be: “ Resolved, that the millage for this district, at Garfield age available, the opening date of the tion any action that will bring seath who has been in Estacada tax appropriation for the Agri­ Grange hall on Wednesday af­ grazing season on the Five Mile cattle reproach or discredit, and will with his mother visiting for the cultural College be reduced 25 ternoon, April 5, at 1:30. The range of the Umatilla national forest devote all my time, ability and past week, and who will leave percent.” Everybody come. subjects of Pest Control and has been changed from May 1 to knowledge in the promotion of soon for their home in Seattle. Majr 15. H. F. Gibson is improving his Soil Management will feature M IN ER AL WATER our beloved Oregon.” Those present were Alice Kil­ larm very much by building a this meeting. Free movie at New Books IN BOTTLES gore, La Vera Grabeel, Hugh new wire fence around it. 7:30 p. m. following the meeting Children’s Concert Through the generosity of Wallace, J. Fay Dunseath, Gor­ Nature’ s Laxative Barton is losing one of its announced above at the same Mrs. W. J. Moore, president of The concert given Tuesday eve­ don and Mary Louise Hauser. place. Arrangements have been the Library Association, seventy ning at the Methodist church, by ight refreshments were served good families, as C. E. Loney is made with County Agent Holt to new volumes were placed on the the children of the town, under and a good time enjoyed by all. going to move to Bellingham. show two or three of the latest Washington. shelves this week, to the delight Mr. and Mrs. A. D. George, was and Federal films. These ar ' partic­ Obituary E. H. Gibson took advantage of the many patrons. They con­ a decided success. Special men­ ularly good films and everyone tion should be made of solos by Bowel Complaint Edward Walter Joehimsen of of the good weather Sunday to is cordially invited. sist of historical, religious and Louis Smith, Lillian Bass and a Jodge, died March 25, 1922, af­ drill in some grain. fiction books. The library is 20c 20c still a very popular institution in reading by Edith De Moy. Cla- ter an illness of some two weeks For Men Only our little city and now contains. rance Shearer made a splendid starting with an attack of flu. Garfield Grange No. 317 Mr. There will be a meeting for nearly 1200 volumes. Donations 1 Yel1 leader. 'eader- Mr- at'd Mrs. He was born at Hood River, on The regular monthly meeting men and boys over fourteen, at of good books are always very Geor^e are certainly capable in- August 22. 1884, so he was 37 of Garfield Grange No. 317 will ! structors. the Methodist Chureh next Sun­ years, 7 months, and 3 days old acceptable. An interesting copy The Store be held at their hall in Garfield, day afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. at the time of his death. On of the “ History of Oregon” was Wanted a Name on Saturday, April 1. The 20th ♦ » V The addre-s will delivered by the recently presented by M*-g. J. “ A rose by any other name March 20, 1907, he was married anniversary of the Grange will evangelist A. 1'. George. Men to Miss Laura L. Rowe of Van­ R. Hughes. If you are not a I would smell as sweet,” but yet a be celebrated at this meeting. this is a rare opportun t for you member of the Library Associa­ catchy name is a good business couver, Wash., and in the fall All members and charter mem­ tion. now is a very good time to asset. Hauser & Linn are mak­ moved on to his farm 7 miles S. bers are urged to attend. The to hear your problems discussed by a man of Mr. Ge rge’s exper­ join. Nina B. Ecker. ing a new development in their E. of Estacada. He leaves a morning session will begin at ience, on the subject: “ From Librarian. : restaurant business, and want an widow, three children, a mother, 10:30. Dinner at noon. A pro- Bartender to Evangelist.” PLACE Y OUR IN­ appropriate name which will be two brothers and two sisters to gram will be given during t h Barton Dance e ---------------- - SURANCE THROUGH a business getter. They solicit mourn his loss. The funeral s.-r- lecture hour. Christian C lurch There will be a big mask ball YOUR HOME AGENT WHO vices were held at the Springwa- WI LL P R O T E C T E. S. Atchley of Port ind, will at Barton, on Saturday night. | your help and will give you one ter church, Tuesday afternoon, YOUR INTEREST preach at 11 a. m. Bible School April 1st Everybody is invited, of their delicious cakes of their the Rev. V. A. Weir officiating. Will Repeat Play own baking if you send in the at 10 o’clock. tickets $1.00. The interment was intheSpring- The Junior class will give the name they select — water cemetery under the direc- “ Masonic Ring” at Logan Hall If it is to be painted Pointer Pointer sells an Oregon made Subscribe for your home paper tion of Joseph E. Gates of Esta- to-morrow, Friday night, Ad- ( paint at $2.00 and $2.75 per gal. can do it right Prices consis­ Cary Real Estate Co. tent with good work. 3-9tf t h e E a s t e r n C l a c k a m a s N e w s . c a d a . mission 25 cents. 1 Let me estimate your job. 3-9tf J Don’t forget T H E B AZAAR , WILHOTT SPRING RHEUMATISM Rexall For Fire Insurance