EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY. MARCH 9, 1922. S-P-R-A-Y Your Fruit Trees and Berry Bushes 3* IT PA YS 'èm g M HM FOR 01R CUSTOMERS By becoming a profit-sharing stockholder in the P ortland Railv/ay, L ight & Pow er Company, you can help pay your electric bills w ith dividend checks. % We Carry a Complete Line THE REED AUTO CO. It is a simple, straight 50-50 business proposition, for a few shares of our 7 per cent Prior Preference Stock, now offered you at 96, have an earning power th a t will m ake it possible for you to offset your light bills w ith the returns from this stock. In other words, this is a proposition th a t m akes this Company w ork for you in two w ays—It provides you a source of income as well as a necessary service. M R . W M . G. D U N L A P A TTO RN EY-A T-LAW 1524 Y E O N BUILDING Portland. Oregon A nnounces the opening ot a ' A 50-50 PROPOSITION H E R E ’ S T H E P LA N : LAW OFFICE at ESTACADA on SATURDAYS It is com paratively easy for you to figure the approxim ate am o u n t of your bills for a period of tw elve months. Care Woodle’s Real E state Office W e will suppose, for example, th a t your m onthly bill averages $1.75. For the year it would be $21.00. UPPER BARTON Mr. and Mrs. W. 0 . Echols were visitors a t W. P. F errel’s Monday. » Piano for Sale Mrs. Tom Odell visited h e r] Will sacrifice fine high grade daughter, Mrs. Stone, Monday. piano now in storage n ear here Mr and Mrs. Jack Hoffman . ; for immediate sale; can give easy have rented the Gabe N orris ^ term s if wanted to any estab­ place and are moving there this J lished home. For full particu- I lars address — Wholesale Dept. week. Oregon Eilers Music House, Miss Grace F e rre i is visiting | Eilers Music Bldg.,Portland, Ore. with Mrs. Anna Full at Gresham 3-9-16-23 this week. FOR SALE 10 acre berry and Calvin Horger and Wm. Ferrel poultry ranch in city lim its—five are on the sick list this week. room house; electricity and city water; poultry houses. For full Everybody come to Barton on particulars, price and term s, call Friday night, M arch 10, to hear on or write owner. Geo. B. VVeath- a grand program and an in terest­ erby, Jistacada, Ore. 3-9-16-23 ing debate. EGGS FOR HATCH IN G -S . C White Leghorns from trap-nested stock, mated to pedigreed males. Marquim stra in —J. G. Hayman, GEM THEATRE To-Night Dorothy Gish in “ Flying Pat” Story is about newly-wed* and an a irp la n e ami a Swedlfli "C ook” * bride. Dorothy G ish 's tom -boy­ ish hum or is given full sway. SENNETT COMEDY 11 “ IDOLS OF C LA Y” A rom ance of three worlds a languorous island in the South Sea, London's Bohemian so ciety, and an opium dive in the Lime- house dem i-m onde. MAE M U RRAY and DAVID POWELL “ ‘SPRISE’ PARTY” Briggs Cartoon Comedy NEXT T H U R SD A Y _ “ To Please One Woman” “ Rainy Day” GRIGGS COMING “ Inside the Cup” Saturday, March 25 Music at a’,! S h o w s L li«* and two inch lumber at $7.50 per i M. if taken in the next 30 clays. , Send your in orders. Park Lum­ ber Co., Eatacada, Rt. 2. 3-9-16 FOR SA LE—5 year old horse. ! weight about 950, broke to work | or ride. Will sell him now for $35.00. also have a saddle in good shape to sell for $10. Call at or w rite to the farm of J. B. Bowman, Upper Garfield. 3-23 FOR SALE Six weeks old I pigs. George Kitching. Eagle Creek P. O. 3-9-16 WANTED Heavy chickens at the Estacada Hotel. 2-9tf. “ Fickle Fancy” SA T U R D A Y , M AR. Rt l. Estacada. 8-9 16-23 LUMBER FOR SALE One V . C L E W O I M . M anager. Now then, the e a rn in g pow er of T H R E E SH A R ES of our 7 p e r cent P rio r Preference Stock fo r one y e a r is exactly th a t sum —$21.00, so th at the income on three shares of this stock is equivalent to w h at you regularly pay this com pany for service. T his stock can be purchased N O W at $96.00 a share—cash, or e a s jr paym ents, yielding jro u 7.3 per cent on j r o u r investm ent. W hile paying for the stock on the eas y* p a y m e n t. plan, interest at 7 p e r cent will be allowed on y~our paym ents. In o th e r words, y~ou are getting a good r a te of interest on y~our savings all the tim e jro u are paying for this stock. Call\ write or telephone for full information. • ' DO IT NOW! OUR EMPLOYES ARE AUTHORIZED TO TAKE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR ANY AMOUNT, A N Y W H E R E . N O TE:—No stock having preference over this issue will be created without the consent of the holder s of a raa. jority of this class of stock. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT 4 POWER COMPANY Electric Building, - Portland, Oregon. I < »It SALE > tm s of oat and clover hav on the Stevens' place, 6 miles east of Estacada, $10.00 per ton. N. 1. Farnsw orth. 410 Henry Bldg., Portland. Or. 2-9tf FOR SALK S. C. R. 1. Red eggs for hatching. Good layers. Large breed, fine'early broilers, i $1 for 15 eggs. J. W. M oxley,' Morrow Station. 4-4-tf' Yes. I sell Paint, Wall Paper and Glass.—Pointer, the Painter. 12-8 t f r FOUND A chauffer's badge. Owner can have same by calling at this office, proving property by giving registered number and paying for this notice. FOR SALE — Italian Prune Trees 1 year eld. H iight 4 to 5 1.- j feet. 15c; 6 to 8 fi et, 25c. J. J. Marchbank. l-19tf HAVE a few stum ps and roots .to take out. Look it over and 'm ake a bid on the job. Ix>cated on Estacada Heights opposite Sommer's place. W. E. Brooks, i 758 East Couch str, et, Portland, I Oregon. 3 2 9 IN TER N A T IO N A L 8-16 TR A C TO R CUT $ 2 3 0 NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THESE ESSENTIALS 1. Adjustable Draw Bar. 9 Roomy Platform , x és. 3. Real Belt Pulley. 4. Protecting Fenders. 5. Brakes th at work. 6. Beatings th at last. 7. Throttle Governor. 8. Safety and Accessibility. 9. Extension Angle Lugs. 2 FURROW PLOW F R E E NOW $670 «j/VÌU * «« TVINCff£ST£R F. 0. B. CHICAGO » tori HARVESTER C O M P A N Y ’S EXCEPTIONAL OFFER Effective February 3, to May 1 ,1922 The Harvester Company makes this special offer to apply on all new Interna­ tional 8-16 and Titan l(«-20 tractor* pur­ chased by its dealers on 1922 account. Each farmer purchasing one of these In­ ternational 8-iS tractors for delivery on or before May 1 next will be given by the Company absolutely freo, f. o. b. Chicago, a ?-furrow P 4 O plow. On the same terms, each farmer who purchase* a Titan tractor will be given a 3-furrow P * O plow SMITH HARDWARE STORE, ESTACADA * The only Hardware Store in Clackamas c o u rt, selling go, ds at Portland prices — 1 Y f r IP Aftr i r t i t i f r i f r cfla C to cfta dh rffa 3C .-0-1 .S r