lE a a tm t (Elarkam aa t o a . V olume 15, Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County E stacada , O regon , T hursday , M arch 2,1922. N umber 23 $1.50 P er Y ear s— - BISSELL ITEMS — PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DODGE NEWS LOCAL BREVITIES BARTON ITEMS CLASS INITIATED BY W. 0. W. OFFICERS If you want the best in foot- C. A. Johnson was transacting i Mr. and Mrs. E. Jochimsen Miss Neva Loney is on the sick business in Oregon City and and family spent Sunday at the | wear, goto Rose’s, We feature list, also Dorothy Wilson, Mrs. the Peters all leather, line. Portland Thursday and Friday. J. W. Marrs home. C. E. Loney and Mrs. Helen ■T)R. CHARLES K. CAREY Mrs. Julius Paulsen visited ■‘" ^ P H Y S IC I A N a n d S U R G E O N . Mrs. Buckley, school super­ ! Look up our bargain offer on Lake are down with the grip. The Eagle Creek Camp, No. relatives in Estacada a few days visor, and Mrs. M. E. Church, 'the Portland Telegram, either Mrs. George Forman is still 539, W. 0 . W., took in a new Phone for last week. OFFICE APPOINTMENT truant officer, visited the Dodge alone or clubbed with the N ews . confined to her bed. The gath­ class of over thirty members Estacada, Oregon. Miss Duncan, who is teaching school Monday afternoon and Dinty has got ’ em. W h a t ? ering in her ears has broken last Thursday evening. The school at Lawrence spent the spoke very highly of the condi­ Rooms reasonable. Kum in—3-2 which affords some relief. R. C. E. OWEN proceedings took place in the I. Succesaor to Dr. C. M. Naff. week end with her parents at tion in which they found the George Forman butchered 7 0. 0. F. hall and were conducted D E N T IS T . Mrs. Dave Eshleman and G. E. school. hogs Tuesday, Otto Stulke help­ by a team from the largest W. Oregon. Gladstone, Estacada, Lawrence we|je both Portland ing. Mrs. T. Harders visited her 0. W. Camp in the world, Mult­ The new mill lately built by bound on the morning train, R. MORSE, sister, Mrs. R. Snyder at Esta­ Kaake & Jubb is now in opera­ nomah, No. 77, of Portland, Mrs. Gus Whitehead visited ^ D R D P H Y S IC IA N and S U R G E O N . Tuesday. cada last Tuesday. which has 7000 members. A tion. Mr. Seaquest and son are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Office and Residence Sscond and Main CHICKEN DINNER served at streets, Estacada, Oregon. Telephone special train brought the visitors Pederson, last week. Mrs. Robert Miller has been doing the logging. the Estacada Hotel Dining Room, connections. confined to her bed for the past Mrs. Jens Pederson has been of which there were sixty-five. We are glad to report that Sunday. Price 50 cents 2-16tf TVARS. J. E. GATES, two weeks with thelagrippe. helping Mrs. Foreman the last The ritual work was done in a Mrs. John Keller is able to be AVA P IA N O I N S T R U C T O R . Mrs. Bert Twining of Portland few days. most impressive manner and ad­ Mrs. H. Smith and son Rich­ about again, after her severe at­ Phone or call at The Bazaar, Estacada. was the guest of Mrs. A. E. dresses were made full of in­ ard visited relatives in Portland tack of rheumatism. Sparks the first o f the week. struction to the neophytes as for a few days last week. An Historical Link E. GATES, S. W. Benjamin made a trip to well as to older members, along J FUNERAL D IRECTOR Mrs. U. S. Morgan was called Mrs. Leo Rath visited Mrs. Portland last Friday t^ visit his Last Saturday was the 94th the lines o f the growth and good and Embalmer. Night and Day Tele­ Rendleman last Sunday- daughter, who is staying at the to Roseburg Monday, on account birthday of Mrs. Artemisia Sa- phone. Lady Assistant. of the order, Those speaking Louis Weisenfluh and Mark Portland hotel on her way to of the serious illness of her son ling, mother of E. E. and C. C. were Head Counsellor E. P. Dr. Harry Morgan. D. EBY, Saling. The venerable lady was Doryland was transacting busi­ California. Morton, Head Manager J. 0. A TTO R N E Y A T LAW. You can always find bargains the recipient of hearty congratu­ ness at Can by last Saturday. J. W. Marrs made a trip to Wilson, District Manager F. A. General Practice. Confidential Ad­ Mrs. Vrooman’s father and Portland on Friday to visit his at Rose’ s. See our windows for lations and many presents from Beard, Council Commander of viser. Oregon City. Oregon. her friends. It is seldom that No. 77 A. Garvin. Post Council mother who have been visiting daughter Mamie, at St. Vincent’s Grocery Specials this week, A /foG U IR K & SCHNEIDER, the age of Mrs. Saling is reached Commander Judge Dyke, Post “ Peoples Night” at the M. E. her for the past week returned hospital. AVA atto rn eys a t la w . but when it is, the occasion ought Council Commander Rosco P. Church has been postponed for At Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ to their home in Portland last to be celebrated. When she was Hunt and J. D. Lee. two weeks on account of so much days ana Saturdays, 263-5, Withrow Saturday. DOVER building. Portland office, 609-15, Ken­ born, there were many yet living sickness in thb community. After the ceremonies a ban­ Ralph Chaney, C. Mathews ton building. ________ of those who fought in the revo­ quet was served. Another class H. A. Udell had a ciew of and Roy ^Iaxwell were transact­ U. S. Morgan and J. P. Wood- A U L C . FISCHER. lutionary war. John Quincy will be initiated April 6. ing business in Portland last men working on Market road le left for Roseburg yesterday, atto rn ey at la w . Adams, sixth president of theU. No. 2, several days the past on receipt o f the news of the Beaver building, Oregon City, Oregon. Thursday. S., was in the last year of his • death of Dr. Harry Morgan. Carl Lins and Mr. and Mrs. week. Former Estacada Boy Dies term, and John A d a m s a n d t y O O D L E R EA LT Y CO. Theo Harders visited Mr. and The County Surveyor was sur­ V. W. Hauser, the restaurant Thomas Jefferson had been dead This community was schocked Real Estate. Insurance, Loans, Mrs. Tim Linn at Douglass Ridge veying on Market roads No. 2 and pool hall man made a bus­ to learn yesterday morning that less than two years. Thus Mrs. Collections, Notary Public. and 3 Friday and Saturday. last Friday. iness trip to Portland Tuesday Saling constitutes a living link Dr. Harry Morgan of Roseburg, Justice of the Peace. morning, returning on the even­ with a very early period of our had passed away from pneumon­ Victor Bodley and Mr. Buyers, Mr. Gillmore of Portland, vis­ They get results. Phone Estacada ited his sister, Mrs. Carl Decker, the Farm Bureau men were can­ ing train. history as an independent nation. ia. He was the son of Mr. and vassing Dover for new members at George, last Friday, Mrs. U. S. Morgan of this place, We are very much gratified by the first of the week. and graduated from our local the number of subscriptions Baby Dies SPRINGWATER NEWS high school, and married a FIR E INSURANCE. JameyAkin visited his family which have come in the past two Sympathy is extended to Mr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wednesday and also Sunday. months. We-extend our thanks and Mrs. George Kitching over A number of pupils from Miss Woodle. The funeral is to be at London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Mr. and Mrs. John Parks and to our esteemed subscribers, and the loss of their little baby boy, Gilson’s classes are absent from Roseburg. Mo r e particulars Miss Alice Udell were calling on hope to keep their continued in­ George Glen, thirteen months Keep your policy in our Fire school with the mumps. will be given next week. Mr. and Mrs Hanson Thursday. terest and approval. Proof Vault, free o f charge. old, who died Sunday from pneu­ Mrs. Frank Millard received The Krieger family have been An interesting letter appears monia. Funeral services were word last Thursday that her H. C . S T E P H E N S Homemakers Conference quite sick with lagrippe. Dr. in this issue, „from our former held at the I. 0 . O. F. cemetery, brother Isaiah Tucker had died Williams of Sandy was called townsman, E. W. Bartlett, now Monday afternoon, conducted by The leading element of the A gent . • at St. Vincent’s hospital. The Saturday and all are reported of Colton, California. Its open­ Rev. A. Demoy. ^ improved home—household ad­ funeral was held at St. Helens better. ministration, the child, f o o d , ing paragraph shows the inspira­ Friday. He leaves a boy 9 years clothing, entertainment, a n d tional effect o f the ozone of the Loses Right Eys old and a girl age 3. His wife equipment will be featured in climate or the perfume of the Announcement died about a year ago. Mrs. W. H. Ritchey, who is in a lecture, exhibit, and demonstra­ orange groves. Millard and Mr. and Mrs. vVm. TO THE VOTERS OF CLACKA­ Portland hospital suffering from tion at the homemakers confer­ The Jannsen Bros. Drilling Co. an injured eje, is reported to be that we carry J Tucker attended the funeral, re­ MAS c o u n t y : ence, 0. A. C., March 20-25. If turning Saturday. I am a candidate for the office of Estacada has been awarded getting along as well as could be the women students find that LIGHT HARDWARE While working at any important factors are in Mrs. Joe Guttridge and family of senator to represent you in the contract let by the city of expected. Toys, Notions, Hosiery, Needle- | and Mrs. George Guttridge au- the legislature of this state dur­ Portland, for doing sounding test South Fork for the railroad com* danger of being overlooked they w ork, Candy. Etc. toed to Currinsville Monday and ing the next senatorial term. work for the Lents and Mt. Scott pany, a spike which he was driv­ may remedy the matter them­ 5c, 10c, 15c and up. Nomination for this office will be sewer. The work is well under ing flew into his light eye which spent the day with Mrs. Coop. 0 selves through’ questions, as the CALL a n d SEE US Jj! made in the primary election in way, and will be completed by destroyed the sight. The acci­ The Missionary society held its question box will be one of the the middle of next week. • dent happened last Thursday. meeting with Mrs. Weir Wed­ May. means of exchanging ideas. Unlike t h e perennial office Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kilgore nesday. Among the noted celebrities seeker I am neither “ i n t h e gave an impromptu but elegant 2d door north of depot | Mrs. Walter Strunk was taken of Oregon contributing to the Garfield Grange hands of friend^” nor the candi­ luncheon at their apartments in to the St. Vincent’s hospital at Garfield Grange No. 317 will work will be Mrs. Ida B. Calla­ date of any clique or organiza­ the Hotel Estacada Sunday even­ ♦ % ♦ ♦ * ♦ + ♦ Portland on Monday where she tion. The office of senator ap- hold its regular meeting. Satur­ han, president Oregon Federa­ ing in honor of Mr. Elliott Stew­ ted Women’s clubs; Mrs. J. F. will undergo an operation for pealsto me as an opportunity to art’s 64th birthday anniversary. day, March 4th. The morning gallstones. Hill, president Oregon Parent- serve the needs o f the citizen­ Those present besides the host session opens promptly at 10:30. Teacher association; Miss Cor­ The C. E. Society held its ship of Clackamas county and Candidates for first and second and hostess, and the honored nelia Marvin, state librarian, and meeting at the hall last Friday the state. gentleman, were Mr. and Mrs. degrees must be at the hall by Ann Shannon Monroe, author. evening. I am a republican seeking nom­ N. S. McMillen, Mi s s Ethel 11 o’ clock During the program Dr. W. J. Ktrr, president o; ination and election on t h i s Douglass, Miss Alice Kilgore and hour Mr. J. C. Morland, mana­ the college, wi.l give the address High School Debate ger of the fish hatchery will ticket. Prof. L. V. Cleworth. of welcome, and a large staff of speak. A short literary and The Interscholastic debate be­ I ask vour Consideration upon The Mouth Bath that is a Perfect specialists in homemaking and The past year’ s record o f the musical program will follow tween E. H. S., Gresham and a constructive program, of great- Germicide for T E E T H . TONSILS related lines will assist in the Eugene Fruit Growers associa­ Milwaukie took place as sched­ es efficiency in government and and TH RO AT. The Nasal Spray, instructional worV, tion was a remarkable one, and uled on Friday evening. Esta- reduction o f taxes. Women’s Aux liary shows the advantage gained an Aid to Prevent Flu c ada was defeated by a 2 to 1 de­ Sincerly yours, The Women’s Auxiliary of the Endorse P. C. Wool Growers from such co-operative action. cision in the one encounter, and F. J. TOOZE. Carl Douglass Post No. 74 will ‘ For Sale by Its gross sales totaled over a Several of the large woolen a unanimous one in the other. hold its regular meeting Mon­ million and a quarter, being 25 % and worsted manufacturers who If the decision be looked upon Loans to Serviee Men higher than those of the previous day evening, March 6th, 1922, at this year for the first lime in the as the all important thing in a , Twenty-two applications for year. This association maintains the I. 0. 0 . F. hall. history of Oregon, were ah e to contest of this kind, then Esta­ ! loans in Clackamas county by ex- three canneries and packing buy commercially grade I Valley cada would seem most unfortun­ The Store service men, have been approved plants, one at Eugene one at Official V iit wools lrom the Pacific Co-opera* ate. But to those who know the The local 0. E. S. made elabor­ tive Wool Growers, have ex* ; î ♦ f ♦ ♦ + + ♦ value o fth e work Involved" S and refeired to the local appraiS. j unclio„ City, and one at Créa- Jnni'atoi, is is a « secondary . 0 0 0 0 ^ , 0 matter. m .tt-r ^ s . H. C. Stephens went to-day well. It paid out for labor *147,- ate arrangements to entertain pressed themsdves a s w e l l decision to Oregon City, to begin w ith;034.89. This should encourage their worthy gran I matron, Mrs. plea ed with the grades offered, In real work accomplished, in other appraisers, the work of in- our local association. Cora Letson, last Friday, but and the association’ s methods of sincerity of effort, and in fineness . o f spirit, our team needs to feari spec mi? 1 e Pr°Per ie8 DIED—At the home of his through some misunderstanding doing business. One large east­ I father, Frank T. Fuchs of Eagle and the mixing o f dates, their ern manufacturer states that he no comparison Takes Bride Those representing Estacada Creek, on February 26. 1922. distinguished guest a r r i v e d was particularly well pleased The commit­ with i .e way the wo>l which The efficient and popular fore­ George John Fuchs aged 31 yrs., Thursday noon. PLACE Y O U R IN­ at Gresham were Melba Harmon tee soon “ got busy” and in a were b ught fr< m the associa­ SURANCE THROUGH and Constance Richmond. Op­ man of the Cascade garage me­ 5 mos. and 24 days. The young YOUR HOME AGENT WHO very short time by the use of tion were put up, an stated that posed to Milwaukie here, were chanical department, thought he man was a native of Wisconsin, WILL PROTECT the telephone, I ad sixteen mem­ he would be glad to buy up to Clyde Davis and Gilbert Shearer. needed a forewoman, so on Feb­ coming to Oregon in 1904. living YOUR INTEREST bers in the lodge room and the 5,000,000 p unds of one crade The judges were Professors R. ruary 20th, Monday of last week first at Dallas and later at Hepp- meeting was held, minus tha from the Pa ific Co- perative W. Rose. Alfred Skei and Mrs. at Oregon City, he was married ner. The funeral was held in new candidate and the delight­ Wool Growers n 1922. R. B. Walch, all of Portland. to Miss Ivy Bowman, who is the the Eagle Creek church yester­ . ------------------- adopted daughter of N. J. Wil- day afternoon, the Rev. V. A. ful luncheon. Cary Real Estate Co. We have an especially strong Mr. Dinty Moore, not to be lard. The young couple are Weir of Springwater, officiating. A leak in the mains caused the line of Millinery on ci plav. different from other mortals, is making their home in town, and The interment was in the Foster Subscribe for your home paper nursing a case of the ’ gripp but receiving hearty congratulations cemetery under the direction of water to be shut off last night, Come in and make your selec­ and this morning. tion early, at Rose’s. from their friends. Joseph E. Gates of Estacada. th* E astern C lackamas N ews . keeps right along on the job. D o. P Don’t forget THE BAZAAR,! : Flu-Hygiene: ZE PYROL Rexall For Fire Insurance