EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY FEB. 2. 1921 Men’s wool shirts at greatly I . O . O F . } The Progressive reduced prices at Rose’s. L O C A L B R E V IT IE S Estacada Lodge | American Shoe Shop Mr. and Mrs. Burt Moore and No. 175. + 3 I baby daughter went to Portland SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. AND NEW S 77 EMS Meets every Saturday evening in Tuesday afternoon. their lodge room, corner of Bi oad- ) Harness Kepaiied. Shoe laces retipped, Miss Anita Kopp was here on way and Third streets. Visiting 11 Custom prices. Everything foi Shoes. brothers are always welcome. Tuesday, to attend the funeral Mrs. D. B. Bass and children C. F. M. Brown, N. G. B. H. JOHNSON. of her grandmother, the late Fred Bartholomew, Secretary, spent Sunday in Portland. Mrs. T. C. Jubb. ESTACADA, P. O. Box 44 OREGON Miss Lydia Mattson was home See Mrs. Gates for piano in­ for Sunday from Portland. struction, 10 years experience. For Glass and Glazing— See 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, according i Pointer, the painter. 12-8 tf to length of lesson. 1-26-2-9 J. C. Duus has built an exten­ McColly Dale came home from sion on to the north end of his the dental college in Portland, to barn. We will Furnish you a complete outfit-Tractor spend Sunday with his parents, The Misses Frances and Edna Mr. and Mrs. William Dale. 6ft. x I8in. Disc, I4in. 2 bottom Murphy were Portland passen­ Dr. W. W. Rhodes, osteopathic gers, Sunday morning. physician, located at Hotel Esta­ Oliver Chilled Plow Mrs. J. E. Shibley of Portland cada, on Mondays, Wednesdays paid a brief visit to Estacada and Fridays, from 8:30 to 4 p. m. 9-8tf last week. No Farmer can afford to be without a Tractor at One lot of boys’ Knickerbock­ Annual Interscholastic D ebate this price. er Pants to close at 98c the pair, The annual debate for which the at Rose’s. high school is preparing will be See Mrs. Gates for piano in­ held in the school auditorium on struction, 10 years expedience. February 10th. Estacada de­ FO UR BODIES TO CHOOSE FROM 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, according bates with Milwaukie and Gres­ FORD RUNABOUT--Starter and Demountable Rim • $546.89 to length of lesson. 1-26-2-9 ham; with Milwaukie here and FORD TOURING— Starter and Demountable Rim with Gresham at Gresham. 577.09 Mrs. C. F. Howe, Miss Leila Yours for Low er Prices at The question assigned t h e FORD SEDAN— Starter and Demountable Rim 787.42 Howe and Ted Howe spent Sat- North Willamet district this year turday in Portland. FORD COUPE—Starter and Demountable Rim 719.74 See Mrs. Gates for piano in­ is: Resolved, that the Plumb FORD TRUCK CHASSIS 554.25 struction, 10 years experience. Plan for the management and 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, according control of the railroads should be H. L. M c K E N N E Y . to length of lessqn. 1-26-2-9 enacted into law. The Estacada team consists of Dr. and Mrs. Charles K. Carey Clyde Davis and Gilbert Shearer, have moved into the M. J. Kerkes affirmative; Melba Harman and Read the Ads in the N f , w s . J. E. M E1ZG ER , house on Main street. ESTACADA, OREGON. Constance Richmond, negative. Undertaker and Em balm er We are glad to report that The members have been work­ Mrs. G. H. Lichthorn is rapidly ing hard and should make a good Gresham - Oregon FOR SALE — Italian Prune becoming convalescent. showing for the school. Warren McWillis Trees 1 year old. Height 4 to 5yi Those of our community who Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eshelman feet, 15c; 6 to 8 feet, 25c. J. J. Local Agent for Estacada at prices that are right. returned frojn visiting friends in recognize the educational value Marchbank. 1-I9tf and importance of this kind of Portland. Sunday evening. ♦ * + + * ♦ + * + + + + Yes, I sell Paint, Wall Paper training will wish to support it FOR SALE—About J,000cords and Glass.—Pointer, the Painter. at all times. Complications following acute by their presence at the debate, of standing wood, first and sec­ contagious and infectious cases, ______ 12-8 tf and all others, whether inter­ ond growth: 70 cords c u t and rarely occur where patient has at the time for chickens or for ested in debate or not, have here banked out. Also some very fine LOST—A black folder contain­ had osteopathic treatment. 12-15 some papers, estimates on seeij, an opportunity to “stand by" piling. Tools to handle same. ing Mr. and Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs the school. 5 miles west of Estacada on the electric lighting. Finder please * Portland road, Will sell in lump leave at the N ews ’ office. were dinner guests of Mr. and is your Home Company. 4 See us regardi. g your or part to each individual. Plank like our prepared feeds. Mrs. H. W. Morgan of Sell wood, Card o f Thanks property, Insure your ♦ road into same. Price, $500.00 FOR SALE—Good team 8 and years old, weight 3000 pounds; on Sunday. We wish to thank our many cash or bankable notes for 10 9 also ♦ 1 old horse about 1200 lbs., months at 8 pei cent.—Apply to Miss Bertha Burns of Portland friends and neighbors for their ♦ at the old price. •1 Stover No. 31 feed mill practi­ spent Saturday evening and Sun­ kindness and help, during the J. G. Hamilton, r. f. d. No. 3, cally new, 1 U. S. cream sepera- 4 Against . Always glad to quote price?. Estacada, Oregon. 2-2 tor600 lbs. capacity in good con day with her parents, Mr. and sickness and death of our be­ 4 Buy weie you sell and sell FIRE, F. E. Burns. where you get the most. loved wife and mother, and for FOR SALE—1 S. C. R. I. Red dition. Neil Taylor, Currinsville THEFT or I Cockerel, $2.50; also any hens FOR SALE—A book case and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Kilgore and the floral offerings. Portland, Estacada that go broody to the middle of Charles W. Murphey, COLLISION. 4 a three burner kerosene stove. little daughter Alice, went to February, $2.00 each—1 single Mrs. R. G. McCall. Transportation Co. It Portland Sunday evening and re­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and work harness and 1 collar; 1 Cool­ Fred C. Bartholomew, family, turned home Monday evening. ey cream can.—J. W. Moxley, WANTED—Some good barn­ G. M. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Murphey. Morrow Station, 1.26-2-2 yard manure. Inquire at the Pointer hangs paper. Prices O U R B U S IN ES S IS P IC K IN G UP 4 N ews ’ office. right' 128- tf “ Have a few stumps and roots ESTACADA, ORE. Card of Thanks 4 to take out. Look it over and We do Job Printing. The 8:25 morning train was 3 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 4 + + + 4 We the undersigned wish to make a bid on the job, Located hours late Tuesday. This was express our sincere thanks to our on Estacada Heights opposite due to a break down in one of friends and neighbors for their Somers’ place.—W. E. Brooks, the power stations at or near kindness and sympathy, at the 758 East Couch st., Portland, Or. 2-2-lt Portland. death and burial of our beloved Dr. C. H. Naff is in Seattle and mother, Mrs. T. C. Jubb. FOR SALE—We have 5 grade heifer calves and 2 yearlings at during his absence, his friend Mrs. Anita Thompson, a low figure. Come and look at and former room mate at the Mrs. Jane McOarter, them. Geo. Lawrence, Rt. 3. dental college, Dr. C. E. Owens Mrs. Emily Youngferdorf, 1-26 tf • of Portland, is taking care of his Thomas W. Jubb, FOR SALE-S. C. R. I. Red practice. Clarence J. Jubb. eggs for hatching. Good layers. I H IS week has been designated as H O M E IN D U S T R IE S W EEK, and Osteopathic care during preg­ Large breed, fine early broilers. W. C. T. U. nancy and confinement, has done we would call your attention to the fact that out prices not only M E E T $1 for 15 eggs. J. W. Moxley, The Estacada W. C. T. U. will Morrow Station. 4-4-tf more to relieve womankind than the M A IL O R D E R C A T A L O G U E prices, hut we S A V E YO U the FR E IG H T, any other method now in use. hold its next meeting at the FOR WELL DRILLING Call Consult an osteopath for further home of Mrs. Dubois, Feb. 9, at the cost o f a money order, and you SE E W H A T YO U B U Y before you Jannsen Bros., 415 Northwestern information. 12-15tJ 2:30 p. m, Bank Bldg. Portland. Tel. Main P A Y A CENT. or call O. E. Jannsen at the Messrs. Wells and Miller of Paper hanging, painting, etc., 7472, 12-22-2-16 Portland were speakers at the last year was a major operation Estacada. FOR SALE -White Leghorn M, E. Church, Sunday morning, on the pocket book. This year on the Centenary Fund, what it with my new anaesthetic (low baby chicks from trap nested hens and high production bred has done and what it will do. prices) it is a minor operation. males, at $20.00 per hundred. They spoke in the afternoon at J. W. S aunders , Order now. S. N. Kilgore, R. the Nora Memorial church in l-26tf 1-12 2-2 Rt. 1, Estacada. F. D. No. 3. Farmers Attention THE PRICE OF THE FORDSON TRACTOR S $ 492.85 YOUR O N FARM fSay,Fellows! I have nothing to sell. I am all sold out. * for $700.00 delivered N E W FORDS G O O D S will be in tomorrow. There is a reason-come and see. THE SQUARE DEAL GROCERY FORD SHOP i Crawford Bros. Motor HAY WANT AND FOR SALE ADS. SEEDS THE PACIFIC STATES : : FIRE INSURANCE CO. : WHEAT Little Chicks FLOUR AUTOMOBILE I ! J. W. Reed Estate * T OREGON INDUSTRIES WEEK T WHY SEND THE MONEY A WA Y? Garfield. Mr. Wells is the state weather forecaster, and Mr. Mil­ ler is a prominent railroad man. Notice—Commencing Saturday Feb. 4, and continuing until Sat­ urday, Feb. 11, with each pair of men’s, women’s and children’s shoes sold, we will givg “ free” one pair of hose to match, at Rose’s, the Place to Buy. I sell and hang wall paper. My 1922 samples of wall paper are all new patterns and show big reductions in price, over last year. They are priced 10c per roll up. Samples can be seen at Smith's Hardware, or a card mailed to J. W. Saunders, Rt. 1, will bring them to you. l-26tf Paint costs less than it did a year ago, so painting can be done for less. My 1922 samples of wall paper show a big reduction in prices. Why let others held you up when I can do it better? l-26tf J. W. S aunders . Rt. L Estacada. SPECIAL ALUMINUM WARE ASSORTMENT - CAKE PA N S SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS! The Largest and Best Assortment of Seeds C U PS P IE - L IP P E D S A U C E P A N S PANS > our Choice at 15c Each. CANVAS GLOVES: 3 P a i r s for 25c We have just unloaded another car of mixed Feeds. Our car of Bulk Corn has been delayed on account of the bad weather, but we are expecting it daily. Give us-your orders for Poultry and Dairy Feeds. We a!so have a full line of Dr. Le Gear’s and H ess’ Stock and Poultry Tonic*. We buy and sell all kinds of Farm Produce. The Store Where Your Dollar Doe» It» Duty. E s ta c a d a F e e d C o . U. S. Morgan. C. A. Dvkeman. TRY ODD COFFEE CAMPFIRE ROAST PEABERRY PEOPLES STORE SPECIAL 51b*. for $ 1.00 31b». for $1.00 3lbs. for $1.00 JOIN THE CROWD AT The People’s Store H. B. SNYDER, C. E. KILGORE. W here the Motto I* Service.