EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, FEB. 2, 1922. I intern Clackamas News K I• •»•• I ni lin* IM» h tol!ii*i* in Ondili, uh Ht* cot id-cl il I* K0DAKS-- mini. LET US I’ ii M ìh I idc I »»very Thursday at Katucada, Oregon FIGURE WITH YOU ALI. KtNDS snd SUPPLIES GUNS-- On Your Requirements Aml AMMUNITION FISHING TAC K LE IW’i'ON II. UIHIltt hMitor and M anager. Get Hunting and Fishing Licenses Here Si'iiMiim*rioN K atks One yoar ^ix month« • * - • SHERIFFS SALE I n t h e C ir c u it C ourt o f t h e S ta te o f O regon , for t h e C ounty 9F C lackam as . M. B. M eacham , E xecutor o f th e e s­ ta te ol G eorge Brown, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. An<> convenes I'httrs- day. Il is |>r< Icti’d tlial n cliono will soon lie readied. Certainly il living Hlitlt otT from the outer world, would expedite matters, a conclave should not be long, t he new pope will in all proha- 1 11 1 i t > tie an Italian, as the ltal urn cardinals are in the majority, though onl> by one or two votes. Other cardinals will not he likely to i i\or a pope of another nation ulit> unless one of their own. Il a non Italian he nominated he wnn't he able io secure the neces siirv majority, as he must receive two thirds of the number of votes cast. Io an outsider there seems more consideration of the future vvv pope's politics than ot his spirit Rl ualitv, though, perhaps the lull or is taken for granted. There is one cardinal w h o s e election wo ild he greeted with enthusi asm by multitudes not of his faith, and he is Cutdinal Mer- cier, w ho went through the fur­ nace of the war, and came out as gold purified. But he is a Belgian, and while he may re if'iie a flattering complimentary vote at the beginning, his gain- i 'g the papal tiara is most un- li vely. nil OLD AMERICAN HOME Plumbing Supplies Electrical Equipment Auto Accessaries Prompt Comping Outfits, Electric Flashlights. Baseball Supplies Kodak PicturesDeveloped and Enlarged ED. BONER’S RE-NU-EM TAILORS. Service The Reed Auto Co. ESTACADA, OREGON. ■- •' ,‘J I« ’¿I! 33! >iR 'S# 22J® 3J! 33! ’njJK 3R 3?. T 5 î? V I .33J.3?! 3J5 T? 35® 35353DB 7.30 If you have not invested in our Prior Preferred Stock to yield the above rate oi interest, payable quarterly, NOW IS THE TIME. Stock sells it i)fi jx*r share and returns 7.30 per cent. Pay either cash or on instalments. War Bonds taken in payment bused on New York value—"N o Brokerage.” Any employee of our Company will take your order, or write Securities Department, Electric Building, or better still, call Roy Meyers, at Eagle Creek, who will be pleased to call on you with full information. sum o f $50.00 as a tto rn e y ’s fee, and the fu rth e r sum of $35.65 costs and dis­ bursem ents, and the costa o f and upon this w rit, com m anding me tv m ake sail of the follow ing described real property, situ a te in the county of C lack­ am as, s ta te o f Oregon, to-w it: The N. W. J o f the N. E. i o f Sec­ tion 7, Tow nship 3 South, Rang» 5 E. of the W. M. Now, th erefo re, by virtu e of said ex e­ cution, ju d g m en t order and decree, and in compliance w ith the comm ands of said w rit, I will, on S aturday, the 18th day of F eb ru ary , 1922; a t th e hour of 1° ° clock, A. M., a t the fro n t door of th e County C ourt House in the City of O regon C ity, in said Countv and S tate, sell a t public auction, su b ject to re ­ dem ption, to the highest bidder, fo r U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and in te re st which the w ithin named defendant« or eith e r of them , had on the date of the m ortgage herein or since hao in or to the above d e ­ scribed real property or any p a rt th ereo f, to satisfy said execution, judgm ent order, decree, in terest, cost, and all accruing costs, W, J. W ILSON, Sheriff of C lackam as County, Oregon. By^E. C. H ack ett, D eputy. D ated, O regon City, , O re., Ja n u a ry 19th, 1922. 1-19-2-16 Cleaning, Pressing. Dyeing. ALTERING AND REPAIRING, SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Low Prices. j WM. BASS, Prop. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION D ep artm en t of the In terio r, U. S. Land Office, a t Portland, Oregon, Jan u ary 16th, 1922. N OTICE is hereby given th a t Hellik Nelson, o f E agle Creek, O regon, who, on Ja n u a ry 2Sth, 1919, made Home S tead e n try . No. 06282, for the N W J NE} and N EJ N W J. Section 35. Tow n­ ship 2 South. R ange 4 E ast, W illam ite Meridian, has tilt'd notice of intention to m ake th re e -y e a r Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be­ fore the R eg ister and R eceiver of the U . S. Land Office at P ortland, Oregon, oi. th e 9 tb day of M arch, 1922. C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: E d­ w ard N aylor, of E agle Creek Ore. Anifla N aylor, of E agle Creek. Ore. M arcus Roitano, of Boring. Ore. K-2, Box 8S. M artin Pezzolo, [of Boring. O re.. R-2. Box 88. A ct 6-9-1916. A lex an der S w eek , R egister. 1-19-2-16. NOTICE FO R PUBLICATION D ep artm en t of the interior, U. S, Land Office at P ortland, Oregon. Jan u ary 12, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given th a t Clyde C harles Pilgrim , of E agle C reek, O re­ gon. who. on F ebruary 13th. ISIS, made H om estead E ntry. No. 06296. fi r the N W j, Section 3, Township 3 S Range 5 E.. W illam ette M eridian, has filed notice of intention to m ake three-v ear Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the R egister and R eceiver of the U S. Land Office, at Portland. Oregon, on the Tth day of March. 1922. C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: M. A n­ tonio Sulser, of E agle C reek. O r., W al­ te r Brennig, o f 335 N. ISth S t.. P o rt­ land. Oregon. John G. K reiger. of E a­ gle C teek. Oregon, John H. King, of Sandy, Oregon. Act 6-9-191,;. A lexander S wefk . R egister. 1-19-2-16. P R O T E C T IO N H IS BANK is equipped with a M OSLER T M AN G A N ESE S T E E L SA FE, wi t h Triple Time Lock which is never known to have been succesfully burglarized. In addition our vault door is equipped with the well known Annakin vault door lock, which automatically locks the vault door in case of at­ tempted tampering with the same. :: :: Further protection is assured by Insurance covering against loss by burglary or daylight hold up on contents of the safe, whether the same is the property of the Bank or of our customers. ESTACADA STATE BANK li ving Baeheller wrote a strik- “ Safety and Service.” inc article for the New \ oi k We are boostmg for your interests, you should help us. Ot n ook of January 26th under the title, "What's the Matter?" See our larg e " a d " in this issue. In it he compares the ways and morals of previous days with i » th se of the present, much to « * t o discredit of the latter. From Electric Bldg.. Bet. Sixth and Broadway. .. ......................... ................. I I H ........................ i. we print the following tnh- srsrsa ra rsfss r s g ,s $ a M ^ f l r i & ^ i n g a » M M g a g n E i. e to the American home of w former times, when life was s.mpler but more sane than now : Hitching Post Wanted no tice Your Home Town. FOR PUBLICATION There was a time my friends, ,................ . Make o f m e w h a t YOU w ill 1 Although most farmers come D epartm ent of the Interior, l \ S. Land V A L V E -IN -H E A D w on ttlO the average AHW Amenican rtlta n . • ... . Office I t PxirtUnd O regon J&n *^th the wonder of the shall reflect you a* clearly as a to town in automobiles, there 1922 . ’ ^ $■* -■ , rv XV.' * home * O * N * w 'rid because of its product. n v rrv'r throws hack a candió are yet some who drive in with NOTICE u hereby given that Roy ". svito ars. scientists, caipe the stranger with mj gates: if editor the other day that there ¡ £1 TWnaWp I S. out of it. l ho> had been made. to. at a I am such a s-ght as. having was no place where he o u ld tie j *û'.^oficc' o n n Ä in 'to mík« »¡»«ïi s a expense out of cheap mate- seen me. he will remember me his team in out of the rain and v ear proof to establish claim to the tena I good healthy, industry, a ' s davs as a thing of beauty, suggested that a hitching shed i,ster *r>i RewVéwff the l ÁÍ: imhie env irooment. No pat- the credit is vours. should be put up. and said he! '■•USo* at Portland. Oregon, on the - 4th day of F ebruary. ’. S ii. tvi agx' of wealth and influence, Ambition and opportunity ca would be willing to pav some- C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: C. E. r,- deexvano: s a d vronets havi M atthew of Rieselt. Ore.. R fi. C ha­ tveen employed. They had no s n e o fir v sot s and daughters thing toward the expense, T h is ney. of Siaseli, O re.. Leo R ath, of Ris­ spar save an indetti ite promise tc ’ c tasks and ' ght> p n v. :s something the city should see sell. O r*.. Ju liu s Paulsen, o f Fisseli. ot pubi e usefulness after years [le. ers. to my greater honor ami t a It will tv but a trifling cost On- of struggle. The equal of thati t' "v gxvxi rx'pute in far p.aees. to arrange for thus eonvedienee. Act fi-S-tstfi. A lexan der fiwEEK. R egister. it 0 p ant the world had never 1-lS-l-ML m v . Its ravx material was like but it is nv't chiefly these who Is It Nothing to Us? n \c x > ä \ i-: the uesert a-v ”T> strx'ngth. My st-englh Prices Effective Jan. 1st. 1922. f. o. b. Estacada NOTICF. F O R P U B L I C A T I O N Uii e. \N hat is ;n those who remain, who are. The newly elected Patriarch of D e r a r t- r e - t of the In terio r, t*. fi Land 22-Four-34 fbo o¡d-time r secret ox xne content with what they can otferj Constantinople just betore saii- Office, a t P ortland. O regon. Ja n 9th. Two Passenger Roadster 1 would sax. vean honv $1055.00 plus war tax 1922. if a lll^ * fn'm N e" York* ■** *» C It was the greatest of vvrgat". jati i. It had laws K nans who saul: N O TICE :» hereby given th a t K atha 22-Paorr35 Better Darlington of the Episco »mans Gouge, of M arm ot, O re., who. on Au- a w g ver But . e greater Fix-e Passenger Touring 1S> n-.aiie H om estead E ntry S i 095.00 plus war tax '• : s stvrvt lay in the in first in » little Iberian vi age church who XXas bidding him g-:s: N - for N W'j Sect on . '. Tew--, Cnxisjxxvi " M y ad vices are that s.h 22-Four-36 tvn u ga'v to the voting t uan besexvnd in Rome.” r ; fi. K* go fi K. W illam ette Merd* '4 INVI ties vx h’.ch the Kam:.- ,«n has filed -X'tv-e of iTterf.or to make t obedou-ee. nwvestx. Three Passenger Coupe l am more than woxvi V'd $1495.00 piles war tax . s: >. the ove of Ren* b- cx a d stone, nivxrf even _ ;s:s. or Nevx Turkish National- «tabMsfceU- : 22-Focr-37 i n a . . th e tard ab,'ve d eso rb ed , before the tlvV .- flesh and bw\vi l am the com »ta. are perix :r .i:-g F:\-e Passenger Sedan $1595 00 plus war tax ( . j Cilkia and Armenia are bevo-d 'ffii-e. at Port^nu. Ore . œ th« p s t e sou of all w ho c a lm e day o f h fb r u a rr. 1Ä1. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Free 2 2 -S ix -4 4 Home A m e n c a n L e g i o n , ^ v>r\x5 to ¿ < 0 0 n o t , I |?YY w ith S CU-.rrant ra*"05 a5 W IU SMILE bleeding heart to mv appointed ,'?f Gncshan-.. Ore.. Joh- Three Passenger Roadster Me v \ . , . «Vie. k of « h rrrv a *. eh e .. H .-'-v $ 1 d 90 00 plus war tax Station, and my o- -. s:.'..;: f \ l a - :. Ore.. Geo« Teô- xi ses. . hv 22-Sia-45 the American people ard the *cl $-9-is>HP ^ Farm Rem inders n * bugoears to the cx> ntrx F ’.x-e Passenger Touring $1620.00 plus war tax English, ard in fact the wh«*le X . - v D ? a | e m - «-- n. rx'*'. ts we e hani hit ix the l'ire t o'fi for applying the! a 22-S'jt-46 I-9-f-tfi - ■ C'> ueprv'ss on et .»st >*ar. co ' vo ve s n " a t e tnx'at",'c"t to civilized wt>rid. will i.-tervene i Three Passenger Coupe $2 1 3 5 .0 0 plus war tax Head Mo :go 'rrx-Mard anrxx;noe a scovi ^vta^xes may be had free and stop th.« -lassaore. i 22-Su-47 • | Nx"*TlCF F O R P I 8 L I C 4 D O X S • * * • .i . . an u fi« a's. ;Ux,v b. w rits'g to the x\ A. 0. F x -: * F :re Passenger Sedan a- rx or hard * arx ar--* but a ^ Ar--.-r.t .-f tb» :-tcrcr l < L -c $2415.00 plus war . . « Ccx's a - a rvtvrt . st is iXT vent fi'.at.v'' A tx'tatxvs 1 2 2 -S ix -4 S simpe spoken word » ----- #t.'P iith. 1«S2. • ' > . ■ fi’." « V .- - ,'U.i :v givx'n th « fx-atmert N OTICE ss hereby g-ve- th s t H xrr« this crime of enmes ree: Four Passenger Coupe -I ^ .e tc dc'orvv a tx 'n . rxentvxry. tvfv're cutting $ 2 3 5 0 .0 0 plus war tax After cutting 5 F e j of éwady. «fireç-.v.. w *v. atelv.” 22-Suc-49 i -x ' ce V > they s v ' i S' shove ed ox-er ce August *. >iA Sk-i H.'KMHk! f -r the N » 'j i r r t x « F shop Par irgtor called his í - t - x X 0 fi w :h a re: ;xr\'~: i" the ix th *•','! v aster rvfiore p ant­ Sex-en Passenger Touring 1. T » » » ik n ' S A . K *-çe 5 E . » He $ 1820.00 plus war tax attentkxr. to "the sple~dtd letter ■nette fias filed x V k x e f rvfxv g x,ar «'f i l l TtivtxW ing. 22-Sii-JO of our seoretarx of state, Hon. te r tie r to s u i t :ftree- ye»r P tw f V 1 a. . v to 1 g «xs«'fi frvvri :n* Sex^en Passenger Sedan d a -e to Lfie la s t aK r e ie- M K 'fi. ea our Charies Hugfi-.s." in regard to >;T-*xir< f $ 2 6 5 0 0 0 plus war f 2 x ^ t ~ tiv r s . f e cxvnpany - * «- ' - -- o - er IM Re­ AX evi «'•' pTt'r as i h e p r o t e c t i o n O.' m - r x x r tte s in çrtv ar f tbe l 8 : a-x: i b . ' . jd rxX r e a: «\»x i y bv rraaor of at*;' va:x' < i r c r :-e n k k llf of these cesartr cs. ar.d fits! answer FVe-ttasA. lV-g«v-. or tke U tâ o » t o i w » .-* Hillard Storage Batteries for Sale. < s a « fi w. c rvn- fiJNu ôAx * reVuR-v ifr-net! «'S ta- a- ’ (W i l i s ' t i * s r i as w-tre we a . C. C ' - :o <1 ~N0 1 4 * 1 ta t Sxrv'ew k a r ea: c-i of Bo e tux WAS e f E w re Creek. Oregvev IL l. V«-Jk th s is just rieht, b-t ifitgtxak k A fifi • i * i V Ciee* .T ev e. fi-$- V IXK «ffi! i fi e tfie bo is a-e tr.c trx'u: « s the macaones vexp IL ; R. A C hew s, of B cevy. Ore ¿ oc. i tfie on a-d they do n«v s;e*p” ’ ra x: R . ARwrt XI f i e . oi R e n t O re M«r > a s cajxfi. eaxy » cxv e r t r e ( w (L L '«■as« th A. C. !X'\ c- : ix ' «sk grva: _x reòuoexi trees The penweutxxR has a.’nrwdy A rt M - M ______ PORI LAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER GO. m ¡( A S C 4 DE G 4 RAGEÎ tor February aeUir* at K«we a. Lxpcr.ncrt iUtbca. ^*en oorL“ -eu near.y two .'ears. J A d _ X A N , LK s » E F X R ip e t e r Í-4-8-Í [ ___W | L C ° X B R O S .