Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 26, 1922, Image 3

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Local Boy in Debate
Some Aspects of the
Farmers’ Problems
Lewis W. Jones, a graduate of
the Estacada high school, will be
a member of the Reed college
debating team which meets the
University of Montana and the
j . W. Miller went to Portlanc University of British Columbia
in a dual forensic contest March
Sunday morning.
C. A. Jacques of Garfield 10. Jones, with five other de­
baters was chosen after a series
went to Portland Monday.
of tryouts held in the college
(Reprinted from Atlantic Monthly)
Dr. Chas. K. Carev has leased
chapel Tuesday.
the residence of M. J. Kerkes.
Jones has been prominent in
William Tucker went to the debating at the Portland college
! chance nnd natural Incidence.
The whole rural world is In a fer­
county seat Monday mor.iing to for the past three years, and has
Prudent and ordery adjustment of
ment of unrest, anil there Is an un­ production and distribution In accord-
serve on the grand jury.
been a member of numerous vie paralleled volume and Intensity of de­ I inee with consumption Is recognized
Lee Bronson and little son, torious teams. He was instru termined, If not angry, protest, and an is wise management In every business
Beverly were here from Port­ mental in bringing the Oregon ominous swarming of occupational con­ but that of farming. Yet, I venture
ferences, interest groupings, political ; to say, there is no other Industry In
state championship to Reed
land Sunday.
I which it Is so Important to the pub-
movements and propaganda. Such a
Joe Trachsel and Guy Grabie year ago. and also playing an turmoil cannot but arrest our atten­ I lie—to the city-dweller—that produc­
tion should lie sure, steady, and In-
of Springwater were Portlanc important part in Reed’s victory tion. Indeed, it demands our careful I creasing, and that distribution should
over the University of British study and examination. It Is not like­ In* in proportion to the need. The un­
visitors Saturday.
ly that six million aloof and ruggedly organized farmers naturally act blind­
Mrs. C. L. Coonrad was an Columbia in Portland last spring. independent men have come togettier ly and Impulsively and, In conse­
other visitor to Portland, Satur­
and banded themselves Into active quence, surfeit nnd dearth, accompa­
debate will be announced by the unions,
day from Estacada.
societies, farm bureaus, and so nied by disconcerting price-variations,
I harass tlie consumer. One yenr pota­
forensic manager within the next forth, for no sufficient cause.
Mrs. P. S. Stamp, and son»
toes rot in tlie fields because of excess
.week. One Reed team will jour­ Investigation of the subject conclu­ production,
and there Is a scarcity of
Harold and Roger, were Port
ney to British Columbia while sively proves that, while there is much the tilings that have been displaced
land visitors Tuesday.
the other will meet the Montana overstatement of grievances and mis­ ! to lake way for the expansion of the
conception of remedies, the farmers P"t to acreage; next yenr the punish­
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morton were team in Portland.
are right in complaining of wrongs 'd mners mass their fields on some
passengers on the train to the
long endured, and right In holding that oil. r crop, and potatoes enter the
metropolis Sunday morning.
it Is feasible to relieve their ills with lass of luxuries; nnd so on.
Agriculture Is tlie greatest and fun­
William Dale was in charge of
Subscribers to the Estacada benetit to the rest of the community. damentally the most important of our
Morton’s store last Monday, dur­ Packing Co., Inc. stock are re­ This being the case of an Industry American industries. The cities are
that contributes, In the raw material
ing Mr. Morton’s absence.
quested to pay the balance due form alone, about one-third of the na­ but tlie brnnclies of the tree of nn-
tlnnnl life, the roots of which go deep­
Roy Myers was here from Port­ on their subscriptions. Funds tional nnnual wealth production nnd ly Into the land. We all flourish or
land a few days last week, in are needed for the purchase of Is the means of livelihood of about 40 decline with the funner. So, when we
the interests of the P. R. L. & machinery and repairs to can per cent of the population, It Is ob­ nf the cities rend of tlie present uni­
vious that the subject Is one of grave versal distress of the farmers, of a
ntry building. The Estacada concern. Not only do the farmers slump of six billion dollars In the farm
P. Co.
Miss Mabel Wilcox has gone State Bank will accept checks make up one-lmlf of the nation, but value of their crops lu n single year
tlie well-being of the other half de­ or their (annuity to meet mortgages or
to Portland to again take a posi­ and receipt for same. At the pends upon them.
to pay current bills, nnd liow, seeking
tion in a "wholesale millinery es­ next regular meeting of the
So long ns we have nations, a wise relief from their Ills, they are plan­
Board of Directors, certificates politcinl economy will aim at a large ning to form pools, Inaugurate farm- I
of national self-sufficiency and era' strikes, and demand legislation j
stock will be issued to all who degree
Mrs. L. C. Possjn and daughter
self-containment, ltome fell when the abolishing grain exchanges, private
food supply was too far removed from cattle markets, nnd the like, we ought j
Lsta went to spend the week
T he E stacada P acking C o the belly. Like her, we shall destroy not hastily to brand them ns economic !
tnd with friends at Oregon City,
own agriculture and extend our heretics nnd highwaymen, and hurl at !
By Geo. B. Weatherby, Pres our
sources of food distantly nnd precari­ them tlie charge of being seekers of
ously, If we do not see to it that our special privilege. Itather, we should
Miss Esther Weaver went to
farmers are well nnd fairly paid for ask If their trouble Is not ours, nnd
Portland, Saturday, also Mr. and
their services. The farm gives tlie see what can he done to Improve the
Auto Tires Beat Thorns nation
men ns well as food. Cities situation. Purely from self-interest,
Mrs. Dave Eshleman and little
An old inner tube from a derive their vitality and are forever If for no higher motive, we should
son David.
renewed from the country, but an im­ help them. All of us want to get back
arge sized auto tire is useful poverished
countryside exports intelli­ permanently to "normalcy;" hut Is it
S. E. Wooster’s familiar form
wflen pruning black raspberries. gence nnd retains unintelligence. reasonable to hope for that condition
was seen in town Saturday. He
The berry canes should be drawn Only the lower grades of mentality unless our greatest and most basic In
said they were getting settled
diameter will remain on, or seek, dustry can lie put on a sound nnd solid
partly and tied with and
the farm, unless agriculture Is capable permanent foundation? The farmers
in their new home in Portland.
binder twine so that they afford of being pursued with contentment and nre not entitled to speeinl privileges;
See Mrs. Gates for piano in mutual support, after which they adequate compensation. Hence, to em­ hut are they not right In demanding
struction, 10 years experience should be pruned back to a height bitter nnd Impoverish the farmer Is to that they be placed on an equal foot­
dry up nnd contaminate the vital ing with the buyers of their products
75c, $1.00 and $1.25, according of about 30 inches. By drawing sources
of the nation.
and with other industries?
to length of lesson.
1-26-2-9 the tube over the left arm and
The war showed convincingly how
(To be continued)
Dr. W. W. Rhodes, osteopathic cutting it just beyond the hand dependent the nution Is on the full
productivity of the farms. Despite
physician, located at Hotel Esta­ good protection from thorns may herculean efforts, agricultural produc­
Osteopathic care during preg­
cada, on Mondays, Wednesdays be had during the pruning.—O. tion kept only n few weeks or months
and confinement, has done
ahead of consumption, nnd that only
and Fridays, from 8:30 to 4 p. m. A. C. Experiment station.
by Increasing the acreage of certain more to relieve womankind than
staple crops at the cost of reducing
W. F. Carey has sold his resi­ Hint of others. We ouj^it not to for­ any other method now in use.
Miss Mary Whiting of Garfield
that lesson when we ponder on Consult an osteopath for further
went to Portland Monday morn­ dence in Terrace addition to C. get
the fanner's problems. They are truly information.
ing to attend the sessions of the A. Dykeman, who comes here common problems, and there should
Woman’s auxiliary and the dio­ from n e a r Vancouver. Wash­ be no attempt to deal with them as
If they were purely selfish demamfs
cesan council of the Episcopal ington.
of n clear-cut group, antagonistic to
Church, which took place this
the rest of the community: Rather
Subscribe-Tor your home paper should
we consider agriculture In the
the E astern C lackamas N ews . light of broad national policy, Just
Paper hanging, painting, etc.,
ns wc consider oil, coni, steel, dye­
stuffs, and so forth, ns sinews of na­
last year was a major operation
tional strength. Our growing popula­
on the pocket book. This year
tion and a higher standard of living
with my new anaesthetic (low
demand increasing fond supplies, nnd
We wish to announce to the
prices) it is a minor operation. public, that we are opening up a more wool, cotton, hides, and the rest.
Racket Store in the Hunt build­
Rt. 1, Estacada. ing, and invite you to give us a
share of your trade.
Mrs. S. C. Rickey and baby
Motto, Golden Rule.
who have been visiting her par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle,
for two or three weeks past, re­
turned to her home in Troutdale,
Her husband came
after her that day.
Cleaning, Pressing. Dyeing.
See Mrs. Gates for piano in­
struction, 10 years experience.
75c, $1.00 and $1.25, according
to length of lesson.
1-26-2-9 Low Prices.
Paint costs less than it did a
year ago, so painting can be done
for less. My 1922 samples of
wall paper show a big reduction
in prices. Why let others held
you up when I can do it better?
J. W. S aunders ,
Rt. 1, Estacada.
Mrs. R. G. Palmateer of Gar­
field went to Portland Tuesday
morning to stay with her daugh­
ter, Mrs. Leata Wills, who lives
on the Columbia Highway. Mrs.
Wills had the misfortune last
Saturday night to be severely
burnt by the explosion of a gaso­
line lamp which she was lighting.
D. Newman, the affable clerk
at the pharmacy, took the morn­
ing train to Portland, Sunday.
He has his car stored in that city
and went to see if it was frozen
up. But as he had taken the
precaution to mix some denat­
ured alcohol with the water in
the radiator it had not frozen
at all
Estacada Lodge
No. 175.
American Shoe Shop
Meets every Saturday evening in
their lodge room, corner of Br oad­
way and Third streets. Visiting
brothers are always welcome.
Harness Repaired. Shoe laces retipped
I Custom prices. Everything for Shoes.
J. C. H
P. O. Box 44 OREGON
THE WINTER HAS BROKEN!--The warm breeze will
soon be blowing. Now is the time to buy your
while there is a fresh assortment to choose from.
I have LILLY’S and D. M. FERRY’S. They
will be on display Monday. Come and take
your choice. I also got two truck loads of
this week. And say, come early and avoid the
rush as I am a busy woman these days.
Yours for Lower Prices at
H. L. M c K E N N E Y .
Read the Ads in the N ews .
Undertaker and Embalmer
GAIN the season h a s
come when both cus­
tom a n d inclination
prompt folks to remem­
ber old friends and to give
some expression to that,
remembrance. In the spir­
it of the season we send
you greetings. Fully ap­
preciative of the p a r t
your friendship and pat­
ronage have played in our
progress we thank you.
And we extend to you and
yours o u r sincere well-
wishes for a N ew Y ear
of continued joy and pros­
Portland, Estacada
Transportation Co.
Gresham - Oregon
Warren McWillis
Local Agent for Estacada
«■ + + + + + ■ *• + + + + + +
is your Homo Company.
See us regardi. g your
insure your
With the disappearance of free or
cheap fertile land, additional acreage
and increased yields can come only
from costly effort. This we need not
expect from an Impoverished or un­
happy rural population.
It will not do to take a narrow view
of the rural discontent, or to appraise
It from the standpoint of yesterday.
Tills Is peculiarly an age of flux nnd
change nnd new deals. Because a
thing always has been so no longer
means that It Is righteous, or always
shall lie so. More, perhaps, than ever
before, there Is a widespread
that all human relations can be Im­
proved by taking thought, nnd that It
is not becoming for the reasoning
mal to leave Jils destiny largely to
We carry the best Alfalfa, Timothy and Clove.r
We also have straw.
Coming any d ay- A car of corn, bring your sack.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes.
We offer, warranted, all Leather Shoes at prices less than t h e usual
‘‘Special Sale Prices” advertised. We can fit you regardless of size
or style.
See Our Bargain Counter for
Men’s Shoes at......................................................................... $3.90 the pair
Women’s Shoes at......................................... ................. . $2.90 the pair
Men’s Sox at ............................................................................ 15c the pair
Children’s Stockings at ........................................................... 19c the pair
All Wool Army Pants at........................................................ $2.50 the pair
Army Shoes A t .......................................................................... $4.50 the pair
Pacifie Coast Biscuit Co.’s
Cookies and Crackers, always fresh. T ry the 3 'A lb Box for 55c
Fresh, New Stock at Lowest Prices:
Butternut Bread .................... 9c and 13c per loaf
California Lettuce Packed in ice— Rose Brand Oranges and Lemons.
bars White Soap ..............................<.<...........
Vt pound 99 Black Tea...................................... 25c
2)4 lbs. canned Peaches and Apricots, can 20c
Bring Me Some Good Potatoes-
The People’s Store
Estacada Feed Co.
W here the Motto Is Service.
U. S. MORGAN, Proprietor.
* J. W. Reed Estate * ♦
A full Line of Feeds and Groceries at All Times
That Will Please:
Our Grocery Specials For Friday and Saturday:
Fred C. Bartholomew.
G. M. Lawrence.
We invite your attention to our line of
Where Do You Buy Your Shoes?
J. W. S aunders ,
1.0 . 0 F. + The Progressive