EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY JAN. 19. 1922. •4**ê"*fr* ff* y f f *^*4**G* ^**f, *f**f* rl ,|Ä* the oxen in the barn in record time. The Progressive My boss and his wife h eard me c o m ­ I. O.O. F. ing and th e la t te r got up and had Walter Cox has returned from Estarada Lodge some w arm su p p e r w aiting fo r me. American Shoe Shop LOCAL B R E V I T I E S his work, for an indefinite stay. F IR S T LESSONS. A fter it was all over, I was glad to No. 175. looking back now, I realize have had the experience for it gave SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Frank Bittner who has been how On extrem A N D N E W S II L M S ely green I was at the me confidence but still I was not Meets every Saturday evening in Z repairing his sawmill on Clear tim e of my e n tr a n c e into farm life. I anxious to try it over again. I heir lodge room, corner of Bioad- 4 Harness Repaiied. Shoe laces retipped, knew no th in g ab ou t it. I way and Third streets. Visiting T Custom prices. Everything for Shoes. U. If. G. Creek, took his crew of men to absolutely had n ev er hand led a fork or shovel, brothers are always welcome. Z his plug mill at Bull Run this n ev er harnessed a te a m or saddled a H. L. M o K en ney , N. G. f Mrs. A. Baumgardner is stay­ B. H. JOHNSON. horse, did not know th e difference week. J. C. H a ym a n , Secretary, betw een th e hu b and th e tire of a ing at Faraday. Ernest Vallen went to Port­ wheel, never milked a cow, and had ESTACADA, P . 0. Box 44 OREGON The days are perceptibly be­ land Saturday, for his wife re­ only been astrid e a horse once or SEELY, FAMOUS IN T H I S S P E C I­ twice in my life. So I had to begin ALTY CALLED TO PO RTLAN D coming longer. turning Sunday. front th e beginning. T h en the ways Dr. R. G. McCall was in Port­ Mr. and Mrs. Henderson had and custom s of th e co u n try and farm F. H. Seeley of Chicago and differed greatly from th ose to Philadelphia, the noted truss ex­ land, the first part of the week. as dinner guests Sunday, Mrs. life which 1 had been used. A fter living will personally be at the You can now get the new Mc­ Emily Rowan and her brother, in tow ns or thickly settled n e ig h b o r­ pert, hoods, th e wide prairie s with houses Benson Hotel, and will remain Call Pattern, ‘‘it’s printed at Charles Freeman. Mr. Hender­ fa r a p a r t and alm o st no lan d m ark s, in Portland this Monday, Tues­ a bew ilderm en t to me. I could day, Wednesday, Thursday and Rose’s. son is suffering from neuritis, were far m ore easily lose my way over Friday, Jan. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. H. H. Huxley and family have and is losing the use of his hands th em , th a n in th e L ondon streets. Mr. Seeley says: ' ‘The Sper- My first lessons were in doing the moved into the Linn house on but is able to be around. ord in ary chores a b o u t th e house and matis Shield will not only retain DID YOU KNOW that I have Schillings Coffee; Zobrist street. L. P. Elliott did some survey­ barn. It was an open w in ter th a t any case of rupture perfectly, year, and th e r e was not much work but contracts the opening in io W. J Moore has bought Dr. ing for O. M. Scheistroen last except also Ridgways Tsa; also a full line of Golden Rod in tak in g care of the c attle and stock, an d a little hau ling of days on the average case. Being: McCall’s residence and will soon week. Cereals; and Fishers Flour in stock all the time? wood and hay. We freq uently went a vast advancement over all for­ move into it. Mrs. Ida Looney visited a few to town which was seventeen miles mer methods—exemplifying in­ This was usually a two day's WE ARE the only store in town that has Holsum V. W. Hauser moved into the days in this vicinity last week. away. trip, as th e horses being laid up with stantaneous effects immediately rooms over the pool hall the lat­ She and her husband expect to m ud fever, George F e n to n my boss, appreciable a n d withstanding American Maid Bread, and u g h t a yoke of cattle. These we any strain or position no matter ter part of last week. go to Walton, Ore., where Mr. bo drove as horses, h arn e s sin g th em and the size or location. Large or SAY! i have just got in a shipment of Swift’ s sn ap p in g th e lines into th e i r nose difficult cases, or incisional rup­ Miss Bertha Burns spent Sun­ Looney will work. rings. This w orked very well and Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Elliott th ey answ ered th e reins th e sam e as tures (following operations) spe­ day with her parents here, Mr. Empire Skinned Hams. G-E-E, but they are good! cially solicited. This instrument have purchased 40 acres of the horses. and Mrs. F. E. Burns* and the price is right. Come in and be convinced. u g h th e w in te r was mild for received the only award in Eng­ The man who is to have charge James Lavelle place, now owned th a T t h o region, yet I felt th e cold very land and in Spain, producing re­ of the dining room at Hotel Es­ by the Saginaw, Michigan lum­ severely. I wore m ore clothing than sults without surgery, injections, I ever had before o r since, and yet ber company. tacada is to arrive this week. when driving across th e prairies I medical treatments or prescrip­ Mrs. Keith of Estacada is at would become bitterly chilled tions Mr. Seeley has documents Don’t forget we give double th r o u g h and th r o u g h , th e sh a r p from the United States Govern­ the home of her son L. Keith for trading stamps for all cash pur­ winds piercing th r o u g h all my heavy ments, Washington. D. C.. for The re s u lt was th a t I s t if­ chases on Wednesday at Rose’s. a visit. Mr. Keith went away to clothing. fened up so th a t I could not ju m p on inspection. He will be glad to work last I week. demonstrate without charge or a horse w ith o u t help. J. K. Ely has bought the pool T he novelty of th e life was some fit them if desired. Business de­ hall building from R. G. March- DOVER compensation, an d I was blessed with mands prevent stopping at any a te m p e ra m e n t to m a k e th e best of bank, and is moving his dry other place in this section. . Several from Dover attended things. Read the Ads in the N ews . J. E. M ETZG ER , goods stock into it. P. S.—Every statement in this ally I learn ed to feed and the creamery meeting at Sandy, w a G te radu r th e stock, harn ess a te am and notice has been verified befoer Undertaker and Embalmer Come in and get one of those Monday. hitch a team up to th e wagon. My the Federal and State Courts. guaranteed bed springs, you will am b ition at first was to be able to - F . H. Seeley. Gresham - Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Kellier spent the milk a cow. T h ere were fou r on th e rest better at night. At Rose’s. Home Office 117 No. Dearborn st. Chi­ Warren McWillis place, but th ey were not fresh, be­ week end in Portland. GAIN the season h a s ing strippers. I began by m ilking cago.—Adv. Mrs. Ella Chellis of Portland, Local Agent for Estacada Mr. and Mrs. Akin entertained with th u m b and forefinger one te a t at come when both cus­ was the guest last week, of Mr. time, and th e n to m ilk with both Complications following acute the H. H. Udell family at dinner a hands. tom a n d inclination Of course it was a lengthy and Mrs. J. E. Gates, returning «• + + + + + ♦ + + + + + + Sunday. and tedious process for me, and also contagious and infectious cases, prompt folks to remem­ to her home Monday evening. no doub* to r th e cow. At last, how ­ rarely occur where patient has ber old friends and to give Mrs. Henry Shaw has been I was able to milk a cow in ten some expression to that V. W. Hauser in a chef’s cap visiting friends in Pleasant Home ever, m inutes, and when I milked all four had osteopathic treatment. 12-15 remembrance. In the spir­ in less th a n an ho ur, I felt I accom ­ and apron is serving short or­ for several days. plished a feat of which to be proud. it of the season we send ders and meals at the Red Front you greetings. Fully ap­ Mr. and Mrs. DeShazer enter­ I som etim es w o n d er now, how it restaurant and pool hall. was th a t I did not m eet with some preciative of the p a r t tained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. serio us accidents ow ing to my ig n o r­ is your Home Company. your friendship and pat­ Have you seen the Nu-Way Guthrie and Hugh, Mr. Shaw ance and a w k a rd n e ss in han dling the We wish to announce to the + See ua regardi. g your * ronage have played in our stretch suspenders? They are and daughter Olive, Kathryn and an im als o r tools. As th e sailors are public, that we are opening up a | . property, Insure your + wont to say, “ a c h e ru b sits up aloft progress we thank you. guaranteed for or.e year’s service Lyda Krieger, and Ervin Upde- to look a f t e r poor J a c k , ” so one m u s t Racket Store in the Hunt build­ And we extend to you and ing, and invite you to give us a have been on th e lo oko ut a f t e r me. at Rose’s. yours o u r sincere well- grave. share of your trade. One experience I shall never fo r­ wishes for a N ew Y ear Twenty degrees above zero, get was my first trip to town alone to * —Against— + Motto, Golden Rule. a load of supplies. I had not be­ of continued joy and pros­ now seem to us almost as cold as SPRING WATER NEWS get come accustom ed to th e prairies to perity. * FIRE, Mrs. A. M. Grable, Mrs. Guy feel confidence in finding my way twenty below did thirty years a ft e r d ark , especially over a barely Grable and baby went to Port­ ; THEFT or + ago. Portland, Estacada outlin ed track, w here th ere was no * COLLISION. + The ladies of the W. C. T. U. land Monday, returning home r e g u l a r road. Transportation Co. My boss was laid up in bed and we served an elegant supper Tues­ Tuesday. were ou t of needed supplies so some Fred C. Bartholomew, day evening, in the básement of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bard visi­ one h a d to go an d I was th e only one Cleaning, Pressing. Dyeing. G. M. Lawrence. available. Not only th a t, but th e ted over the week-end with rela­ the M. E. Church. ALTERING AND REPAIRING, fou nd trip had to be m ade in a day. 'OUR BUSINESS IS PICKING UP" The nig ht before I hard ly slept t h i n k ­ When in need of shoes get a tives at Forest Grove. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. * ESTACADA, ORF. * H saK ni ing a b o u t it. I waited till it was light pair of Peter’s guaranteed solid Arrived, on Jan. 14, little Miss en o u g h for me to clearljf see the * + + + ** + + + + + + ♦ Low Prices. WM. BASS, Prop. leather, at Rose’s the place to Virginia Lucile, weight eight tr a c k th e next m o rn in g before s t a r t ­ ing. Going to town presen ted no dif­ pounds, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. buy. ficulty, bu t it was th e re t u r n jou rn ey Sam Barr has bought two lots Still. Both mother and child a f t e r d a rk which I d read ed . W ith an ox team , it to ok seven ho urs to of W. F, Cary in Terrace Addi­ doing well with Dr. Morse in at­ reach town. I pu t th e c attle up and fed th em , had d in n e r myself, and tion and expects to build a resi­ tendance. en went o u t to m a k e my purchases. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zurcher. th dence in the near future. W hen I finally got hitch ed up again Miss R. Zurcher. Mr. and Mrs. and th e wagon loaded, it was h alf Mesdames I. N. Palmer and and tu r n in g dark. A b it te r R. Pulley and daughter of Port­ p n a o st rth five w e s t wind began to blow, and Grace Wyant of Portland, were land, John Schenk, Miss Flor­ th e team s which passed me on the the guests of Mrs. George Law­ were all going at a sm a rt pace. ence Schenk of Gresham and F way o r th e first half of th e trip th e roads rence last Friday. Gordon Lawrence and son George were good and clearly visible so the We have a very attractive line visited Sunday with Mr. and oxen tr aveled along th em w ithout any tr ouble. B ut a f t e r th a t th e road of silks including Messalines Mrs. J. I. Gutridge. was bu t a wagon tra c k , which w ent crepe de Chine and pongee just th r o u g h sloughs. Two or th ree tim es Mr. Nelson of Highland, filled my h e a r t leaped to my m o u th as 1 received at Rose’s. the pulpit at Eagle Creek and th o u g h t I was off th e track and losing Mrs. W. W. Dillon, of Portland George while Rev. Weir held my way. By t h a t tim e it was past eleven. I would stop th e oxen once arrived Saturday to spend the eyening services at Springwatcr. in a while to rest and give them an week end with the Misses Ger­ Everett Shibley accompanied e a r o r two of corn, th e n I would plod on ag ain hoping t h a t I was on the trude, Ruth and Anna Dillon. rig h t road. It was with g re a t relief Mr. Nelson. som e tim e not know ing Phil Hammond of Oregon City Special services will be con­ a w f h t e e r th e going r rightly or wrongly, to see a and Leroy D. Walker of Port­ ducted all this week at the grove which I recognized, and which showed me th a t I was not lost. F ro m land, accompanied by their wives church. th en on I had no concern. At last were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, o u t half past two I saw th e light in A new playshed is being com­ ab th e house which sho ne forth as a C. Stephens last Saturday. pleted at the school house this most welcome beacon. When I drove into th e yard I u n hitched and put up Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bass, who ELWOOD ITEMS FORTY YEARS AGO RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Listen Yours for Lower Prices at THE SQUARE DEAL GROCERY H. L. M c K E N N E Y . II : THE PACIFIC STATES; : FIRE INSURANCE C O .: NEW RACKET STORE. * + AUTOMOBILE + * i W. ROY WAY. RE-NU-EM TAILORS. t J . W. Reed Estate * T When Dissatisfied With Other Brands Try" HILLS BROS. COFFEE Armours Milk, the can, 11c Bordens Milk, 2 cans for 25c were burned out in the fire Sun­ day night, are moving into the rear rooms on the ground floor of the Odd Fellows building. Dr. W. W. Rhodes, osteopathic physician, located at Hotel Esta­ cada, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 to 4 p. m. 9-8tf Miss Dorothy Phillips of Eagle Creek was a delegate last Sun­ day to the county convention of the Christian Endeavor socie­ ties which met at Gladstone. Mrs. G. H. Lichthorn came home from St. Vincent’s hospi­ tal Saturday. She is only able to sit up for a brief period dur-¡ ing the day. It will be some time before she is able to be up and around. The reception room in the Odd Fellows building, was the only room not damaged by the Sun­ day night fire. It was used by the Eastern Stars Tuesday night for their regular meeting: week. BARGAINS IN HOSIERY MILL FEEDS HAVE ADVANCED $2.00 per ton, but by advance buying we can sell at the same prices lor a few days only. For Your Information a CAR OF EASTERN CORN is to arrive in a very few days. Place your orders and get ycur sacks ready, also bring ycur purse. W e can save you some money i! you need feed at this t;me. We are in the Market for Wheat and Oats We are closing out our line of BEAVER KNIT HORE and are offering these Wan anted Hose at the following prices: Misses’ and Childrens’s 35c values, Boys extra heavy 45c values, - Have you looked over our Bargain Counter? Something being added each day JOIN TH E CROWD AT The People’s Store H. B. SNYDER, E s ta c a d a F e e d C o. U . S. MORGAN, Proprietor. 25c 35c C. E. KILGORE. Where the Motto Is Service.