Clarkamas N puib Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V o lu m e 15, N u m b e r 17 port of Umpqua, appeared before the OREGON NEWS NOTES ! house rivers and ha. committee In Washington, D. C„ and asked the OF GENERAL INTEREST , committee to approve the project for PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SURGEON, and Hours: 8:30 a. ip . to 12 m, and 1 to 5 p. m. Sunday by appointment Estacada, Oregon. T~\R. C. M. NAFF, Successor to Dr. L. A. Wells DEN TIST. Estacada, MORSE, u |R. PH R. Y SIC IA N Oregon. SURGEON. and Office and Residence Second and Main streets, Estacada, Oregon. Telephone connections. A/TRS. J. E. GATES, AVA PIANO IN ST R U C T O R , Phone or call at The Bazaar, Estacada. E. GATES, J F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R and Embalmer. Night ar.d Day Tele­ phone. Lady Assistant. D. EBY, A T T O R N E Y A T LAW. General Practice. Confidential viser. Oregon City. Oregon. M At o GUIRK & Ad­ SCHNEIDER, ATTORNEYS at law . Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ days ana Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow building. Portland office, 609-15, Fen­ ton bunding. P AUL A T c. T FISCHER, O R N E Y AT LA W . Beaver building, Oregon City, Oregon. ty O O D LE REALTY CO. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Collections, Notary Public. Justice of the Peace. They get results. Phone Estacada FIRE INSURANCE. London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our Fire Proof Vault, tree of charge. H. C. STEPHEN S A gent . THE BAZAAR,| 2d door north of depot % SPECIALTIES | for 5c, 10c, 15c and up. :j: Needlework, Crochet Thread ;j; Etc., for sale. ]: THE GATES TO SUCCESS | ^ Proprietors. | GOOD BOOK ♦ l always appeals to persons + of intelligence. Have you read + SISTERS + bv Kethleen Norris, or BORDER LEGION + * byZaneGray? + These and other best sellers ♦ only $1.00 each at * The Rexall + + * * ♦ * « Joint Installation Sunday’s Fire Store 4 ♦♦♦♦♦* Fo r Fire Insurance PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO WI LL P R O T E C T YOUR INTEREST Cary Real Estate Co. HEMSTITCHING-by Mi s s Mabel Wilcox. The Lichthorn residence, Zobrist St. 12-8 tf PLANS BEING DRAWN FOB BIG POWER UNIT Last Saturday e vening the I. A few minutes after 5 o’clock, 0. O. F. and Rebekah lodges I Sunday evening, smoke was dis- held a joint installation. The j the north Jetty at the mouth of the following were installed by the j covered issuing from the rcof of Principal Events of the Week ' Umpqua river as recommended by the 1. O. O. F.: N. G., C. F. Brown: I the wing of the I. O. O. F. hall. board of army engineers. The engi­ The alarm was promptly given i Whi, . u being b u i l t Briefly Sketched for Infor­ neers’ estimate of the cost was $267,- P. N. G., Harry McKenney: V. and responded to. The origin of ^ hv theü Portland 000. G., Wm. Gilgan; secretary, Fred mation of Our Readers. the fire .s uncertain but it start- Railwa Lijrht and Power com- Charges of bribery, directed at E. F, Bartholomew; treasurer, Ben F. f w u u t h e * r > n y to a point onjthe Clackamas B. Ridgeway, state plehibition agent, Bullard; warder, Fted Marshall; of ., William Bass, ’ who . had river • „ in • ,, the region . ,. Boiler inspectors of Oregon will hold whitewashing of the oficer by the conductor, Milton Weatherby; ments . ,. of r Mount ¡only left them a quarter of an , », , a conference In Portland Saturday, grand jury and charges of conduct , , Hood and Mount Jefferson, where chaplain, Wilbur Wade. After , January 28. hour previously. 1 he fire spread ¡t ¡s unbecoming an official, on the part of proposed to install the first A total of 7291 lineal feet of cement W. I. Keator, district attorney of the installation the P. N. G., up inside the walls and on to the sidewalk was laid in Cottage Grove Umatilla county, v ¡11 be subjects of Harry McKenney, was presented roof. J. K. Ely’s stock of dry unit of the 80,000 horsepower during 1921. a special grand Jury Investigation to with a handsome P. N. G. collar. goods was taken out and stored hydro-electric development the Fire losses in Oregon, exclusive of be launched at Pendleton with A. J. detailed plans of the engineers The Rebekahs installed, N. G. Portland, during the month of Decem­ Llljeqvlst, assistant attorney-general, Elva Ahlberg; P. N. G., Val E. in the city hall. It was badly are being completed a n d t h e ber, aggregated $138,000. acting in the capacity of legal adviser Cary; V. G., Myrtle McWillis; damaged with smoke and water. method of financing is being ar­ Wm. Bass lost all his effects ex­ Receipts of the Albany postoffice for to the inquisitorial body. secretary, Mary Eschelman; cept a graphanola and a suit of ranged. When the improvement the last month were 11 per cent greater treasurer, Cordelia Carter; war­ clothes. The building was dam­ is completed it will be possible for Notice than during December, 1920. the utility with its present elec­ der, Nellie Havman; conductor, Fines collected in the nine justice On account of the fire last Sun­ aged it is estimated to the ex- i tric generating plant at Caza- courts in Clackamas county during day, which damaged my stock of Rose Wilcox; chaplain, Birdie tent of $2,500, and the lodge re-1 Gilgan. 1921 nearly trebled those for 1920. dero and steam generation to de­ goods in the I. 0. O. F. building, galia of the Odd Fellows and Re­ Announcement was made by the war After the ceremonies were all velop 200.000 horsepower for the Dr. finance corporation of a loan of $135,- I am moving into the building concluded the remainder of the bekahs were total losses. electrical users of Portland and formerly used as a pool hall by 000 for agricultural and livestock pur­ Steiner’s adjoining residence was evening was spent in a social vicinity. This is expected to care poses In Oregon. R. G. Marchbank. I wish to get damaged by water. The insur­ manner, a banquet supper being for the power needs for man# Records at the Gaston postoffice a new start, and to do this, all ance has not yet been adjusted years to come. served and dancing and games show an Increase of 25 per cent In bills which have been running but there is $3,500 on the build­ the Christmas mall handled In 1921 indulged in. In order to show the location over 30 days must be paid. I ing, $500 on furniture and rega­ over that of 1920. of this new project and give an Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Standish Four hacksaws were found hidden In have been a friend to you, can­ lia. J. K. Ely carried $4,3(H). idea of what it is to consist there and family and Mrs. M. H. Ev­ the Lane county Jail recently by not you be a friend to me? William Bass had no insurance. has been prepared a sketch of Sheriff Stickels and his deputies, who ans motored out from Portland _________ J._K. E ly . were overhauling the place. that part of the Clackamas river last Sunday, to visit at the Phil Christian Church Sheriff W. J. Wilson of Clackamas Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morton watershed in which the plant is Standish home at Garfield. Mrs. county was cleared of the Indictment Preaching both morning and Evans remained to continue her moved last Saturday from the te be constructed. of larceny by bailee, returned against evening next Sunday. Sunday The power to be obtained from visit a few days longer, and is at Bartlett residence to their own him by the grand jury on December School at 10 a. m. with Mrs. home which Mr. Morton recently the water applied in this initial 22 . present the guest of Mrs. A. E, purchased of W. J. Moore. development wi l l be approxi­ Interest displayed by ex-service men Jennie Krieger, superintendent. Sparks. at a meeting of the American Legion mately 30,000 horsepower. The DESCRIPTIVE MAP SHOWING PROPOSED $10,000,000 HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER DEVELOPMENT assured the organization of a company head under which the plant will PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY ON UPBER v^LACKAMAS RIVER of infantry of national guards at Hood operate is to be about 860 feet. Rlvgr. This means that each cubic foot Because peavlly loaded trucks are of water passing through the putting up certain county roads badly, i-onduit will, wl.en applied to the Lane county court has Issued an order limiting the weight of loads they the generating unit, p r o d u vc carry. about 70 horsepower. Organization of Linn county’s first At first the unregulated waters drainage district will be completed of the Ook Grove branch will be soon. This project Is to drain a sec­ used. Later the storage dam at tion of land a short distance east of Albany. Timothy Meadows will be built A move Is on foot to establish the and used to regulate the flow of biggest brickyard in ._the state, one the water as it comes to Intake mil» west (if Jacksonville, which will ibis regulation of water flow will provide employment for a large num­ serve to increase the summer ber of men time ontriut of the nlant,. at the Portland’s postal receipts were $10,- 200 larger in December, 1921, than in same time in no wise diminish­ December of the preceding year. Port­ ing the winter output, thus in­ land was the 29th city in December suring a constant output the. postal receipts. year around. George C. Munger, 76, pioneer resi­ The next part of the develop­ dent of Oregon, is dead at Tfie Daljes after a short illness from pneumonia, ment will consist in th • building Munger was chief of The Dalles fire of a three-mile tunnel under the department In 1891. mountain, which li s between During the year 1921 the city record­ the Oak Grove branch and the er of Pendleton issued building per­ upper branch of the Clackamas, mits of a total valuation of $406,000. and installing a low division dam In 1920 the value of new buildings Parent-Teacher Meeting ed following the program and all Community Club erected was $318,000. at Big Bottoms. Thi3 will di­ More than 1000 members of the I The Community Club will hold vert the water of the upper fork The meeting of the Estacada enjoyed a social hour^ Christian Endeavor society are expect­ P. T. A. held Wednesday, Jan, GARFIELD BREVITIES nsual meeting on Friday through the tunnel to I n t a k e ed to attend t$ip statq convention ______ evening cf next week at the Es- where it will join with the water of the. organization, which will bv 11, in the high school audito­ Mrs. Theo Carpenter, Mrs. M. tacada Hotel. A good program of the Oak Grove. held ip Salem, February 18 to 19. rium, was well attended. A de­ Heart disease, developing from a When this is accomplished an Weatherby and William Davis is being arranged and a speaker lightful program was given con­ moderate cola of two weeks’ duration, Sr. are all on the sick list. j to be announced next week will be addit onal 3 >,000 hors q ower unit caused the sudden and unexpected sisting of songs by the primary will be installed at the Three Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Willis who Present and matters of interest death at Portland of Miss Frances Hol­ pupils, an address, “The Funct­ Links power house. have been visiting at the Hus- t0 the entire community will be man, 79, pioneer resident of Oregon. ion of the P. T. A. in the Aver­ As a final step in the develop­ A complete Investigation of charges age Community,” by Mrs. Ber­ ¿ock ranch, have returned to discussed. ment a storage dam will In. in­ and counter-charges concerning the tha Staater Hill, president of Roseburg accompanied by Miss management of the Oregon Institution Notice stalled at Big Bottom and the Irene Hussock and Mr. View. for the .blind will be made by a com­ the State P. T, A., was filled Subscribers to the Estacada regulated flow of the upper fork mittee of prominent Portland people with worth while suggestions They went by auto. and the appeal to parents to H. appointed by Governor Oleott. B. Davis and wife were Packing Co. Inc. stock are re will he applied to the ultimate caH. < j quested to pay the balance due i installation of 80,000 hor s e - Senator Stanfield has Introduced a take more of an active interest Portland visitors this week, call- bill appropriating $30,000 for Improv­ in the welfare of the child was ing on Lyle Wagner, the brother on their subscriptions. Funds j power. ing the entrance to Oregon eaves in ;are needed for the purchase of of Mrs. Davis, who is at the Josephine county and providing proper especially emphasized, Take Notice machinery and repairs to can- “Grade School Problems” were Pierce sanatorium. lighting facilities to make this scenic That on Friday night, Jan. 20, spot more Inviting to tourists. discussed briefly by Mrs E. Cole- Funeral services of Ruth An­ I nery building. The Estacada the W. O. W, Eagle Creek Camp On January 16 the Union county jnan and Miss L. Howe. ders who died in Salem last week ¡State Bank will accept checks 539, will hold a meeting in the court will open bids for $400,000 road Mrs. Emerson discussed “ The were held in the Mt. Zion church ¡and receipt for same. At (he Odd Fellows hall at Estacada, bonds. The bonds represent the maxi­ The next regular meeting of the Oregon. All prospect and visit­ mum amount of road bonds issuable 1 Purpose of Home Economics in last, Thursday at 1 p. m. Rev. T. B. Young officiated, and Board of Directors, certificates ing neighbors welcome. A free annually by the county eourt under Education.” of stock will be issued to all who the road bond election held last year. The Boys' Glee Club sang two the interment was under the di­ feed. Remember the date, Teachers In the Salem schools, tiu- interesting numbers and the rection of J. E. Gate3 of Estaca­ have paid. Signed, Camp Clerk. T h e E sta c a d a P a c k in g C o ., der a decision announced by the board da. Sympathy is extended to pantomime, “The Lamp Went of directors, will be allowed eight-day By Geo. B. Weatherby, Pres. ATTENTION SUBSCRIBERS absence* on pay when the absence Is Out” , by a group of high school the family. 1-19-2-2 Those attending the Pomona caused by Illness, or attendance at students was well received and Until February 4th we will take funerals In event of death of an Im­ proved to be very entertaining. Announcement grange last w-eek at Molalla, subscriptions for the OREGONIAN mediate relative. A short business meeting was were Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Davis, The undersigned announces and the N ews combined as fol­ The special election set for January 31 by the Klamath county eourt to vote held and the non-acceptance of Mrs. Earl Gunter and Mrs. C. V. that Dr. C. K. Carey will sue lows by mail: on a road bond Issue of $800,000 has the vice president, Mrs. A. G. Sandstone. ceed him in professional work in Daily Oregonian until November been called off because Clark, Kendall Ames, was accepted and Mrs. Mrs. J. W. Dillinger invited F.stacada and vicinity. 1, ten months, ....... .......$3.50 k Co.. Portland bond house,»discovered Bacon was elected to fill the va­ several friends Thursday after­ I wish to thank the community or combined with o n e a legal error in the petition which cancy. Fo) owing this the re­ noon, to a surprise party in hon­ and bespeak for my successor year’s subscription to the rendered It invalid. signation of the president, Mrs. or of the birthday of her grand- the same courtesy and good will N ews ............................. $4.50 A total of $53.35551 h is been ex­ Daily and Sunday Orego­ pended for land, buildings, equipment, Lloyd Yocum was presented and daughter^ Mrs. K. Coe of Port­ shown in the past. I)r. Carey nian until November 1, .. $5.00 accepted. Upon recommendation operation and administrative coats by land. Those surprising Mrs. Coe will carry on the courtesy and or with N e w s for one yr. $6.00 the Oregon land settlement commis­ of Mrs. Hill it was decided to were Mesdames Z. R. Downev. efficiency of this office as hereto­ The above rates apply to re­ sion since its creation through an act wait until the February meeting W. B. Lemon, Theo Carpenter, fore extended and will promptly of the 1919 legislature, according to newals as well as new subscri­ before taking action. J. F. Reeher, M. G. Weatherby answer all calls. a report filed with Governor Oleott bers. Remember good only until D r . R. G. M c C all . J February 4. Subscribe to-day. Light refreshments were serv-land E. F. Gunter. Representative Hawley and J. H. Naipcr at R m U e o tL couju U tot Ut* ¡the *♦♦ + + + + ♦ + ♦ * ♦ * A $1.50 P e r Y ea r dots T"YR. CHARLES K. CAREY "^ PH Y SIC IA N E sta c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r sd a y , J a n u a ry 19.1922.