\ EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JAN. 12. 1922. Eastern Clackamas News E ntered a t the postoffice in Entacadu, Oregon, as second-class mail. | it very radically, and heartily hope it may promote ' ‘the be­ ginning of a better lt n d e r- standing.” Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon \ T h e Story of O ur States K0DAKS-- A LL K IN D S and S U P P L IE S GUNS-- The metropolitan papers each And AM M UNITION By JONATHAN BRACE day are reporting a husband kill­ XX.— MISSISSIPPI ing his wife, or vice versa. A FISHING TACKLE UPTON H. GIBBS H E State third party is invariably invol­ • o f Missis­ E ditor and M anager. sippi derives ved. This with the increasing Get Hunting and Fishing Its nam e from number of divorces, is a matter S ubscription R ates th e r iv e r Licenses Here $1.60; of grave concern, and is the re- One y ear . . . which form s 11 s western .75 suit of the irreligious, unmoral Six months Camping Outfits, Electric b o u n d a ry . bringing up of children for a The word Itself comes from the Flashlights. Baseball Thursday. January 12, 1922. number of years. There is a Algonquin mlssl-sepe which m eans "g reat river.” I t Is popu­ distinction worth noting, between Supplies larly supposed to mean "F ath er THE OLD STORY unmoral and immoral. of the W aters" b u t th is Interpre­ Kodak Pictures Developed Although t h e A n gl o-I ris h tation Is Incorrect. The stnte Is also known ns th e Bnyou State treaty has been ratified by the The O regonian ranks as one and Enlarged from the many bayous which are Dail, and its action apparently of the leading papers in t h e formed by the shifting river. In meets with public approval, yet country—its New Year’s edition thin connection It Is Interesting to note th e uneven course of the peace in Ireland seems still afar this year abundantly affords a M ississippi river. Though tho off. It promises to continue its reason why. It was great, and extrem e length of th e s ta te from reputation of being “ the dis­ we sent our copy east for friends the Gulf to T ennessee Is 330 miles, th e w estern border, due tressful isle ” Only the fight there to read, mark, learn and to the w inding of the Mississippi now1 will be between two inter­ inwardly digest. river, extends fo r n early 500 nal factions instead of against miles. We wish to announce to the The riv ers play an Im portant the British government 3olely. public, that we are opening up a OF O. NOTES p art In this state. They are so Racket Store in the Hunt build­ The Sinn Fein extremists head­ Starting the second week in numerous and the country so ing, and invite you to give us a ed by De Valera promise to keep January and lasting s ix weeks, subject to flood th a t th e river share of your trade. bottoms cover nearly one fifth things warm for and be “agin” the annual Bible course for Wo­ of the a re a of the e n tire state. Motto, Golden Rule. the provisional government. By men will be given by the Univer­ The early history of Missis­ so doing they are merely confirm­ sity’s Young Women’s Christian sippi Is yoked up w ith th a t of Louisiana of which It originally ing what their opponents and Association. Leaders of the Bi­ formed a p art. Discovered by critics have always maintained ble course are usually faculty De Soto In 1539, it w as not until h y d e or t h e bluestone-lime that there was no pleasing them. women or wives of members of La Salle sailed down the riv et and claimed this territo ry, jvhich method. That given Home Rule, they the faculty. he named In honor of his French "It is entirely possible that would fight amongst themselves king, Louis XIV, th a t a perm a­ During the month of Decem­ this method may in time super­ with a resulting chaos. nent settlem ent "»’as established. ber ninety-six students regis­ In 1763 th e te rrito ry east of sede the cumbersome l i q u i d Unfortunately, this extreme tered in 113 courses in the cor­ the M ississippi w as ceded by the treatment,” said P r o f e s s o r element will receive sympathy French to th e English. F or a respondence study department Barss. "It alsd seems to pro­ and aid from the extremists on while the low er portion of the of the Extension Division of the present s ta te w as called West mote prompt and more vigorous this side, who will do their best University of Oregon. Th i s Florida. A fter being captured germination. Two ounces of to keep the agitation alive. by the Spanish and la te r re- brings the total registration in copper carbonate in dust form The venerable Cardinal Logue turned to the United States, the correspondence study courses to T erritory of M ississippi w as ex­ are thoroughly mixed with each uttered a pregnant comment 1086, representing every county tended to its present size of 46,- bushel of seed in a reyolving when in expressing his satisfac of the state. 865 square miles and In 1817 It drum. tion over the ratification of the w as adm itted as th e tw entieth Thirty students have b e e n sta te of the Union. A t the time "The ultimate solution of the treaty, he remarked: “ What of the Mexican war. although dropped from the University of smut problem does not lie in im­ blessing it would be if there was called upon to supply one regi­ Oregon for failure to make pas­ proved treating methods, but in union among the Irish people.’ m ent of volunteers, M ississippi sing grades in enough subjects the growing of varieties of responded w ith enough men for To which all well wishers of Ire two. One of these regim ents during the fall term. Eighty- wheat which are highly resist­ land will respond with a fervent was commanded by Jefferson one students have been placed ant or immune to the disease.” Amen. Davis, who la te r w as the presi­ on probation for the present dent of the C onfederate states. Osteopathic care during preg THE FAIR SITUATION term for work that was unsatis­ Since Its readm ittnnee to the Un­ ion In 1870 M ississippi In na­ nancy and confinement, has done factory. Nineteen hundred stu­ The promoters of the fair have tional elections has been a Demo­ more to relieve womankind than dents successfully passed the not abandoned the project, but cratic sta te except In 1872, when any other method now in use It voted for G rant. are deliberating as to how it is examinations. ( © b y M cCl ur e N e w s p a p e r S y n d i c a t e . ! Consult an osteopath for further The University of Oregon li­ to be financed. The editor of information. 12-15tJ the O regon V oter , however, brary started the new year with strongly urges its abandonment, a total of 110,000 volumes. S H E R I F F 'S HA LE Smut Control as he says it cannot be financec In tli«> C irc u it C o u rt o f t h e S t a te of Barrie’s Bad Boy O re g o n , fo r t h e C o u n ty o f The copper carbonate d u s t either by subscription or taxa C lm -kania.s. Sentimental Tommy, who had treatment for stinking smut of T h e H illsboro N atio n al B ank, tion. The editor of the S pecta way with him, and boasted wheat is apparently successful is T or , on the other hand, thinks C o rp o ratio n , P lain tiff, vs. U. F H elneck an d A nna H eineck. his that it can be financed by sub­ that he could always find a way, announced by H. R. Barss, plant w ife; Je rry H em ingw ay and E dith pathologist of the O. A. C. Ex­ scription, and indicates a methoc will make his appearance here L. H em ingw ay, D efendants. S ta te of O regon, C ounty of Clank of raising the necessary amount Saturday night at the Family periment station. as, ss. this way. T he V oter thinks Theatre, in a Paramount pro­ Although definite results can­ am By v irtu e of a ju d g m e n t o rd e r, d e­ there is no state-wide demand duction. Readers of Sir James not be obtained until next har­ cree an d an execution, duly Issued of and u n d e r th e seal of th e above for the fair, and that it woulc Barrie’s delightful stories of vest, the winter stand of grain out e n title d co u rt, in th e above e n titled not benefit the state if it were Thrums will be glad to see the in fields thus treated in 17 Ore­ cause, to me duly d irected and dated e 14h day of D ecem ber, 1921, upon held. In this latter point we be­ village on the screen. Besides gon counties shows less injury th a ju d g m e n t re n d e re d an d e n te re d In lieve it is mistaken, Those who the redoubtable Tommy, Elspeth, than stands where seed was said c o u rt on th e 1 4 th day of D ecem ­ are projecting it are men of bus- iis little sister: Grizel, the paint­ treated by either the formalde- ber, 1921, In fav o r of T he H illsboro ness foresight and shrewdness ed ladie’s pathetic daughter; Dr. Reserve District No. They understand as well as any McQueen and a number of others Chart«r No. 125. one the business condition of the will appear. Barrie has not writ­ R E P O R T O F C O N D IT IO N state, and what it needs for its ten a more humorous story than ----- of the----- stimulation a n d improvement. this, and seldom have we been If they will go throughout the moved to laughter more than state and make known their rea­ when reading about Tommy and At Estacada, in the State of Oregon, sons, there will be a general re­ iis adventures. He was, as one of his boy adherents called him, sponse. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS. DECEM BER 31ST . 1921 , ‘such a leetle deevil.” PLEASED TO SEE YOU RF.SOVRCF.5. Farm Reminders $144,902.85 Loans and discounts We have received the initial 34.73 O v e rd ra fts secured and unsecured number of the new journalistic Farmers who depend on wet U. S. g o vernm ent securities owned 24,174.00 18,(’48.08 venture in the county, which is weather and hard freezing to O ther bonds, warrants and securities securities, claims, liens, judgm ents, etc 1.868.43 published at Oregon city. It is kill their insect pests may be Stocks, 6.217.33 Hanking house, $3,450.00; fu rn itu re and fixtures #2,767.33 4,528.56 entitled the "PRODUCERS CALL” isappointed. Slugs may freeze Real e s ta te owned o th er than banking house f due from banks, approved reserve ag e n ts of this and styles itself "the champion solid and "come to” as hungry A m ounts hank 27,011.77 of the farmers and wage earn­ as ever when thawed out. They Cash on hand in vault 12,161.95 T otal cash and due from banks $39,173.72 ers,’’and carries the slogan, "the can also stand “ water” pro- beginning of a better under­ ided they are not washed away. T otal ............... ............ ........ ........................., ..... $238.947.70 standing.” M. J. Brown is the Spray of Bordeaux on plates, to L IA B IL IT IE S . editor and H. H. Stallard, state ie protected, with poisoned bait C apital sto rk paid in 15.000.00 .......... missionary of the Non-Partisan of chopped leaves sprinkled with 'u rn lu s fund 2.00U.0U Undivided profits 3,179.61 gospel, is associate editor. W. calcium arsenate, will o f t e n U 52.37 nited S ta te s deposits, including postal savings W. Woodbeck of Oregon City, ’get” the slugs and save the Deposits subject to reserve: correspondent for the Portland crop O. A. C. Experiment sta­ Demand D eposits due the S ta te o f Oregon, and deposits due county Telegram, and who also has been tion. or cities and o th e r public funds 25,029.56 Individual deposits su b ject to check 94,082.61 writing for the Oregon City E n ­ Earwigs that feed on the C ashier's checks o f this bank o utstanding payable on demand 1,147.34 t e r p r i s e . has been added to its green shoots of roses In th p C ertified checks o u tstan d in g 16.00 T otal of dem and deposits $119,112.16 staff. It announces: spring, and later turn their at , ., ..... Time and Saving Deposits, subject to reserve: "It is the aim of this paper to , tention to the blossoms, nibbling | Tinie certifioa^ 07 ^ 44,841.66 be absolutisy independent and stamens and base of petals may Havings deposits 53,599.56 to the limit of the editors’ abil­ $98.441.22 T otal of li m e a rd Savings deposits be controlled by the following ity to print things as they are T otal ._ $238.947.70 to shoot square. Its purpose method: Mix six ounces dry so­ is not to be destructive, not to dium fluorid with one gallon of STA TE O F OREGON. ) COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS, * * tear down, but to be construc­ wheat bran or shorts, and thor­ 1. Ruth L. Dillon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly sw ear th a t tive, to help work out a remedy oughly moisten with one pint the above sta te m e n t is tru e to the b est of my know ledge and belief. for conditions that we all know R U TH L, D ILLO N. Caahier, must be changed, o t h e r w i s e equal parts water |ar.d molasses. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of Ja n u a ry , 1922. Scatter in the evening over the sooner or later the masses will W. F . Cary, N otary Public “ y commission expires S eptem ber 7, 1921 go to the wild bunch.” lawns or garden where pests CORRRCT -A T T K S T — We give it the right hand of occur, especially about the bases H. C. S T E PH E N S, THOMAS YOCUM. fellowship, in spite of the fact, of buildings and tree trunks. —] RUTH L. D ILLO N. we shall probably disagree with O. A. C. Experiment station. Director*. T ED. BONER’S N atio n al B ank a co rp o ra tio n , p la i n t- ! 1922, at the h o u r of 10 o ’clock a. ru.. Iff, an d a g a in st U. F. H elneck a n d | a t th e fro n t door of th e C ounty Anna H elneck his wife, d efen d an ts, C o u rth o u se In th e C ity of O regon fo r th e sum of $461.70, w ith in te re s t City, In said county an d sta te , sell th ereo n s t th e ra te of eight p er cen t a t public au ctio n , su b ject to re ­ p e r an n u m from th e 27th day of Oc­ dem ption, to th e h ig h est bidder, fo r to b er, 1921, and th e f u r th e r sum of U. S. gold coin cash in h and, all tho $50.00, as a tto rn e y ’s fee, and the rig h t, title and in te re st w hich th e f u r th e r sum of $17.75 costa and d is­ w ithin nam ed d e fe n d a n ts o r e ith e r of b u rsem en ts, and th e costs of and upon them , had on th e d a te of th e m o rt­ th is w rit, co m m anding mo to m ake gage h erein o r since had in o r to th e sale of th e follow ing described real above described real p ro p erty o r any p ro p erty , s itu a te In th e co u n ty of p a rt th ereo f, to satisfy said execution, C lackam as, s ta te of O regon, to w lt: ju d g m e n t o rd er, decree, in te re st, All of lots one ( 1 ) , tw o ( 2 ) , th re e costs an d all accru in g costs. ( 3 ) , fp u r (4 ) . five ( 5 ) , six ( 6 ) , VV. J. WILSON, seven ( 7 ) , eig h t (8 ) , n ine ( 9 ) , S heriff t f C lackam as C ounty, Ore. th irty -tw o (3 2 ) , th irty -th re e (3 3 ) , By E. C. H A C K ETT, D eputy. th irty -fo u r (3 4 ) , thirty-five (3 5 ) , D ated, O regon City, O re., D ecem ber th irty -six (3 6 ) , th irty -sev en (3 7 ) , 22d, 1921. th irty -e ig h t (3 8 ) , th irty -n in e (3 9 ) , 12-22 1-19 and fo rty (4 0 ), all In block ninety- five (9 5 ) in th e to w n site of M int- horn nddtrlon to th e city of P o rtla n d . O regon, as show n on th e p lat of said tow n of record in th e office of the R ecorder of C onveyances of C lack a­ I have opened a Dressmaking m as county, s ta te of O regon. Now, th e re fo re , by v irtu e of said Shop in the Hunt building. Call execution, ju d g m e n t o rd e r nnd de­ and see me about sewdng. cree, and in com pliance w ith th e com m ands of said w rit, I w ill, on MRS. ROY WAY. S a tu rd ay , th e 2 1 st day of J a n u a ry 10-27tf DRESSMAKING. NEW RACKET STORE. i u. W. ROY WAY. ESTACADA STATE BANK, 1921-1922 T H E Y EA R 1921 has gone, with its opportunities grasped or passed by. But whatever its successes or disappointments, a N EW Y EA R is before us. In meeting the situations which will arise, much will depend on one’s financial standing as determ:ned by his connection with a strong bank. We invite the people of this community to make use of the service we offer in all lines of sound and progressive banking, ESTACADA STATE BANK : "Safety and Service.” A Further Reduction in Buick Prices Effective January 1st, 1922 All Prices F. O. B. Estacada. 22-Four-34 Two Passenger Roadster $1055.00 plus war tax 22-Four-35 Five Passenger Touring $1095.00 plus war tax 22-Four-36 Three Passenger Coupe $1495.00 plus war tax 22-Four-37 Five Passenger Sedan $1595.00 plus war tax 0 » 22-Six-44 Three Passenger Roadster $1590.00 plus war tax 22-Six-45 Five Passenger Touring $1620.00 plus war tax 22-Six-46 x Three Passenger Coupe $ 2 1 3 5 .0 0 plus war tax 22-Six-47 Five Passenger Sedan $2415.00 plus war tax 22-Six-48 Four Passenger Coupe $2350.00 plus war tax 22-Six-49 Seven Passenger Touring $1820.00 plus war tax 22-Six-50 Seven Passenger Sedan $2650.00 plus war tax Willard Storage Batteries for Sale. \ CASCADE GARAGEi WILCOX BROS.