EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JAN. 5, 1922. ♦ + + + ♦ + ♦ + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + ♦♦♦ S tarved — Except fo r A m erica WARMTH when you want it. Clean and in­ stantaneous. And the cost is less than 2 cents per hour. Cozy warmth ior cold comers on cold days. In theb.nhroom, bedro m,st winp room, o fif.e e —anywhere. We have all t; p^s and sizes of electric heaters at right prices. Only $35.00 installs an Electric Range in your home, ready for use; the balance on easy terms. "Except for American gifts through the N ear E ast Relief, these three children and thousands of others would have died the hideous death of starvation, as multitudes have done during the past six years in the Near East,” says J. J. Handsaker, State Director of the N ear E ast Relief, who spent tlie sum mer in Armenia and southern Russia. “I secured this photo­ graph near the city of Tiflis, Georgia. These particular children are a p art of the 6,000 whom we are feeding in Tiflis. These three children are a part of a group who have been in the country for two weeks, where we give them intensive feeding to prepare them for the hardship of the winter. Among our 6,000 children in Tiflis are children of royal families. Of mllllonares, of professional and business men, all made one In their terrible destitution and poverty by the v. a r which rages la the Near nn,«* " Additiona' Brevities OREGONIANS IN Howard and Denny Givens, 1 sons and Mrs. Walter) THE NEAR EAST Givens of of Mr. Portland, were here a! Phonographs, * ♦ Confectionery, RAiLWAY, LIGHT & POWER CG’Y, ELECTRIC STORE Electric Bldg.. Bet. Sixth and Broadway. tmirmrrtavxm GO TO THE FAMILY THEATRE New Recorder and J. P. J. P. Woodle Sr. of the Woodle Realty Co., has been appointed City Recorder and Justice of the Peace, vice S. E. Wooster re­ signed. ♦ » * * ♦ * * * R. G . M A R C H B A N K , L iGHT L unch es * ♦ , ♦ * * ♦ ESTACADA, OREGON. Cigars and Tobaccco. International Clothes, + ♦ + * + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + + * ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦♦♦ NEW TIRE PRICES] Now Effective. . . . . 30x3 Revere . . . . 30x3 Goodrich 30x3 Miller . . . . . j $10.29 I 9.85 I 9.80 ! Seasonable Suggestions: AUTO TOP DRESSING, KLEER GLASS, AUTO BODY POLISH. W. E. Rambo and W ife Tell few days last week visiting at Theater Leased the B. O. Sarver home. of Th e ir W ar E x ­ A. E. Sparks has leased the Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wooster UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Family Theater to F. C. Clew- periences. motored to Portland, Monday. orth, who will assume its man­ Starting Saturday, January 7 Raymond Lovelace who is a agement, beginning on Saturday, “Aid for the Armenians and other January 7th. sufferers in the Near East is neces­ freshman at the U. of Oregon at) sary only because w ar still rages I 11 Eugene, returned there last Mon- j the N ear East," says \V. E. Rambo, dar. In “ Burglar Proof” who, with Mrs. Rambo lias recently Miss Vivian Gorham whose returned from Asia Minor. and Sennet Comedy "W hen we read of the battles now home is in Missoula. Montana, being fought by Greeks and Turks, we spent a week’s vacation with) TH U R SD A Y, JAN. 12 th ink of burning villages, of fleeing Helen Wooster her room mate a t ! H. B. WARNER Feature: the Oregon Agricultural College. FOR SALE—Prune trees one £ MMH j year old.—O. W. Failing, R. F. They retnrned to Corvallis Mon- j “When We Were I D. No. 1. Estacada. 12-22-1-19 day, where they will resume I Twenty-one” their studies. FOR SALE—At sacrifice, one Osteopathic care during preg-i & Harold Lloyd Comedy of Estacada’s Modern Bunga­ lows. Terms, $500 cash, bal­ nancy and confinement, has done) G O O D MUSIC ance in small monthly install­ more to relieve womankind than | ments. | any other method now in use. j T . V. CLEWORTH. Managed Woodle Realty Co., Estacada. Consult an osteopath for further) AUTHORIZED For Glass and Glazing—See information. 12-15tf! Pointer, the painter. 12-8 tf Mr. and Mrs. Bert Twining of ) Former Resident Writes FOR WELL DRILLING—Call Portland, were guests of Mr. P latte . S. D ak . Jannsen Bros., 415 Northwestern and Mrs. A. E. Sparks last) December 29, 1921. Bank Bldg. Portland. Tel. Main Thursday night. Mr. Twining; Dear Sir 7472, or call O. E. Jannsen at the is the motorman who has taken ( Please find P. O. money order Estacada. 12-22-2-16 li ving Smith’s place on the first for the E astern C lackamas FOR SALE—Cedar posts 7 f t . , car to Portland from Estacada N ews for one year. Well, we delivered to Estacada, 15 cents; every morning, while Smith is are having some winter weather delivered to Springwater, 14 cts; MR. W. E. RAMBO taking a vacation. here. The past few days it got delivered on the road at H. Sny­ FORD TOURING—Starter and Demountable Rim • $584.51 mothers, of crying children, their only Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith of down to 20 below one night, der’s place, 10 cents; 16 in. cord pluee of safety an already overcrowd­ $2.50 per cord on the place. FORD ROADSTER—Starter and Demountable Rim • 553.27 Bellingham, Wash., arrived Sat­ with perhaps six inches of snow, wood ed American orphanage. M. A. Haacke, Estacada, Ore. "The Hunihos were nbsent from urday for a short visit with their but it is moderating again, and Rt. 2. FORD SEDAN—Starter and Demountable Rim * 803.17 12-22 1-12 their home in linker about two years sons, H. H and Rqbert J. of the today it is 40 above. We had a while they were in charge of an or­ hardware store. They will leave nice fall and winter for this FORD COUPE—Starter and Demountable Rim • 735.49 FOR SALE — Italian Prune phanage at Harounie n ear Tarsus, the Trees 1 year old. Height 4 to 5 A l \ home of Saul, the g reat Apostle. The to-day or to-morrow, for Bever- country, until the 15th, when we orphanage was under fire for several ly, California, where they will finished husking corn. The corn feet, 15c; 6 to 8 feet, 25c; J. J. I Marchbank. ll-17-12-8tf | days and finally Mr. and Mrs. Rambo remain for the winter. This "'as pretty good here this year, A Complete Stock of Genuine Ford Parts, nml the other Americans made their HEMSTITCHING-by Mi s s way by night through a storm to the place is near Hollywood, the no- but the small grain was poor, Well, how is Estacada and all Mabel Wilcox. The Lichthorn railroad, on which th ey took their ted film center. Mr. Smith says All Ford Work Guaranteed. Children to Mersine. 12-8 tf it is intensely interesting to the old neighbors? We are all | residence. Zobrist St. "It is a m atter of g reat pride to ns well here. Wish you all a Mer­ th at we were able to bring our chil­ watch the operations of taking Wade or Vaugh­ Batteries Recharged. ry Christmas and a prosperous an WANTED-A dren through without tho loss of a the films. drag saw. Write your best single child,“ said Mrs. Kamlio. "Ottr Miss Ruth Hewitt, daughter New Year. We remain as ever, price. John Marshall, Estacada, W. D. Her.thorn and Family. Rt. 3. 1-5 of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hewitt of , Portland, entertained last week FOR SALE—About 40 tons of You have your auto overhauled baled hay at $12.00 per ton, '¿'A jin honor of her cousin, Helen ! Wooster, and Miss Vivian Gor­ by an expert mechanic, why not miles east of Cedarbrook. Write give your body the same care and will let you know when I ham of Missoula, Montana. The and attention? Consult Dr. W. shall be at the ranch. A. N. evening was spent with games Orke, 939 Belmoni, Portland, Or. , WANTED—75 0 , 0 0 0 c e d a r FOR SALE-S. C. R. I. Red j and music. The house was deco­ W. Rhodes, Osteopathic physi- 1-12 ; cian and surgeon. 12-15tf | eggs for hatching. Good layers. grape stakes, 2x2 inches and 3, rated with Christmas greenery. FOR SALE 500 feet of Jjinch Large breed, fine early broilers. 4, 5 and 6 feet long. J. W. Shaf- ) Among the guests present from Pointer hangs paper, Prices pipe. Inquire of T. A. Reid, Es- $1 for 15 eggs. J. W. Moxley, ford, 1463 Wall St.. Portland. Estacada, w e r e Miss Bertha right' 12-29-1-12 12-15-tf Ore. 128- tf ifacada, Öre. lt Morrow Station. ' Burns and Raymond Lovelace. Miss Maud Sturgeon went to j Portland this morning and will return tomorrow. Bryant Washburn WANT AND FOR SALE ADS. The Reed Auto Co. ESTACADA, OREGON. Crawford Bros. Motor Co. FORD SALES and SERVICE The Best and Cheapest Car on the Market. Tires Powder Accessories Powder Tire» Stolen MRS. W. E. RAMBO kiddles were Just ns attractive and dear to us as any we have ever seen in this country, except of course our own." After the Kumbo’s time of service was up and they were waiting for n ship for A nterka. word came th a t the w ar bad left thousands of Greeks stranded at Itatoum. across the Illsck S a. They immediately volunteered for fu rth er service and spent weeks In caring for the refugees and loading them on vessels furnished by the O n i ’k Government. Queen Sophie of Greece, to show her appreciation of th e work of the Hambos and others of th e N ear E ast Relief workers, recen tly se n t s n ap ­ preciative letter and also s check for Someone recently entered the $ open end of YV. R. Jones’ garage <&> and took away the two hind tires from his automobile. Mr. Jones says there will be doors on his garaue hereafter, which will be kept locked, so that if anyone wants anvjmore Ford accessories they will have to apply to him for the key and pay a reasona- ablef price. Mr. Jones counts himself a poor man and says he cannot afford to give auto parts away. WANTED—Horse stump pul­ ler No. 0. including blocks and hooks. Must be in good sha|>e ami a bargain. F. uonsior Eagle a substantial amount to the Near East Creek, Ore. l i>- 29 Relief. - - A implements WHEN A WINCHESTER SPEAKS II MEANS BUSINESS This applies to Winchester Tools as well as Guns g and to Knives as well as Tools | Winchester Planes, Chisels and Saws; Winchester Hammers and Bitts, Knives and Razors-All of the Famous Winchester Quality SMITH HARDWARE STORE, ESTACADA « i t