¿Eastern (Elarkamas Nrms Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 15, 3TACADA, O regon , T hursday , D ecember 15,1921. N umber 13 $1.50 P er Y ear GARFIELD BREVITIES ELWOOD ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Douglass Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Young mo­ spent a few days in Portland tored to Portland Friday. last week. Z. Downey has returned to ■ p\R . r . c . k a h a m m c c a l l Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Henderson work for the O. W. R. & N. after ^ P H Y S I C I A N A.ND S U R G E O N . were happily surprised Sunday, a few weeks visit at home, George Hislop, who for almost H ours: 8:80 a. ir . to 12 m, and 1 to 5 p. when their son Will and his wife, a year past had been foreman in Mrs. Willis, mother of Mrs. m. Sunday by appointm ent Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stehman and Theo. Carpenter has returned the NEWS office was operated on E stacada, Oregon. baby Elmer, came out from Ore­ to her California home. last Monday mornihg at St. Vin­ •T V i. C. M. N A F F , gon City for a short visit. cent hospital in Portland, for Successor to Dr. L. A. Wells Mrs.fSchneider and daughter D EN TIST. School is closed for an indefi­ of North Dakota have come to cancer of the lived! He went E stacada, O regon. nite period on account of Miss make their home with Louis under the influence of the anes­ Say haying to undergo an opera­ Schneider on the Drost home­ thetic at 9 a. m., but never re­ T "\R . R. MORSE, covered consciousness again, and tion for appendicitis, at the hos­ stead. P H Y S I C I A N and S U R G E O N . passed away at 3:30 p, m. pital in Portland last night. Office and Residence Second and Main The Garfield section is attract­ George Hislop was a native of stre e ts , E stacada, Oregon. Telephone Rev, J. A. Staats of Oregon ing the attention of easterners connections. City, has leased the M. M. Free­ because of its ideal climate and Scotland, being born at Paisley, man place and with his family productive soil. For fruits and the well known manufacturing RS. R. GRAHAM M cCALL, M P I P E O R G A N and P I A N O . town, sixty-seven years ago. has taken possession. berries it cannot be beat. Five G rad u ate Chicago Musical College. 10 Friends and neighbors of Mr. places have changed hands in the At the young age of nine years years T eaching E xperience. E stacada, he came to this c o u n t r y a n d Fred Moehnke are pleased to past two months. Oregon. learned the printing trade. For hear he is getting along nicely The Garfield Sunday school is forty-three years he was con­ RiYRS. J. E. GATES, since his operation, at St. Vin­ preparing a program and a AVA P I A N O I N S T R U C T O R , nected with the Decorah Repub­ cent’s hospital. Christmas tree will be there in lican, of Decorah, Iowa, serving Phone or call a t The B azaar, E stacada. There is to be a program and all its glory, loaded with good continuously under three gener­ E. GATES, tree at the school house, Friday things for the little folks. So ations of editors of one family. J F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R night, December 23rd. bring the children and enjoy it Early in life he affiliated with and E m balm er. N ig h t and Day Tele phone. Lady A ssistant. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whiteis with them at the chuich on Fri­ the I. O. O. F. and became an and baby of Molalla, are visiting day eyening, December 23rd. enthusiastic member for forty- D EBY, at the S. Lankins’ home. Mr. and Mrs. William Hart­ seven years. He was a Past A TT O R N EY AT LAW. Frank Bittner of Bull Run was man were week end guests of Noble Grand of his lodge and a G eneral Practice. Confidential A d­ viser. O regon City. Oregon. a visitor at the parental home, Mr. Hartman’s mother, Mrs. C. holder of the forty year jewel. V. Sandstone. They have bought He also was a member of the last Friday and Saturday. TVAcGUIRK & SC H N E ID E R , the Stevens restaurant in Ash­ Rebekah and Modern Woodmen AVA ATTORNEYS a t l a w . show s a gain of 201 In th e num ber of land, where they will make their orders. A t G resham office—Tuesdays, Thurs children of school age w ithin th e dis­ DODGE SPR IN G W A TER N E W S days ana S atu rd ay s, 203-5, W ithrow tr ic t d u rin g the last year. home. About three years ago he came building. Portland office, 609-15, Fen Only a few attended the Mis­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and The sta te irrig a tio n secu rities com­ west with his wife, as nearly all ton building. family spent Sunday at the E. Mr. Dillinger has recently con­ society meeting last m ission has certified to $75,000 of th e sionary Jochimsen home. tracted with the Portland Seed of his children were there. He A U L C. F IS C H E R . bonds au thorized by the Ochoco irrig a ­ Wednesday. Lets hope there’s joined the NEWS force Decem­ A TT O R N EY AT LAW. tio n d is tric t in Crook coijnty. ' a larger attendance next meet­ Rosa B. Xen Eyck spent the Company for one hundred thous­ ber a year ago. The editor can­ Bonds of the M ultnom ah county Beaver building, O regon C ity. O regon. week < nd in Portland shopping and strawberry plants. Inspector ing. d rain ag e d istric t, in th e am o u n t of Stansbury passed on the plants not express what a help George and visiting with her sisters. t x t - o o d l e r e a l t y CO. T. P. McAuley made a busi­ $100,000, were certified by th e sta te as O. C. Plants that are not in­ Hislop was to him, and what a ** Successor to S. E. W ooster. W. T. Kaake and Clarence ness trip to Astoria on Thursday irrig a tio n secu rities comm ission. fected are at a premium, and if conscientious and faithful work­ Buys M ortgages, R en ts your p ro p erty , R. A. K lein, se c re ta ry of th e sta te of last week, returning home Jubb made a trip to Portland W rites Insurance in th e very b e st com­ growers do not get busy straw­ man he was. From first to last Saturday. p anies—he can g e t you resu lts. E sta ­ highw ay com m ission, h as gone to Saturday. berries will be a thing of the their association was most pleas­ O m aha, w here he will a tte n d a con­ cada, O regon. A very enjoyable evening was past. Rev. and Mrs, Weir and son ant, and the attractive typo­ vention of sta te highw ay officials. A church parsonage Is not exem pt and Mr. McAuley motored to spent by the people of Dodge at J. W. Botkin has the promise graphical appearance of the pa­ the reopening of the hall last of a very fine crop of broccoli. per was entirely due to him. from tax atio n u n d er th e Oregon sta ­ Oregon City Tuesday. FIRE INSURANCE. tutes, according to a legal opinion giv­ Saturday. About seventy as­ He has about three thousand The funeral services took place The Neighborly club has been en by A ttorney-G eneral Van W inkle. sembled to witness the basket­ plants in the very best of condi­ today from the Holman under­ postponed indefinately, as it was London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. C harles A. Adam s of O ntario w as ball game between the newly tion. Mr. Botkin says he is find­ taking parlors in Portland, at killed n ear P ayette, Idaho, w hen an to have met with Mrs. Grable, formed team and the married Keep your policy in our F ire autom obile In w hich he was a passen­ who is still in Portland and Mr. ing out that broccoli flourishes 2:30, with interment in the Rose P roof V ault, tre e of ch arg e. men. After the game the chil­ ger w ent over a 15-foot em bankm ent. Grable is still confined to his as well here as any place in City Park cemetery. Besides his dren played games and romped Oregon. Jo h n W. H ow ard, O regon pioneer wife, he leaves three daughters, bed. H. C. S T E P H E N S and a re sid e n t of C oburg fo r m any for an hour or two. The rest of Mrs. Inez Greenleaf of Portland, At Grange meeting last Sat­ years, dropped dead a t his hom e In the evening was taken up by Congratulations and Mesdames James Simms and A gent . th a t city from apoplexy la s t S a tu r­ urday, election of officers was dancing, a great deal of fun be­ day. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Morton of O. E. Syren of Estacada; three held. ing experienced by the dancing T h e value of E ugene p ro p erty Is $8,- Portland, visited the former’s sons, one of whom lives in Iowa, of the old time quadrilles. 389,200, and th a t of L ane county $34,- mother, Mrs. W. J. Moore, here one in San Francisco and one in Additional Brevities 786,997. E ugene’s tax levy w ill be Christmas is Coming | 53.3 Saturday and Sunday. They are Portland. All his children were m ills as a g a in st 52.2 m ills last BARTON ITEMS Mesdames Viola Douglass and still in the first half of their present at the funeral with the year. , Stamp Goods, C. F. Howe were Portland visi­ The mock trial- was called off honeymoon as they were mar­ exception of the son in the east. Tw enty-six stu d e n ts w ill receive d i­ Dolls, Toys, etc. plom as from th e S tate N orm al school tors yesterday. because the judges could not ried December 2nd, at the rec­ A large delegation of the Estaca­ a t th e g rad u atin g exercises to be held Preparations are being made find any complaint on which to tory of Trinity Church, Portland, da I. O. O. F. lodge attended to Mail Box for Santa a t th e close of th e firs t term , Decem ­ to finish the front of the Reed arrest the party. They sum­ by Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, the show their respect and esteem for is Now Ready! J ber 16. garage, moned another but he was sick rector. Mrs. Bob Morton was him. The deep sympathy of all The dairym en of Crook county have Bring kiddies to see. Shop $ begun holding re g u la r m onthly m eet­ formerly Miss Marguerite Wyck- who knew him goes out to his Mrs. G. H. Lichthorn is re- and did not appear for trial. early at ings at which they may get to g eth er proted as improving at St. Vin­ Mrs. Addie Battie is suffering off, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bereaved family. May he rest in peace and enjoy the reward on th e v arious problem s w hich con­ cent hospital. with a very bad case of poison A. C. Wyckoff of Portland. fro n t them . of a life of work well done and The N ews is pleased to an­ oak, but is some better at latest After the ceremony they went The official d irecto ry of th e schools of honesty and integrity of char­ to Seattle to see the football of Oregon, w hich Is issued annu ally nounce that the young daughter reports. acter. by J. A. C hurchill, sta te su p e rin te n d ­ of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gates, C. E. Loney took two dressed match between Pen n s y 1 v a n i a ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ +■ + + + + + + e n t of schools, Is being d istrib u ted who has been seriously ill with logs to Portland market Monday State college and the U of Wash­ Grange Election from his office. ington. Mr. Morton is an inti­ * pneumonia, is now improving. for George Forman. W. Poorm an, fo r th e laRt four y ears Springwater Grange No. 263, ♦ The entertainment given Mon­ There is to be a Christmas tree mate friend of Hugo Bezdek, at their last meeting elected the a d ju ta n t of th e old soldiers' hom e at the coach of the visiting team, * R oseburg, has been appointed chief day night at the High School au­ and program in the hall Friday and former football coach at the following officers to serve for ♦ clerk In the office of th e se c re ta ry of ditorium by the DeMarco Ais- night the 23rd. the year 1922: Master, I), S. U of O. the s ta te board of control. , trup entertainers was well at­ ♦ to the City to shop for Our community merchant, H. They will continue to live in Tenny; Overseer, S. M. Forbes; W ith livestock, poultry, fru it and tended and proved, in the opin­ J, Hamlet, and Alvin Johnson Portland, where Mr. Morton has Secretary, Mrs. Christie McAu­ ♦ the Holidays? in d u stria l exhibits q u artered In th ree buildings in d ifferen t p a rts of th e city, ion of many, the best of the Ly­ attended the wrestling match be- a position with the G. E. Miller ley; Lecturer, Mrs, Nettie Gra- ♦ th e second ann u al w in ter fa ir' held ceum course so far. The next I tween Oscar Butler and the Can­ bond house. Their many friends bel; Steward, Clarence Hull; As­ ♦ We Can a four-day show a t Ashland. number will be The Bell Ringing ada light weight Thursday night. wish them joy and happiness. sistant Steward, Everett Shibley; ♦ The O regon suprem e c o u rt In an Male Quartet, on January 18. Chaplain, Mrs. Belle Mo g e r ; Save You Till Forman is the latest on the opinion w ritte n by Ju stic e McBride, ♦ Among those who took the Treasurer, Ed. Closncr; G a t e Many cases have been saved sick list, but is improving. has upheld th e legality of th e pro­ ♦ Money first car to Portland last Satur­ Keeper, Gilbert Shearer; Ceres, ceedings a tte n d in g th e organization from an operation by Osteopath­ Nearly all the school children ♦ day morning to see Santa Claus, Mrs. Amanda Closner; Flora, of th e Owyhee irrig atio n district. ic care. See Dr. Rhodes before who were absent last week, are ♦ At least one additio n al salm on can­ submitting to an operation. 12-15 were Mrs. C. J. Pimm and chil­ Mrs. Ethel Howell; Pomona, back again now. ♦ nery will be packing fish on th e Co­ dren, Mrs. Mae Reed, Mrs. S. Mrs. Jessie Forbes; Lady Assist­ Complications following acute ♦ lum bia riv e r a t A storia d u rin g th e Lovelace and children, Miss Bes­ ant Steward, Elva Shibley. Attention com ing season. I t w ill be operated contagious and infectious cases, ♦ sie Wallace and little Hugh Wal­ by th e C olum bia Salm on C anners, Inc. rarely occur where patient has There’s a time and place for j lace. Mrs. C. F. Howe, Miss From all indications there will The Store Most of th e m ain a rte rie s of trav el ♦ had osteopathic treatment. 12-15 everything, they say. This ap-1 Leila Howe and Mrs. N. B. be a green Christmas. It is to In easte rn and c en tral O regon are plies to great and small, for Dec. Ecker. again open to trav el, although th ere be hoped that the old saying con­ Christmas Dance 17 is the day and the place is the ■ a re still a nu m b er of roads b arre d to cerning the unheaithiness of such The United Artisans will give I. O. O. F. ball. Christian Ladies th e m o to rists because of snow and You have your auto overhauled a Christmas won’t prove true in a dance December 24, Christmas Bazaar and hot lunch at noon. slides^ . by an expert mechanic, why not this case. The excessive rain Osteopathic care during preg­ Eve, at the Estacada park pa­ give your body the same care will wash the air and soil of im­ Do you suffer with headache?! nancy and confinement, has done vilion, Everybody welcome. and attention? Consult Dr. W. purities, so there ¡3 no reason to I Osteopathic treatment by remov- j more to relieve womankind than W. Rhodes, Osteopathic physi-1 worry. ; ing the cause effects a perman­ Grange Social any other method now in use. cian and surgeon. 12-15tf Consult an osteopath for fu rth er1 The Garfield Grange, No. 317, ent cuie. Consult Dr. Rhodes, Let Hauser cook your Christ­ Hotel Estacada, Monday, Wed-: Let Hauser cook your Roast mas Chicken or Turkey.’ 12-15 information.__________ 12-15tf will entertain its members and , nesday and Friday, 12:30 to 4:30 for Christmas. Hauser konws FOR SALE—At sacrifice, one friends at a hard times social, on p. m. 12-15tf how. 12-15 For Glass and Glazing See of Estacada's Modern Bunga­ Saturday night, December 17, in Pointer, the painter. 12-8 tf lows. Terms. $500 cash, bal­ the grange hall. A good time is Hauser will make you any! Yes, I sell Paint, Wall Paper ance in small monthly install­ Subscribe for your home paper assured to all, and a hard times kind of Cake or Pie for Christ­ and Glass. —Pointer, the Painter, ments. mas. 11-15 j the E astern C lackamas N ews , 12-8 til iWoodle Realty Co., Estacada. ( lunch will be served. p r o f e s s io n a l c a r d s . VETERAN PRINTER PASSES OVER W edding Bells The marriage of Miss Augusta j Githens, daughter of Mr. ant Mrs. Henry Githens of Eagle ! Creek, and Mr. Hugh Carlin of Principal Events of the Week Eagle Creek, was solemnized Wednesday, December 7th, 1921. Briefly Sketched for Infor­ i The bride and groom left for mation of Our Readers. Seattle on a brief trip, after which they returned to their O regon has 105 A m erican Legion home at Eagle Creek, which posts and a m em bership well over 11,- they found beautifully decorated 000 paid up. with chrysanthemums, Oregon A three-day session of th e O regon grape and wedding bells and a Irrig atio n congress will be held In P en­ surprise turkey dinner awaiting dleton, beginning D ecem ber 15. The Hood R iver C anning com pany Is them. Those present at the din­ now o p eratin g at full capacity, packing ner were, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Car­ lin, George Carlin. Miss Eng­ Spltzenberg and Newtown apples. In connection w ith n ational health land, Miss Emma Fitzgerald and week, a h ealth crusade has been in­ John Dugan all of Portland, Mr. augurated in th e B oardm an schools. and Mrs. William Githens of Ore­ W ith V. A. Sm ith, engineer, a t the th ro ttle , th e first tra in from P o rtlan d gon City, Mr. Tunell of Currins- to arriv e In 18 days pulled Into Bend ville Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gith­ Friday. ens, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gith­ Of 136 jobless men and women who ens of Eagle Creek. Later in reg istered a t th e Eugene em ploym ent the evening the bridal couple office durin g th e p a st w eek, only 43 were serenaded with dynamite, w ere given work. old shoes, cow bells and rice. T he O regon farm bureau h as com­ pleted plans fo r the p u ttin g o u t of a The bride is a very popular sta te p aper tw ice a m onth, w hich will young lady, who has resided at be sen t free to m em bers. Eagle Creek since early child­ A to ta l of 765 a cres of hay land in hood1. The groom formerly re­ D eschutes county has a lread y been signed up for th e Oregon C o-operative sided in Moline, Illinois, and is a very prosperous young man of H ay G row ers’ association. The school census for R oseburg sterling qualities. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST P THE BAZAAR,! Why Go : Rexall ---------------- i — i ■■