EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1921 was a good attendance and every •'.vn:' + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * + + * + + * ♦ BARTON ITEMS one enjoyed Mr. Stollard’s talk As road master George Forman Confectionery, Phonographs, * ♦ very much. was returning home Friday evening from Estacada about The young men of this district 8:30, with medicine for a sick have been working hard and ♦ child, a car came in sight on earnestly this last week or two. when you want it. Clean and in­ * fixing up the hall for their bas­ this side of Eagle Creek and be­ stantaneous. And the cost is less ♦ L iGHT L u n c h e s , gan chase, but Mr. Forman did ket ball games. The hall is now than 2 cents per hour. ♦ not pay any attention to it, as entirely ceiled and presents a ESTACADA, OREGON. ♦ he thought if they cared to drive very pleasing appearance inside. ' Cozy warmth for cold comers on cold ♦ faster than he, they were wel­ The boys say they intend to ! days. In the bathroom, bedroom, sewing ♦ come. Mr. Forman gave warn­ light it with gas lamps and ac­ Cigars and Tobaccco, International Clothes, + room, office—anywhere. ing that he was going to stop cordingly have torn out the old j + + + + + + + * + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + We have all types and sizes of electric and slowed down to turn in at amp brackets and guards. This j the gate which he had left open also improves the looks of the heaters at right prices. on leaving. The car following building. We hope the older Only $35.00 installs an Electric did not slow down to pass but people of our community will Range in your home, ready for use; came up on the right hand side lend a hand and help tbe boys to further their ambitions to be­ the balance on easy terms. of the road to pass and was clear off the gravel on the dirt road. come a good basket ball team. As Mr. Forman was turning to This form of pleasure, when RAILWAY, LIGHT go through the gate, the cars properly treated, is a great help & POWER CO’ Y, came together with a crash. in making a boy into a manly man. Here’s wishing you boys The car following was going 30x3 Re vere $10.29 E L E C T R IC S T O R E about 35 miles. If they had not the best of luck and good com­ 30x3 Goodrich Electric Bldg., Bet. Sixth and Broadway. turned off and come in the lane, radeship. 9.85 the car no doubt would have 30x3 Miller . 9.80 [r. ■ driven through Mr. Forman’s «iV«ftira»tiasa car, as it stood across in « i l i M 111 SILI 11!. their path. It ran about 50 feet down the lane before it could be stopped. The driver was a HEMSTITCHING 7c. IDEAL prominent Portland business SHOP. 717 Broadway building, man and could not tell why he Portland, Ore. 11-24-12-22 went on the wrong side in trying HEMSTITCHING by M i s s to pass, but said the brake was Mabel Wilcox. The Lichthorn defective. Two bent mud shields residence, Zobrist St. 12-8 tf BEEF CATTLE, resulted from the accident. FOR SALE — Italian Prune There is quite a little sickness Trees 1 year old. Height 4 to 5J4 V E A L A N D HOGS, in Barton at present. Victor feet, 16c; 6 to 8 feet, 25c. J. J. Dressed or Live, Bought Forman, Hazel Boss, Martha Marehbank. ll-17-12-8tf See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles, Relishes, Catsups, Whitehead, Dorothy Wilson and FOR SALE—Young h o r s e , Cheese, Butter, Milk, and Salt and Smoked Fish. Ruth and Irene Rivers are all saddle and light work, weight confined to their beds. about 960 pounds. Also good Buy a Quarter of Beef for Canning. 10c and 12c Per Pound. saddle. Price for both $50.00. There will be a mock trial in 12-3-22 O. D. Bowman, Rl. 1. the school house Friday night, at WORK WANTED-by High 8:30, as part of the program. & School Girl, after school, even­ Joseph Pesznecker and Miss ings and Saturdays. Apply at Estacada Oregon Margaret Smith were dinner the N ews office. i2-l-8 i c> .•v-x-x-^Xi-x-iM -fr-x-x-x-x-ix-x* guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. SPECIAL — Grocers Mixed Forman Sunday, and supper Candy 12j4c per pound. 4-pound guests of Mr. Pesznecker’s par­ box Assorted Chocolates in Xmas NEW RACKET STORE. 53480200024853534853010201010100010511110002000204050002020002020002020200020202020200000202022353000202000210020 ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Pesz­ boxes, $1.65. Plain mixed 15c per pound. I have plenty of this We wish to announce to the necker, of Estacada. candy, arid is just thing for your public, that we are opening up a Xmas trees. R. G. Marehbank. Racket Store in the Hunt build­ ing, and invite you to give us a VIOLA FOR SALE- High production At a reception held at the home bred Barred Plymouth Rock share of your trade. Do you realize how Cheap you can have your Car Repaired? of Mr. and Mrs. John Randolph cockerels from hens that laid 200 Motto, Golden Rule. for the newly weds, Mr. and eggs and over. These birds Compare these prices with prices one year ago. Labor prices are also Mrs. Thomas Jubb, over fifty- were sired by grandson^rf a 303 W. ROY WAY. 25 per cent less. eight people were present. After egg hen. $5.00 and up. S. N. Kilgore, Rt. 3. 12-8-15 playing games and music refrsh- The Best Christmas Gift == Nov. 1921 Prices N o v. 1920 Prices ments were served, when all FOR SALE- 3 Registered Can you remember that Christmas went home at a late hour after Short-Horns—1 bull, will be two when you first received The Youth’s Motor Overhaul . . $25.00 $31.25 Companion among your Christmas pres­ spending a very pleasant even­ years old February 10, weighed ents? Motor Blocks......................................$25.00 You can prehaps recall the ti­ $30.00 970 pounds when one year old; ing. of some ot the serial stories in T o p s ............................................25.00 1 cow due to calve January 23; 1 tles 44.00 those early numbers, and you can well Ben Clark left for Walla Walla, heifer, bred October 10th. These remember how everyone in the family Connection Rods................................. 1.50 2.50 Washingto, last Friday to join two are bred to registered bull. wanted to read your paper. Crankshafts............!.......................... 10.00 15.00 go with the three head, To-day The Companion makes the his family. We regret losing Papers Fenders................................................. 3.75 6.00 for $200. This is a bargain for ideal Christmas present. No family, especially one with growing boys and such good neighbors. Hoods......................................................5.00 anyone wanting Short-Horn cat­ girls, 8.00 should be without the tried and Messrs. Ed. Miller, Ray Miller tle. Don’t need money, will trim Youth’s Companion—the friend Radiators . . . . 20.00 30.00 and entertainer of hosts of people, old and Ben Clark each sold a Guern­ take good note. W. P. Ferrel, and Rear Springs........................................... 8.50 12 .0 0 young. Barton, Oregon. 12-1-8. sey cow to Mrs. Hughes, who is Front Springs ........................................ 2.75 The Companion is true to the best 4.00 American ideals of life, giving every shipping a carload to California. Master Gear........................................... 3.00 5.00 week a generous supply of the best Pinion........................................................ 1.25 The road budget was adopted stories, current events, comments on 3.00 the world's doings, with special pages Corvallis, Ore., Dec. 26-31,1921. A xles...................................................... 1.6O and 10 mills voted at the deletion 3.00 for Boys, for Girls and for the Family* Timer..........................................................60 held at the school house here. 1.30 The 52 issues of 1922 will be crowned Timer Wire.................................................65 There was much discussion and WINTER SHORT COURSES with serial stories, short stories, editor­ 1.10 Put Science into Farm Practice Generator ............................................. 16.00 ials, poetry, facts and fun. Subscribe the meeting was a warm one. 22.00 Fruit and V»$;etaHe Courts ..... Dec 3- 17. '21 now and receive: S ta rte r...................... 16.00 Joel Lacroy was elected road Tractors 22.00 Mechanic« Comae J a n : Mar. 18. 12 Jan. 2 -M a r. 18. '2 2 1. The Youth’s Companion—52 issues Dairy Manulacturer Course supervisor. Ford Battery . . . 25:00 42.00 A p ic u ltu re Comae ............. Jan. 2- Mar. 1 0 '22 in 1922. Dairy H erdsm en's Course.. . Jan. 2 -J u n e l 8. '2 2 Mr. and Mrs. Therom Olson Crain Gradine Course ....... ... Jan. 9 -2 1 . '22 2. All thh remaining issues of 1921. Beekeeping Course ............ Jan. J O -F e K 25. 22 All Ford Work Guaranteed. The Companion ilome Calendar for Visited Mr. Therom’s aunt, Mrs. Homemakeis Conference . Mar. 2 0 -2 5 . 22 3. 1922. All for $2.50, J. Randolph, last Saturday ami Oregon Agricultural College. 4. Or include McCall's Magazine, the Sunday. Full information on any course by monthly authority on fashions. w riting TU K REGISTRAR, O. A. C.. Services were held in Viola Corvallis, Both publications, only $3.00. Oregon. Successors to church last Sunday by the Rev. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, - Young of Garfield. There will Commonwealth Ave. f-. St. Paul St., Estacada, RAKER & SON Oregon Boston. Mass. be preaching in the church every New subscriptions *receiveil at the two weeks at 11 A. M. WARMTH R. G. M A R C H B A N K , NEW TIRE PRICES PORTLAND Now Effective. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. Seasonable Suggestions : AUTO TOP DRESSING, KLEER GLASS, AUTO BODY POLISH. The Reed Auto M. J. KERKES Co. ESTACADA, OREGON. ATTENTION, TORD OW NER! F A R M E R 'S W EEK CRAWFORD BROS. MOTOR CO. The Family Theatre DODGE David Horner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and family nnd Rosa B. Ten Eyck took dinner THURSDAY, DEC. 15 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hedg­ es. The W. T. Kaake family and Mabel Keller spent Saturday in IN Portland doing Christmas shop­ ping. “ T H E HOODLUM ” Mr. nnd ¿Mrs. Reichley and GOOD COMEDY family spent Sunday at the E. Jochimsen home. SATURDAY and SUNDAY, Dec. 17-18 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marrs and family are now settled in their SINS OF R 0 ZAN N E new home. AND A A very interesting Community club meeting was held at the MACK SENNETT school house on Saturday even­ ing. The main feature of the COMEDY evening was a talk on the Non Partisan League, by Mr. Stol- A. E. SPARKS, M an ag e r. laru. the state organizer. There It Illlilillllll NEWS office. ¡lilllillllllllllillllllllillf Mary Pickford Implements T p a jnt OYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS AMERICAN MADE TOYS UNIVERSAL p er c o la to r s SEA ISLAND CHINA, Hand Made Something for everybody in the family-You don’t have to go to Portland for your Christmas Toys. SMITH HARDWARE STORE, ESTACADA.