EASTERN With Anticipatory Joys. LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS I I LMS CLACKAM AS NEW S, TH UR SDA Y “FRIEND MEETS WITH FRIEND” O f T h a t S p irit Is Born the H o sp ita lity W h ic h Sh ou ld Go W ith T h a n ks- giv in g Day. R ichest of all th e sp irits of Thanks giving day is the sp irit of friendly hospitality. Preach about prosperity and millions all you like, hut certain | it is th a t a man and woman without real old-fashloued friends is poverty stricken. Money will not buy friends. It does ] a ttra c t beggars and parasites. Only 1 the sincere, honest h eart m akes friends who will stand by one In the hour of I need, and warm one to hope and cour age In th e lime of trouble. They may | not have a penny to th e ir names, hut they liuve the richer treasu re—friend­ ship. And now, when you a re thinking of T hanksgiving day, rem em ber the old friends, those who live alone, whose fam ilies are gone. The turkey may lie too high priced, but a table spread in the sp irit of a feast will have m er­ rim ent and Joy and turkey will not he missed. Thanksgiving day is here. Let us try to revive its sp irit and hospltnl- Ity and come together to cherish the flowers of friendship. Many there are whose souls are dying In these days of unrest. T here tire no neighbors to tu rn to, few friendly congregations w here everyone shares the Joys and sorrows of all. T he fires on th e altnr m ust he lighted afresh. W hatever the task, let us do o ur p a rts gallantly, and forget not acquaintances who ore struggling ngaltist the cu rren t and who have seen b etter days. Then th e T hanksgiving day will he a reality and a tru e festival in our broad Innd of America, w here with freedom w e nre striving to m aintain the blessings of ponce nnd equal op­ p o rtunities for nil. F. E. Burns was in Portland Saturday. Mrs. W. F. Cary was in Port land last Friday. Mrs. M. J. Kerkes, went to Portland, last Friday. Postmaster Heylman was Sunday visitor in Portland. Mrs. Mae Reed was in Port land, Saturday, on business. Fred Adlon came home from Portland, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Harry B. Snyder spent the day in Portland Thursday. Mrs. J. E. Gates was an Esta- cada visitor in Portland last Fri­ day. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagner $ W e ste rn N ew sp ap er U nion • went last week to visit relatives H ere we have a proud little m iss at Tidewater, Oregon. w ith the T h a n k s g iv in g d inner in her Ray Lovelace went to Eugene arms. the latter part of last week, for a few day’s stay at the Univers HAPPINESS MUST BE SHARED ity. T h a n k ig iv in g the M o st A p p ro p ria te of John Duus came down from A ll T im e s to Rem em ber the P oor and U nfortunate. Portland to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C It is one of the law s of life th a t we Duus. cannot tru ly enjoy anything from Miss Nell Richmond of Port­ which our b ro th er is excluded. We do not know how much of this sharing Is land, spent the week-end here going on. Hut th is T hanksgiving as with her sister, Mrs. Burt we g a th er about our board to enjoy one of th e descendants of those 40- Have you tried osteopathic Moore. pound “turkies, which sallied gaily treatment for those chronic con­ John Osborn and T. J. Reagan past the doares" it w ill w arm our ditions ? Consult Dr. Rhodes at h earts to rem em ber only this one in­ were among those who went to stance which will he taking place, Hotel Estacada. 9-8tf Milwaukie Friday night, to see as usual, th is year. T he scene of it the boxing match. Is in a fam ous stre e t In the h e a rt of Pointer, the painter, puts in P. S. Stamp is building a very New Y ork's underw orld. O utside the glass. See him for your windows g reat building early in the forenoon neat six-room bungalow on his the line begins to form until by mid­ as cool weather will soon be here. lots on the old Wilton place day it is thousands long, and when the 52tf loors a re finally throw n open, each northeast of town. man tnkes Ills tra y and is served We do Job Printing. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Twining of with ro ast turkey, m ashed potato, Portland, were the house guests cran b erry snuce and mince pie and The Best Christmas Gift ■offee in exchange fo r a n ic k e l! The of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks down and outer, th e victim of adver­ Can you rem em ber th a t C hristm as last Wednesday and Thursday. sity—w hoever comes—is fed. The when you first received The Y o u th ’s The students from Estacada room, big as it is, will not accommo­ d ate them all, but one crowd rapidly and yicinitv who are attending gives place to another, and so all are those early num bers, and you can well college at the U. of Oregon, 0. tnken care of. 'This happens every rem em ber how everyone in the fam ily year because th ere Is one man of w anted to read your paper. A. C., or elsewhere, will be w ealth w hose h e a rt is filled w ith To-day The Companion m akes the home for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. Tills is only one In­ ideal C hristm as p resen t. No fam ily, Whiie the water was the high­ stance. You will know of others. So especially one w ith grow ing boys and us all rejoice and give thanks for girls, should be w ithout th e tri >d and est last Sunday, Herman Wal­ let tru e Y outh’s Com panion—the friend the sp irit which Is w ithin us. and e n te rta in e r of hosts of people, old lace got out his small skiff and siyneu m a ynow er to m p a c t and young. enjoyed a boat ride on one of The forty-one mnle passengers, The Companion is tru e to th e best heads of fam ilies, who signed the the main streets of Estacada. A m erican ideals of life, giving every compnct on the Mayflower w e re : John week a generous supply of the best The proud gobbler spread his C arver, W illiam B radford. K dward stories, c u rre n t events, com m ents on tail feathers and strutted grand­ W inslow, W illiam B rew ster, Isaac Al- the w orld’s doings, w ith special pages John A ilerton. Myles Standish, for Boys, for Girls and fo r the Family* iosely around the barn yard, ierton, The 52 issues of 1922 will be crowned John Aiden, Samuel Fullot* C hristo­ while the phonograph at the pher M artin, William Mullins, W illiam with serial stories, sh o rt stories, ed ito r­ house played, “They are after W hite, ltieh n rd W arren. John How­ ials, p oetry, fa c ts and fun. Subscribe land, Stephen H opkins, E dw ard Tilly, now and receive: me. f t John 'Tilly, F ran cis Cook, T hom as o u th ’s Com panion—52 issues Thomas Morton visited Port­ Rogers. Thom as Tinker. John Bldg- 1. The in Y 1922. land in the interests of his store .lale, E dw ard Fuller, John T urner, 2. All th h rem aining issues of 1921. F rancis Eaton. Jam es Chilton, John last Thursday. New goods are Crackston, John Biliington, Moses 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1922. All for $2.50, constantly arriving and there are F letcher, John Goodman, D egary many pretty things for the holi­ P riest. Thom as W illiams, G ilbert 4. O r include McCall’s M agazine, the m onthly au th o rity on fashions. Winslow, E dw ard M argeson, P eter day trade. Brown, R ichard R ritterlge, George Both publications, only $3.00. We hope all our readers will Soule. R ichard Soule. Richard Clark, T H E Y O U T H ’S COM PANION, R ichard G ardiner. IThnmns E nglish, enjoy a very pleasant Thanks­ Edw C om m onwealth Ave. f t S t. Paul S t., ard Dotey and Edw ard I.elster. Boston, Mass. giving, with hearty appetites W ith th e passengers ennie also fifteen and good digestions for the good mnle servants. They bore the nam es New subscriptions received at the of C arter, Coper. Ely, Ilolheck. Hooke, N EW S office. things with which the festal Langmore, L atham . M lnter. Moore, board is spread. Prow er. Sampson, Story, Thompson, Mrs. A. G. Ames was in Port­ T revore and W ilder. land again Tuesday, to see the We wish to announce to the Dr. W. W. Rhodes, osteopathic public, specialist in regard to her eye. that we are opening up a She has been suffering with an physician, located at Hotel Esta­ Racket Store in the Hunt build­ abscess in her eye, caused from cada, on Mondays, Wednesdays ing, and invite you to give us a infection. Although somewhat and Fridays, from 8:30 to 4 p. m. share of your trade. ____ _ 9-8tf improved, it is still very painful. Motto, Golden Rule. Keep warm by a No. 7 Majes­ The 8:52 a. m. train, Sunday, was more than half an hour late tic Electric Heater, price $9.00 at the Reed Auto Co. 10-27tf on starting to Portland, and it was stalled so frequently on the way, owing to ice on the over­ head lines, that it did not reach the city till nearly noon. It then started right back arriving at IS W IT H US. Estacada at 3:30 p. m. “ Eat the fat and drink the We are thankful for yout patronage, and hope to so con­ sweet, and send portions unto duct our business that we shall merit a continuance of them for whom nothing is pre your confidence. pared,” is the scriptural admo­ nition for keeping a thanksgiv­ ing occasion. For the last clause as everyone round here will have a sufficiency, it might be well to substitute, “send a contribution to the Red Cross.” There was a reception at the 5-pound pall White Penick Syrup................................ 40c M. E. parsonage, last Friday 5 pound pail Golden Penick Svrup....... ......................... 35c evening, in honor of the new 10-pound pail Pure Lard................................................$1.65 pastor and his wife. Owing to the inclement weather and it not being generally known, there were only a few who attended. But a very pleasant social time U . S. M O R G A N . W . H. KANDLE. was spent, ending up with de* lightful light refreshments. NOV 24. 1921. Auto intoxication, constipation, stomach disorders yield readily to my method of treatment. Free consultation. Dr. Rhodes, Osteopath, Hotel Estacada, Mon­ days, Wednesdays and Fridays. 8:30 to 4 p.m. 9-8tf : I How’s This? We offer One Hiimlretl D o llars R e w a rd for a n y case of C a t a r r h t h a t c a n n o t be cu red by H a l l 's C a ta r r h Medicine. H a l l 's C a t a r r h Mediclna h a s been t a k e n by c a t a r r h su ffere rs fo r^ th c p a s t th i rt y - I five years, a n d h a s become kn o w n as the m o st reliable rem edy for C a ta r r h . H all's C a t a r r h Medicine a c t s th r u th e Blood on j t h e Mucou s su rfaces, expelling: th e P o i­ son fro m th e Blood a n d h e a lin g th e d is­ ea sed portions. A f te r you h a v e t a k e n H a l l ’s C a ta r r h Medicine for a s h o r t time you will sc© a g r e a t im p ro v e m e n t in y o u r general h ealth. S t a r t t a k i n g H all's C a t a r r h M edi­ cine a t once a n d get rid of c a t a r r h . Send for tes tim on ials, free. F. J. C H E N E Y & CO., Toledo, Ohio. • o l d by all D ru g g ists, 75c. : THE PACIFIC STATES ; : FIRE INSURANCE CO. : I { , I v r i The Progressive American Shoe Shop SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. M eets every S aturday evening in 2 I heir lodge room, vom er of Bioml- 4 H arness R epniied. Shoe lace» reti upe. * way and Third stre e ts. V isiting C t ustom prices. E v ery th in g for Shoe . brothers are alw ays welcome. 4 B. H. JOHNSON. H . L. M c K e n n e y , N. G. * J . C. H a y m a n , S ecretary , 2 ESTACADA, P. O. Box 44 OREGON ■XT I A HEARTY THANKSGIVING TO YOU ALL! I have a few lines to close oul to make room for my NEW GOODS that arc arriving everyday. They con­ sist of Gallon Cans of Peaches, Apricots, Loganberries and Pineapples, WHILE THEY LAST, AT COST. Cups and Saucers at Less than Cost, Some Glassware at One-half Price is your Home Company. See us regardii g your property, In su re] your I am going to get, rid of these goods, so come early if you want anything in that line. AUTOMOBILE Yours for Lower Prices at —Against— FIRE, THEFT or COLLISION THE SQUARE DEAL GROCERY H. L. M c K E N N E Y . r ,m a .n « M ii.i..i 1 J. W. Reed Estate ESTACADA, ORE. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + + + * ♦ ♦ MOTOR OILS! N o tic e ! For your convenience we have arranged with the Baggage Department in Portland, to be able to check your baggage at home. We issue claim checks here. All you have to do is lo present it at Union Depot for destination check. Portland, Estacada Transportation Co. “MONOMBILE” for your Car or Truck, Eastern Par­ affin Base, now on tap at our shop. “MOTOR B” and “MONOLINE,” sold and guaranteed to be the best oil refined for Tractor use. Ask for prices. We Prove to Horses, Men and Mules, that there is something more than superstition in the good luck idea connected with horseshoes, as we are using the longest wearing shoes and longest holding non-breaking nails on the American market. One door north of Meat Market. Portland Address 143 Front Street. “ You Win” is our Motto.” Why Shouldn’t You? J. Fred C. Bartholomew, G. M. Lawrence. V. B A R R & S O N , B L A C K S M IT H S . OUR BUSINESS IS PICKINCJUP -r., - NEW RACKET STORE. W. ROY WAY. The Thanksgiving Spirit Our Line of Feeds is Complete THE RAIN WONT BOTHER YOU if you are wearing Our Rain Clothes— Boots, Overshoes, and other Rain-proof Apparel. We have styles and sizes for the whole family. : : : Men’s Women’s and Children’s Shoes AT PRICES THAT WE GUARANTEE CANNOT BE BEATEN. ALUMINUMIVARE AT REDUCED PRICES: Double Boilers, Percolators, Sauce Pans, • Roasters, IDEAL FOR GIFTS. BEFORF PURCHASING YOUR XMAS CANDIES SE E US. W e will make i his H EA D Q U A R TER S for CHRISTM A S M IX hD CANDIES a ad N U TS, at arices unheard of before. Watch for our Window Display SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Estacada Feed Co. JOIN THE CROWD AT The People’s Store H. B. SN Y C E R , \ C. E. KILGORE. Vhere the Motto Is Service.