Ecustmt (Ülarkamas nm D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County V olume 15, E stacada , O regon , T hursday , N ovember 17,1921. N umber 9 ■■■ ■" ■ OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T ' j r . r . g r a h a m M c C a l l ■ ^ P H Y S IC IA N a n d SU R G E O N . Hour s: 8 30 a. ir. to 12 m, and 1 to 5 p. m. Sunday by appointment Oregon. Estacada, Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor­ mation of Our Readers. ■put. C. M. NAFF, Successor to Dr. L. A. Wells D E N T IST . Estacada, Oregon. p \ R . R. MORSE, P H Y S IC IA N a n d S U R G E O N . Office and Residence Second and Main streets, Estacada, Oregon. Telephone connections. RS. R. GRAHAM McCALL, P IP E O R G A N AND P IA N O . Graduate Chicago Musical College. 10 years Teaching Experience. Estacada, Oregon. M lX/TRS. J. E. GATES, XVA P IA N O IN S T R U C T O R . Phone or call at The Bazaar, Estacada. J. E. GATES, F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R and Embalmer. Night and Day Tele­ phone. Lady Assistant. n M- eby- A TTO R N E Y AT LAW . General Practice. Confidential Ad­ viser. Oregon City. Oregon. IWTcGUIRK & SCHNEIDER, XVA atto rn eys at la w . At Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ days ana Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow building. Portland office, 609-15, Fen­ ton budding. P A U L C . FISCHER. * ATTORNEY a t l a w . Beaver building, Oregon City, Oregon. S • E. N WOOSTER, E G O T IA T E S L O A N S . Buys Mortgages. Rents your property, Writes Insurance in the very best com­ panies—he can get you results. Esta­ cada, Oregon. FIRE INSURANCE. London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our Fire Proof Vault, tree of charge. H. C. S T E P H E N S A gent . | Christmas is Coming | ? Stamp Good», Dolls, Toy», etc. Mail Box Tor Santa is Now Ready! Bring kiddies to see. early at Shop I THE BAZAAR,! + ♦ + + * + ♦ ♦ + + + ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ * * * ♦ * * ♦ # Type ♦ Writer ♦ Ribbons ♦ For all the STANDARD MACHINES. : Special 75c. . — For Sale at ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + The Rexall Store ♦ For Fire Insurance PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO WILL PROTECT YOUR INTEREST Cary Real Estate Co. A parade two miles long initiated the Armistice day celebration in Cor­ vallis. The Union Oil company has started construction of a new plant in The Dalles. Farmers of lower Siletz bay met at Muno8 Landing and decided to organ­ ize a co-operative cheese factory. Ninety-two students have been sus­ pended from the University of Oregon for non-payment of laboratory fees. Marion county officers in a series of raids conducted at Salem confis­ cated approximately 150 gallons of liquor. The first farm bureau week ever ob­ served in Linn county will be held in Albany from December 13 to 17, in­ clusive. A record-breaking crowd from south­ ern Oregon and northern California attended Medford’s Armlstico day cele­ bration. A majority of the assessors of the state, in convention at Salem, went on record as opposed to the proposed state income tax. Douglas county broccoli growers have completed a co-operative organ­ ization to be known as the Umpqua Broccoli Exchange. Gibscn G. Hickey, veteran of the World war, committed suicide near Cedar Mills Sunday by shooting him­ self through the heart. Sheriffs and county clerks from every section of Oregon met In an­ nual convention at the Multnomah county courthouse last week. Governor Olcott has been advised that the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber com­ pany at Bend has stopped cutting tim­ ber along The Dalies-California high­ way near Bend. A “ beekeepers’ round-up" is the term applied to the meeting and conference of the Oregon State Beekeepers’ asso­ ciation to be held in Pendleton Jan­ uary 26 and 27. Marion county farmers interested in the flax industry will hold a confer­ ence in Salem this week to consider the organization of a non-profit grow­ ing and selling association. Coos county has obtained par and a premium of $945 for $150,000 worth of good road bonds voted last June to match the state highway money on the Bandon-Cama9 valley road. A Commercial club committee has reported favorably on the proposal to erect a memorial building at Salem In honor of the soldiers, sailors and marines who fought in the late war. Because he shipped more hay last year than any other shipper in the state, M. G. Reed of Albany has been appointed vcie-presldent of the Na­ tional Hay Press association from Ore­ gon. North Bend will have a special city election November 28 to decide whether to raise $6000 more for gen­ eral city purposes next year, as call­ ed for by the budget recently made out. City Recorder Ross Farnham has cost the city of Bend Just $1 in the 10 months he has been in office, sal­ ary and expenses of the office being $1775 and fees and fines reaching a total of $1774. Applications aggregating 11,723 have been filed by ex-service men entitled to benefits under the so-called bonus law, according to announcement of of­ ficials of the world war veterans state aid commission. The commercial crop of pears for the Medford district of the Rogue river valley has been shipped to the eastern markets. These shipments numbered 690 cars, as against 787 cars for the previous year. Permission has been granted the Valley & Siletz Railroad company by the Interstate commerce commission to issue $70,000 in capital stock against its lines in Oregon for the purpose of paying off funded debts. J. H. McLeliand, a Bend watchmaker and member of the American Legion, has Just received a letter signed by- King George of England, enclosing a silver Victory medal awarded McLel- land for services in the World war. Portland Chinese reopened their tong war last week, falling to kill any Chinese, but fatally shooting John Stevens, a bystander, with a chance bullet from a heavy caliber pistol. Stevens was shot through the heart. The Pacific Livestock company has paid to the state $53.000 in full settle- meat o( * suit brought by the attorney $1.50 P er Y ear ■■■ ■■'■■■■ general to recover certain lands al­ leged to have been acquired by the livestock corporation through fraud. There was one fatality In Oregon due to industrial accidents during the week ending November 10, according to a report prepared by the state in­ dustrial accident commission. The vic­ tim was William Scott, brldgemau. Portland. An understanding virtually has been reached by directors of the central Oregon irrigation district for the grant­ ing of the petition filed by some 200 settlers whose holdings are under the Pilot Butte canal, and who wish ex­ clusion from the district. The Oregon-Pittsburg Mining com­ pany, which recently acquired the Syl- vanite group of gold mines two miles north of Gold Hill, propose to relieve the dwelling-house shortage in Gold Hill by erecting a sufficient number of modern cottages to house their married employes. While the packing of fall fish has been stopped by the only two plants operating on the lower Columbia river this fall, heavy catches of silversides have been made by trollers operating off the mouth of the river during the last few days, and the bulk of them have been shipped to Seattle. Failure to comply strictly with the so-called budget law enacted at the 1921 session of the legislature may result in legal contests with relation to thd validity of special taxes voted in 29 road districts of Marion county last Saturday’. The taxes voted in th£ several districts aggregate $54,331.55 Major George Ray was found deal* in his room in North Bend by Frank Farrln with whom he boarded. Death was apparently from natural causes. The major was 82 years of age. He was a veteran of the civil and Spanish- American wars and several Indian wars, had been a comrade of Generals Pershing and Liggett. R. C. Rowan, with a corps of ex­ perts in chemistry and assaying, has been engaged for several weeks in investigating the black sand deposits and Coos Bay. The party carries a along the coast between Cape Blanco laboratory with it and is making the most exhaustive research that has yet been carried out with the metals con­ tained in the sands. At the O. A. C. Six men and one woman re­ present Estacada at Oregon Agri­ cultural College. Of these, three are juniors, two are special stu­ dents, one sophomore, and one freshman. The students are: Joseph Demoy, Herbert S. Cole­ man, Maurice C. Hanser, J. C. Kimmel, A. C. Lichthorn, Russel V. Reed and Helen • I. Wooster. Joseph Demoy, Maurice Han­ ser and J. C. Kimmel. are regis­ tered in chemical engineering. Russel Retd is a junior in elec- tical engineering, Herbert Cole­ man, a special in agriculture, Helen Wooster a freshman in vocational training. Maurice Hansel is a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, and Joseph Demoy is a member of Alpha Sigma Delta fraternity. Beatrice Joyce Oatfield, a for­ mer resident, Jis 'also attending that college. Auto Accident When coming from Portland last Monday evening in his car, Roy Meyers ran into the Metzger truck from Gresham, and had a narrow escape for himself and the other occupants of the car, Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Henry Githens. The accident happened the other side of Linneman Junc­ tion. The truck was standing still and had no lights. An­ other machine with bright head­ lights was coming towards Mr. Meyers and he did not see the truck until too late to avoid the accident. Mrs. Foster received some bad bruises, but the others escaped. Surprise Party Mrs. Julius Krieger planned and carried out a very successful "surprise" in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Linn, last Tuesday night. It was also Mr. Linn’s birthday and so the event was a joint affair of his birthday and a reception to him and his bride. A delightful evening was spent with music and visiting, ending up with a most tempting lunch. About twenty-four were present. Additional Brevities THE FIFTH ANNUAL RED CROSS CALL | eastern trip, which extended Miss Florence Kendall was a ¡over two months. They went to 1 Minnesota, Michigan, Vermont Gresham visitor Saturday. and New York City. Mr. Smith The People’s Store has an ad says he found conditions about which should attract attention. Mrs. J. W. Reed, of Estacada, the same as here, and although Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith he was glad to see his old home has been appointed chairman for that district for the fifth annual were Portland visitors Saturday. and friends, yet he prefers to Miss Maude Sturgeon was a live in Oregon, The great mail roll call of the American Red Portland visitor two lor three robbery in New York City, when Cross, which opens in Clackamas County this week, for the rais­ days last week. thieves secured $2,000,000 loot, ing of funds to defray the ex­ Mrs. Herman Wallace spent occurred just two days after he penses of the county chapter for two or three days with Portland left. the ensuing year. friends last week. The district chairmen who are Miss Martha Granum of Port­ Surprise Party being named throughout the land, is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. George Arm county this week, will receive the her sister, Mrs. Rex Ludlow. strong, assisted by the latter’s aid of volunteer workers in their Mi. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens mother, Mrs. P. M. Wagner, respective districts to aid in rais­ drove to Portland last Thursday gave a delightful surprise party ing their quota of the $5,000 that evening, returning Saturday. Thursday evening, Nov. 10, at is to be subscribed throughout Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Allen of their pleasant country home, for the county. Estacada during the Marmot, ceme to Estacada Tues­ Mrs. Armstrong’s father, P. M. roll call last year, raised nearly day to attend the session of the Wagner, whose 70th birthday oc­ $100, this figure not including curred on that date. The guests the surrounding territory. Eastern Star that evening. It is Mrs. Jim Smith and little son amused themselves by playing expected that this amount will he visited Mrs. Smith's parents, 500 until near the midnight hour, greatly increased this year, altho was definite quotas for the different Mr. and Mrs. Townsend, at when a delicious lunch served, consisting of chicken districts are not being made out. Newberg, a few days last week. sandwiches, fruit salad, coffee During the past year the coun­ Mr. and Mrs. K. Granum and and the beautiful birthday cakes. ty chapter has extended aid to daughters. Martha and Gladys, spent Sunday at the home of Cigars for the men and candy hundreds of ex-service men. In for all, completed the refresh­ the Estacada district, the Red their daughter and sister, Mrs. ments, After congratulations Cross is at present supplying the Rex Ludlow. and good wishes were showered needs of six families of wounded The Square Deal Grocery has upon the guest of honor, the ex-service men, and in addition furbished up its shelves and they company departed, all declaring to this, has assisted numerous just shine with new goods with that Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong men to get their compensation brightly covered labels. These and Mrs. Wagner were most de­ claims, and other government are the first lot, but more are lightful entertainers. matters straightened out. coming in every day. Those present were, Mr. and Estacada subscriptions will be A pleasant informal dance was Mrs. F. W. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. received and receipted for by given last night, at the Hotel A. E. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mrs. Nina B. Ecker at the public Estacada, at which there were A. Jacques, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. library. about twenty-five couples pres­ Duus, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus ent. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Ahl- and Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagner. Against Repeal berg furnished the music. At its regular session Satur- Mrs. A. E. Sparks went to Armistice Day dao, November 12, Springwater Gresham Tuesday evening to Estacada almost resembled Grange No. 263, voted on tin visit the Gresham chapter O. E. Goldsmith’s Deserted Village last S. While there she was the Friday. Nearly everyone who following measure: Shall th' guest of Mrs. H. V. Adix and had a car went to Portland. At Pomona Grange discontinue cir­ culating initiative petitions fo returned home Wednesday. 11:45 J. V. Barr lowered the flag the local law for ClacKama Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and to half mast and tolled the bell County Road and Bridge Bond Mrs. Emily Carpenter, with at intervals until noon, when a Repealing Law? Vote stood their children, motored over little company assembled round yes, 20; no, 0. from Pleasant Home last Sun­ the flag staff and led by J. K. day to visit the parents of the Ely and George Hislop, sang Community Club ladies, Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Smith. America. Then prayer was o f­ The Community club will r < Mr. and Mrs. Warren McWillis fered by Rev. A. F. Lacey, pas­ sume its meetings Friday eve and baby returned Sunday, from tor of the M. E. church, after ing of next week at Hotel Es: a few days’ visit with friends at which the simple ceremony con­ cada. Mr. George Quayle, si Cottrell, Ore. Warren says he cluded with singing of The Star rctar/ of the Oregon Sti has not decided yet what he will Spangled Banner and The Battle Chamber of Commerce, will 1 do, now he has sold out his inter­ Hymn of the Republic. The present and give us one o f] est in the former 2 Me Grocery, flag was then hoisted to full interesting addresses, and ma mast and the people dispersed. but he will rest up for a while. matters of interest to the co . P. Erickson of Springwater, munity will he discussed. Arms Display returned Monday morning, from Smith Bros. Hardware store Portland, where he had been in Feed Store to Go Up attendance at the Stock Show, put in a unique display appro­ J. F. Lovelace and Fred B, having been employed in the priate for Armistice Day. It tholomew have bought the vac. consists of a number o f gur.s, poultry division. He brought lot adjoining Ellis’s store at \ grenades and swords of different home with him a prize specimen corner of 2nd and Main strci periods, beginning with an old of a barred Plymouth Rock roost­ They will proceed at once w blunderbus of the date of 1492. er. the erection of a fireproof bu. George Hislop went to Port­ These belong to Robt. J. Smith ing for a feed store. The S. ! land Saturday afternoon and re­ and Lieut. W. S. Davison. In Wooster agency arranged t mained until Sunday night. He the collection there are two sa­ deal for the above gentler went to see his daughter, Mrs. bres, one carried by Mr. Smith’s and Sam Berry of Portland, t Inez Greenleaf, who is at St. grandfather in the civil war, and former owner. Vincent’s hospital. He found the other a curved Turkish cav­ she was rapidly recovering from alry sabre. Garfield Grange No. 31 her recent operation, and would To Our Advertiser» Garfield Grange will presei 1 soon be allowed to return to her As Thanksgiving next week Thanksgiving program o f mi home. falls on our usual publication and a Thanksgiving play. , Mrs. M. G. Weatherby of Gar­ day, the N ews will come out one freshments and social timi field, entertainad at luncheon yes­ day earlier. This will necessi­ follow’ This program is fret > terday. in honor of Mrs. Willis of tate the receiving of all adver­ all, Tuesday evening, Nov. 1 :, Pacific Grove, California, who is tising copy on Monday afternoon at 7:30. the mother of Mrs. TheoCarpen- ( and not later than Tuesday noon. ter. The inyited guests were Please rememher this and act Social Mesdames Wiilis, Theo Carpen- accordingly and we shall have There will be an Epwor ter, J. W. Dillinger, Z. R. Dow­ additional reason to be thankful. League social next Tuesday evt ney, J. R. Reeher, E. F. Gunter,; ing at 7:30, in the Methodi and Lamberson. Road Meeting church basement. E v e r y 01 Harold Newhurter, of Marsh­ There will be a meeting in the welcome is to come and have field, general manager of the city hall on November 30, at 8 jolly good time with us. largest cheese factory in Oregon, p. m., for voting a tax of $900 spent three days, this week, vis­ for road improvement work from Pointer, the painter, puts in iting the family of C. H. Kandle. the Clackamas bridge through■ glass. See him for your windows Mr. Newhurter was an exhibitor the city of Estacada north, to as cool weather will soon be here. at the International Stock Show the county line or city limits. 52tf in Portland, last week, and car­ ried off the honors in the cheese Keep warm by a No. 7 Majes­ , Keep warm by a No. 7 Maje? class against 25 other states en­ tic Electric Heater, price $9.00' _ __________ tic Electric _______ Heater, „ price $9.0» tries. 10-27tt at the Reed Auto Co. 10-27tf at the Reed Auto Co Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith re­ We do Job Printing. turned last week from their Read the Ads in the N ews ,