EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY OCT 27, 1921. Well, Did You See the Dishes? j To Beat the H. C. L. Newspaper Bargain Rates Auto intoxication, constipation, Houses are'scarce and rents are The fotlowing club rates are stomach disorders yield readily high the world over, but two offered with the E astern C lack to my method of treatment. Free consultation. Dr. Rhodes, boys from the Dalles, Norman amas N ews , during the week Osteopath, Hotel Estacada, Mon­ Rossel and Guy Ferry, who ai beginning October 25, and last­ days, Wednesdays and Fridays. They were down to $9.50 Saturday evening 9-gtf now freshmen at the University ing to October 31, inclusive. 8:30 to 4p.m . and 3till going. What will they be next Saturday ? SOLD ? ................................... Mrs. Mae Reed was a busines; of Oregon, have shown a re Papers to be sent by mail. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured sourceful independence of land Daily Oregonian and N ews for with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they visitor in Portland Saturday. cannot reach th e Beat of the disease. 1 year $6. Tatarrh Is a local disease, greatly ln- Attention is called to.the new lords. Their domicile is a tent by constitutional conditions, and Daily and Sunday Oregonian in luenced under a leaning maple tree order to cure It you must take an ad of the Estacada Feed Co. internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi­ about a half mile from the Uni and N ews for 1 year $8. cine I p taken internally and acts thru You’ ll find it at the 2-Mc GROCERY at 25c the pound. Look up our club rates with the versity campus, and they do they1 Weekly Oregontan and N ews the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine was for 1 year $2.10. Oregonian and the Telegram. prescribed by one o f the best physicians commuting on a motorcycle. n this country for years. It is com­ Evening Telegram and N ews posed Mrs. P. S. Stamp and little son of some of the best tonics known, Their tent home is not a tem­ for 1 year $4.50. Copper Bottom Wash Boiler $2.75, combined with some of the best blood were Portland visitors last Fri­ porary expedient. They expect to uirlfiers. The perfect combination of This applies to old and new the ingredients in Hall’s Catarrh Medi­ A No. I Grade Poultry Shell $1.45 a Sack day. ive in it for four years. In subscribers. New subscriptions cine Is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions Send for Ground Chocolate 2 pounds 25c, Saturday Ray Wilcox and family have June, 1925, they expect to step will commence October25th, and testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY * CO., Props., Toledo, O. moved into rooms over The Peo from its shelter, wearing caps old subscriptions will be extend­ All DrupR-ists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. gowns. pies’ store. ed a full year. SUBSCRIBE * • : ■ + + + + -h * + a + + ... Over a wooden foundation, the N O W ! Remember, Monday is the last 10-13-27 ♦ Regular price $13.47. Sale price $11.47. two men have placed an army day for taking adyantage of our + wall tent. The wooden floor is Have you tried osteopathic clubbing rates. We Have Self-rising Buckwheat Pancake Flour. boarded up from the sides for treatment for those chronic con After a visit of several days in more than three feet. This wall ditions ? Consult Dr. Rhodes at Estacada, Mrs. E. D. Allen re­ McWILLIS 8 c McKENNEY, p r o p s . is neatly covered with tar paper, Hotel Estacada. 9-8tf turned to Marmot Monday. is your Home Company. “ Where we Lead, others Follow.” and the tent fits snugly down See us regawih g your J. C. Duus and his son Ernest, over the sides. A jointed stove­ property, Insure your Pointer, the painter, puts in drove down to Pacific City last pipe protruding from the south glass. See him for your windows Friday, returning Sunday. side of the tent and a split pile AUTOM OBILE There will be no meeting of o f wood, bear witness that the as cool weather will soon be here. 52tf .”—Against— the community club tomorrow men are standing by for chilly night, as it has been postponed. FIRE, eather. Electric lights will Special Notice R. C. Deming and Misses Mary soon be installed. THEFT or To the Patrons and Users of Old Alice and Florence June Reed ^COLLISION. Scotch Liniment: motored to Portland last Satur­ Thanks Much Old Scotch Liniment will be day. We are in receipt of a package sold through druggists only for There is constant pressure on of Oregon cranberries, from the Portland trade, and in the vicin­ our advertising space. It is a Oregon Cranberry Growers’ As­ ity of Portland. For sale by ESTACADA, ORE. pressure we enjoy and appreci­ sociation. These berries came Plummer Drug Co., corner 3d and Madison street, Portland, * * + * + * * * * + * + .j. ate. T HE U N I V E R S A L C A R from the bogs of J. S. Dillinger, Ore., Huntley Draper Drug Co., Tuesday was Lyle Wagner’s publisher of the Morning Astori- Oregon City, Perry’s Drug Store, The Ford Motor Company was the first to re- .fi. Estacada Pharmacy, cluee prices on cars, September 22 1920 That birthday, and to commemorate an. While we have not as yet, Salem, hrst reduction p ries all models’ below the Remember Old Scotch Liniment sampled them, from their looks it. his friends gave him a show­ is a Sure Reliever, recommended they are second to none of any by physicians is used in hospitals er of postcards. This industry and in sanitariams. For pains in Mrs. C. M. Naff is visiting her we have seen. promises to become a very im­ bones and muscles, rheumatism husband here, for a few days. For your convenience portant one on the western coast, pain, sprains and cuts. USE OLD we have arranged with This accounts for the smile on the i truck r r » with « . Pneumatic „........ : -s Tires............. ..............3S5.00 and the newspaper fraternity SCOTCH LINIMENT. Inquire the Baggage Department face of the doctor. 455.00 at your nearest drug store. For in Portland, to be able to will do well to make it known. sale by the above drug stores. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Linn are Starters on above models $70,00 ad­ check your baggage at getting ready to keep house in Heretofore cranberries have been Read the following testimonial. ditional. Demountable wheels $25 00 home. We issue claim additional. checks here. All you one of Mr. Linn’s cottages on used only for pies and sauce, but Others of a like character can be the Association has put out a re­ furnished. have to do is lo present Terrace Addition. Coupe with Starter and Demountable cipe for making them into a rel­ it at Union Depot for a strong recommendation : w heels...................................... ccq :: hft Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens destination check. ish without cooking. This we My right leg has been broken Sedan with Starter and Demountable went to Oregon City and Port­ print elsewhere. Our b e s t by a fallen tree, in two places, Portland, Estacada w h e e , s ........................................................................ land, Tuesday, remaining at the thanks are extended to the Asso- and is badly bruised up. I have EXCISE T A X E X TRA . latter place overnight. Transportation Co. suffered untold misery until I -ciation. got to use Old Scotch Liniment. hord prices are uniform everywhere, except for freiirht Rev. Lacey arrived last week One door north of Meat because Mr. Ford himself fixes the retail price. Place It has relieved me right from the and preached his first sermon Try this in Your Meat Grinder Market. start. Old Scotch Liniment is the in the M. E. church at 11 a. m. Portland Address C ranberry R elish —Take the the best liniment I have ever Sunday to a large congregation. used in all my life. I live right 143 Front Street R AK ER & SON, desired quantity o f cranberries Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gates were for use. Put them through an here in Dayton with my family, Estacada and Gresham, Oreeon Fred C. Bartholomew, and will answer all questions. in Portland Tuesday buying holi­ ordinary meat grinder. To each R obert P hevcs Daytan, Wn. G. M. Lawrence. day goods. Mrs. D. B. Bass at­ cup full o f ground berries, add 10-13-27 tended to the Bazaar in their ab­ equal amount of sugar. Stir sence. and mix thoroughly so that the The many friends of John sugar will melt and form a syr­ Page are glad to see him walk­ up. If it is to be used immedi­ ing around the streets again, al­ ately it is desirable to place it on Our Oxyacetylene Welding though he has to use the aid of a a radiator or the back of a stove, Apparatus has Arrived. crutch. giving just sufficient heat to We have an excellent, practical Mrs. Rynning returned from hasten the melting of the sugar, working knowledge o f the met­ Willows in Eastern Oregon, last but under no circumstances als encountered in auto and im­ W e have just Received a Shipment of MEN’S SHOES at Saturday, where she h^d been should heat enough be applied to plement repairs, and we are acquainted with the physical prices ranging from $2 [to $4 less than previous prices. visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. cook the berries in the slightest and chemical nature o f them as They are ALL-LEATH ER SHOES built for hard wear. degree. Keep in a glass jar or W. White. well. We are equipped to make an earthen dish. This will be =L.- ___ any Special Auto Accessories Robert Morton and Miss Wy- found a delicious relish for gen­ not found on the market. cofF motored over from Portland last Sunday and were guests at eral use at all times. & the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thom­ Keep warm by a No. 7 Majes­ Blacksmiths. as Morton. tic Electric Heater, price 59.00 10-27tf Mrs. J. E. Shibley and children at the Reed Auto Co. went to Portland Tuesday even­ ing to take care of her mother, Subscribe for your home paper Mrs. N. T. Smedley, who is ill the E astern C lackamas N ews . with the grippe. A. G. Ames returned home on Monday, for a visit with hi3 fam­ I have opened a Dressmaking ily. He was accompanied by his faithful hound, Trailor, the hero Shop in the Hunt building. Call all other Rubber Footwear. W e carry o f a hundred fights with cougars, and see me about sewing. MRS. R O Y W A Y . bears and bob cats. a full line in red and also white rubber. H. L. McKenney returned from 10-27tf Eastern Oregon, last Friday night. He says the impending strike caused the grain market to slump, and wheat went down 1 more lot of tall 1-pound tins of Salmon, each..................................................................}0e 20 cents in three days, Sardines in oil, the can............................................................................................................. 5C Mrs. James Landon of Chica­ Another shipment of Ground Chocolate 2 pounds for.........................................................25c go, with her children, Ruthie and People’s Store Special Coffee 35c, 3 pounds......................................................................$1.00 James Jr. arrived here Monday Campfire Roast Coffee, per pound 25c, 5 pounds fo r...................................................... 51.00 afternoon. They have bought Peabody Coffee per pound 35c 3 pounds fo r................................... ................................ $1.00 the Hopkins place in Garfield. Pure Sorghum Molasses, 5 pound can..................................................................................... Mr. Landon will join his family Wedding Breakfast Syrup, the best for purity and flavor, 5 pftunds 50c, 10 pound can 95e later. Dr R. G. McCall is still con­ fined to his bed. His illness be­ gan with the flu and an abcess developed since in his throat, Notice this delicious which is causing him much dis­ flav o r when you Cascade tress and pain. He knows now smoke Lucky Strike why a patient is well called a — it’s sealed in by Garage. patient, for he needs to be pa­ the toasting process H. B. SNYDER, - - C. E. KILGORE. tient. We hope he will soon be able to resume his former role of physician instead of that of a patient LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS 17 EMS WHY GO TO CHINA FOR TEA ? 1 6 !-2 Foot “Royal Chinook” Falling Saw THE PACIFIC STATES : FIRE INSURANCE GO. : . W. Reed Estate * N o tic e ! — - HERE! J. V. BARR SON, Another Sweeping Reduction in Shoes! R A IN C L O T H IN G Raintest Shirts and Pants, Acquapelle Clothes, Alligator Coats and Hats, Goodyear Pure Rubber Coats. HiPRESS BOOTS AND SHOES, The Kind that Outwear c m refineiy gasoline- not a mixture It's oasted W e sell only gen­ uine Red Crown gas­ oline. This is all-refinery gasoline---- not a "mixture.” If you want de­ pendable, full - pow­ ered gasoline, buy "Red Crown” here. SPECIALS IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT: JOIN THE CROWD AT I he People’s Store W here the Motto Is Service. I