EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1921 HALLOWEEN STORY his n ig h t's rest was much b r o k e n .; When m orning came, he was glad to ‘ get up and go down to break fast. Entered a t the postoffice in Estacada, The Mystery of Wexford Tower» The librarian war th e r e and In­ quired how he had slept, and w h e th e r Oregon, as second-class mail. Mr. T im o thy P o r t e r was a most there was a n y th in g he could do tor Mr. P o r t e r evidently m a n i­ m a t te r of fact anil u n im a g in a tiv e him ? man. He was th e head confidential fested some effects of his s t r a n g e ex­ Published every Thursday at clerk of th e leading Arm of so licit­ perience, for the lib ra ria n looked at ors in Wexford, whose clients were him r a t h e r curiously, an d asked if Estacada, Oregon am ong th e first families of th e city an y th in g was the m a t te r ? Mr. Poi- and county, and Mr. T im oth y P o r t e r te r replied he had received so m e­ UPTON H. GIBBS had grow n grey in th e ir service, thin g of a shock, which he would ex l.ike a well know n m em ber of the plain a f t e r break fast. So when this | Editor and Manager. was over thpy went to the library P o rte r family, » here Mr. P o r t e r related what he j “ He served hi* term S ubscription K ates As an office boy in an a tto rn e y 's firm: had seen, and pointed out th e place | One y e a r . . . $1.50 He cleaned th e windows and sw ept w here the man and boy had d isap ­ peared. th e floor. Six month» . . . .75 “ W ell,” said th e lib ra ria n , " th is is And polished up th e h an d le of th e extrem ely interesting, th o u g h I re­ big, fron t do or.” W h e th e r It was due o r not to his gret yo u r having had su ch an u n ­ Thursday. October 27, 1921. B ut it may polishing it up "so ca re fu le e ,” he p le a s a n t experlenqe. rose to his presen t Im p o rta n t posi­ thro w light on a m ystery connected with this place. You may possibly ANENT DISARMAMENT tion. He probably did polish up th e be aw are, th a t it has th e rep u tatio n hand le very carefully, for it was a of being hau n ted . Two ghosts are The coming conference at trait with him to do e v erythin g t h o r ­ accredited to it, those of a m an and The fo rm er is supposed to be Washington, in regard to disar­ oughly, and to this he owes his a d ­ a th boy. e wicked carl, who lived in the vancement. A n o th e r c h aracteristic mament, has aroused a great was his tac itu rn ity , professional se­ reigns of E d w a rd IV, and Richard T he boy was his nephew and deal of expectation, and hopes crets being to him as sacred as those III. of the confessional to th e priest. So ward, and possessor of rich estates, are many that it will effectually though, he was th e repository of which would fall to his uncle In case Ills death. He m ysteriously dis­ bring about the beating of family secrets an d sk eleto n s of v a ri­ of Hue and cry ous county families, yet never th e ap p eared one day. swords into pruning hooks. A sligh test word escaped his lips in were raised, and the most diligent search made. At first it was correspondent in England, re­ connection therew ith. It is not su r p ris in g th en, t h a t his th o u g h t he had been kidnapped by cently wrote us, that if a proper employers tr u ste d him implicitly, and robbers to be held for ransom , but ree m o nths later, a badly decom­ entente were cemented between often appointed him th e ir ag en t or th re p resen tativ e in im p o rta n t m atters. posed body resem blin g his, was the French. Americans, Japanese It was on such an e rr a n d th a t one lound n e a r the bank of th e river. It was finally decided, th a t it was that and British, the rest of the world day in th e fo re p a rt of O ctober he set of th e boy, and in te rre d in the f a m ­ out for Wexford Tower, th e seat of would have to behave. True, th e Duke of Wexford, who was th en ily v a u lt .” ‘‘But th ere w ere not lacking accu but only if the entente nations engaged In a law s u it concerning sationn, th a t his uncle had an in t e r ­ of his m anorial righ ts, which were in a position to compel them some est in and guilty know ledge of his were disputed. Wexford Towers occupies th r e e disappearan ce and death. Hut noth to good behavior, and that neces- of a q u a d ra n g le , with sq u a re Ing could be proved, even If anyone states armaments. The best that sides tow ers at each co rner, an d two on were bold enough to b rin g th e earl can be hoped for, is a partial dis­ each side of th e m ain entrance. The to account. He finally fell on Bos is situ a te d in th e m id st of worth field, with his royal crony and arming, so as to reduce the ex­ a mansion park of 1,500 acres. An old w riter monarch, R ichard 111. B efore his cessive cost of war prepared­ snys enthu siastically a b o u t Its b eau ­ death, the ghost of his nephew was ties, "T h e park is an assem blage of rep orted as having been seen in this ness, which is estimated at 83 all n a t u r e ’s beauties, hills, vales, wing. A fterw ard s the g h o st of the per cent of every dollar raised by brooks, groves, thickets, rocks, w a­ earl ap p eared a t in te rv a ls.” “ But I never h eard of them a p ­ terfalls, all wildly noble and Irreg ­ taxation. ularly a m ia b le .” It is m entioned in pearing as you saw them last n i ^ i t There be will a notable gather­ th e Doomsday Book as belonging to T h ere a r c two secret ro om s in the an cestors of th e presen t Duke. walls of this mansion, which are ing around the table at Washing­ the Wexford Towers dates back in its know n, an d I h ave th o u g h t that ton, and no doubt the delegates oldest portion to th e l a t te r p a rt of th ere m ig h t be more. It is possible e 13th century. I t was added to th a t th e r e is one in th e wall, where will taketheir task and themselves th from tim e to time, b u t th o u g h th e res you saw th e panel open. C uriously seriously, hut they won’t touch idential a p a r t m e n t s have been m od­ enough, the disappearance of the boy, no p a rt of it is less th an h ap pen ed a b o u t this tim e of the year the cause of the trouble. That ernized, and yesterday may have been its an th ree h u n d re d years old. It has is a spiritual one, which bteeds most rom an tic history, and suffered n iv crsaiy , I w ond er if w h at you saw, in th e wars of th e roses and th e was no t exactly w hat to ok place. It jealousy, distrust and strife, re both rebellion. T h ere Is m ore th a n one may be, t h a t the earl im prisoned the suiting in war. It is true that secret room concealed in the th ick ­ hoy In th is room, and th e r e left him to sta rv e o r otherw ise m u r d e re d him of its walls, an d it enjoys there is a scriptural prophecy of ness mystery which excites th e im a g in a ­ and the body which was found was a time when nation shall not lift tion and Is the cause of m uch specu­ th a t of some one else. I sh all tell the Duke on his re tu rn , and p e rh a p s he up hand against nation, neither lation. Mr. T im othy P o r t e r on his arrival may m a k e some in vestigations. No shall they learn war any more found the family ab sent, bu t th e li­ doubt, he will be glad to clear up this incident In his family h is to ry .’ but that which is to make this b ra ria n was th ere to receive him A servant, Just th en, e n te r e d the and look a f t e r his com fort. The II possible, does not come within brary is one of th e most noted of room to ann o u n ce t h a t th e m otor was a t th e door to convey Mr. P or­ the scope of the conference private ow nersh ip in E ng lan d, con­ t e r to th e station. So t h a t g e n tle ­ taining some of the r a r e s t editions Such a peace is to be due to God It represen ts th e p a in s ta k in g collec- m an took his leave, not w lh o u t a feeling of relief, for a m an of his being supreme in the earth. His li o n s of th e presen t D uke’s g r a n d ­ te m p e a m e n t does not ta k e kindly to fa th e r and fath er, besides those laws learned and observed, and which he him self has added to it. It having his norm al co m posure rudely upset. Himself the judge. Until this is kept kept in w hat was formerly T hree m o n th s later, Mr. P o r t e r re the g re a t hall a t th e end of th e south condition is obtained, all attempts wing, and one of th e oldest portions ceived a le tte r from the lib rarian, who w rote: will only be palliatory and tem­ of th e mansion. ThlB hall is some "T h e Duke, as I th o u g h t, on being sixty feet long, forty wide and sev­ porary. en ty high. It has an open timbered told of y o u r peculiar experience or­ investigations made. After The conferees will do well to roof an d for m ore th a n half way up dered th e walls a re oak panelled, bu t this much tim e and ex am ination of the recall: Is hidden by th e book shelves. Above panelling, a sprin g was discovered, “ The ten comm andments will not budge, these, and a t th e o u te r end, a re mul- which on being pressed, caused a And stealing still continues stealin g ." lion windows which light th e hall panel to slide back, disclosing an th e middle of th e side looking out a p e ra tu re and a flight of steps lead­ whether it is called high finance In on to th e q u a d ra n g le , th e r e I s H ing dow nwards. At the end of these or shrewd diplomacy. We re­ m am m o th fireplace with carved was a door which opened into a small m antle by Grinley Gibbons, but for room e ig h t feet square. On th e floor commend to them the ancient henting purposes a m ore modern lay th e sk eleto n of a young lad, with som e vestiges of rich clothing still maxim: "Fiat justitia ruat system is used. It was in this room, t h a t Mr. T im ­ on it. It was lying face down, with coelum.” Will they have back­ othy P o r t e r pursued his researches, a d ag g er stickin g in the back, just bone enough to follow it ? so rtin g over various deeds and m a n ­ ben eath the left sho u ld er blade, evi­ uscripts, which had a bearing on the dently I n d i c a t i n g the m a n n e r of his T he Duke concluded al­ case, and which th e lib rarian had death. RECLAIM TH E HOME selected for him. The l a t te r having th o u g h It could not bo proved beyond an e n gagem ent excused him self and a doubt, t h a t this was the sk eleton of e lost heir, so he had the rem ains Governor Davis, of Idaho, left Mr. P o r t e r in ca re of th e serv ­ th placed in th e family vault. A cu ri­ ants. spoke in a .Portland church, Sun­ Mr. P o r t e r sa t a t a larg e tab le in ous th in g occurred a fte r th ey had been placed in a coffin, they were day, on the reclamation of the front of th e fireplace, while at work carried th r o u g h the picture gallery Electric lights had been Installed, home, and his words were most but only a clu ster of lights was burn and ns th ey passed th e picture of the wicked earl, the supposed m u r d e re r timely. Among other things he ing by th e door, in addition to r e a d ­ of th e boy, It fell down with a crash ing lam ps on th e table. B ut there said: and was badly dam ag e d ." was sufficient light to see to the U. H. G. We make too many laws and f u r th e r end of th e hall. As Mr. P o rte r was busily e m ­ break about as many as we make. the h o u rs passed quickly, and We should have fewer laws and ployed, Pointer puts on Deadening when he had finished and was g a t h ­ enforce them. A father cannot ering up his papers, it was long past Felt. Make your rooms warm run a still in the cellar and ex­ m idnight. He had th em all a r ­ 52tf pect his son to be a law abiding ranged and was p u ttin g away the for winter. m an uscripts in th e safe, w here they citizen. were kept, when his eye caug ht what Our national weakness is in the seem ed th e moving shadow of a per­ Read the Ads in the N ews . home. We put in too much son. At first, he th o u g h t It was the time in seeking pleasure and not librarian, who had come in. But on ■ ..i looking up, he saw no one. He enough on the welfare of the called out, but th ere was no answ er. home. Our insane asylums, re­ As has been m entioned, he was a U S. MORGAN. form schools and feeble minded most m a tte r of fact and u n im a g in a ­ institutions are fuller than ever tive individual, so he was su rp rised to find him self grow ing nervous, while before because of the neglect of the began ru n n in g up and the home. Eighty of the 330 down cold his chills spinal column, in a most criminals in the Idaho peniten­ dis tu rb in g m ann er, and he found him self rooted to th e spot and un ­ tiary are 21 and under. Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, “ Keep the home fires burning" able to move. T hen he saw a tall in medieval garb, approached- and I. W. W.ism and bolshevism man ing from th e door, drag g in g along by will die of malnutrition. th e a rm a young boy, who was vig­ The Governor made a strong orously resisting. The two passed rig h t before him, appeal in closing to the fathers so he could fairly distin gu ish th eir and mothers to give more time features. T he man had a heavy black beard, an d hi» face m anifested to the home and the proper a most s in iste r and cruel expression. bringing up of the boys and They went to the fa r end of th e hall, and th e r e stopped, th e boy fell on his girls of the coming generation. knees and with uplifted hands, im ­ plored ap paren tly for pity. To Mr Henry Ford made a success of P o rte r's asto nishm ent, th e book­ cases had disappeared and th e pan ­ a small railroad, chiefly because elling was distinctly visible. The it was small, and he could fur­ m an touched a sp rin g in th e panell­ ing, which gave way, disclosed a nish it with most of its freight sm all door, th ro u g h which he disap­ traffic from the output of his fac­ peared with the boy. Mr. P o rte r was th en released from tories. Now he thinks he knows his invo lu ntary trance. He rubbed + » ♦ ■ » » + -1 all about it, and is telling how his eyes to see If he were fully awake, and tu r n in g on a sw itch, flooded the the great transcontinental lines room with light. But e v erythin g ap ­ peared as usual, th e bookcases were should be managed. . ■■ - in place, hiding th e panelling He closed th e safe and went to The strike promises to be a hastily his bedroom. He did not. however, recover from his p e rtu rb a tio n , and foul. Eastern Clackamas News Announcement. Dr. W. W. RHODES, Osteopathic Physician, wishes to announce to the public, that he is located at Hotel Estacada, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 8:30 a. m., to 4:30 p. m. Consultation Free. I treat both Acute and Chronic Cases. Ar­ ra n g e m e n ts can be made for House Galls. Portland office 441 Morgan Building, Broadway and Washing­ ton streets. Phone Main 1511. VIRGINIA V?ree,. BURLEY N otables jurk JSH The three greatest cigarette tobaccos, blending M ILDNESS- m ello w n ess - a r o m a ------- o n e - e le v e n cigarettes oofotiy ' —----- .... ■ I X X X , 1 . *:* * X I * H i u.nüfty.* Y Y IT IS OUR WISH ,1, GIRL’S STATEMENT WILL HELP ESTACADA. Many women will profit by the following statement of one of their sex: "I was afraid to eat on account of stomach trouble. Even rice did not agree. After taking Adler-i-ka, I can eat any­ thing.’’ Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, remov­ ing foul matter which poisoned stomach. EXCELLENT for gas on the stomach or sour stomach. Guards against appendicitis. It brings out poisonous matter you never thought was in your sys­ tem. Estacada Pharmacy. Y I To extend to every customer the same service that we would expect, were our positions re­ versed. : i That this policy is appreciated, is best evi­ denced by the splendid growth of this Bank in the last few years. î I j- : i X 1 Our banking facilities and our service render an account with this Bank a distinct advantage to any resident of this community. X i • S A F E T Y AN D ( ► i - F GUNS-- o u r Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Accounts. And AMMUNITIO N FISHING TACKLE Get Hunting and Fishing Licenses Here Camping Outfits, Electric Flashlights- Basebait Supplies KodakPicturesDeveloped and Enlarged AN IMPROVED Chevrolet ED. BONFR’S _________________________________ j PUBLICATION D epartm ent o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office, a t Portland, Oregon, Oct. 20, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given th a t George W. Nevling, of Estacada, Oregon. K. F. D. No. 2, who, on A ugust 1, 1918 made Homestead Entry, No. 05218, for Lots 7 and 8. SWJ SEJ and SET SE*. Section 17. Township 4 S, Range 4 E. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make th ree year proof, to establish claim to the iand above described, before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 8th day of December, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Eben- ezer Lacey, of Estacada, Ore.. R. F. D. No. 2, Jam es R. Millard, of E s ta ­ cada, Ore., K. F. D. No 2. Mrs. Ethel Julian, of Estacada, Ore., R. F. D, No. 2, William Ilendrcn, of Estacada, Ore., R. F. D. No. 2. A ct 6-9-1916- St: AT A NEW LOW PRICE ! $675 f.o.b. Estacada Chevrolet “ Four-Ninety,” always a good car, is a better automobile than ever before. Improvements and refine­ ments make it a real, quality automobile, at a new and exceptionally low price. Here are the most important changes and refinements in- corported: A leander S week , Register. l i t - ? -11-17 H A Y Oat and Clover mixed THE BEST SHINGLES ON THE MARKET. Get your supply of Mill Run while price is low. We are Buying Gray Milling Oats and Wheat. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND FEED. -e - M - i- Estacada Feed Co. < > S E R V IC E " A LL K IN D S and S U P P L I E S FOR W ESTACADA STATE BANK X K0DAKS-- NOTICE :: \ f \ A new rear axle with a spi­ Improved springs, ral bevel gear and pinion. Tapered Roller bearings in front wheels. A hand-controlled emer­ Positive transmission aligr- gency brake lever. ment. This new Chevrolet (for that is what the new “ Foui- Ninety” really is to-day) is a better designed car, better built and better finished. It stands out head and shoul­ ders as a superior quality automotile, at an unusually lew price. See this car to-day. Chevrolet “ Four-Ninety” Chevrolet “ Fb” Models Touring Car or Roadster $675 Ta uring Car or Roadster .$1180 Coupe or Sedan ................$1095 Coupe or Sedan..................... $1840 All Prices F. O. B. Estacada. Willard Storage Batteries for Sale. CASCADE GARAGE WILCOX BROS.