EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS* THURSDAY OCT. 13, 1921. May Get Fortune Newspaper Bargain Rates Auto intoxication, constipation, j stomach disorders yield readily The late Wilson T. Hume, the The fotlowing club rates are LOCAL BREVITIES -------------------------------------- Portland lawyer and legislator, offered with the E astern C lack ­ to mv method of treatment. ' Free consultation. Dr. Rhodes, ; who died last week, was, so the amas N ews , during the week Osteopath,' AND NEWS H E MS Hotel Estaeada. Mon­ Oregonian states, the lawyer for beginning October 25, and last­ days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Mrs. W. A. Heylman, of this ing to October 31, inclusive. 3:30 to 4 p.m. 9-8tf place, for the recovery of her in- Papers to be sent by mail. Mrs. W. A. Heylman has gme AT ESTACADA, OREGON, Cannot Be Cured tere ts in the Continental Mining Daily Oregonian and N ews for w ith C atarrh to Spokane, Wash. LOCAL A P P L IC A T IO N S , a s th e y can n o t re a c h th e se a t of th e disease. Ed. Linn was a visitor at the Company of Coeur d’ Alene, 1 year $6. C a ta rrh is a local d isease, g r e a tly in- r Daily and Sunday Oregonian luen ced by c o n s titu tio n a l conditions, and Idaho, which she had acquired mitrupolis Tuesday. in o rd e r to cu re it you m u st ta k e a n through some stock bequeathed and N ews for 1 year $8. in te rn a l rem edy. H a ll's C a ta rr h M edi­ Dr. Naff went to the city on her by her father. e is ta k e n in te rn a lly an d a c ts th r u Weekly Oregontan and N ews cin th e blood on th e m ucous su rfa c e s of th e the 5 p. m. train, Saturday. sy stem . H a ll's C a ta rr h M edicine w as The stock had been unnoticed for 1 year $2.10. p rescrib ed b y one of th e b e st p h y sic ia n s in th is c o u n try fo r y ears. It is com ­ Evening Telegram and N ews J. V. Barr & Son have an lm- for 20 years. It was found that posed o f som e o f th e b est to n ics know n, com bined w ith som e o f th e best blood portart anno icement in this the mining properties were im­ for 1 year $4.50. purifiers. T h e p erfe ct com bin atio n of mensely valuable, but Mrs. Heyl- This applies to old and new th e in g re d ie n ts in H a ll’s C a ta rrh M edi­ issue. is w h a t p ro d u ces su ch w o n d erfu l man’s claims were disputed by a subscribers. New subscriptions cine resu lts in c a t a r r h a l co n d itio n s Send fo r Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Weather- Mr. Clapman, president of the $1.30 Round Trip w a k -VD1NG t "AX , testim o n ials, free. will commence October 25th, and F. J. C H E N E Y & CO., P ro p s., Toledo, O. by went to Portland, Monday mining company, who had bought All D ru g g ists, 76c. old subscriptions will be extend­ Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. up practically all of the stock. morning. ed a full year. SUBSCRIBE + + + + 'l’ + + + + + + + 4> The case began two years ago. Lookupthi advertisement of NOW! 10-13-27 Trains Leave Eirst and Aider Sts., Portland, Old Scotch Liniment which ap­ Mr. Hume proved a forged power of attorney had been used to ob­ at 6:45, 10:45 a. m, and 2:45, 4:45 p. m. pears in this issue. Dr. W. W. Rhodes, osteopathic tain the assignment of Mrs. Virgil Yonceand Edith Freeze, Heylman’s stock and won his physician, located at Hotel Esta­ of Oregon City, spent the week-, case. It was appealed and he cada, on Mondays, Wednesdays won again. Offers of cash set­ and Fridays, from 8:30 to 4 p. m. Extra I. 0. 0. F. Train Leaves Estaeada at end with Leta Possen. 9-8tf tlement amounting to hundreds is your Home Company. Our genial friend and esteemed of thousands of dollars were See us , regardi. g your 10:30 p. m. for Portland. property. Insure your subscriber, W. P. Ferrel of Bar­ made and refused. Read the Ads in the N ews . ton, called at this office Tuesday. Early last September. Mr. ORDINANCE NO. 0» P . R. L. & P . C O . Mrs. Ant a Eschleman, of Hume broken in health but dauutless in spirit, made a su­ AN ORDIN ANCE decla rin g th e a s ­ Salem, is here visiting at the preme effort. In a bitterly sessm ent fo r th e im p ro v em en t of Against home of her son Dave Eschle­ fought suit at Coeur d’Alene, he Broadw ay s t r e e t from th e point in FIRE, th e intersec tion of B ro adw ay anil obtained a court order for an ac Second streetB, w here previously man. THEFT or pav em e n t stopped, to the William Bass has bought out counting of all minerals shipped completed track s of th e P o rt la n d Railway, out by the company and all pro COLLISION. the Re-Nu-Em tailor establish­ perties now owned by it. Light & P o w er C om pany in th e City of E staeada, Oregon, and directing ment, and is installed in its The order meant several hun th e R ecorder to e n te r in the Dockei roems. dred thousand dollars for Mrs of City Liens a s t a te m e n t thereof pro viding fof ih e notice to property î J . W. Reed Estate Douglas Starr and family hav Heylman and Mr. Hume was to ow ners of th e e n tr y thereof, a n d de­ share 50-50 with her. He re clarin g an em ergency. gone to Portland for a few weeks ESTACADA, ORE. turned to his home triumphant W hereas, th e City Council has where he has secured employ over the victory and the fortune h ereto fo re a t th e tim e and in the r+ + + + + + + + + + + + ment. m a n n e r pro vided by th e c h a r t e r of won. THE U N I V E R S A L CAR said city, duly ap p o rtio n ed the cost W. J. Morris, purchasing agent of th e s t r e e t im p ro v em en t for im ­ The Ford Motor Company was the first to re- proving B roadw ay stre e t from the for the P. R. L. & P. Co., favor U. of O. Frosh Eleven duce prices on cars, September 22. 1920. 192(1 T h at ---- , ~epten point in th e intersec tion of B ro a d ­ first reduction p ries all models below ed the N ews ’ office with a cation The two coaches for the fresh way an d Second streets, w here p re ­ L,»14 price basis.’ Now M o th e r 'c u t .is m i d e - com pleted pav em e n t stopped, Tuesday. effective Sept. 2, 1921 to the follow ing prices, men aspiring to the football team viously to th e tr a c k s ot th e P o rtla n d , Rail- f. o. b. Detroit: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Morton at the U. of Oregon, are busily L igh t & P o w er C om pany in th e City For your convenience of E staeada, Oregon, upon th e lots, went to Portland Monday to buy- engaged in trying out the new Chasis ............................................... $295.00 we have arranged with p a rts of lots, an d parcels of land in R unabout ............................................... 325 .0 0 goods for their store. W. F. material. From the college pa th e assessm ent d is tric t in accordance the Baggage Department T o u rin g ....................................................... 3 5 5 .0 0 with th e provisions of th e said c h a r ­ Cary accompanied them. in Portland, to be able to per we see as was expected, that te r; and Truck with Pneumatic T ires..............\ 4 5 5 .0 0 chv^ your baggage at R. G. Marchbank motored to Raymond Lovelace is one of the W hereas, th e Council now_adopt3 home. We issue claim Starters on above models $70,00 ad­ assessm ent as ap p o rtio n ed and Camas, Wash., Tuesday. He most promising of the aspirants said checks here. All you hereby d irects th e R e c o rd e r to e n te r ditional. Demountable wheels $25.00 was accompanied by Mr. and on the frosh eleven. It states: a s ta te m e n t th e re o f in th e Docket of have to do is to present additional. Mrs. John Marchbank. it at Union Depot for ‘Among those showing up to City Be Liens. It O rdained by th e City of Es Coupe with Starter and destination check. D em ountable advantage is Reinhart. In addi­ tacada, Oregon, t h a t for the stre e t Mrs. 0. E. Siren and Mrs. W. w h e e ls.... ...... $ 5 95.00 im p ro v em en ts of B ro adw ay stre e t tion to his size he has lots of J. Symms were Portland visitors Sedan with Starter and Portland, Estaeada Dem ountable fight. Spear also is promising from th e point in th e in tersection of wheels last week, going Friday morning material with an abundance of B roadw ay an d Second streets, where .................... $660.00 Transportation Co. previously com pleted pavement and returning Saturday evening pep’ and plenty of poundage. stopped, EXCISE TAX EXTRA. to th e tr a c k s of the P o r t ­ One door north of Meat Lovelace is another who is com­ land Railway, L ig h t & P o w er Com The Odd Fellows have been Ford prices are uni form everywhere, except for freight, th e following assessm ents are Market. because Mr. Ford himself fixes the retail price. Place grading the side of the street ing into better form day by day, pany, hereby d eclared a n d levied a g a in s t but needs lots of work. He is th vour order quickly to avoid delay from the rush of o r­ Portland Address e following lots, p a rts of lots, or immediately in front of their exceptionally fast and boots the ders these new prices will produce. parcels of land in said City, to-wlt: 143 Front Street. building, and will gravel the pigskin farther than any of E staeada S tate Bank, E ast 66 & feet of lot 24, block 6 ..... $ 78.23 them. same. Fred C. Bartholomew. M. E. H endrick, west 34 feet, Estaeada and Gresham, Creg o n . Coach Williams is hopeful for G. M. Lawrence. Mrs. Ella Smith, of PortlamI, lot 24, block 6....................... 40.29 his men. While they are small M. E. H end rick, lot 23, block OUR B USINESS IS P ICKING UP came out Saturday afternoon to he believes that they will stack 6 .................................................. 59.26 spend the week-end with her up fairly well with their oppo­ E state J. W. Reed, lot 1, 118.50 mother, Mrs. Wilcox, of Upper nents during the season. Prac­ block 7 ............................. E sta te J. W. Reed, lot 4 tice is beginning to tell, but not Garfield. block 4 .................................. 4 4.44 sufficiently to enable the coaches E state J. W. Reed, n o rt h 25 Messrs. F. E. Burns, C. Du­ to feet of lot 5, block 4 44.44 pick any definite men for the bois, W. A. Heylman and Wil­ final lineup. Mae Oakley Reed, lot 2 block v .............-............ 59.26 liam Salzvedel, were Portland ÍH- The first game on the frosh H. 7 B. ...................... S n yd er an d C. E. K il­ visitors Saturday, returning on schedule is with Mt. Angel, on gore, lot 2, block 4............... 207.40 October 22, to be played here. ” H. B. S n yd er an d C. E. K il­ the 4:25 train. gore, lot 3, block 4 ............... 125.92 P o rtla n d Railway, Light and Mr. and Mr. F. L. Noltner, P o w er C om pany, n o rt h 25 "-— S ä u * you buy Special Notice with their little daughter Har­ 4P - / rubber b o o t s ' O ^ c feet of west half, block 3. .. 207.40 # or shoes, be sure S ou th 25 feet of n o rth 50 riet, and Miss Bertha Burns, of o the Patrons and Users of Old f you get the great new feet of west half, block 3.. 125.92 Goodri drich product— Postland, spent Sunday in Esta- Scotch Liniment: L ot 6, block 4, except n o rth New lot Special ! 142.20 cada with Mr. and Mrs. F. E Old Scotch Liniment will be S 25 ou th feet 17 0 .................................... feet of west half Burns. sold through druggists only for of block 3................................. 302.20 of 5-pound i Harry Johnson has enlarged Portland trade, and in the vicin­ and “ H X P R E S S ” Be It F u r t h e r Resolved th a t the of Portland. For sale by Cotton his shoe repairing establishment, ity Pail Plummer Drug Co., corner 3d R eco rd er be, and he is hereby d irect­ A Rubber Footwear o r W l S t s by taking down the partition of and Madison street, Portland, ed to e n te r in th e Docket of City " B u ilt like a G oodrich 7 7 r « " f} Batts L iens a s t a te m e n t th e r e o f c o n tain in g ; of A w o n d e rfu l a d v a n c e o v e r t h e old s ty le b la^ k r u b ­ the former office of E. W. Bart­ Ore., Huntley Draper Drug Co., 1. The n u m b e r o r le t te r of th e lot b e r hoots a n d »hoe*. Not lik e a n y o th e r r u b b rr Oregon City, Perry’s Drug Store, fo o tw ea r e v e r p ro d u c e d before. B u ilt o f th e assessed, and th e n u m b e r or le t te r of lett, and throwing the two rooms 3-pound sam e toojrh ru b b er «lock t h a t G o o d rich T ire s Pure Lard Hillsboro, Estaeada Pharmacy, block in which it is s i tu a t e d ; and if a r c m a d e o f —a n d b y t h e G o o d rich u n it-c o n ­ into one. s tr u c tio n prorc<6—c a V t le a k , c ra c k , o r p e r I s e p a r a te assessm ent is m ade on a Estaeada. Remember Old Scotch p a rt of a lot, a p a r t ic u l a r desig n a­ a n d w ill o u t la s t a n y ru b b e r fo o tw e a r Quilt Size, quality e v e r b u ilt. Russel Betts arrived from Eu iniment Reliever recommended tion of such part. gene Saturday to Join his wife by physicians is used in hospitals 2. T h e na m e of th e o w n e r o r th a t at Guaranteed Our stock Is n er is un kn ow n. and baby who were visiting at and in sanitariams. For pains in th e 3. o w The new and com­ sum assessed upon each the. home of Mrs. Betts’ parents, bones and muscles, rheumatism lot o r p a r t thereo f, an d th e d a te of at plete. Come in pain, sprains and cuts, USE OLD and let us fit you up Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Reagan. SCOTCH LINIMENT. Inquire th e Be e n I tr t y F ; u and r t h e r Resolved t h a t upon with better rubber 90c. They left for their home today. at your nearest drug store. For th e e n tr y of said assessm ents in said S h o rt footwear than you bond lien docket, th e R ecorder do sale by the above drug stores. i B oot Miss Lydia Matson, who has Read the following testimonial. fo r th w ith notify th e ow ners of the ever wore. been employed during the sum­ Others of a like character can be lots, p a rts of lots of th e a m o u n t so B ro w n x assessed; a n d t h a t th e sa m e m ay be mer in the Lipman & Wolfe de­ furnished. aid or bonded w ithin tw en ty days v. from th e d a te th e r e o f w ith o u t pen- partment store in Portland, A STRONG RECOMMENDATION: Ity, Interest, o r costs; th a t the Re­ resigned her position and re­ My right leg has been broken co rd e r is f u r t h e r directed to give turned home Monday afternoon. by a fallen tree, in two places, this notice by pu blication fo r ten days in a weekly new sp ap er published in Mrs. M. Rowe, of Portland, and is badly bruised up. I have C lack am as County, and th a t he f u r ­ untold misery until I th e r send a notice of such assessm ent with her baby daughter, spent suffered got to use Old Scotch Liniment, by mail in all cases w here th e post the week-end with her parents, t has relieved me right from the office ad d ress of th e o w n er or agent is know n, an d th a t he also personally Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kerkes. start. Old Scotch Liniment is serv e th e o w n e r of each lot o r p a rt the best liniment I have ever of lot when such service can be m ade They went back to Portland ac­ in th e City of E sta e a d a ; and companied by Mrs. Kerkes, who used in all my life. I live right W h ereas, th e aforesaid s tre e t has here in Dayton with my family, been im proved and it is necessary to returned home the following day. and will answer all questions. p ro c u re funds to pay for sam e; R obert P hevo , Dayton, Wn. Now T h erefore, an em ergency is j Thomas H. Morton, who has h ereb y d eclared a n d th is o r d i n a n c e ! 10-13-27 bought out Dale's store?, needs shall go into force and effect upon I t s ; adoption and approval. JOIN THE CROWD AT no introduction as he is well by th e Council th is 26th day Have you tried osteopathic I of Passed known locally, although he has S eptem b er, 1921, by th e following been absent for some years in treatment for those chronic con­ vote: Yeas: Allen, B arth olom ew , Isiv« - Alaska, as he is the elder son of ditions ? Consult Dr. Rhodes at j lace, O sbo rn e— 4. 9-8tf Nays: None. Mr». W. J. Moore, fe rn e ry Mrs. lotel Estaeada. S u b m itted to th e Mayor this 2 6th Anna Kendall Morton. Enter­ day of S eptem b er, 1921. prising, polite and efficient, he Pointer, the painter, puts in Approved by th e Mayor this 26th will no doubt, soon command an glass. See him for your windows day of S ep tem b er. 1921. STEPHENS, Mayor. Where the Motto Is Service. eviable patronage, insuring his as cool weather will soon be here. Attest: H. C. ___ 1 commercial success. 9. E WOOSTER, Recorder. 52tf 1.0.0. F. Convention i Saturday, October 15 , I 92 L SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES, : THE PACIFIC STATES* : EIRE INSURANCE CO.: AUTOMOBILE N o tic e ! RAKER SON, IK Goodrich O the members of the I. O. O. F. gathered in Estaeada, our store is your store during the Convention. Invite your friends to make this their Headquarters. T The People’s Store H. B. SNYDER, - - C. E. KILGORE. «W SS. 95c i I " i % »