ÍE a s tm t (Elarkam as D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County V olu m e 15 , E s t a c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 13,1921. N u m ber 4 OFF FOR AMERICA PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T~\R. R. GRAHAM McCALL ■"■^PHYSICIAN a n d S U R G E O N , Hours: 8:30 a. re. to 12 m, and 1 to 5 p. av Sunday by appointment Oregon. Estacada, ■pjR. C. M. NAFF, Successor to Dr. L. A. Wells D E N T IS T . Estacada, Oregon. T ^ R . R. MORSE, P H Y S IC IA N SURGEON. and Office and Residence Second and Main streets, Estacada, Oregon. Telephone connections. RS. R. GRAHAM McCALL, P IP E O R G A N a n d P IA N O . Graduate Chicago Musical College. 10 years Teaching Experience. Estacada, Oregon. ^ M TV/TRS. J. E. GATES, 1VA P IA N O I N S T R U C T O R . Phone or call at The Bazaar, Estacada. T E. GATES, FUNERAL D IR E C T O R and Embalmer. Night and Day Tele­ phone. Lady Assistant. J* O * D A EBY, TTORNEY A T LAW. General Practice. Confidential Ad­ viser. Oregon City. Oregon. TV/fcGUlRK & SCHNEIDER, AY-L atto rn eys a t law . At Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ days anu Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow building. Portland office, R09-15, ren- ton building. _____ . ___________ P AULC. FISCHER. atto rn ey at law . Beaver building, Oregon City, Oregon. S • E. N WOOSTER. E G O T IA T E S LOANS. Buys Mortgages, Rents your property, Writes Insurance in the very best com­ panies—he can get you results, bsta- cada, Oregon.* ______ _ FIR E INSURANCE. London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our Fire Proof Vault, free of charge. H. C . STEPHENS A gent . j THE BAZAAR, 2d door north o f Depot. SPECIALTIES for 5c, 10c, | 15c and up. Needlework, Crochet. Thread .j. Etc., for sale. % THE GATES TO SUCCESS | Proprietors X *->^X “X~ x ~ x ~ x k - x k ~X"<“X k ~ x * * * * * * * * + ♦ + + + +. H O LLA N D B U LB S : * Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Narcissus, Crocus. * * * ♦ ♦ ♦ For Sale at ♦ ♦ ♦ The R exall Store * ♦ V * *♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ For Fire Insurance PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO WILL PROTECT YOUR INTEREST Cary Real Estate Co. ESTACADA WILL ' WELCOME 1.0.0. F. j * ♦ j decided hit as a monologls’ and he Additional Brevities Moved to Falls City had hardly begun when he bad us all laughing. Many thought he had Mrs. William Bass was a Port­ The Rev. J. F. Dunlop, for the missed his calling and should have past three years pastor of the 13764306 starred in vaudeville. The prima | land visitor yesterday. (lonna sang and delighted all with! Wacren Barr is visiting home M. E. church in Estacada, has her melodious voice. been transferred to Falls City in Wednesday morning, October 12th, | A service was arranged for the folks in Estacada. Next Saturday will be a red 1881, at 9 o ’clock I left London for next morning at which a Methodist I Hon. Chris Schuebel of Oregon Polk county, where he will have letter day in town, not only tor He had been i Glasgow which was the first stop- 1 clergyman officiated. a larger church, membership ping place on my journey to New a delegate to the 1’an Wesleyan con­ City, was here yesterday. the fraternal order whose dis­ and salary than here. He has York. The trip took about eleven ference which had just closed its! Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore) trict convention will assemble hours and was uneventful. I had session in London. done good work during his pas­ frequently traveled along the line for | That afternoon a sad event took 1 drove to Portland ¿Saturday. here, but for the city as well. A torate in this piace, the church about half the distance and took in­ place the burial of a woman who large attendance is in sight, terest in looking for .remembered liad died during the night. She was I Miss Ruth Dillon was among being strenghened and built up Oregon City, alone, making up a places oji the way, and wondering if returning from Ireland to die at the Portland visitors Saturday. spiritually and materially. Many 1 should ever see them again. By home, but she had waited too long, ■ special train of two cars to bring Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norris a pastor does not receive the time we reached the border of Scot­ end passed away two days before Funerals are its contingent. Among the no- land, it was dark, so I did not see reaching New York. were Portland visitors Tuesday. credit for parish improvement, much of the country till nearing necessarily mournful, but those at | ables who have promised to come tea seem more desolate than else­ Glasgow when we passed through a Mrs. J. H. Feary of Portland that he should. But if a parish is the Grand Master of the I. O. region brightly lighted by (laming where. It made me shudder to see visited Mrs. F. J. Harkenrider does advance it shows that the the coffin sink in the cold ateis, to kilns. On reaching Glasgow, 1 went O. F. for the State of Oregon, M. be left so apparently alone. Tuesday. Immediately to the hotel where 1 pastor’s work is productive of re­ lit lore evening when about three R. Biggs, of Prineville. The pro­ was going to stop over night, and sults. There are vatieties of gifts hundred miles irom land, we met The lightning last night fur­ being tired, soon after supper, re­ gram, was published in the N e w s the pilot boat and took the pilot on ! nished a remarkable display of and administrations, one man has tired to bed. board although he did not assume last week, so our readers will he The next morning was grey and the gift of preaching, another of misty so 1 did not get a very good command till some hours later. Mon­ fireworks. j familiar with its features. In impression of the city. 1 spent the day we began to pack our bags and A bolt of lightning struck the organization and another of pas­ the afternoon a competititive ex­ mornlf.g in wandering around and steamer trunks, and wondered if-we toral service. It seldom happens transacting business at the offices of should arrive in time to go ashore hill back of Miller’s blacksmith’s emplification of the First Degree the Anchor line, on one whose boats, that evening. 1 hoped we would no* shop, last night, but did no dam­ that the three are combined in will he put on, the prize being a the Devonian, 1 was going to sail. as I wanted to stay another night on one man. However, if a man, The train left Glasgow for Green­ board. The weather was foggy so age. j silver cup. Two teams, one whatever his deficiences, is sin­ ock, which was the port for Glasgow, we were disappointed in seeing the The Rev. C. W. Pogue was from Oregon City and one from at 5 p. m. By that time it was drizz­ entrai co to the Hudson only a dim cere and godly, he will be a spir­ ling dismally, and sigti3 of an ap­ outline being visible. We were too transferred at the M. E. confer­ j Molalla, have entered for it. and itual force. M l Dunlop’s work proaching storm were in evidence. late to enter the harbor and anchored j ence from North Bend to the Si- I possibly others will take part. outside. We noticed nearby an un ! When we reached Greenock, we has been characterized by patient transferred to a tug to take us to the usually large vessel, and the next ! letz Indian mission. About four hundred visitors are endeavor, building slowly but ship. As 1 got out of the train and morning proved to be the City of expected, and the freedom of the Rome, tile then second largest steam-I The Rev. A. F. Lacy is the walked to tlie tug, 1 felt a twinge of steadily, and consequently it will home sicknsss and began to wonder er afioat, tlie only one larger being i newly appointed M. E. pastor for city will be given them by gen­ She had just i be of an enduring character. In if 1 should ever return. I would the Great Eastern. eral consent and acclamation. made her maiden trip leaving from Estacada and vicinity. His for­ have been completely non-plussed, if this he has been ably supported 1 had known that for 40 years at Liverpool, and only beaten us by a mer charge was at Oak Grove. The local merchants are planning by his wife who will be greatly any rate, 1 would not. The thought few hours. Her size of 11.500 tons to do their part to show their ap­ would not be remarkable now, when Look up the notice on top of mellowed my heart to the Scotch lad missed. To them and their fam­ who was carrying my bags, and 1 the modern ocean greyhound is al­ the third page, of the special preciation of the honor done to ily, the editor of the N e w s begs gave him a generous tip, w hich made most double in tonrage. The custom city in being chosen as the meet­ house officials were soon on board club rates of the N e w s with the him jubilant. to express his personal regret at and we had to make out our declara­ ing place for the convention. On arriving at the steamer, we Oregonian or the Telegram. their departure and the hope that went on board where we were greet­ tions. The local lodge has been busy It must have been about 10 a. m. ed by the captain and other officers. A farewell reception will be they will receive the welcome and making proper provision for the As travel was then light, I had a when we at last moored at the pier. state room all to myself, for which 1 I confess to have felt desperately given in the M. E. Church, this support in their new field, to entertainment of its guests, and was glad and later on, most thankful homesick, there 1 saw other passen­ evening to Rev. and Mrs. J. F. which they are entitled. nothing will be left undone for as 1 was confined to it for some days gers waving to and acclaiming their Dunlop, beginning at 8 o ’ c^ck. waiting friends. I never felt so lone­ from sea sickness. their comfort and enjoyment. ly in my life. Just then some one The boat was scheduled to sail at Parent-Teacher Meeting Elizabeth S. Rath, an old set­ This order of the “ three links” 10 p. m., but it must have been near­ said to me a gentleman is asking for (Contrbuted.) ly midnight when finally the anchor you. I was greatly surprised as I tler in the George district, has — Friendship, Love and Truth knew no ore in New York, and was weighed, and we put out to traded her farm of 80 acres for An interesting and profitable is deservedly strong locally, in­ sea. I know’ 1 went to sleep before thought at first it might be the agent of the anchor line who meets the a residence property in Portland. meeting of the Parent-Teacher cluding some of our most sub- we started, and when I woke up in the morning we were anchored in passengers and looks out for those The freshmen class of the Es­ Association, was held at the high tantial and leading citizens. Es­ Moville bay on the north end of Ire­ committed to his care as I was. But land. The weather had cleared no, it was the brother of a school tacaba high .school entertained school auditorium, Tuesday Oct. tacada is more than cursorily somewhat •when I got my first view fellow of mine in Germany, whose the sophomores Tuesday night, 11, at which the subject dis­ He had interested in this gathering, and of the Emerald Isle, and realized people lived at Hoboken. why it was thus called. I never had very thoughtfully written to them at the home of Verlie Coop. cussed “ Are we receiving as the writer believes he is express­ before seen grass of such a vivid hue. and told them the boat I was coming They playtd games, roasted wee­ much benefit, educationally, for ing the general sentiment in ex­ During the morning we received the on, and they had kept a look out, and daily papers and learned that a vio­ sent their son to meet me. I can­ nies and had a happy time in the taxes paid as eommired with tending to our visitors on Satur­ lent storm had raged around the not express what a relief it was for general. twenty-five years ago?’ ’ It was day, a warm welcome, and fig­ coast of England and caused the loss me; I forgot my home sickness as I felt that I was not landing entirely of a hundred and fifty vessels. "We Mrs. John Osborn has our best very ably handled by Mrs. J. uratively, the latch keys of our fortunately had missed the worst of friendless as a stranger in a strange U. H. G. thanks for a basket of delicious Yocum, Mrs. R. H. Keatinge homes, offices and stores for it in crossing, but while in the com­ land. and Miss Dillon, who took up the their convenience. While they parative calm of the harbor, the grapes of Concord and white va­ storm could be seen raging outside, different phases, to show that are here these are theirs to use rieties. We divided with our and we waited some hours in hopp D O D G E N EW S in view of the fact that the new and ourselves at their command. that It might abate. But alas it did foreman, George Hislop, so the not, and so the captain decided to School opened Monday, Oct. 3, idea of education is to fit the The concluding number which N e w s ’ force can testify to the put out once more. As soon as we crossed the bar, we noticed the dif­ with an enrollment o f 45 in the excellence of the fruit of the Os­ child for his lire career and not will take place at the close of the ference, and the ship began most two rooms. simply to cram his brain with a program proper, arouses a good born vineyard. ominously to roll. It was not long lot of facts, a great percentage deal of expectation, as the parti­ E. Jochimsen is hauling lum­ before passengers were seen going to Dr. R. G. McCall left Thurs­ of which he never applies, which the side of the vessel, or below to ber to build a bridge across cipants are both popular and (heir berths. I began to feel a little day of last week on a hunting taken together with the raised well known. Many no doubt, dizzy but managed to stay on deck, Hoop creek. trip in the Santiam country about standard for teachers, necessari­ and even to sit down to dinner. But would like to be present, but it Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller I had hardly got through the second 40 miles from Albany. Saturday ly makes it more expensive to will he imposible to accommodate course, when I felt it incumbent on spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr3. he was called back by long dis­ prepare teachers and to equip me to make a sudden and hn6ty exit. May of Garfield. all those who would attend, so I stumbled into my stateroom and tance telephone, to attend the the schools to pursue the hand­ those privileged to come, will be there remained for four days with­ David Horner and Mr. and sick baby of George Townsend, work branches. Taxes, therfore, strictly confined ONLY to mem­ out hardly ever venturing out. The storm Increased in virulence and on Mrs. Fred Horner and family of Faraday. as for everything else, are high­ bers of the I. O. O. F., Rebekahs the following Tuesday reached its visited with the Chas. Colsoa Ed. Hunt has moved his musi­ er, but the child is proportion­ height. I remember that that night and their immediate families, and I was pitched out of my berth two family Sunday afternoon. cal instruments to the rooms over ately benefitted. the close friends of both the or three times, and was bruised by David Horner Sr. made a trip the red front confectionery and Miss Morgan delighted the au­ star performers. being thrown against the sides of the ship. I vowed then that if ever I to Portland Monday, to attend pool hall, and the rooms he va­ dience with piano numbers. got on dry land I would not again the Poultry Association recept­ cates on Main street will be oc­ Mrs. A. G. Ames was elected try the ocean. But when I recovered Stockholders’ Meeting I soon forgot the disagreeableness. ion, held in their new quarters. cupied as living rooms. There vice-president to succeed Mrs. There were seventy stockhold­ It is amusing to watch some one else G. W. Keller and Will Kaake is still a great demand in Esta­ F. G. Robley, resigned, and Mrs. ers of the Estacada Packing Co. being sea ^ick, as all sense of dignity is lost by the victims, and they per­ made a trip to the huckleberry cada for houses to rent. Coleman, secretary, to succeed at the meeting in Odd Fellow« form some comical stunts, but it is Mrs. Earl Day, resigned. Mrs. hall last Thursday night, and the very different when oneself^ Is the patch last week, and brought sufferer. I had been sea sick several back twelve gallons of berries. Lyceum Course Val Cary was elected reporter. following officers were elected: times before, but never on so pro­ The following committees were longed a time. The best description The senior class of the High President, George B. Weath* is that of the Irishman, who said that appointed by the president: Mem­ School will again sponsor a lyce- erby: secretary and treasurer, Announcement "the first half hour he was afraid he um course furnished by the Elli- bership- -Mrs. A. G. Ames, Mrs. J. G. Havman; hoard of direct­ would die, and that the second half hour, he was afraid we would not To the Public: •on-White Lyceum Bureau of Ellis, Mrs. E. E. Baling; Social ors, Earl Day, W. R. Wood- die.” I have bought out the business Portland. Mrs. worth, T. B. Young and J. S. There will he five Com. — Mrs. Stephens, About the fifth day out, the storm abating, passengers began to come of William Dale and shall be glad numbers in the course, the .nitial | Einerson and Mis3 Leila Howe. Osborn. on deck, and the former sufferers to meet all of his old patrons as 135 shares of the capital stock one being by the Freeman Ham­ Irom rnal de mer, crawled out of their cabins, to be refreshed with the sea well as many new ones. I am mond company on October 24. have been subscribed, which put A Regrettable Omission breezes. How gratifying it was to filling up the shelves with new Mr. Hammond is a very talented ■ fill one’s lungs with them after the Profound apologies are due to the company on a firm founda­ close atmosphere of the staterooms. stocks of goods, which include artist whose forte is character our esteemed Springwater cor­ tion. After this It was not long before they dry goods, mil'inery, ladies’ and impersonations. The other two developed enormous appetites, and respondent for not publishing manfully endeavored to make up for gents’ furnishings and notions. members o f his company are Store Changes Hands her interesting notes last week. lost time. We began also to make These are arriving daily, so Miss Ethel MacDonald, violinist The copy was mislaid and its loss acquaintance with each other. I William Dale has sold his store found fhat there were two or three everything will be new and fresh and soprano soloist, and Miss not discovered until after the to Thomas H. Morton, who has boys about my age, who were also and I will soon be ready to fill Lillian Carpenter, pianist and paper was out. going out to seek their fortunes, one taken possession. Mr. Dale has was going to Minnesota and another all your requirements in these reader. The season tickets for, been in business here for four- to Canada. There was a captain of lines. the full course are only $2.00. Announcement the U. S. army who was a great 'teen years, beginning in the Assuring you that the same The class no doubt will receive1 raconteur, and kept us -in a roar or We wish to announce that our store building owned by William laughter with hi* stories and jokes courteous treatment which has the cordial support of the public. business is^back to peace strength Ktaacke of Portland, at the He had had the smoking room almost to himself during the stormy weath- characterized this store in the and normalcy again. We are south end of Main street. Six f r, as nothing ever seemed to upset past, will be strictly maintained, School Meeting him. There were the usual number once more in shape to shoe the years ago he moved to the pres­ Yours truly, of newly weds returning from their Don’ t forget the school meet­ “ mankillers” or teach the colts ent location of the store. Mr. bridal trips to Europe, and also a T homas H. M o r t o n . Danish prima donna with her hus­ ing Monday night in the high the value o f the blacksmith. Dale has been noted for his band. They contributed a good deal j Estacada, October 10, 1921, school auditorium, at 8 o’clock. Ayto-hlack3mithing and auto re- courtesy and strict integrity, and of amusement as he w as ecstatically ! enraptured with her although she j All tax payers should be present p a i r i n g are our specialties. his many friends will miss him was plain and evidently some years; Christian Church as it will be necessary to vote on “ Satisfaction” is our guarantee at the counter. He is uncertain the older. just what he will do in the fu­ An entertainment was planned for Rev. T. M. White of Portland, the proposed budget to secure and “ you win” our motto, the last Saturday night consisting of J. V. BARR& SON ture, hut is not contemplating funds for the coming school will preach in this church, next songs, instrumental pieces and reci­ j * * ♦ Now is the time to plant. ♦ $1.50 P e r Y e a r tations. The chief steward made a| Sunday morning and evening., year. | 10-13-20 Blacksmiths. 1 leaving Estacada.