/ EA ST E R N C L A C K A M A S N E W S, T H U R S D A Y , SEPT. 29, 1921. DOVER Smith H a rd w a re Co. Misses Agnes and Alice Udell Here is the place to get that brace with bits and drills to match it. were visiting Mrs. Akin, Sunday. Mrs. Kellier spent the week­ end in Portland visiting her hus- ban i. Mrs. Iva Parks and little daughter were visiting the home folks, Saturday. School commenced Monday, September 26th with Mr. Clene- smith as teacher. Joseph DeShazer shipped seven fat hogs to Derthick Brothers of Portland, on Tuesday. Mr. Phillip Evans has been very sick, but his many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keipt- miller and babies, spent the week­ end in Dover visiting relatives. Mrs. Shaw returned home Monday, after visiting relatives at Pleasant Home, and Newberg. Mr, and Mrs. A. Kleinsmith and daughter, o f Oregon City, were visiting the Jos DeShazer family Sunday. C. E. Seward is hauling lum­ ber for a new house. Mr. Sew­ ard bad the misfortune to lose his house by fire two years ago. Assorted locks and shot gun stocks a jack-knife or ^hatchet, Razors, tacks, a saw, v> axe, paints, varnish, oils and glues, Drinking Jars and iron bars, rope, squares, spades and Screws, Wrenches right, we treat you white and sell the best that’s sold, And we have stoves to bake your loaves They’re hottest when they're coaled; Rivets, hasps, files and rasps, bolts, nails ami gasoline, Extra blades for different trades, and that Easy Washing Machine. — (¡ood Hardware Have you tried osteopathic treatment for those chronic con­ ditions ? Consult Dr. Rhodes at Hotel Estacada. 9-8tf WANT AND FOR SALE ADS. FOR S A LE .—One-half horse power water motor. Inquire at Mrs. Stormer spent the week­ N e w s office. end with the James Shibleys. DISC W A N T E D —I f you have Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bard are one in good condition, call A. N. 8-25tf camping at the state fair this Orke, Eagle Creek. week. FOR S A LE —Nice young horses at my ranch near Currinsville. George Cogswell o f Eafele W .(0 . Echols, Estacada Rt 1. Creek was a Sunday caller at 9-22 29 Madden’s. FOR S A LE —Fresh cow with James Young, our truckman, calf, $35. Henry Klinker, Bis- has been ill the past week. Mr. sell. Ore. 10-6 Feathers has been driving in his FOR S A L E -O n e 16-inch Oli­ place. ver sulky plow in good condition. S P R I.N G Y V A T E R N E W S M. H. Maher visited over Sun­ Geo. Lawrence, Springwater. 9-29-10-6 day aad Monday at the Dayble’s, returning to Hood River Monday FOR S A LE — Pure, clean Jer evening. sey milk, 11 cents per quart. Miss Ruth Zurcher, Mrs. R. Phone your orders to Darrow, 9-2ÍM0-6. Pulley and daughter Nettie. Mr. Estacada. Mrs. J. I. Gujtridge and daughters and sister, Miss R. Zurcher, motored to Silverton Monday where Mrs. Guttridge will visit her parents for a Week. The repairs on the school hause have been completed and school opened Monday with Miss Rubv Gilman of Portland instead of Miss Talman as was first stated, and Mrs. Erickson as teachers. P. Erickson, E. Shearer and E. Dibble have been over to Sa­ lem for the past two weeks, building chicken pens for the state fair, Mr. Shearer having charge of the poultry exhibit' Mrs. Erickson and Mrs. Shearer joined their husbands last Mon­ day and will take in the fair. DODGE J. W. Marrs spent several days in a business trip to Portland last week. Next Saturday the Community club monthly meeting will be held. Don't forget the date. Miss Mamie Marrs has gone to help Mrs. George Lawrence for a few weeks with the house work. The school house is being cleaned and put in order ready for the [reopening o f school next Monday. Miss TenEyck and Miss Keller are both reengaged and will teach their separate de­ partments again as last term. We are looking forward to hav­ ing a very successful school term again as we had last year. Dodge peop.e to the number of 43 journeyed up into the hills on Thursday the 22. to give a sur- J prise to Fred Baldwin, it being his birthday, but the surprise was on the other party. Fred receive them, but all had a good time anyway. A fine picnic din- door amusements. The Progressive Scripps- American Shoe Shop Booth, Gardner, In Estacada, Every Saturday, Painting, | Paper Hanging and Tinting. \ from 2 to 5 p. m. Phone Cahill for appointment. Bob R. R. CARLSON Undertaker and Embalmer G resham Harness Rcpaiied. Shoe laces retipped, Custom prices. Everything for Shoe*. OCT. 1. WALLACE REID —IN— “ What’s Your Hurry? Hoodooed Comedy B JONES, Piano Tuning and Repairing Leave orders at Estacada Hotel .MAN GIVES WIFE ESTACADA, GLYCERINE MIXTURE P. O. Box 44 P R I C E $4. OREGON. + + + + 4 - + + + + - 1 - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * Confectionery, Phonogr iphs, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ R. G. M A R C H B A N K , L ig h t L u n c h e s , ESTACADA, OREGON. Cigars and Tobaccco, International Clothes, ♦ + + + + + +t + + + + tt + t* + + + + t t t t 1 Reliability! Service! Office, at Portland, Oregon, Septem­ ber 16th, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that W il­ liam v.hestrr Dalziel, of Boring, Ore­ gon, R. F. D. No. 2,.‘who, on May 14th, 1920, made Homestead Entry No. 06674, for NWJ NEJ and SJ N h l, Section 3 3, Township 2 S, Range 5 Pi, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice o f intention to make Three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be­ fore the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, ’ at Portland Ore­ gon, on the 28th day o f October, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses;—Mr. R. A. Chown, of Boring, Ore., R. F. D. 2, W. A. Dalziel, Salem, Ore., care of State House, Mrs. R. A. Chown, of Bor­ ing, Ore., R. F. D. 2, A . Motjel, of Boring. Ore., R. F. D. 2. Act June*6-9-!6, 1916. Pumps, Water Systems, Implements, Machinery, Overland Automobiles, International Trucks. A lexander S week , Register. W e Buy and Sell Good Used Implements, guaranteed to give good service. Repairs for all Implements and Machinery. 9-22-10-20 i 1 1 i i Hotel Estacada. GRESHAM, ORE. i1 ! D -------------------------- You can now get Board and Room at Hotel Estacada for $12.00 per week. Good privileges. Board and Nice, Clean Make arrangements now, D o n t F ONE U. S. Rooms with Bath Cream Separator and get choice of rooms. o r g e t 500 GALLON CAPACITY t h e SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNERS!' ESPECIALLY PRICED $98 The Family Theatre SATURDAY, 15 years experience FRED HESSELS FARM MACHINERY, - O re g o n Warren McWillis Local Agent for Estacada SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. B. H. J O H N S O N . She had stomach troubles for years. A fter giving simple buck- I f you are figuring on Paint­ I thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as ing get my prices. I will mixed in Adler-i-ka, her husband furnish the material or you Isays; “ My wife feels fine now! can furnish it. I will do ana has gained weight. It is your work by day or con- wonderful stomach medicine.” tract. Leave your orders at X Adltr-i-ka acts on BOTH upper Smith Hardware Co.’s -store J and lower bowel, removing foul at Estacada. matter which poisoned stomach and which you thought was nev­ J. W. SAUNDERS, | er in your system. EXCEL­ Rt I. Estacada. :j: LE N T for gas on the stomach or chronic constipation. Guards against appendicitis. The impur­ N O T I C E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N . ities it brings out wall surprise Department .,f the Interior, U. S. Land you. Estartida Pharmacy. gon, whoon August 9, 1918, made Orig­ inal Homestead Entry No. 06038 for NEJSW 1. NWJ S W i. and SE* SW* of'-ection 17, Township 4 S, Range 4 E. Willamette Meridian, and on June 7, 1920, made additional Homestead Em try No. 0b855 for S W i N W i, section 17. Township 4 S, Range 4 E, Willam­ ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de­ scribed, before the Register and Re­ ceiver o f the United States Land Office, at Portland, Ore., on the 27th day of October, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses;—G. W.Neoling, o f Estacada,Ore., R t 2, Louis Vallen, of Colton, Ore., Rt 1, Ben Dod­ son, o f Estacada, Ore., Rt 1. John Park, o f Estacada, Ore., Rt 2. Acts 6-9--16 and 4-28-04, Sec. 2. A lexander S week , Register. 9-15-10-13 | SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Pointer puts on Deadening Office at Portland, Oregon, Sept. 8. 1921. K NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Felt. Make your rooms warm NOTICE is hereby given, that W il­ for winter. 52tf liam Zacariah Hight, of Estacada, Ore­ Departnent of the Interior, U. S. Land W A N T E D —I f you have hay or straw to bale, see Peszneeker. 9 -ltf J. W. Exin and wife, have been at their Dover ranch for W A N T E D —To buy cow, fresh several days taking care o f their Tom Smith, Eagle Creek. Rt 1, fruit and having their hay baled. box 28. 9-22-29 and Mrs. Aggeman o f Lents, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Guttridge. FOR SALE No. 2 Russell Saw j Mill, just the right size for your[ Liberty, tractor. Norman Linn, Estacada. Rt 1. 9-22 29. ' THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. »BEEF C A TTLE , V E A L AN D HOGS, One 9-I6 Heider Tractor \ $ 1 ,3 7 5 . I I | Demonstration by Appointment. | * x Dressed or Live, Bought. T H U R S D A Y , O C T . 6. RUTH OF THE ROCKIES. Pat he News. Tom Santshi, Sagt Brush Musketeers, Doing Time. Comedy. See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles, Relishes, Catsups, Cheese, Butter.Milk, and Salt and Smoked Fish. Buy a Quarter of Beef for Canning. 10c and 12c Per Pound. M. J. KERKES 4 Co. Estacada The Reed Auto Co. ESTACADA, OREGON. Oregon A. E. SPARKS, Manager. KODAKS- A L L KIN D S and SU PPLIE S GUNS- and AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE Get Hunting and Fishing Licenses Here Camping Outfits. Electric Flashlights Baseball Supplies QUICK-LITE FACTS! B rilliant, Safe, Clean, Economical, Convenient, Durable. B R I L L I A N T — Because it gives 300 candle power of strong, pure, rich, white light. Brighter than the brightest electric bulbs. E C O N O M IC A L — Because it c sts only lc per night for 3 hours use. It holds 3 pints and burns 18 hours on one filling. S A F E — Because there is no danger if the lamp upsets. T h e fuel cannot spill. The lamp cannot ex­ plode. C L E A N — Because there is no greasy wick, no dirty chimney, no smoke, no soot, no odor to contend with. C O N V E N IE N T — Because it lights with a match, re­ quires no cleaning and has to be filled only once a week. D U R A B L E —-Because made of brass which cannot rust. It is heavily nickel plated and made to last a life time. SMITH HARDWARE STORE, ESTACADA T H E Q U IC K -L IT ES A R E B U IL T O N H O N O R B Y M EN W H O K N O W H O W