i EIASTERN C LA C K A M A S LOCAL B R E V I T I E S A N D N E WS 77 NEWS, TH U R SD AY SEPT. 29 1921 Notice of School Meeting. EMS Au^o intoxication, constipation, stomach disorders yield readily to my method of treatment, hree consultation. Dr. Rhodes Osteopath, Hotel Estacada. Mon­ days, Wednesdays and Fridays. 8:30 to 4 p.m. 9-8tf N otice is hereby given to the le ga l voters o f School D is tric t No. 108 o f Clackamas County, State o f Oregon, that a School M eetin g o f said d istrict w ill be held at H igh School, on the 17th day o f October. 1021, at 8 o’clock in the a fte r ­ Mr. and Mri. J. C. Duus were noon fo r the purpose o f discussing the budget h erein after set out w ith the le vy -, ing board, and to vote on the proposition o f le v y in g a special d istrict tax. Gresham visitors Friday. The total amount c f money needed by the said school d istrict during the J. W. Shafford was here from Portland Saturday, attending to I fiscal year beslnnlnB on June SI, m i . and ending June 3«. 1»22, Is estim ated In the fo llo w in g budget 9ind include»! the am ounts to be received from the county some business matters. « ONE Messers. Martin & Cowan, photographers o f Portland, were here Sunday taking pictures in Estacada. Their specialty is "H om e Photographs as the Fam­ ily Look at Home.” Mrs. Rose Freeman, from Lower Eagle Creek, is visiting with relatives in Portland for a few weeks. She took in part of the Gresham Fair, and reported having a good time. H. C. Stephens has a crew of men grading his lot in Terrace Heights, where he is going to erect a tine residence, commen­ surate with his professional and civic positions, as banker and mayor. L. V. Cleworth returned Mon­ day to his position on the high school faculty. During the sum­ mer he has evidently been at work in the great out o f doors as he has a deep coat o f tan for a complexion. His many friends are glad io see him again. Dr. Clarke, o f the Clarke- Brower Optical Co., o f Portland, was in town Monday, looking the field over. He informed us that he is preparing to make regular monthly visits to Estacada. This firm is perfectly equipped to do all the work in its line. Both partners are expert optometrists and opticians, and guarantee sat­ isfaction. $ 260.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 $1,260.00 $ 500.00 STI.64 125.00 25.00 $ 025.00 2 , 200.00 $ 20.00 $2,220.00 e A t 1 o ’clock p. m., Sharp. tr A- "¡GLEASON U rnalij aSd* a'cts“ ^ ' ' ^ " » ’ 'T a k eí‘‘in Toledo' °- ■ a lia Family puis for constipation. * + ♦ + + * + + + + ♦ ♦ : THE PACIFIC STATES* : FIRE INSURANCE CO.: , * ^ is your Home Company. See us regardi, g . your property, Insure],'your * ■* ^ J AUTOMOBILE * *• MONDAY, OCTOBER 3d. 1921, —Against— The following will be sold to the Highest Bidder: 5 Cows, Cook Stove, 50 Chickens, 2 Sets of Harness, 1 Heifer, 2 Lumber Wagons, 1 Calf, 9 Cotswold Sheep, 2 Harrows, 1 Buck, 2 Registered Sows, 2 Cultvators, 1 Boar. 1 Lister, 2 Teams of Horses, 1 Ford Car, Equity in Case 10-18 Tractor and 2 Bottom Plows. Terms will be Made Known on Day of Sale. CHARLES COLLARD, Agent. P. A. KLINE, Auctioneer. + f FIRE, + l THEFT or * ► COLLISION. + * J. W. Reed Estate ♦ ESTACADA, ORE. * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + * + + * + * + 434, THE U N I V E R S A L C A R $ 102.50 180.00 117.50 $ The Ford Motor Company was the first to re­ duce prices on cars, September ¿ ¿ , 1020. That first reduction prices all models below the 1J14 price basis. Now another cut is m a d e - effective Sept. 2, 1921 - t o the following prices, i. o. b. Detroit: 400.00 $22,950.00 $1,977.00 390.00 720.00 6.471.10 $9,558.10 $22,950.00 We Buy Wheat and Oats in Any Quantity. t £ hasi* ................................................ $295.00 Runabout .......................................... 325.00 louring.. ......................................... 355.00 Truck with Pneumatic T ires............ 455.00 Starters on above models $70,00 ad­ ditional. Demountable wheels $25.00 additional. $13,391.90 Coupe with Starter and • Demountable w heels........................................ $595.00 Sedan with Starter and Demountable whee*» ........................................ $660.00 Original Estimates and Accounting Sheet. Transportation Co. School District No. 108 T h is o r ig in a l estim ate is made In com pliance w ith section 23 1-A o f the school law s o f 1921 and shows in parallel columns the unit costs o f the several services, m aterial and supplies fo r the three fiscal years next precedin g the cur­ rent year, the detail expenditurs fo r the last one o f said three preceding fiscal rent year, the detail expenditures fo r the last one o f said three preceding fiscal year. ( “ Six months o f the current year” means six months o f the last school year.) , E X P E N D IT U R E S Expenditures and budget allow ance fo r six months o f last school year. IT E M 1 » I u 3 p &S Personal Services« 1. Superintendent $ 2,400 2. P rin cip als . . . . 1,200 3. Teachers ........ 13,335 4. Janitors .......... 1.500 5. Clerk ............... 100 T o t a l ............. $18.535 800.00 801.00 8.530.02 780.00 50.00 310,961.02 Material, Supplies 1. Furniture, (desks, e t c . ) . . 20 2. Supplies (Chalk, e t c . ) . . 350 3. L ib ra ry books. 150 5. Playgrou n d • E q u ip m e n t.. . . 6. Jan itor’ s Su p plies.......... 50 7. Fuel ................. 500 8. L ig h t ................ 150 9. W a ter ............. 100 10 P osta ge and S tation ery. . . . 50 ToM l 3 1,370 E xpenditures fo r three fiscal years next preceding last school year 1,200.00 800.00 6,999.98 750.00 50.00 39,799.98 S3 1 *. i ) i m - S a 4 QQ be 2 2,320.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 8,308.77 1,250.00 72.50 311,951.27 8.045.75 1.170.00 II.N 310,770.70 6.477.50 990.00 60.00 38.727.50 75.00 761.32 96.25 250.00 1,363.67 12.50 24.52 109.10 50.00 25.00 250.00 75.00 60.00 12.00 t 1.031.67 25.00 $ 812.50 1,7.77.28 109.90 786.19 50.00 501.25 114.41 100.00 32.79 622.50 201.09 100.00 64.37 426.75 194.37 14.36 2.168.21 15.80 $ 2,839.21 100.00 31.617.38 321.251.51 321,251 51 Brounds.......... 600 10.00 300.00 10.00 12.00 3 312.00 BuiidlnBS and grounds......... T o t a l ..............3 600 3 NEW GOODS ARE POURING IN to Every Department. I A n iR ’ W 0 0 I n l/ U L H iK lF D Y T h e y are here in a variety of handsome I I U j I L I y 1 » " “ “ heather mixtures, ribs and Scotch plaids. MODERATE PRICES- LA D IE S ’ SHOES P IIR R F D l\ U L )L )L I\ Hepress Line. Brown, Russia Calf, Black K id and Gun Metal. FO O TW FAD that will stand the test with the best. Ask the I U U I f t L r 1 l\ man that wears them. Sole Agents for the L o o k for the R E D B A N D around the top. COTTON BLANKETS HAVE ADVANCED IN PRICE. Il U i 177.78 3 177.78 625.00 1.302.50 2.049.83 1.271.60 619.88 11,271.50 2.964.86 COTTON BATTS—QUILT SIZE— 1,989.24 Men’s All-wool Socks, all weights, best quality, 25c and up. Strained Honey in 3-pound Glass Jars, 75c per jar. 48.84 2,961.86 1.989.24 673.64 200 200 3 170.00 170.00 10« 00 3 100 00 2400 60 32.050 161.43 3 163.43 125.00 12.30 3 137 60 64 34 313.009 76 612.444.98 316.432 13 324.505 3 510.88 A few more left at 79 cents each. Indebtedness: 1. Bonded, and In ­ terest thereon 1,750 2. W arrant, and In­ terest thereon 3. A ll other indebted­ ness and interest t hereon. . . . . . . . T o t a l ............8 1.750 $ Grand T o ta l Oregon. W e bought heavily before the advance and are S E L L I N G A T T H E O L D P R IC E S BuiidlnBS and T o M l ........ Estacada and Gresham, OUR BUSINESS IS PICKING UP in Maintenance end Repairs MiscellRneous RAKER & SON, Fred C. Bartholomew, G. M. Lawrence. 45.70 Construction : High School Bldg. T o t a l............. Insurance T o ta l . EXTRA. Ford prices are uniform everywhere, except for freight, because Mr. I'ord himself fixes the retail price Place your order quickly td avoid delay from the rush o f or- tiers these new prices will produce. Portland, Estacada F irs t year g iv e y e a rly totals Ernest Rynning has returned from Eastrn Oregon, where he went to visit his sister at Arling­ ton, and also to attend the Pendle­ ton Round-Up. He said the later wras full o f thrills. T otal 3 2.400.00 1.200.00 frank j E X C IS E T A X D etailed expen­ ditures fo r last year o f three- year period mm Mrs. P. S. Stamp thinks she cannot be outdone in raising beans. She grew a pod which measured 12 inches in length. It is purple striped and the beans are large. u" M RS. M Y R T L E B E LF 1 LS , D istrict Clerk. F. G. R O B B Y , Board o f D irectors. Budget a llo w ­ ance in detail Mrs. J. K. Ely, Morris Ely, W. H. H. Wade, Oral and Gladys E. Stormer, made a party which started Tuesday morning for Sa­ lem to attend the State Fair. A tte s t; Estim ated expendi­ tures fo r the ensuing school year Mrs. P. M. Wagner showed us the other day, some extra fine onions which were raised in her garden. They are smooth, thin skinned and round as a ball. cured'by^the’ uae* « S ' & V Ä Ä ' L T m e d ic in e * VIOLA, OREGON,_ ha¿ h; H U N D R E r?1 rlril ,pa>r tl,e suni ot r (Seil) S ° Ä 1,800.00 1,500.00 . 5.040.00 3,240.00 1,125.00 1,560.00 100.00 A t the Old Ward Place, « A Duca» ** ° f £ hl0' c ,t ss. y o f Toledo, County, school fund, state school fund, elem entary school fund, special d istrict tax. and a ll other moneys o f the d istrict: BUDGET Miss Irene Saling was a week­ end visitor with her sister Ruth E S T IM A T E D E X P E N D IT U R E S in Portland. Personal Service: Salary per year Mr. and Mrs. Butt Moore went 1. Superintendents, 1 .............................................. 3 2,400.00 to Portland Tuesday to vis^tMrs. a. Principals, 1 ........................................................ 1,200.00 3. Teachers: Moore’s parents. Manual T rain in g. 1 ...................................... 1,800.00' Mrs. Dan Mattson has return­ Coach. 1 1,500.00 H igh School, 4 ................................................ 1,260.00 ed from Portland where she Grade School, 2 .............................................. 1,080.00 spent the summer. Grade School P rim a ry, 1.................................. 1.125.00 1,560.00 McColley Dale came home last 4. Janitors, 1 5. Clerk, 1 ............................................................... 100.00 week from Eastern Oregon, 7. Other Services: D om estic Science Help, 1 ............................... 180.00 where he has been working. T o t a l............................................................. »18.145.00 Miss Bertha Burns came over 2. Supplies (chalk, erasers, e t c . )..................................... from Portland Sunday morning 3. L ib ra ry bookg ........................... ... ......................................... and spent the day with her par­ 5. Playgrou n d equipment ...................................................... 6. Janitor's supplies, brooms, dusters, sw eeping com p.. . ents. 7. Fuel ....................................................................................... 8. L ig h t ...................................................................................... Miss Lydia Mattson was a 9. W ater ................................................................................... week-end visitor at her home 10. P osta ge and s ta tio n e ry ....................................................... here, returning to Portland Sun­ T o t a l............................................................................... day evening. Maintenance and R ep airs: Grade school b u ild ing and ground«, lire escap e............. James Freeman and family Grade school buildings and grounds.repairing basement spent the week-end with Mrs. Grade school building and grounds, p laysh ed ............... H igh school building and grou n d s.................................. Freeman’s parents here, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Barr. T o ta l ......................................................................... Indebtedness: Read the auction ad of Charles 1. Bonded, and interest th ereon ........................................ E. Collard, whose sale will take 2. W arrant, and Interest th ereon ........................................ place October 3d, at the old T o t a l.............................................................................. Ward place, Viola. M iscellaneous: Clerk s bond. $22.50; Tel.. $60; A d v .f $20......................... Mrs. Henry Yount, formerly of Diplom as. $50; T y p e w rite r, $120...................................... A u d itin g books, $5; incidentals, $112.50......................... Currinsville, who went to Color­ ado a few months ago, is now lo­ T o t a l............................................ ................................ T o ta l estim ated amount o f money fo r a ll purposes cated at Delphos, Kansas. during the year ........................................................... Among those on the train Sat­ E S T IM A T E D R E C E IP T S urday morning, Portland bound, From county school fund during com ing school y e a r . . . . From state school fund during the com ing school year. . were Mrs. C. F. Howe, Miss Le- From elem en tary school fund during com ing school year lia Howe, Mrs. Dave Eshelman E stim ated amount to be received fro m all other sources during the com ing school y e a r ....................... ’ ........... and Dr. Steiner. T o ta l estim ated receipts, not including proposed t a x .. George E. Lawrence, o f Spring- R E C A P IT U L A T IO N water, brought some Graven- T o ta l estim ated expenses fo r the y e a r ............................... stein apples to town Monday Balance, amount to be raised by d istrict t a x .............. morning. He gave us one to Dated this 16th day o f September, 1921. sample and it. was delicious. AUCTION SALE 150.00 416 00 150 00 3 410 00 818 197.47 139.871 21 3 34,304.08 1 I. Mrs. Myrtle Belftls. do hereby certify that the above entimate of expendi­ ture* for the year 1921-1922 waa prepared by me and that the expenditures and | budget allowance for six months of the current year and the expendlturea for ' the three fiscal years next preceding the rurrent year aa shown above have been compiled from the records in my charge and are true and correct copies thereof. ! MBS. M Y R T L E B E L F IU I. D istrict Clerk. JOIN THE CROWD AT The People’s S to re H B. SNYDER, - - C. E. KILGORE. Where the Motto la Service. Ï