lEaatmt (Ülarkamas f c s Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 15, N umber 2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E stacada , OREGON NEWS NOTES O regon , T hu rsd ay , cording to a re p o rt of th e budget com ­ m ittee m ade public. T he O regon public service com m is­ sion honored a w a rra n t for $1400 and payable to J. P. Newell, rate expert, who appeared on behalf of the com ­ mission during the recen t rehearing of the case Involving the charges of the P acific T elephone & T elegraph com ­ pany. S eptember 29, 1921. Additional Brevities $1.50 P er Y ear Off for California ESTACADA TRIMS The frost last night is a re­ Saturday morning, Mr. and minder that winter is coming. Mrs. E. W, Bartlett start on OF GENERAL INTEREST Raymond Lovelace has gone to their journey to Colton, Califor­ t - \ r . r . g r a h a m M c C a l l Eugene to enter the University. nia, where they will make their As a result. consistent play­ PrFncIpal E v e n ts of the Week ^ P H Y S I C I A N and SURGEON. Mrs. A. E. Sparks went to future home. They have been ing where every man was on the H ours: 8:30 a. ire to 12 m, and 1 to 5 p. Briefly Sketched for Infor­ Portland, (Wednesday, returning residents of this city for the past job all the time, the Estacada m. Sunday by appointm ent eleven years, and identified with E stacada, Oregon. to-da>. mation of O u r Readers. High bovs won a decided victory The Bartlett housa when va­ its growth and development. A over Franklin High of Portland M. N A F F , GARFIELD BREVITIES cated, will be occupied by Mr. large circle of friends will miss last Friday, in defeating the lat­ D R. C. Successor to Dr. L. A. Wells. W illiam L. F inley has been re-elected them and are sorry to see them and Mrs. Tom Morton. Verda Sandstone has returned D EN TIST. presid en t of the O regon A udubon so­ ter aggregatien by a score of 20 to McMinnville to attend Lincoln . Mrs. C. R. Betts with her baby g o . Oregon. ciety. E stacada, to 0. The Estacada boys gained The enrollm ent In the C orvallis city high school. Mrs. Bartlett has been active­ yardage on line bucks, end runs son, of Eugene, are visiting her T 'J R . R. MORSE, John Anderson and son of Bor­ schools is expected to reach 1500, the ly connected with the social and and passes, none of which Fsank- ^ PH Y SIC IA N a n d S U R G E O N . la rg e st in its history. ing, were visitors over Sunday mother, Mrs. T. J. Ragan. civic life of the city in various lin seemed able to solve. The Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Avery, of Office and Residence Second and Main F or th e first tim e in th e h isto ry of with Andrew Anderson. ‘ positions, being city treasurer, spirit and team work of the stre e ts, E stacada, O re g 'n . Telephone G rants P ass schools more th an 1000 J. R. Downey is at home for a Denver, Colorado, were guests connections. short time. Mr. Downey is of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens and member of the former civic home boys were perfect. No stu d en ts w ere m atriculated. improvement club, and later of grandstand stuff was pulled and At an election in Condon th e pro­ an employe of the O. W. R. & last Tuesday. TUTRS. R. GRAHAM M cCALL, N. the library association. She is posal to bond the city for $60,000 for AVA P I P E O R G A N a n d PIA N O . Mrs. Willis Yonce and Mr. and noted for her kindness and so­ glances at the side lines were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Trapp a w ater supply w as d e fe a te d .' G raduate Chicago M usical College. 1C conspicuous by their absence. P lans for th e erectio n of a five-story have gone to Wcodburn fora Mrs. Albright, all of Oregon ciality, always ready to aid a years Teaching E xperience. Estacada, The coaching system now in Oregon. a p a rtm e n t house In Salem a t a cost visit and will also spend a few City, spent Sunday with Mr. and good cause. During the war, days at the Salem fair. Mrs. L. C. Possen. of $150,000 have been announced. operation at Estacada High, calls she did heroic work for the va­ ]\>TRS. J . E. GATES, H. D. Sandstone of Portland A ttendance a t Redm ond union high for consistency, to the exclusion Mrs. U. H. Gibbs entertained AVA PIA N O IN ST R U C T O R , rious drives. Mr. Bartlett has school show s an Increase of m ore th a n j was a week-end visitor at Tarry- of all star-performing. What Phone or call a t The B azaar, E stacada. 30 per cent over th a t of la st year. more Farm ruturning with C. V. yesterday afternoon, Mrs. E. W. always stood by the town and the High school wants is a foot­ Bartlett, Mrs. H. LaBarre and furthered its interest in a number The sta te gam e com m ission a t a re­ Sandstone after a day at the E. GATES, ball machine that can work just Mrs. Tom Carter. cen t m eeting decided to ask for bids Gresham fair. of ways. As mayor he straight­ * F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R as smoothly minus any two or Services will be held Sunday for com pletion of th e Tum alo h atchery. The regular social meeting of ened out the water tangle and and Em balm er. N ight and Day Tele- afternoon, Sept. 2, immediately three of the first string men. The A shland iron w orks, founded 20 the W. C. T. U., will be held at other kinks in municipal affairs, phone. Lady A ssistant. This is y ears ago by George W. Dodson, who after Sunday School. the home of Mrs. Rose Wilcox, giving most generously of his Next Friday Estacada Dlays died of h e a rt failu re Friday, will be the last service Rev. Dunlop D EBY, time and legal knowledge to this Hillsboro High at 2 p. m. on the will hold before going to confer­ Thursday, Oct. 6th. o . A T T O R N E Y A T LAW. closed. ence at Eugene. Come and Don Newman a nephew of Miss end. Although a strong Repub­ home field. Estacada will be P o rtlan d ranked th ird am ong P acific G eneral P ractice. Confidential Ad­ bring the children. coast cities in th e volume of building Maude Sturgeon, has taken a lican in politics, he is most dem- handicapped by the injuries re­ viser. Oregon City, Oregon. The social given by the Gar­ position in the Estacada pharma­ cratic socially, and a good mixer, ceived by some of the players in perm its issued durin g the m onth of field ladies on Friday evening, AAcGUlRK & SCHNEIDER, A ugust. cy. He is a registered pharma­ treating everyone with a bon­ Friday’s game, but according to ATA A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW. A reduction of v aluations In farm was a decided success. The hall homie which has won him many dope the game will be a fast one. cist. A t G resham office—Tuesdays, T h u rs­ lands In D eschutes co unty is being a sk ­ was beautifully decorated to Whether Estacada wins or loses days ana S atu rd ay s, 203-5, W ithrow ed by ran ch ers of th e H igh D esert represent harvest time, a splen­ Sam Barr, who has been em­ friends. Their children were it is up to the town people to building. P o rtlan d office, 609-15, F en­ did program was given and re­ educated in our high school, and section. ployed in the Estacada Garage ton building. freshments served cafateria come and support the home their daughter Helen, now Mrs. N egotiations a re under way w hereby for a number of years, is now style. The proceeds were for team. th e W oodmen of th e W orld of Salem pAULC. F IS C H E R . the benefit of Nora Memorial assisting his father in the black­ Robert Smith, being married may come into possession of th e E lk s' Jr A T T O R N E Y AT LAW. here. Ken, their son, distin­ church. smith shop. B eaver building, O regon C ity, O regon. tem ple. Council Meeting guished himself, both at the U. Don’t forget that the second A pproxim ately 350 forest fires w ere At its session last Monday night Christian Church Notes extinguished by em ployes of th e Doug­ half yearly installment of taxes of Oregon and in war service C E. W OOSTER, overseas. the City Council passed the or­ las county fire p atro l during the fire ­ N E G O T IA T E S LOANS. Every night this week Group is due on Wednesday, October dinance regulating jitney trans­ fighting season. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett have Buys M ortgages, R en ts your property? Evangelist Williams will preach 5th. After that date penalty F ourteen hundred bales of hops have W rites Insurance in th e very b e st com­ portation, putting the franchise been Oregonians most of their panies—he can g e t you resu lts. E sta ­ been sold a t E ugene ¿ ln c e picking upon subjects that are of great will be exacted. at $100 per annum, and requir­ lives, and no doubt will miss the cada, Oregon. Last Thursday evening, the started at prices ran g in g from 25 to interest to the people of Estaca­ ing a bond for the safe arrival of old state, but the desire to be 33 cen ts a pound. da. His messages have been school had a bonfire on the flat daughter induced passengers at Portland. Anoth­ Tw o-thirds of the big Condon ele­ appreciated very highly. This back of the city ball, around near their er ordinance was passed for car FIR E INSURANCE. v ato r fell filled w ith 90,000 bushels of week will close his time here. which they cavorted and made them to make the move. That parking regulations and limiting w heat. It w as estim ated th a t 75 per their future years may be pros­ Don’t miss a service for he will merry otherwise. London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. cen t of th e g rain can be saved. perous under the sunny skies of the speed to 20 miles a hour Great American Fire Insurance Co. A liens, su b ject to deportation, are explain in each meeting the dif­ The Estacada library received California, and that Estacada within the city limits, and order­ p re tty well weeded out of the sta te in­ ficult passages of scripture, and last week, oyer a hundred books Keep your policy in our F ire may see them again in 1925, if ing cut-outs closed. These two stitu tio n s, according to R. P. Bonham also will explain the usages of Proof V ault, tre e o f charge. from the Free Traveling Library, not before, the writer feels are were declared emergencies, and of the U nited S ta te s Im m igration serv ­ words and expressions such as They are of a miscellaneous char­ the wishes that will accompany take effect immediately. Anoth­ ice. ESTACADA STATE BANK, sanctification, born again, change acter, and there is a good selec­ In a city election held to change them as they depart for the er ordinance for the assignment of heart, etc. several sections -o f th e Fossil city A gents . tion for children. It only costs golden slate. of the costs of the paving, re­ ch arte r, th e vote c a st w as extrem ely The services will close next $1 a year to belong to library as­ cently done, wa3 passed but will light, 56 voting a g a in st and 23 fo r a Sunday with all day service. S. sociation, which entitles you to not take effect until after publi­ change. A Miss Murray Married S. at 10 a. m., communion and so much good reading. cation. Mrs. Bernice McCall The N ew berg council has passed an preaching at 11. In the after­ Cards have been received an­ was appointed city treasurer at ordinance abolishing all unlim ited fran ­ nouncing the marriage last Sat­ a salary of $5 per month, in the chises g ran ted by th e city, m aking it noon there will be services and They are Coming! n ecessary for concerns to apply for round table discussion on the Advices have been received by urday, Sept. 24, at Minneapolis, place of Mrs. E. W. Bartlett, 2d door north of Depot. new ch a rte rs. work. Delegates from other Minnesota, of Miss Vere Murray who is leaving for California. the local committee of the I. O. Raleigh M atthew s, 23-year-old farm ­ churches will be here. to Herbert W. Coddington. The SPECIALTIES for 5c, 10c, | er, w as held responsible, by a coroner's O. F., that teams from Oregon bride was a member of the high Bring your basket filled with jury at M edford for th e death of W il­ City and Molaila will be here at P. R. L. & P. Stock Sale I5c and up. school faculty «last year, being good things, as we will have a bur (W ig) Ja c k s a t E agle P o in t In a the District Convention, to com­ Construction of a 75,000-horse­ the domestic science teacher, and shooting affair. , basket dinner at noon. Needlework, Crochet Thread pete in the exemplification of the power hydro-electric plant on the G overnor and Mrs. O loott lost th ree Etc., for sale. A singer from Portland is to First' Degree of Odd Fellowship. was very popular both at school hours of sleep w hen th e y arose before Clackamas river, 25 miles above and socially. Mr. Coddington is THE CATES TO SUCCESS £ v 5 o'clock and escorted th e ir th ree sm all be here Thursday and over Sun­ Other teams may enter also. A a business man. and the newly Cazadero, is the principal objec­ silver cup will be presented to Proprietors v sons to th e grounds occupied during day. married couple will make their tive of the Portland Railway, th e d ay by a circus. the winning team. From Sandy home at Waverlv, Iowa. On be­ Light & Power Co.’s decision to P lans for a fed eratio n of southern New Delivery Truck and other towns comprising the ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ half of all her friends here, the sell $10,000,000 of 7 per cent Oregon cham bers of com m erce w ere ♦ district, the same story is told: The People’s Store, in order to m ade a t a forum luncheon a t K lam ath writer begs to express the heart­ prior preferred stock. ♦ Falls given in honor of th e A shland cope with its volume of trade, ‘‘We are coming with strong iest wishes for their future hap­ Genuine The improvement, which will ♦ and Medford delegation. has found it necessary to put on delegations.” From these indi­ piness in wedded life. turn on the successful sale of the W. A. Reid of M arshfield has been a larger truck wagon than the cations, it would appear that new securities, will probably be elected sec re ta ry of th e Corvallis flivver” it has been using. C. Saturday, October 15th, will be started with one unit of the cham ber of com m erce. Mr. Reid has My Dear Mr. Gibbs:— a gala day for the Odd Fellows served in a like capacity a t M arshfield E. Kilgore converted his auto­ Permit me to acknowledge, with plant, the whole of which may 50c and up. Also mobile into a handsome delivery 4 nd Rebekahs of the county and for th e p ast th ree years. cost several million dollars. A co-ed rifle team to rep re se n t the truck, with canopy top. The city. We hope the business men sincere thanks, the receipt of your Fifty men are now at work Oregon A gricultural college ag ain st body is painted a dark glossy of the town will not neglect the clipping recently sent me, en­ IMITATIONS all-com ers is planned by MI bs Edna green, and the sides of the car opportunity to welcome the lodge titled “ What is Education ?” I building a road that will make A. Cocks, head of th e d e p artm en t of am sure you are right in your the site of the proposed plant doors bear th^ names of the store people in appropriate manner. 15c, 25c and 35c. physical education for women. diagnosis of the case, and we available. As high as 1500 men Marion county will have a rock pile and its proprietors in gold let­ shall welcome at the University have been employed on plant Community Club or some o th e r In stitu tio n for penal ters. George Pointer did the all the propaganda' possible, construction work by the com­ As announced last week, the labor du rin g th e com ing w inter, if painting and needless to say he plans now being w orked ont by m em ­ did a No. 1 job. first meeting of the season will which tends toward thorough­ pany. According to President bers of the county c o u rt m aterialize. be held at Estacada hotel on Fri­ ness in the basic work of educa­ Franklin T. Griffith of the com­ H erb e rt E g b ert of The Dalles won day evening of this week. An tion. It is a hopeful sign when the pany, the proposed plant would Goes to Conference the sw eepstakes in th e g ra in division interesting program has been newspapers of the state are giv­ generate as much power as the th e n o rth w est h ay add grain shoV The Rev. J. F. Dunlop leaves The Store « of combined present plants of the in Pendleton w ith a bushel of h ard next week for Forest Grove, arranged by the entertainment ing serious consideration to the company. underlying problems which af­ F ederation w heat. Its te s t w eight w as committee. Rev. Williams, evan­ where the conference of the M. 63 pounds. fect so profoundly the welfare gelist of the Christian church, Prize Winners M. L. (A be) E vans, confessed slay-, E. church will be held, com­ will give a talk on Community of the country and the safety of e r of Jam es D oran of McM innville, mencing Wednesday. As he Lawrence & Son, of Spring- the government. With best Fo r Fire Insurance entered a plea of not guilty In th e cir­ has completed his third year Upbuilding and there will also be wishes and personal regards, water, continued their success cuit court a t The Dalles. Judge F red here, it is possible that he will another speaker from Portland, i Very sincerely yours, ! with their Jerseys at the Mult­ Several musical numbers and a L. W ilson s e t bis case for T hursday, be transferred elsewhere. Dur­ P. L. C ampbell . nomah County Fair, which they Septem ber 29. reading by Miss Morgan, will PLACE YOUR IN­ C ounty Agent Jackson h as completed ing the time he has held the lo­ round out the program and make Prest. University of Oregon. made at the Clackamas County SURANCE THROUGH his check on th e W asco county apple cal pastorate, the church has Fair. They won the following YOUR HOME AGENT WHO crop and in a fo recast announced th at advanced both materially and it well worth while for everyone premiums: Bull 3 years and ov- WI LL P R O T E C T who possibly can, to attend, The Men Can Do It the yield would exceed 275,000 boxes. spiritually, and he will be able to YOUR INTEREST er 1st and 2d; cow 3 years or Of these, 165.000 will com e from the ■j If you doubt our ability, come over 2d and 3d; heifer junior make a gratifying report at the M osier d istrict. Dr. W. W. Rhodes, osteopathic ^j,e Methodist Church on Fri- conference. Whether h e is A bond sale of $150.000 and a tax physician, located at Hotel Esta- ^ay at ^ p m f an(j we wj|| serve calf 1st; herds grand and senior transferred or not, he will be of about 90 centa an acre are proposed cada, on Mondays, Wednesdays . .. . ,.inner piat~, 25c champion. to raise m oney needed for 1922 by the back for another Sunday after and Fridays, from 8:30 to 4 p. m. a t*0™ 9upper< plates ¿5c Cary Real Estate Co. cen tral O regon irrig atio n d istric t, ac ­ the conference closes. 9-8tf, and 40c. Read the Ads in the N ews . 0 J THE BAZAAR, EVER SHARP PENCILS: Rexall