EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY SEPT. 15, 1921. Thankfully Received LOCAL BREVITIES I. O. O. F. Convention My Dear Mr. Gibbs Many thanks for the editorial on “ What is Education ?” You have it right. You are doing a real service in the field o f educa­ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus drove tion, for which I congratulate you most heartily. With ali good to Oregon City Tuesday. wishes, The editor and his w ife spent Very Sincerely Yours, the week-end in Portland. AND NEWS I I EMS R obert F ry C lar k , Mrs. L. C. Posson went to Ore­ Prest. Pacific University gon City Saturday evening. October 5, the second install­ Dear Mr. Gibbs: ment o f the income tax is due. May we thank you for the va­ G. E. Lawrence,, o f Spring- rious ediioral comments on the water, was a week-end visitor to “ Small college,” “ Education,” Portland. and particularly “ Pacific Univer­ Mrs. R. Morse visited her sity,” which have been appear­ brothers in Portland Friday and ing in your paper. I wonder if Saturday. you could send us a copy o f your The roof o f the I. 0. 0. F. issues o f September 1st, and building is being reshingled on September 8th for our files. With kindest regards, the north side. Yours very truly, Will Bass is working for R. C. R a l p h H . M it c h e l l , Deming, gathering up berries 205 Platt Building, for the cannery. Portland, Oregon. H. C. McCormick, of Gresham, was a guest at the Pimm home U U N IV E R S IT Y OF OR E G O N, last Friday night. Eugene, Sept. 8, 1921. Mrs. Dora Herring and Miss Dear Mr. Gibbs:— Wava, her daughter, visited in Ever since returning from va­ Portland Saturday. cation, I have had your editorial Mesdames W. J. Moore and o f July 28th on my desk intend­ Tom Morton spent the day in ing to send a note o f comment. Portland last Thursday. When you say that the root of Miss Ruth Dillon has returned the matter is the “ Continuous" from her vacation, part of the effort to make things easy for time being spent at Seaside. the pupils,” your are far from A. Haidlen has moved bis wrong. The more responsibility household effects to Portland, we throw on the student, the where he has bought a home. less education costs and the great­ Charles Weaver returned Sat­ er the results. I am thoroughly urday from The Dalles, where in sympathy with many o f the he has been working for some old fashioned aspects o f teaching, time. and that is why I was pleased Phil Marquam was taken acute with the old fashioned tone thls 6th da>' December. and keep Estacada on the map. T , yr,P a . A885' A. W. G LE ASO N. Many women will profit by the following statement o f one of + + + + + their sex: “ I was afraid to eat <■ + + + + on account o f stomach trouble. Even rice did not agree. A fter taking Adler-i-ka, I can eat any­ thing.’ ’ Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, remov­ ing foul matter which poisoned stomach. E X C E LLE N T for gas is your Home Company. on the stomach or sour stomach. See us regardii g your property, Insure your Guards against appendicitis. It brings out poisonous matter you never thought was in your sys­ tem. Estacada Pharmacy. —Against- I f you are figuring on Paiqt- ing get my prices. I will furnish the material or you can furnish it. I will do your work by day or con­ tract. Leave your orders at Smith Hardware Co. ’s store at Estacada. J. W. SAUNDERS, Rt I, Estacada. í Our Price Four Cents. CRATES FURNISHED. Estacada Cannery. FIRE, THEFT or COLLISION. V : Second-hand sewing machine, New Home, in good condition. 8-18tf S m i t h H a r d w a r e C o . I J. W. Reed Estate * ESTACADA, ORE. + * * * * * * * * * * S he Family Theatre THE U N I V E R S A L C A R The Ford M otor Com pany was the first to re- uuee prices on cars, S ep tem ber 22, 1920 That hrst reduction prices all models belo'w the 1914 price basis. N ow another cut is made— f ffo Cb1VD e tro it2’ 1921 ~ 'to the l o w i n g prices, SATURDAY, SEPT. 17 £hasi* CHARLES RAY — in — We Buy Wheat and Oats in Any Quantity. Starters on above models $70.00 ad- ditional. Demountable wheels $25.00 • tlv additional. Comedy. MONDAY, SEP. 19, Coupe with Starter and Demountable wheels....................................... $595 00 Sedan with Starter and Demountable Two Shows in One, 6-Reel Feature and Vaude­ ville. wheel* .................................... $660.00 THURSDAY SEPT. 22 Ford Prices are uniform everyw here, excep t fo r freight, because Mr. I'ord him self fixes the retail price Place your order quickly to avoid delay from the rush o f or­ ders these new prices will produce. e x c is e RUTH OF THE ROCKIES. Pathe News. Phantom Valley, Little Miss Jazz. Portland, Estacada ..........................................$295.00 louring.. .......................................... 355.00 Truck with Pneumatic Tires............ 455.00 Villiage Sleuth. t a x e x t r a . RAKER 4 SON, Estacada and Gresham, Oregon. A. E. SPARKS, Manager. Transportation Co. Fred C. Bartholomew, G. M. Lawrence. OUR BUSINESS IS PICKING UP Before You Go Elsewhere, We do Job Printing. Charter No. 125. Reserve District No. 12 R E P O R T O F C O N D IT IO N ----of the---- At Estacada, in the State of Oregon, OF BUSINESS. SEPTEMBER 6TH, 1921. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ....................................... $145,250.97 373.90 O verdrafts secured and unsecured 22,874.00 U. S. governm ent securities owned Other bonds, warrants and securitie including foreign g o v ­ 20,359.05 ernment, state, municipal, corporation, etc 1.498.09 Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments, etc 6,217.33 Banking house, $3,450.00; furniture and fixtures #2,767.33 5,353.56 Real estate owned other than banking house Am ounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies, 21.494.04 designated and approved reserve agents o f this hank Checks on banks outside city or town o f reporting bank and 20.00 other cash items 13,353.36 Cash on hand in vault T ota l cash and due from banks $34,867.40 236.794.30 Total l ia b il it ie s 15,000.00 2 , 000.00 3,164.61 73.1 Demand Deposits, other than banks, subject to reserve: Deposits due the State o f Oregon, and deposits due county or cities and other public funds 15,365.64 Individual deposits subject to check 106,920.43 M 596.76 Cashier’s checks o f this bank outstanding payable on demand Total o f demand deposits 122,799.66 Time and Savings Deposits, subject to reserve: T otal WE VENTURE TO SAY that we carry CO M PLETE the M OST STO CK in the Eastern End of This County, and our large volume of business en- ables us to give you G R E A T E R V A L U E and B E T T E R S E R V IC E than is possible to find elsewhere. Men’s and Boys’ Footwear, Ladies’, Girls’ and Children’s Shoes, . Rainy Weather Clothing for the Family. . Capital stock paid in Surplus fund (a ) Undivided profits $11,105.71' 7,941.09 (b ) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid United States deposits, including postal savings and deposits o f United States disbursing officers T im e certificates o f deposit * Savings deposits ................................ T otal o f li m e ard Savings deposits TO BOY ANYTHING IN HOUSEHOLD NEEDS, Come in and LOOK OVER O l/R STOCK and compare our values as to Price and Quality. If we do not have what you want, we will get it for you and SAVE YOU MONEY! ESTACADA STATE BANK, CLOSE + + EVERGREEN I BLACKBERRIES AUTOMOBILE i X | Painting, Paper H anging and Tinting. i' i' i» i> i' : THE PACIFIC STATES : I : FIRE INSURANCE GO. : ; Pointer puts on Deadening Felt. Make your rooms warm for winter. 52tf THE WE NEED I 100 Tons iSJfiP „ . . N otary Public, ».it® n " Ca' arrh Medicine Is taken In- ! ! r w y °nd acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces o f the System. Send lo r testimonials, free. J. C H E N E Y A CO.. Toledo, O. JoM by all druggists. 7Bc. H a ll a F am ily P ills fo r constipation. GIRL’S STATEMENT WILL HELP ESTACADA. Auto intoxication, constipation, stomach disorders yield readily to my method o f treatment. Free consultation, Dr. Rhodes, Osteopath, Hotel Estacada, Mon­ days, Wednesdays and Fridays. 8:30 to 4 p.m. 9-8tf AT ? S P E C IA L FO R 10 C E N T S : One Large Can o f Salmon....... ................... .............................................. . 10 Cents One Small Can of Condensed Milk _______ _________ _______ ________ 10 Crate One Package o f Corn Flakes............ ........... ......................... .......................10 Cents E X T R A S P E C IA L ! One lot o f M E N ’ S SAM PLE SHOES. Ball Strap. Goodyear Welt, Russian Calf, the same shoe you paid $12.50 for. sizes 6 to lyi, we now sell for $6.50 42,388.16 51,29.5.53 93,683.69 236,794.30 S T A T E OF OREGON, i COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS, f I, Ruth L . Dillon, cashier o f the above named bank, do solemnly sw ear that the above statem ent is true to th i best o f m y knowledge and belief. R U T H L, D IL L O N , Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to b efore me this 13th day o f Septem ber, 1921. S. E. W O O S T E R . N ota ry Public. M y commission expires March 12, 1923. H. C. S T E P H E N S , C o r r e c t - A t t e s t T H O M A S YO C U M , R U T H L . D IL L O N . Directors, JOIN THE CROWD AT The People’s S to re H B. SNYDER, - - C. E. KILGORE. Where the Motto Is Service.