Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 15, 1921, Image 2

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E astern Clackam as News
Entered at the postoffire in Estarada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
Probably the chief reasons for
unsatisfactory results in hill se­
lection of seed potatoes, is that
the selection is started at dig­
ging time instead of at blossom
time, Leaf mosaic, curley dwarf,
and spindle sprout, are easily
detected when vines are green
but not after they have withered.
Evidence of these diseases is not
found on the tubers. If plenty
of healthy, vigorous plants are
staked at blossom time, a goot
supply of disease free seed can
be selected at digging time.—O.
A. C. Experiment Station.
Seed certification of grain has
been practically completed in al
grain growing counties of east­
ern and western Oregon. Coun­
ty agents of these counties have
lists of owners of such seed avail­
able for the information of any­
one desiring to obtain pure seed
of good varieties, adapted to the
locality where grown.—Exten­
sion Service.
A formula for permanent agri­
culture for the Willamette Valley,
based on soil surveys which have
been completed in al! but Marion.
Linn and Lane counties, is be­
ing developed by the soils de­
partment. A large fund of in­
formation has been obtained from
these surveys for use in advising
land owners as to the most profi­
table methods of handling anc
maintaining their holdings, with
particular reference to soil fer­
tility, drainage, effect of rotation
of crops, and plant food elements
of the soil.—O. A. C. Experi­
ment Station.
Published every Thursday at
Estacada. Oregon
Editor and Manager.
S ubscription R ates
One year
Six months
Thursday. September 15, 1921.
One of the most imporant du­
ties of those who are- entrusted
with the care of children, is the
formation, in them, of good hab­
its. And this covers a wide
range in manners, speech,
thought, action and morals. The
task is truly an onerous one, and
requires constant vigilance. But
nothing is more productive of
beneficial results, as the habits
thus formed continue as a rule,
through life by becoming fixed,
and those who have had their
habits thus developed bless those
who trained them. Many a man
has had his future wrecked on
account of a bad habit which was
not checked while young, and
which afterwards he could not
break, although he saw it was
his undoing. In this issue of the
N e w s , there is a mention of a
young boy who has just entered
the Estacada High School. That
of course, is nothing unusual, but
his fine record in the grammar
school calls for attention, which
shows that for eight years he
was neither absent nor tardy.
Now this means three very im­
portant things, first, that he is
healthy, otherwise sickness might
have caused his absence; second­
ly, that he has formed the habit
of punctuality; thirdly, that he
has acquired a liking for school
and its work. We do not know
whether he is exceptionally
bright in his studies, but he has
developed something more im­
portant, [and that is perseverance.
So he starts in his high school
career most advantageously, and
if he keeps up his past record for
punctuality, he is sure to do well.
But whether or not he aspires to
scholastic honors, his reputation
for punctuality will prove a most
invaluable asset when he goes
out into the world to make a liv­
ing. For a punctual man is in­
variably one who has a sense of
responsibility and proves reliable.
During the year 1917, there
were shipped into the State of
Oregon, over six hundred thou­
sand tons of coal. If we allowed
an average price of ten dollars
per ton, for mine price plus
freight, this would represent ov­
er six millions of dollars that
had been sent out of Oregon for
wages and freight rates.
A very large portion of this
money can be kept in the state
if the people of Oregon will pa­
tronize a home industry which
has recently been completed at
an expense of about half a mil­
lion dollars, namely the Beaver
Hill Coal Mine and Cleaning
Plant. This mine is located in
Coos Couniy, and is now prepared
to supply a very good grade of
It is claimed that three bil
lions of dollars are hidden around
houses and carried in pockets by
the people of the United States.
All this subject to almost instant
destruction by many causes. If
this was deposited in banks, thus
releasing it for useful purposes,
it would go a long way toward
financing necesssary business to­
day, besides affording the depos­
itor a source of protection and
200,000 trespassers have been
killed or injured by the railroads
of the United States during the
last twenty years.
Of these
125.000 were wage earners and
30.000 were children.
í The Story of :
\ Our States \
T O H A N M E W P -
SIIIKE falls
the honor of
casting t h e
v o t e which
d e f 1 n 11 ely
f o r m e d the
United States. The Constitution
was to formally take effect when
nine states had ratified it and on
June 11, 1788, New Hampshire
rounded out the necessary quota
of the states. This beat Vir­
ginia for the deciding vote by
only four days.
The beginnings of New Hamp­
shire lead back to Captain Ma­
son, who had been governor of
Portsmouth In Hampshire, Eng­
land. Thus wns the name of
the colony derived and also that
of Its first city, Portsmouth. As
a reward for Mason's faithful­
ness to King Charles he was al­
lotted a lurge territory north of
the Merrimac river. The flrst
settlements wore stnrted In 1623
In Itye nnd Dover. Shortly after,
a theological dispute arose in
Boston, led by Mrs. Anne Hutch­
inson, which resulted In her be­
ing banished. Some of her fol­
lowers went north and founded
Exeter, not far from the towns
of Portsmouth and Dover. Short­
ly after the town of Hampton
was settled by Massachusetts
people. As Captain Mason died
soon after this, these four towns
in 1041 joined themselves to
Massachusetts. In 1C79, however,
King Charles II separated them
again nnd formed the royal prov­
ince of New Hampshire.
The present area of New
Hampshire Is 9,341 square miles.
From the rugged aspect of its
White mountains has come the
name Granite state, by which It
is often popularly called. The
population of New Hampshire
warrants an electoral vote of
four for president.
Again the canning industry
has demonstrated its advantages
<© b y M cC lu re N e w s p a p e r S y n d ic a te .)
to the farming industry. It has
been the “shock absorber” be­
tween o<’er-production of various
crops and has been able to pack USEFUL IN MINING DISASTERS
the greater part of the farmers’ Wartime Device, Perfected by Ameri­
fruits and vegetables for distri­
can Engineers, Has a Practical
Purpose in Peace.
bution later to a world wide
market. Canneries make possi­ In the latter days of the war re­
ble profitable farming.
ports emanated from France of a mys­
The Portland papers state that
the crime wave predicted by
Mayor Baker, is on, judging
from the police records of last
Saturday and Sunday. But the
readers of these papers will think
that it has been on for some time,
seeing that their headlines have
seldom failed, for months past,
to record murders, robberies or
other crimes.
If Fatty Arbuckle’s pictures
are barred on account of the
tragic consequences of his dis­
graceful spree in San Francisco,
he will pay heavily for his drinks.
But filmdom will be the gainer.
Since he took to producing his
own pictures, they have gone
from bad to worse, and are noth-
'ng but nauseating vulgarity.
terious listening device which "heard"
sounds Inaudible to the ear and located
their source. The same meclinnlsm
developed to highly practical form by
American engineers, has now been
adopted by the United States bureau
of mines for locating miners acciden­
tally entombed, says Popular Mechan­
ics magazine.
The Instrument, called a "geophone,"
Is prnctienlly a miniature seismograph,
It is quite simple, consisting of an iron
ring closed at each side by a dia­
phragm of mica. In the center Is sus­
pended by a bolt through the dia­
phragms, a disk of lead. A brass cap
forms an air chamber at each end. To
the center of one cap is ntfnched a
rubber tube with stethoscoplc ear­
The metal case, set on end on the
ground, vibrates to every shook; but
the lead disk, held by Inertia, does not.
The resulting disturbance of the mica
diaphragms Is communicated to the
earpieces with extraordinary sensitive­
With two Instruments, one for each
enr, the listener enn accurately locate
the source of the sound, and even
Identify the cause. In government
tests pounding with a sledge was lo­
cated through 1,150 feet of bituminous
coal, other concussions registering la
Filthy Lucre)
A beggar woman plghty years old.
at Lyons, Krnnri*. hns amassed a hank
account of several thousand pounds,
which, nlong with railway shares,
treasury bonds, and a stock of ready
Misplaced Slang.
money, was discovered In her lodg­
A story that hns a point worth
ings. The hoard was unearthed from
a mass of rngs nnd moldy food by thinking about wns recently printed In
sanitary officials, called In by the the Louisville Courier-Journal. A boy
neighbors In the Interests of public hsd passed a fnirly good examination
and his prospective employer told him
to report the next morning.
"I gotcha," said the boy.
Youngster Carries Weight
"But you hnven’t got the job yet,"
The Fat Boy of Beckham has a ri­
val In New York Gustave Blazer 19 was the swift reply, "and what's more,
only eight years old nnd 4 feet 8 you never will."
Inches tall, yet he weighs between 175
and 180 pounds. The boy eats very
little and often goes without his
breakfast, but his mother says he Is of
a contented frame of mind, and per­
haps that nccounts for his girth.
Vicar Had Sense of Disaster.
St. John's church. West Ealing. Eng­
land, was gutted by Are on a recent
Monday night. The subject of the Inst
sermon In the building was ‘‘Purllled
by Fire." nnd the vicar said afterward
that all that Sundny he had been op­
pressed with a sense of Impending dis­
Naturs'a Tima Limit on Age.
Bats are Intended by nature to live
four years, rabbits ten years, sheep
fifteen, cats fifteen, pigs twenty, rows
from twenty to thirty, dogs twenty-
five, horses and asses thlrtj-flra yean. ,
Notice thia delicious
flavor w hen you
smoke Lucky Strike
— it's sealed in by
the toasting process
i) £ ’
Osteopathic Physician,
wishes to announce to the public, that he is located
at Hotel Estacada, every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, from 8:30 a. m., to 4:30 p. m. Consultation
Free. I treat both Acute and Chronic Cases. Ar­
rangements can be made for House Calls. Portland
office 441 Morgan Building, Broadway and Washing­
ton streets. Phone Main 1511.
Do you know
you can roll
5 0 good
cigarettes for
l O c t s from
o n e b ag of
—------------ , -----
' ■ ■ "
B ull 'D urham
We want you to have the
best paper tor " B U L L .”
So now you can receive
with eaoh packages book
ol 24 leaves of Ml\A+.~
the very finest cigarette
paper in the world.
4 *
* S A F E T Y A N D S E R V IC E '’
School Books
-A N D -
* + + ♦♦♦ + + +♦♦♦
Four Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Accounts.
School Supplies l
is now in, and we are ready
to fill your orders for any­
♦ thing in this line.
As usual, we cannot ex­
tend credit
on School
♦ The
♦ ♦ * * * • ? « 1- * * * * * *
Get Hunting and Fishing
Licenses Here
Camping Outfits, Electric
Flashlights. Baseball
Kodak PicturesDeveloped
and Enlarged
1 his new low price took effect September 3d, and you can i
now purchase this fully equipped car at a price lower than i
that at which the first ”490” model was purchased. This i
makes this car unquestionably the best automobile value in- i
the world, to-day.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Offi ce, at Portland, Oregon, Aug. 30,
NOTICE is hereby given that Alfred
Hines, of Bissell. Oregon, who, on Oct.
27,1919,made second Homestead Entry,
No. 06047, for NJ SWJ, Section 15,
Township 3 S, Range 5 E. Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be­
fore the Register and Receiver of the
U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Ore­
gon, on the I8th day of October, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank
Ahnert, of Bissell Ore., Lawrence
Thompson, of Bissell. Ore., Charles
Coffman, of Bissell, Ore., Thomas
Dooling, of Bissell, Ore.
Acts of June 9, 1916 and Sept. 5.
A leander S week , Register.
Notice for Publication
Lightning does sometimes strike
twice In the same place.
A house
near Chlpmnn. N. B., was struck twice
In three weeks. The flrst time the flue
was shattered and a hole mnde In the
roof. The second time the house was
almost stripped to Its framework.
Three million dollars are to be
raised by taxation for the 1925
Fair, to be spread over a period
of three years. This will have
to be referred to the voters next
spring. It will take a lot of ed­
ucating to make them see that
they are net “ paying too much
for their whistle.”
Department of the Interior, V. S. Land
Office, at Portland, Oregon. August
'lth . 1921.
NOTICE is hereby given that Chris­
tian A. Johnson, of Bissell, Oregon,
who, on Autrust 1st, l»lr, malcJHomc-
stead Entry No. 05066, for NWj. NW>,
Section 29, Township 3 S, Range 5 K,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Three-vear Proof,
to establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before the Register and Re­
ceiver of the U. S. Land Office, at
Portland Oregon, on the 21st dav of
Septeber, 15*21.
Claimant names as witnesse-;—Rov
Maxwell, of Bissell, Oie., J. K. Peter­
son, of Bissell, Ore., Henry Johnson, of
Bissell, Ore., Peter Ruhl, of Bissell.
Act June 9, 1916.
A lexander S week . Register.
8 - 16 - 9 - 1 : .
“ 4 9 0 ''
$ 6 75 •
$ 6 75
The 1922 Models now out, have
Emergency Hand Break Lever.
Improved Clutch,
Improved Rear Axle and Differential Construction , >
which includes Spiral Level Pinion and Ring Gears, render­
ing these parts practically unbreakable.
Willard Late Type Insulated Battery,
Timken Roller Bearings in Front Wheels.
Non-glare Headlight Lens,
Better Upholstery,
New Improved Carburetor.
Call and let us Give You a Demonstration.
Willard Storage Batteries for Sale.