EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1921 P - ! ■ ■ - Notice BISSELL ITEMS All accounts payable to Dr. L, Mr. and and Mrs. T. Harders A. Weils, must be settled right visited Mr. and Mrs. Chaney, away. Please call or send check last Sunday. for same to me. Ed. Harders and Mr. and Mrs. M rs . L. A. W ells . Peter Ruhl, motored to Gresham last Sunday. Mrs. Welling, of Sellwood, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. S. Chaney at George. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer left last Thursday for Salem, where PIGS FOR S A L E -A t the they intend to pick hops. Clara Hover p l a c e . _____ 46tl Mrs. Ed. Star and John Mel­ FOR SALE. One-half norse po wer water motor. Inquire at vin, of Redmond, Oregon, is vis­ Nf e w s office. iting her sister, Mrs. H. Weisen- FOR SALE—28 head of ewes, flugh at George. or I will trade for stock or hogs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Klinker, Mrs. H. J. Huber, Estacada, Rt. 3. Marie Klinker and Chris Klin­ _______________ _ 8-18-9-8 ker visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo DISC WANTED If you T ave Roth last Sunday. one in good condition, call A. N. Mrs. Rice and brother, Robert Orke, Creek. 8-25tf Deyer and family, of Sellwood, FOR SALE A hay baler in visited their mother, Mrs. J. K. first class condition. S. Pesz- Petersen, last Sunday. necker, Estacada, Ore. 6-9tf Chas. Rendleman, who has FOR SALE One Jersey cow, been working at Pendleton, Ore., $75.00. Chas. Kaufman, Bissell, for the past month, returned to Oregon. 8-4-8-25 his home at George, last week. Eagle SPHIN(¡WATER NEWS with Mr. and Mrs. W. Still. Mrs. Boyce remained to visit for Mr. and Mrs. E. Dibble were several weeks. callers at the J. I. Moger home. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Christen­ sen were business visitors in Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Cogswell of In Estacada, Every Saturday, Eagle Creek, were guests of the from 2 to 5 p. m. Phone Bob Maddens, the week end. Cahill for appointment. Don’t forget the C. E. play. ‘ ‘Local Color,” at the Grange hall, Aug. 27, at 8:30 p. m. Mrs. Ella Mountjoy of Twin Bridges, arrived Monday for a visit with her cousin, Wm. Still. A public reception will be held Oregon's Higher Institution of at the church Sept. 9, for the Rev. Weir, o f South Dakota, who will be our permanent min­ Eight Schools; Seventy Departm ents ister. The Rev. Carrick leaves E A LL T E R M OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 the middle of September. For information write to the Rreitlrer Mrs. Charles Masson and son, Oregon Agricultural College Mrs. Boyce and Vera Creighton , C O R V A L L IS from Portland, spent Sunday TECHNOLOGY 15 years experience F R E D B. J O N E S , Progressive American Shoe Shop PianoTuning and Repairing % Leave orders at Estacada Hotel P R IC E $ 4 . HARRY JOHNSON, Prop. + 4 + t ' M ’+ + + + + + 'l + 4 + + * + t + * + + + + * * * * * * + + + + * + + *♦ * Confectionery, * ♦ ♦ + + * + + * + + * ♦♦ P h o n o g rtp h s , + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ R. G. M A R C H B A N K , + ♦ L ig h t L u n c h e s , • ♦ ESTACADA, ♦ OREGON ♦ ♦ * Cigars and Tobaccco, + ♦ + * * ♦ ♦ * + + * * * * * ♦ ♦ International Clothes, + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ Reliability! Service! U n iv e rsity o f O regon C O N T A IN S : The College o f Literature. The Science and the A rts. The The School o f Architecture The and Allied A rts. The The School o f Business The Administration. The The School o f Education. The Extension Division. The SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. at- The Liberty, Scripps, Booth, Gardner, FOR SALE A first class baby busrjry. Inquire at the office of DODGE Dr. L. A. Wells. 7-28tf M. Pedersen made a business FOR SALE. Mv house in Terrace addition, also some trip to Portland last week. J. Reichle and Mrs. Reichle pieces of furniture. Dr. L. A. Wells. 47 spent Sunday visiting at the CARPENTERING.— For any­ Jochimsen home. thing in the carpenter line see L. Mrs. Hohnstein and Mrs. Hef- E. Bishop. Price reasonable fenider and families have gone rates. Phone Currinsville store. to the hop fields. 8-4-26 W. E. Myers and his son Ralph FOR SALE 4 room house and are doing some work for W. kitchenette, good location, a bar­ Cary at his place in the moun­ gain at $650. Inquire at the tains. barber shop. . 8-25 Mrs. Finster returned home HEMSTITCING—I have pur- on Wednesday from Sydney, chased a hemstitching machine where she had spent nearly two and will appreciate an opportunity weeks visiting her sister. to do your work. Miss Mabel J. W. Marrs has been hauling Wilcox, Hotel Estacada. 9-1 lumber for his new house and FOR SALE—Ford truck, 1920 intends to begin building opera­ model, complete with body and tions immediately after harvest. top, demountable rims on front A surprise party was given anc rear wheels, extra rims, in for Mrs. Fred Horner on Satur­ A 1 condition. Snap at $450. J. C. Pauli. Estacada. Ore. 7-14tf day evening, it being her birth­ day. A number of relatives and R. R. CARLSON friends took this method of cele- srating the event. A very pleas­ Undertaker and Embalmer ant evening was spent. Georgie Rowe, who was a res­ Gresham - Oregon ident of Dodge in her earlier Warren McWillis years, and spent most of her Local Agent for Estacada school days at the Dodge school, both Sundays and week days, HUSBAND’S STORY WILL came again on Monday to visit AMAZE ESTACADA. the home of her childhood and spend a few days with her sister, He says : “ Adler-i-ka helped Mrs. Jockimsen, bringing with my wife for gas on the stomach rer a friend, Miss Wilson of and sour stomach in TWENTY Roseburg. Monday being Ed. MINUTES. It works beyond Jochimsen’s birthday, quite a greatest expectations.” Adler- large number of the neighbors i-ka acts on BOTH upper and celebrated the double event by lower bowel removing foul mat­ dropping in on them at a time ter which poisoned stomach. when decent law-abiding citizens Brings out all gasses and sour, should be preparing to go to bed, decaying food. EXCELLENT Each company carried a large for chronic constipation. Guards bundle, said bundles being open- againstappendictis. Adler-i-kare- d and disposed of later. A very moves matter you never thought pleasant time was spent by all, was in your system and which who departed in the early hours. may have been poisoning you for months. Estacada Pharmacy. E L W O O I) IT E M S Notice of Contest. Mrs. M. Eimon is entertaining Department of the Interior, United Sates company from Portland this Land Office, Portland, Oregon, Au­ gust 8, i92L week. To Charles Wilcox, of Portland, Ore­ gon, Contestee: Dan Stahlnecker had the ill You are hereby notified that Nicholas luck to lose one o f his work Hilsenkcnf, who gives Cherryville, Or­ egon, as nis post office address, did on horses and a calf last week. July 5th, l t d , file in this office his du­ Mrs. Lilly Park, who has been ly corroborated application to contest anti secure the cancellation of your suffering with an attack of sci­ Homestead Entry, serial No. 00047, is somewhat made March 12th,’ 1920, for the SLj of atic rheumatism SEJ, Section 27, Township 2 South, improved. . Kange 5 East, Willamette Meridian, There is to be a S. S. conven­ and as grounds for his contest, he al­ tion at Colton Sunday the 28. leges that said Charles Wilcox, has wholly failed to establish residence up­ The Mt. Home S. S. is planning on said land, or reside theron or eulli- on attending. vate any portion thereof, as required Ernest Yallen and wife motor­ by the homestead land laws of the United States, anti has totally aband­ ed out from Portland Sunday oned the same for more than six months prior to the date of this affidavit; that and were dinner guests at the A. Harley Freeman Haiti failure to establish residence, to Vallen 'home. reside upon ami cultivate said land, and accompanied them home. the said abandonment was not eauserl Mrs. Mattie Cahill and sons by the service of said Charles Wilcox in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of were over from Eagle Creek a the United States. You are. therefore, notified that the few days last week. They were said allegations will be taken as con­ accompanied home Saturday by fessed, and your said entry will be ci n Mrs. Cahill’s grandmother, Mrs. celled without further right to beheart.^ John Park and aunt Mrs. Ed. •ither before this office or on appeal, I' if you fail to file in this office within Park. twenty days after the FOURTH publi­ W. Z. Hight and family are cation of this notice, as shown below, moving to Portland for the win­ you answer, under oath, specifically re •ixinding to these allegations of con­ ter. where thev will be close to test. together with due proof that you I school. Mr. Hight expects to have served a copy of yaur answer on | the said contestant either in person or | spend part of his time on his by registered mail. place. as he is handling cord You should state in your answer the wood, name o f the post office to which you | q r „ _ t , : „ . « desire future notices to be sent to you. j 1 ‘a m Kins ana family were A l r x a n o e k S wf .EK, Register. tendered a surprise last Satur­ CKO. I. S mith . Receiver. Date of first publication, August II, i day by a short visit from a niece, Mrs. Clara Spoorser and hus­ 1921. Date of second publication, August IS, band, of Santa Rosa. Calif., 1921. whom they had not seen for a Date o f third publication, August 25. | number of years. Mr. Lankins’ 1921 Date of fourth publication, Septcm brother Elmer and wife and her 1. 1921. family of Viola, were with them. HIVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED Graduate School. School of Journalism. School o f Law. School of Medicine. School o f Music. School of Physical Education. School o f Sociology. Pumps, Water Systems, Implements, Machinery, Overland Automobiles, International Trucks. Fall Term Opens September 26 A high standard o f cultural and professional scholarship has become one o f the outstanding marks of the State U niversity. For a catalogue, folders on the various schools, or for any information, write T H E R E G IST R A R . U N IV E R S IT Y OF O R E G O N . Eugene. Ore. W e Buy and Sell Good Used Implements, guaranteed to give good service. Repairs for all Implements and Machinery. HESSEL’S FARM MACHINERY, GRESHAM, ORE. Est . H otel ! _______ ! t You can now get Board and Room at Hotel Estacada for $12.00 per week. G ood privileges. Board and Nice, Clean I Room s with Bath I X ! X Make arrangements now, and get choice of rooms. X ! D o n t F o rg et the SU N D A Y CHICKEN DINNERS! W E HAVE THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. BEEF CATTLE, VEAL AND HOGS, 4 Exceptional Buys ON USED CARS! Come and See T h em ! Dressed or Live, Bought. WE WILL TAKE ANT REASONABLE OFFER. See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles, Relishes, Catsups, Cheese, Butter,Milk, anil Salt and Smoked I ish. W e are in the Market to Buy Your W ool. M. J. KERKES & Estacada Co. Oregon The Reed Auto Co. I ! 4 fr X -X -» X > -X -» » » « » » » W » » 4 9 » > W » » » Powder Implements WE ARE BOOSTERS FOR THE EAST CLACKAMAS FAIR S eptem ber 8 . 9 a n d 10. 19 2 1. From our former experience, we know the value of such gatherings. They bring people together, show the resources of the community and make a fine advertisement for the town and surrounding country. Every courtesy in our power will be extended to visitors and friends at our store, so come in and make yoursfelves at home. SM ITH H A R D W A R E STORE, ESTAC AD A.