EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY. AUGUST 11, 1921. S P R IN G W A T E R N E W S The Neighborly club met with Mrs. John Marshall on Wednes­ day. The Howell boys expect to FIGS FOR SALE- At the start threshing this week, begin­ Clara Royer place. ICtI ning on their home ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Masson from FOR SALE -A hay haler in first class condition. S. Resz- Portland, were week end guests necker. Estacada. Ore. 6-9tf of Mr. and Mrs. William Still. CARPENTERING. For any­ Mrs. Joe Rice and baby from thing in the carpenter line see L. Portland, visited on Sunday her E. Bishop. Price reasonable sister, Mrs. Wiley Howell. rates. Phone Currinsville store. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rankin, _____________ _________ 8-4-26 Mr. Peterson and Miss Neibour HEMSTITCING I have pur­ chased a hemstitching machine of Portland, were visitors Satur­ and will appreciate an opportunity day at the W. W. Christensens. to do your work. Miss Mabel A baby was born on Sunday to Wilcox, Hotel Estacada. 9-1 Mr. and Mrs. Brocall, who sur­ WANTED Cord wood to cut vived only a few hours after at 80 cents a cord for two cuts, birth. The funeral w'as held at three cuts $1.05; slabwood, $1.05 3 p. m. Monday in the Spring- for two cuts, three cuts $1.30. By the hour 80 cents, furnishing water cemetery. Church services will be at 11 help $1.25. All orders by mail, address M. A. Niedenthal, Rt. 1, o’ clock, Sunday, with an all day Estacada, Oregon. It session, picnic dinner on the FOR SALE Ford truck, 1920 church lawn and contests be- model, complete with body and iween the Junior Christian En­ top, demountable rims on front deavor societies of Eagle Creek, anc rear wheels, extra rims, in A 1 condition. Snap at $450. George and Sprinjjwater. Rev. Van Dyne assisted by J. C. Pauli. Estacada. Ore. 7-14tf Revs. Nelson and Carrick, held Citation. Communion services last Sunday In the County Court of the Stato of and took in as new members, Oregon for Clackamas County. In the Matter of the estate o f J. W Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall and Heed, deceased. family, Virgil Wright, Mrs. M. To Lucy Mae Heed, Clarence Heed. Young and daughter Verna, Mrs. Sadie Hoppes, Kachael Mae Demlng Nelson and son. Russell O. Reed, Mary Alice Reed WANT AND FOR SALE ADS and Florence June Heed, heirs at law o f J. w Reed, deceased. WHEREAS, upon petition of Luc} Mae Reed, administratrix herein, ar order was duly made and entered ii the above entitled Court and caus< on Ju'y 8 r'i, 1 h 21, directing tha you, and each of you, appear in this Court on or before Monday, Augusi ¿ 2 d, 1921, and show cause why ar order should not bo granted for tin sale of the following described real property belonging to the estate of said deceased: Lot 1 Block 4, Lota 4 and 5 Block 4, Lots 2 to 12 inclusive Block 5, Lott 15 and 16 Block 6 , Lot 1!) Block 6 Lot 1 Block 7, Lots 1 , 2 and 3 Block ». Lots 11 and 12 Block J 5, all in Estacada, t lucknuias County, Oregon according to the duly recorded man and plat thereof. Beginning at tile Southeast corner of lot numbered three (3) Fraley’s Sub-division, running thence Easi Twenty-eiglu (28) feet to a point thence North and parallel with th. East line of said Lot three (3 ) One Hundred ( 1 0 0 ) feet to a point thence West Twenty-eight (28) fee to a point marking the Northea- corner of said lot three (3 l them-« South along 'In* East line of laid lo three (3 ) One Hundred feet to the point o f beginning, being a strip ot land 28 feet in width and One Hun dred (100) feet In length, containin' 2800 square fet. All of the North half of the follow lng described tract of land: Begin ning at an iron pipe marking tie Northeast corner of a three acn tract of land, owned by J. A. Upton running thence in a Northwesterh direction One thousand and ninety- seven (1097 ) feet to an iron pips marking the Southeast corner of (In tract of land herein described, run n ng thence North 4 degrees 35 min­ utes West, Six Hundred Sixty (660) feet to an Iron pipe: thence South 6.1 degrees 35 minutes West Six Hun­ dred Sixty (660) feet to an iron pipe a?iUlh, 4 ,,*srcea 35 minutes East Six Hundred Sixty ( 660 ) feet to an iron pipe; thence North 6 ') do m 'T S *5 “ ,nut,-< E:lst Six Hundred Sixty (660) teet to point of begin ning. containing ten ( 10 ) acres, mon or less, being in section Twenty C> 0 ) Township Three (3 ) South Rang. 41 E“ ?‘ °f »’’ « Wlllamelt. Meridian. The tract o f land hereii conveyed containing Five (5 ) acres moro or less. Beginning at a stone at the Nortli west corner of the It. I*. Young I) L- C-, in Section 13 Township 3 South Range 3 , East of the Wiliam ette Meridian; thence Nortli 70 green 15 minutes East 13.46 chains; thence North f. I degrees 45 mlnuti West — 5 chains thence North c . degrees 20 min West 21 50 chains thence South 4 3 degr.-cs 30 minutes West .1.80 chains, thence South 58 KWf St 3 chains; thence houtli 45 degrees West 5.44 chains; thence South 22 degrees West 4 17 chains; thence 8 ltj, 2.00 chains, thence South 4: degrees East 5 4 n chains; thence ,>uth 61 degree 30 minutes East 3 chains; them ' South ,3 degre, Fast 3.10 chains; thence South 56 -roes 30 minutes East , ,i 0 chains thence South 80 negroes East 10.7. chains and thence North t o d e g r e e s West 18 10 chains to the place o f her'nning. MhH K orMA S ', !" ' " ‘,,er (l .'u'v m e this cause it was directed that ci­ in tation issue by the Clerk of said court to said heirs directing each of them to npp, ir in said Court on or before said date and show cause whv said ordrr should not be firnnted THEREFORE In the name of tht* Mate of Oregon, you and each of you. are hereby cite«l to appear nt the County Court room in Oregon < H.v. ( la, kamas County, Oregon, on or before Monday. August Z!d 1 2! and show cause If any there be whv an order should not be granted bv the above named court for the sale of the above described real property as prayed for in il.i petition Wit­ ness my hand and Scat of Court nf nxed this Hth day of July, I92> FRED A M IL L E R , County Clerk. o i) E n y ,y ° A ttorn ey (SEAL) 7-14— 3 11. for H Pftce’ drput5r>- A d m in istratrix ' UPPER EAGLE CREEK Jack Parks and son Harold, who have been in Eastern Ore­ gon, returned home on Monday. Tom Taylor, who formerly re­ sided in this neighborhood, after many years’ wanderings, has re­ turned to visit with old friend«. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eddy anc sons, Bruce and Lawrence, of Portland, were guests at the home of R. B. Gibson Sunday The threshing machine whistle has been heard in the neighbor­ hood. George Judd has finished his threshing, and Fred Hoff­ meister will soon be entertaining the threshing crew at his home. We expect to have a good road ip the hill this coming winter, as Ed Douglass has commenced to haul the gravel for the Market Road on Monday, and intends to naul night and clay in order to gravel it before the rain comes. Evergreen Blackberries Wanted! Evergreen Blackberries W an ted ! Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, July 22, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that John C. Meyers, of Boring, Oregon, R. F. 1). No. 2, Box 83, who, on July 6 , 1918, made Homestead Entry No. 05039, for S) SWi, Section 25, Township 2 S, Range 4 E. W. M.. and on Sept. 17, 1918, made additional Homestead En­ try No. O 618 I, for SJ SEJ, Section 25, Township 2 South, Range 4 East, Wil­ lamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above de­ scribed, before the Register and Re­ ceiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 30th day of August, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Al­ fred Winkler, o f 5338-92 St., Portland, Oregon; Raimunil Kaiser, of Boring, Ore., R. F. 1). 2, Box 85; Mario Boitano, of Boring, Ore., R. F. D. 2, Box 88 ; John Bofdiolin, of Sandy. Oregon. Proof under Acts of June 9, 1916 and April 28, 1904. ALEANDER S w EEK, Register. 7-28-8-25 + Confectionery, Warren McWillis Local Agent for Estacada Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, July 8 th, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Hans Hansen, of Corbett, Ore , who, on Aug. i 7th, 1918, made Adjoining Farm Home­ stead Entry No. 05432 for SE 1-4 SE 1-4, | Section 5, Township 1 S, Range 5 E, I Willamet|e Meridiun, has tiled notice; of intention to make three year proof,; to establish claim to the land above de -1 sci ilied, before the Registei and Re-1 ceiver of the United States Land Office, | at Portland, Oregon, on the 23d day of August, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses:—Ar­ thur Langguth, of Corbett, Oregon, Lewis E. Faught, of Corbett, Oregon, VV. F. Burkhalder, of Corbett. Oregon, Peter Paulsen, of Portland, Oregon. Act of 6-9-lb. A lexander S week . Register 7-23-8-18 » ♦ * L ig h t ♦ ♦ ♦ * Phonograph», * L u n ch es , E STA C A D A , ESTACADA STATE BANK ‘ S A F E T Y A N D S E R V IC E ” + + International Clothes, + t 4 ♦ 4 * <• + t 4 4 4 4 4 + + + 4 * * + * ,|, + + + + Reliability! Service! Pumps, Water Systems, Implements, Machinery, Overland Automobiles, International Trucks. BESSEL’S FARM MACHINERY, G RESHAM , ORE. 4 4 4 4 4 * :* > * X “ M "> -M “ !“ K » X » MX * * X H**,X **X **îM ECONOMY. M 4W 44 Î Economy of operation is one of the outstanding features of the New Light Six. Its light weight and scientific balance induce unusually low fuel consumption and high tire mile­ age. With the standard 32x4 cord tire equipment, you will average twelve to fifteen thousand miles. Perfect and efficient combustion is obtained by the arrangement of the intake manifold and internal hot spot, exclusive Stude- baker inventions. By this new and exclusive construc­ tion, the gasoline is completely vaporized and all ot it is used in the actual development of power. This prevents the accumulation of unburned gasoline in the combustion chambers and the consequent seepage of raw easoline into the crankcase. The result is increased economy in gasolipe and lubricating oil and the absence of carbon deposits. 11 The readers o f THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. BEEF C ATTLE. V E A L A N D H O G S. Dressed or Live, Bought. DOES IT PAY TO WORRY ABOUT APPENDICITIS? See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles, Relishes, Catsup 3 , Cheese, Butter,Milk, and Salt and Smoked Fish. Can appendicitis be guarded against? Yes, by preventing in­ testinal infection The intesti­ nal antiseptic, Adler-i-ka, acts on both upper ancTlowerbowelremov- ing nil foul.decayingmatter which might start infection. Excel­ lent for gas on stomach or chron­ ic constipation. It removes mat­ ter which you never thought was in your system and which noth­ ing else can dislodge. One man reports it is unbelieahle the aw­ ful imnnrities Adler-i-ka brought out. Estacada Pharmacy. W e are in the Market to Buy Your Wool. You can’ haveThe advantage o f this motor’s wonderful economy and the satisfaction of its smoothness of opera­ tion only by owning a STUDEBAKER LIGHT-SIX. MODELS AND PRICES: TOURING CA R ......................................................... $1335 COUPE-BOADS1 E R ................................................ 1695 SEDAN ....................................................................... 1995 f. o. b. South Bend, Indiana. Estacada Oregon Cord Tire Equiped. THE REED AUTO CO, G U A R A N T E E D S E R V IC E . j .X 4 4 < »> 4 .K "H “:"> -M -4< ":..K “ :"> 44 < ".X “ K “ K “ :"M “K ” !,4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Pow der Notice for Publication Department ..f the Interior, U. S. I,and Office nt Portland, Oregon, August 4. 1921. NOTICE in hereby given, that Jo-" soph O. Smith, of Eagle Creek, Ore., whoon May 14th, 1920, made Homestead Entry No. 0675S, for NE), Section 5, Township 3, S. Range 5, r Willamette Meridian, has filed notice o f intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, tie- fore the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Portland. Ore., on the 22 day of Septeml er. 1921. Claimant names as witnesses;—A1 fred Shirly, of Eagle Creek. Oregon, j R E. I). I, August Koennaman, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, R, E. 1). 1, M. E. Koennaman, of Eagle Crook, Ore­ gon. R. E. P. 1, Carl Nowiran, of Ea­ gle Creek. Oregon, K. F I). 1. Proof under Act of June 9, 19tfi, and s.vtion 231'ô R S.. „ A lexander S week , Register. 8-11-9-8 ♦ Machinery. the extent and quality of servica which your Home Bank is prepared to give you ? Whether it be a checking account, with its manifold advantages in handling your business, a Time Certificate of De­ posit or Savings Account bearing four per cent in­ terest compounded semi-annually; a deposit in Es­ crow while some business deal is being put through; expert advice on and help in securing the best class of permanent investment for surplus funds; notari­ al and insurance business; or information and ad­ vice which may help you in your farming or business: the Estacada State Bank is ready at all times to give you the benefit of its facilities and the experi­ ence o f its officers. M. J. KERKES 4 Co. + ♦ W e Buy and Sell Good Used Impkments, guaranteed to give good service. Repairs for all Implements and LOST On road between Esta­ cada and Springwater; a tire car rier with tire and number plate. this paper will pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages anc that is catarrh. C atarrh being greatly influenced by constitu tion al conditions requires constitu tion al treatm ent. H all’s- Catarrh M edicine is taken internally and acts thru the B lood on the M ucous Sur­ faces o f the System thereby destroying tHe fou ndation o f the disease, g ivin g the patient strength by building up the con stltutlon and assisting nature in doing its w ork. The proprietors have so m uch faith in the curative pow er o f Hairs Catarrh M edicine that they offer One Hundred D ollars for an y case that it falls to cure. Send for list o f testim onials. A ddress F. J. C H E N E Y CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all D ruggists, 75c. * ♦ ♦ OREGON. * Cigars and Tobaccco, Ö SER VIC E! Do You Know • R. G. M A R C H B A N K , * * g t a r four Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Accounts, _ j p .f $100 R ew ard, $100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. We are in the market for Ev­ 15 years experience ergreen Blackberries, if we can The Estacada Ganneiy will pay FRED B JONES, secure sufficient tonnage to jus­ 4 cents per pound as opening LOST—Between the Spring- tify operating the cannery. Any­ price. Crates furnished. Phone water store and the sawmills, a Piano Tuning and Repairing one who can contract to deliver a or write us. shawl. Finder please return to! Leave orders at Estacada Hotel quantity should write or call on us Miller’s blacksmith shop, Esta­ at once. P R IC E $ 4 . cada. Reward is offered R. R. CARLSON T h e B e r r y G r o w e r s ’ P a c k in g 7-28-8-11 Go., Gresham, Oregon. 8-11-18 Undertaker and Embalmer + + + + + + 4. + + * + + + + + + + + + + + + * + + ‘J Notice For Publication Gresham - Oregon FOR SALE.— My house in Terrace addition, also some pieces of furniture. Dr. L. A. vVells. 4' Dr. R. Morse. FOR SALE A first class baby buggv. Inquire at the office of Dr. L. A. Wells. 7-28tf Paint Im plem ents W E T OR DRY A ho, i1 AN I. H. C. KEROSENE ENGINE AND A MEYER'S PUMP, °an lie beaten byon ly one thing, Gravity, either direct or through a M E Y E R ’ S H Y D R A U L IC R A M . ‘or you. A few feet of Pipe and a Machine, save many weary steps. Let us figure SMITH HARDWARE STÖRE, ESTACADA. I : t V ï *: Y : I