Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County V o l u m e 14, N umber 44 E stacada , O regon , T hursday , J uly 21,1921. ■J I L L .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 — — ■— $1.50 P e r Y e a r — - j ■ ' ■ i.1' I | one hundredth anniversary of her Add.tiona! Brevities Pig Club Contests birth Special pig showing contests Mrs. J, E. Boner is visiting Linn county, which boasts the larg­ est boys’ and girls’ Jersey calf club friends at Winlock, Wash. will be held next fall at all coun­ In the world in the Shedd Jersey Mrs. Al. Havens of Portland, ty fairs, state fair, and the Pa­ Calf club, and which ranks well in TYt. R. GRAHAM McCALL cific International Livestock The Parent-Teacher play Mon­ Principal E v e n ts of the Week Industrial club work along all lines, was a guest at the Heylman ‘‘"'P H Y S I C I A N a n d SURGEON, show, to be open to all members day evening, proved a full dress plans in a short time to have the home last week. Office over Estacada State Bank. Lo­ Briefly Sketched for Infor­ of boys’ and girls’ pig clubs who affair from a sartorial point of first boys’ and girls’ goat club in the Mr. and Mrs. L. Gurber of cal and Long Distance Telephone. The show purebred pigs of any recog­ view. The stage setting was United States. doctor’» phone can be connected with mation of O u r Readers. Portland, were week-end guests your home phones at night if requested. nized breed. Heretofore very rich, and the ladies in the cast H. W. Collins, Pendleton grain man, at the home of Clark Possen. One long ring. the Pacific Grain Elevator company little attention has been given by displayed some very striking It cost Clatsop coonty $452,093.14 and the Farmers’ Grain Elevator com­ The J. W, Dowty residenc T~)'t. L. A. WELLS, to conduct its schools during the last pany will rebuild at once their ware­ near Eagle Creek, is beings beau­ the judges to the manner ot costumes, while the gentlemen DENTIST. showing the animals. wore dress suits. The play was year. houses recently destroyed at Myrick tified by a fresh coat of paint. Ettacada, Oregon, Judges will consider 50 per replete with comical situations, More than 600 persons have visited by fire. Floyd H, Ewalt, a graduate of cent for preparing the pig to as when Edward Ralston (R. C. the Josephine caves near Grants Pass Bing cherries in Albany and vicinity r y t . R. MORSE, this year. are so large that a resident of the the Estacada High School, but show under the following points: Deming.) was forced to play the ^ PHYSICIAN a n d SURGEON. Figures for the year 1920 show that middle west mistook them for plum^ now of Gervais, Oregon, is visit­ condition of feet and trimming role of a butler, or when Sierra Office and Residence Second and Main Linn county’s dairy products were according to a story being told by, ing friends in this vicinity, streets, Estacada, Oregon. Telephone of toes, trimming of ears and Bengaiine (Mrs. VV. J. Moore) valued at $988,460. committeemen of the Albany chamber connections. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shiblev tail; washing and cleanliness of taught Lady Guinevere (Mrs. R. Six and one half miles of the Pacific of commerce. contemplate moving back to ears, belly, head, and flanks; and C. Deming) American slang and The average dally attendance in the highway will be paved this summer be­ TV/TRS. R. GRAHAM McCALL, their farm at Springwater after condition of coat, including glass the game of poker. Chauncey schools of Union county Increased tween Halsey and Shedd. AVA PIPE ORGAN a n d PIANO. from 3395 in the year 1902 to 3677 in they return from their outing. The St. Helens Ship company has Graduate Chicago Musical College. 10 excess of oil, and use of objec­ Oglethorpe (Gerald Wilcox) years Teaching Experience. Estacada, secured a contract to build 60 pon­ the year 1921, according to a report A wooden awning has been tionable materials. The remain­ proved an apt pupil when in­ Oregon. toons for the United States engineer prepared by Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe, coun- put up in front of the barber ing 50 per cent will be based on structed by Ralston in the gen­ ' ty superintendent. » department. E. GATES, The state board of control has shop and S. E. Wooster’s office. the showing of the pig, includ­ tle art of making love, so that Sheepmen of northern Lake county J FUNERAL D IR E C T O R awarded the general contract for erect­ Matt Lonsberry is doing the ing control of animal by the ex­ it did not take him long to have started the dipping of more than a id Embdmer. Night and Day Tele­ 40.000 sheep as a preventive measure ing the new wing at the state hospital work. hibitor; poise and coolness of ex­ press his suit with Lady Guine­ phone. Lady Assistant. Mr. Any at Pendleton to Hilmer Settergreen against scab. Hawkins, helper. Telephone. Dr. McCall has divided his re­ hibitor; skill in showing, includ­ vere and win her consent. Miss Fines imposed in criminal cases dur­ of Missoula, Mont. Mr. Settergreen’s ception office by the erection of ing continuous attention, keeping Ruth Dillon as Mrs. Ondega P W. BARTLETT, ing the month of June in Coos county bid was $126,500. With the reentry of the Hunt a partition. He is expected to the pig placed to advantage, and J hones, was au fait as the rich ATTORNEY AT LAW totaled $3250, the majority of which Brothers’ cannery into the loganberry return from his vacation next being on the job; ability to stand widow, who has been bitten by and Notary Public. Estacada, Oregon. were liquor cases. market, there are now at least five week. move or drive the pig as reques­ the society bug, and adores a The Coos county court has made an concerns in Salem actively buying O I) EBY, ted by the judge. order directing that able-bodied prison­ Otis Wagner is spending his title. Lady Guinevere mani­ berries, at prices ranging from 2% A T T O R N E Y A T L AW . ers in the jail be placed at work on time nQwadays, in learning to fested true British frigidness to 5 cents a pound. General Practice. Confidential Ad­ the county roads. Mrs. R. G. Marchbank III The Portland division of the South­ manage a new Chevrolet, which but soon thawed under the tu­ viser. Oregon City. Oregon. A crew of men has started the ern Pacific stands first of all the he purchased 'from the Cascade Mrs. R. G. Marchbank was telage of Sierra, and was not task of painting the state house at Pacific divisions of the company for Garage. JUTcGU IRE & SCHNEIDfc R, taken very seriously ill Tuesday averse to helping out her bashful Salem. The cost of the work probably the least number of accidents during AVA ATTORNEYS a t l a w . will exceed $6000. Charles Dubois went to St. night and suffered a great deal lover. The play was preceded the five months of this year, accord­ At Gresham office—Tuesdays,-Thurs­ Umatilla county’s wheat acreage this Vincent’ s hospital, Portland, the of pain. Dr. Morse was sum­ by a piano solo by Miss Bertha ing to a recent report. days ana Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow year is estimated at 226,000, or about Hood River county Fruit Inspector beginning of the week, where he moned who took her the next Burns, and before the second act building. Portland office, 609-15, Pen- the same as last year. There is very ton budding. Armstrong has discovered fire blight, will undergo an operation, pro­ morning to St. Vincent’s hos­ two piano pieces were well ren­ little spring wheat. one of the most deadly diseases at­ bably to-day. pital, where she was operated on dered hy Etta McWillis and Les­ The newly organized Wheat Grow­ Ü A U L C . FISCHER, tacking fruit trees, in upper valley ers’ Association of Oregon claims that * A T T O R N E Y AT L AW . The employees of the Pied­ Wednesday night. Her husband ter Underwood. Mr. Fred John­ orchards. It Is believed the pest has it will handle one third of the wheat Beaver building, Oregon City, Oregon. been brought in by birds or high winds mont car barns and their fami­ accompanied her and returned son, of Faraday, favored the au­ of the state this year. from eastern forests. lies enjoyed a picnic in the park home after the operation, report­ dience with a vocal solo, which Mary Weygandt, Hood River guide, C E. WOOSTER. Prospects for the heaviest tonnage has been to the top of Mount Hood of fruit ever shipped out of the Rogue yesterday. A special train of ing that she had come out of the received a deserved encore. He N E G O T IA T E S LOANS. effects of the ether safely, but was accompanied by Mrs. J, E. 489 times and this season intends to valley are bright, according to a ten cars brought them here. Buys Mortgages, Rents your property, jt is too soon yet to know her Gates. One criticism we would Write» Insurance in the very best com­ reach the five century mark. census Just completed tjy the South­ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore and Work on the Columbia highway be­ ern Pacific Railroad company, work­ panies—he can get you results. Esta­ condition. He returned to St. make, is that another time, the cada, Oregon. tween Five Mile and Celilo, delayed ing in co-operation with the field staff Miss Florence Kendall left today Vincent’s this morning. While curtain should be rung up for an outing up in the moun­ for several weeks on account ot high of the Oregon growers. the attack was sudden, yet she promptly at 8:15, instead of wait­ water, will be resumed at once. Astoria was the host of approximate­ tains at Cary’ s Hot Springs. has not been well for some ing till 8:35 or later. Prices ran from 12 to 16 V4 cents ly 500 delegates, representing 21 They expect to be gone ten days, when 274,000 pounds of wool, for the camps of the United Spanish War weeks, though able to be around. Mrs. L. C, Possen and daugh­ DODGE most part fine staple, were bought at Veterans and the women’s auxiliaries Her many friends will be very ter Leta went Monday forenooh the annual wool sale held at Bend. London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. There is promise of a fine crop from 21 cities of Oregon who were anxious until she is past the Nearly 300 tons of Royal Anne cher­ present to attend the 13th annual con­ to Portland. Mrs. Possen re­ Great American Fire Insurance Co. of apples in this district this danger mark. ries have been shipped to Eastern vention of those organizations. turned Tuesday leaving Leta to year. points this season from Salem by the Keep your policy in our Fire The state superintendent of public spend the week visiting with A Worthy Appeal Proof Vault, free of charge. Oregon Growers’ Cooperative associa­ instruction has mailed to all county Mabel Keller is back home friends, tion. The Pacific Coast Rescue and after spending three weeks at and city superintendents pamphlets J, W. Dowty visited his friend ESTACADA STATE BANK, A part of the $100,000 water bonds setting out the procedure for pre­ Protective Society appeals for do­ Welches. recently voted by the city of Corvallis paring budgets and voting school Judge Dimick, on his farm up A gents . nations of canned fruit and veg­ M. Hedges and wife are visit­ have been sold, and the work of im­ taxes under a new law enacted at the the valley, last Sunday. He re­ etables for the Louise Home and ing Mrs. Hedges’ grandmother proving the system will be started at last session of the legislature. ports that an interesting sight at the Albertina Kerr Nursery. It once. Robert Grant, who escaped from the this place, was a flock of 5000 at Estacada. From 10 to 15 appointments of state penitentiary at Salem March 27, is feeding 144 mouths three times Rosa B. TenEyck is spending t deputy fire wardens and district.war­ 1920, was captured at Wenatchee, young chickens. daily, of girls and babies from Wendell Mills the boy evan­ the whole session at the Chau­ dens will be made by F. A. Elliott, Wash., and will be returned to Salem all over the state. The state al­ state forester, during the next few to serve out his unexpired term. Grant gelist, closed his meetings Sun­ tauqua at Gladstone Park. lowance does not begin to cover >• •{• days. originally was received at the prison day and left Monday morning. Wm. Pedersen’s sister and X 2d door north of Depot. the expenses. Fruit, vegetables, There are still 4720 acres of state from Umatilla county to serve four He is very proficient in the family, from Portland, were vis- land in Gilliam county not yet sold, potatoes and eggs are needed, on a charge of burglary. scriptures, being able to recite itingVith Pedersens on Sunday. | SPECIALTIES for 5c, 10c, | 11.000 acres In Graift county, 880 years fourteen dozen of the last being The Oregon supreme court will not in Morrow, 1500 in Sherman and 213,- hear any more cases until after the long portions of them. They intended to pick blackber­ used weekly, for babies alone. | 15c and up. 000 in Harney. ries butlwere a little too early. August vacation, according to an­ The society will pay freight, and Estacada Cannery 'jt. Needlework, Crochet Thread *«; The Federal Land bank of Spokane nouncement by Arthur Benson, clerk Next Community club night, also send jars, rubbers, tops, etc. J Etc., for sale. ;j; approved $52,000 loans this week for of the court. There are more than 30 We paid a visit to the cannery August 6, it is intended to have the Condon National Farm Loan asso­ cases now pending before the court, Address Pacific Coast Rescue and last Monday afternoon, and found a show of flowers. Everybody ciation, making the total amount ap­ TH E GATES TO SUCCESS | Protective Society, 195 Burnside a number of which will be disposed of is invited to bring their best before vacation adjournment is taken. the force busy putting up logan­ Street, Portland, Oregon. Proprietors X proved to date $439,500. All assets of the state industrial ac­ berries in gallon cans. So far, blooms and help io make a good The interstate commerce commis­ »* v w w w w v***.* cident commission at the close, of sion has issued an order of investiga­ red raspberries, black caps and Osteopath For Estacada display. business. June 30, 1921, aggruguled tion on its own motion relative to the The writer was at M. Peder­ Dr. W. W. Rhodes, osteopath­ $4,923,724, according to a report pre­ reasonableness of interstate rates on loganberries have been the only t -------------------------------------------— fruit put up. It is very inter­ ic physician from Portland, was sen’ s place on Sunday and saw pared by the department. grain and grain products and hay in The Deschutes county court refused the western and Pacific states, ac­ esting to watch the process, and in town yesterday, making ar­ a fine garden, in which is a a bid of 96.126 on $50,000 worth of cording to a telegram received at the it is wonderful how the work is rangements for regular visits to splendid stand o f sweet peas, M A R Q U A M ’S T R A P -N E S T E D county road bonds and decided to dis­ offices of the public service commis­ simplified hy the aid of machin- S. C. W H IT E LEGHORNS. Estacada. He will be at the which Mr. Pedersen is growing pose of the county’s securities by pri­ sion. I cry. One thing which struck us hotel every Monday, Wednesday commercially. vate sale as the money is needed. To make room for the 1500 ! Exports from the Willamette and was the quality of the berries Most of the men have been Following a visit of an I. W. W. head of young stock I am rai3- [ and Friday, from 8:30 a. m. to Columbia river district during the ing this spring. I will sell off walking delegate to a construction cereal year exceeded in value those which were being canned, These 4:30 p.m. working on the road adjoining Dr. Rhodes is a grad­ gome of my Choice Breeding camp on the state highway in Lake of the preceding period by approxi­ could not be surpassed anywhere, the Genscroski place, which was uate of the Osteopathic College Hens, with fine trap-nest re­ Creek valley, 64 ’laborers laid down mately 60 per cent and amounted to cords back o f them, at $1.50 and should command a ready at Los Angeles. California, and almost impassable last winter. their tools and walked out In a body. $68,019.296 in the Portland district each. This is a rare bargain. ____ ____________ has had a practicing experience It is now in much better shape They are worth five times that More than 20,000 pickers will be alone, according to the annual report 1 sale. amount for breeding purposes. needed to harvest Oregon’s hop crop of the Oregon state board of pilot | of 12 years, the last three hav­ and we hope it will be in good Playground Free this year, according to estimates. Ap­ commissioners. ing been in Portland. He comes ondition before winter begins. No charge will he fnade for proximately half this number will be A truck load of Bfty Scouts, 21 Further protection of salmon In the well recommended and those PHIIL M A R Q U A M required In Marion and Polk counties. waters of Oregon is the alleged pur children to attend the play­ of them, are here from Portland who desire his services will John R. Stites and L. H. Barnett of pose of a proposed constitutional ground for the remainder of the (Farm located one mile out o f Esta­ staying at Hillock burn. They not be disappointed. Salem sent to Warren Q. Harding, J amendment which will be referred to cada, Oregon, on Garfield road.) work three hours a day for their summer. Out of town children -------------------------------------------------------' president of the United States, a 10- the voters by Initiative petition at board. Their work is applied to are specially welcome at any John Page Hurt pound crate of Lambert cherries. The ' the next general election. A copy of blazing trails, making a base­ cherries were grown In Marlon county, the proposed amendment was received time. All children who care to We regret to report that last ball park, clearing land and oth­ L. M. Tucker, tn charge of the re­ at the offices of the secretary of state j take part in the closing exhibi­ Sunday, at Gladstone Park, er improvements. cently established state fish hatchery at Salem from G. G. Green, a resident tion, to he given by Miss Conner, Fred and Harold Horner along where he was employed as a on Hood River at the mouth of Green of West Linn, Clackamas county. will enter as soor, as possible. with Herman and Ben Chind- guard in the Chautauqua grounds, Point creek, has Just received 230,000 gren, of Meadowbrook, which Bv order of the Dr. W. W, Rhodes. Osteopath-1 trout eggs from a hatchery at Klamath John Page met with a serious ac­ four compose the Meadowbrook Fxecutive Com. o f P.-T. A. ic Physician, will be in Estaca­ Falls. cident. He jumped on the run­ Quartette, journeyed to Glad­ PLACE Y O U R IN­ There are more than 1600 registered da, Mondays, Wednesdays and SURANCE THROUGH ning board of a car to dire« t it stone on Wednesday, and again Have ycu tried Osteopathic real estate brokers in Oregon, ac­ YOUR HOME AGENT WHO Fridays. Located at Hotel Es­ on Saturday to sing at the Chau­ cording to the annual report of the treatment for those chronic con­ whereto park, and fell and hio'te tauqua. The latter date was the WILL PROTECT tacada. Hours from 8:30 a. m. his leg in two plates He wrs state real estate department. This is ditions? See Dr. Rhodes. Mon­ YOUR INTEREST Farm Bureau day. 7-21tf. an increase of nearly 200 over last to 4:30 p. m. days, Wednesdays and Fridays, j taken to the Oregon City hospi­ year. Free consultation. Dr. Rhodes, tal. where the fracture was re- 7-21tf. Don’t fo.'get your Fair dates— 8:30 to 4:30 p. m. "Grandma” Lockwood of Smith Osteopath, Hotel Estacada, Mon­ dt e d, ard he is I e ng made as River In Coos county was tendered a September fcth, 9th and 10th. Remember the Hizz Free Shows comfortable as is possible under days, Wednesdays and Frdays, reception at the community hail at 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. 7-21tf. that place recently jn honoj of Aha j * Hizz Free Shows are coming. , open here July 21, for one week. ( the circumstances. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FIR E INSURANCE. I THE BAZAAR,! Oregon Poultry Farm For Fire Insurance Cary Peal Estate Co. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST S I L L DRESSERS IN BOX OF MONKEYS