EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1921 — Eastern Clackamas News Executors’ Notice Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. The Story of Our States Published every Thursday at By JONATHAN BRACE Estacada. Oregon III.— N E W J E R S E Y N UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S ubscription R ates One year . . . Six month* - - $1.50 - .75 Thursday, July 14, 1921. Among the Vegetables With whatimplementdid Adam till and subdue the earth in the Garden of Eden ? Was he the original “ Man with the H oe?’ ’ According to the Biblical account, TH O S. F. RYAN Adam did not contend with the weeds until his expulsion from of Oregon City, announces that Eden, but he had to dress and he will be candidate for State keep the garden. Even if weeds Treasurer on the Republican did not grow up and choke the ticket, at the primary elections young trees and herbs, under next spring. which head vegetables woulc come, yet the soil would need to The probable delay in the fed­ be stirred. And as the plough eral soldiers’ bonus bill, will be and cultivator were not inventec disappointing to nearly everyone until some centuries afterwards, who wishes the right thing done nor animals broken in for draft by the soldier, and none will re­ purposes, the work must have gret it more than President been done by hand, with some Harding and the Secretary of sort of a wooden spade, for there the Treasury, if it has to be. It was no hint of any knowledge must be recalled, however that of metal work. finances are governed by certain Then, did the fruit trees re­ fixed laws, and no country, no quire pruning, and if so, how matter how wealthy, can fly in was this done ? Or were they the face of these laws, without allowed to grow as they would ? incurring financial disaster. Out- Probably they were, but would national finances are in a most and some their fruit be as fine as the pro­ intricate tangle, duct of the carefully cultivated straightening out is absolutely orchards of to-day ? If the tree necessary before fresh obliga­ of the knowledge of good anc tions are assumed. evil were an apple, how would If President Harding is suc­ its fruit compare with the far- cessful in bringing about a dis­ famed Hood River apples of Or­ armament by the great powers, egon ? he will be entitled to the Nobel There is something very at­ peace prize. In this connection, tractive about gardening to most the New York World has issued men, which is especially felt by figures showing that our law­ those who are deprived of the makers are about to impose upon chance. It is the survival, I sup­ us, with their preparedness pro­ pose, of the primeval man in gram, a burden equal to the in­ them, whose occupation it was, demnity of thirty billion dollars and there are few who do not which the allies put upon Ger­ find it as Lord Bacon said, “ the many. purest of human pleasures.” The cause of education in Ore­ Apparently Adam’s stay in Eden was not very long, and gon has met a severe loss in the then, at his departure, began sudden death ofjj. H. Ackerman, that struggle with the soil, which President of the State Normal every subsequent gardener has to School at Mommouth. Prior to wage in order to subue it anc his appointment, he was four render it productive. But it years Superintendent of the brings it own compensation, for Schools in Multnomah county, fruits and vegetables never taste and during his whole life, he has so sweet and finely flavored as had a distinguished career as an those w hich have been watered educator. with the sweat of brows and til­ An apology is due to some of led with aching arms with swol­ our subscribers for the torn con­ len muscles. Yes, Adam on his dition of their copies last week, return from a day’s conflict with but this was owing to unf&mil- thorns and thistles would eat arity with our new press and with keener relish of the herbs also the brittleness of the paper. of his raising, than he did when The situation last week while everything was furnished ready making the second run, was for the mere picking. The curse most trying for a time and we laid on the ground for his sake hope fervently it won’ t occur was not unmitigated; it contained again. a hidden blessing which only re­ quired digging on Adam’s pan Dr. C. E. Cline, the well known Methodist preacher and to discover. And now, where man is forced G. A. R. man, died suddenly to wrestle hard with the soil, his Monday. He was a notable fig­ toil is correspondingly rewarded, ure among his brethren of the in the superiority of his produce. cloth, old fashioned but virile in In tropical or semi-tropical re­ his theology and strenuous in gions where little effort is re­ action. —T1 quired, the fruits are inferior, If Lloyd George can effect a except perhaps in size, to those peace with the Irish, and Presi­ on which more care and atten­ dent Harding disarmament, j tion have been expended. The these two gentlemen will stand grapes raised with artificial heat out as 'the great peace makers under glass and constantly watch­ of the century. ed and tended, have a bloom and flavor surpassing those ripened The Gladstone Chautauqua under the sunny skies of Califor­ The twenty-eighth annual ses­ sion of the Willamette Valley nia. Then, what satisfaction it is. Chautauqua, opened Tuseday af­ ternoon. The program is fully after a good day’s work, to see up to the high record of former the rows of vegetables standing years, and those who attend will out bravely above the cleat- get a big return for their money. ground. Their growth becomes 'o spend the whole period attend­ perceptible, and while it is true ing the meetings and camping in the beautiful grounds, will make the expanding life is due to God, the best o f a vacation. Harvey vet without the aid of man ii Cross, the County Judge, is would have remained dormant. the president of the association,' So the gardener, as he watches his which office, we believe, he has vegetables coming to perfection, held a number of years, and de­ servedly so. for he has been in­ can truly claim to be fellow- defatigable in his efforts to pro­ worker with God, mote the Chautauqua. ew j e u - BBY be- c It HI e t ll C [ thii'U s t a t e ' just six days after Peuusyl- vuuiu had for­ mally udupted the Constitution. This territory, which covers 8,224 square miles, originally was u part of the province of New Netherlands. In 1004, after the English con­ quest of New Netherlands, the duke of York sold the southern portion to Lord Berkeley und Sir George Carteret The latter had won some distinction us gover­ nor of the little island of Jersey in the English channel, aud it was iu his honor tliut the new province came to be culled New Jersey. The eastern portion, that about Newark, wus settled by Carteret and the territory to the southwest, where Burlington and Trenton now staud, fell to Berkeley. After a few years Berkeley sold his share to u party of Quakers and two dis­ tinct provinces were formed, called East and West Jersey. They were reunited, however, In 1702, and became a single prov­ ince under the direct rule of the English crown. New Jersey casts fourteen electoral votes for president. MONEY TO LOAN -$2500.00' + In the County Court of the State of to loan on good improved real Oregon, for Clad ainas County. In the matter of the Estate of Henry estate. See S. E. Wooster. 37tf M. Looney, deceased:— NOTICE is hereby given that the County Court of Clackamas County, S tite o f Oregon, has appointed Elva M. ley and Walter J. Looney, Execu­ tors of the Estate of Henry M. Looney, deceased, with the will annexed. All persons having claims against said Es­ tate are hereby notified to present the same to either of raid Executors at Es­ tacada, Oregon, or to E. W. Bartlett attorney for said Estate at his office in If you are figuring on Faint­ Estacada, Oregon, properly verified within six months from the date of the ing get my prices. I will first publication of this notice. furnish the material or you E lva M. L ooney , can furnish it. I will do W alter T. L ooney , your work by day or con­ Executors of the Estate of Henry M. Looney, with the will annexed. tract. Leave your orders at First publication July 7, 1921. Smith Hardware Co.’s store Last publication August 4, 1921. Painting, Paper Hanging and Tinting. at Estacada. J. W. SAUNDERS, K0DAKS» Rt I, Estacada. ALL KINDS and SUPPLIES * AUTOMOBILE I ♦ —Against— ♦ FIRE, ♦ THEFT or + COLLISION. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ESTACADA, ORE. ♦ * J. W. Reed Estate + ♦ + ♦ Get Hunting and Fishing Licenses Here Camping Outfits, Electric Flashlights. Baseball Supplies TWO IMPORTANT EVENTS For the welfare of our district have developed this week. The berry growets have shown their ability to pack their crop and prepare it for market without out­ side assistance. The power plant development bv the P. R. L. & P, Co., has commenced, which means that all our people who want it may have work, and that the prosperity of our district is-assured. KodaKPicturesDeveloped and Enlarged Let us again Suggest that the time to Save is While We are Earning. Prevail Estacada. ♦ FISHING TACKLE ESTACADA STATE BANK • S A FE TY A N D S E R V IC E " ! ' .¿Whether it’ s the outside or (the inside of your house that ( , needs paint, we recommend ! Four Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Accounts, , j p / D U TCH BOY WHITE-LEAD ^ W it h pure linseed oil, it makes .a good-looking, durable exterior j paint; with Dutch Boy flatting 'foil, it makes a handsome, gloss-' (less, washable interior paint. i jL et us figure on your painting' ■ p -w e can save you money. O ur ’ 1 paint materials are reliable, and I ^ijve. guarantee a satisfactory iob.1 ; Re-Nu-Em Cleaners and Tailors. Odd Fellows’ Bid. ♦ is your Home Company. See us regardi. g your property. Insure your And AMMUNITION ED. BONftrT 200 Suit samples have drop­ ped from 20 to 35 per cent on a suit. They are Detmer Woolens, guaranteed to be 100 per cent pure wool, which insures their wearing and tailoring qualities. They are ,, manufactured from the best materials and dyes obtainable. You buy a Suit from us. We will save you from $7.50 to $15.00 on a suit. Remember these suits are strictly Hand-tailored, not custom tailored, some get it mixed. Our Hand-tailored clothes are made to your in­ dividual measure. Most cus­ tom made clothes are al­ ready made up, and altered to your measure. So re­ member, insist on Hand- tailored clothes. Come in antd look them over. To show them Is a pleasure. + ♦ * TH E PACIFIC STATES : : FIRE IN SURAN CE CO . : ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ GUNS-- (© b y McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) Pre-War Prices + + + + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ George Pointer, ESTACADA, OREGON. Always at home evenings at res­ idence over N e w s office. — W e can now Make Immediate Delivery on 'CHEVROLET “Baby Grand’’ Models ! Sold only This is unquestionably the Best Car on the market 1 1 to-day selling under $1425.00. i1 by dealers Excels of Riding. The best fabric tire made for heavy service or rough roads —■ C O M E IN and let us demonstrate what a truly W O N D E R F U L C A R it is. Built by General Motors Co., the largest makers of ( i Automobiles in the world. RED-TOP Willard Storage Battery Service! Extra Ply — Heavy Tread 30 x 00 Uk ■%] y Apr in Power, Room, Looks, Durability and-Ease Come in and get your BATTERY TESTED. We are here to give you WILLARD SERVICE. Vern Duus, our Batterv i Man, is at your service, and will give you the benefit of his i expert knowledge pertaining to the care and up-keep of your oattery. dm f 9 Reduction on all styles and sizes A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product * ; \ t Willard Storage Batteries for Sale. CASCADE GARAGE W ILC O X BROS.