EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY J U L Y 7, 1921. FREE SHOW at the Fam.ly Library Association M eeting Theatre tonight. Eve r ybody At the annual meeting of the LOCAL B R E V I T I E S come. Library Association last Friday W. J. Morris purchasing agent afternoon, the following officers AND N E W S 1 > EMS for the P. R. L. & P. Co., was in were elected: President, Mrs. town Tuesday. W. J. Moore; vice-president, Mrs. J. R. Hughes; secretary, Bob Morton came over from Mrs. Lena Underwood returi ec Mrs. C. E. Allen; treasurer, Mrs. Portland; to spend the’ Fourth from Hood River last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Delap o' with his mother, Mrs. W. J. H. 0. Stephens, re-elected. This is a goodselection of offi­ Portland were here on the Moore. Fourth. Mrs. J. W. Shafford moved to cers to carry on the management Miss Grace Taylor, of Salem Portland Tuesday, but Mr. Shaf­ of the library, which has been was here this week, a guest o!! ford will remain here for some done so satisfactorily during the past year by the outgoing offi the Misses Dillon. time longer. cers. Mrs. Robley, the retiring Mrs. J. C. Hay and two daugh Wendell Mills, boy evangelist president, has been untiring in ters of Portland, were week-enc is holding a series of meetings her efforts to build up and main guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. B this week in a tent at the back tain this most important factor Bass. of the city hall. He comes un­ in our little city, but could not Mrs. Willis Yonce and son Vir der the auspices of the Friends’ be induced to be elected again gi', of Oregon City, came over to church. See I Timothy 4:12. A financial statement sl.owec spend the Fourth and meet their that the association is progress­ old friends ing finely. About fifteen new Its Lure Mrs. W. W, Dillon and daugh­ volumes of the latest books wil ter Betty, were here from Port One of the most delightful soon be ready for circulation. land this week, gt ests at the spots in Oregon is the park at A new ruling in regard to the Dillon home. Sstacada. care of books, was decided upon Ken Bartlett, accompanied by Nature did all she could to at this meeting, which instruct his friend Leonard Sloan, of the make it alluring, and what man Goodrich Tiré Co., of Portland, has added has been harmonious ed the librarian to impose a fine of ten cents or more, as the case spent the Fourth here. with the original scheme. There may warrant, upon those who a mountain spring of purt return books that have been de­ Mr. and Mrs. Bateman of Portland, have been visiting at water, so cold that it makes your faced or otherwise damaged. the home of her sister, Mrs. mouth ache when you drink it. The library will be closed dur­ here are a pavilion, gravel ing the month of August. John Lovelace, thip week. The P. R. L. & P. Co. has set walks, a band stand, tables, rus­ • a large crew of men to work at tic seats, rubbish barrels, logs, the site for their projected Dow­ stumps and piles of stones ovei A Mazama Stunt which ivy, mosses and other er dam on the South Fork. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ellis, ac­ Misses Alga and Dorothy Es- greenery grow. Most of the ar­ companied by their son Loran, chleman came over from Salem tificial things, including the ta­ from Portland, took the trail at to celebrate the 4th and visit bles, are painted green to carry Fenton’s, Sunday morning, and out the nature scheme. their uncle, James Abbott. hiked to the Look-out station on The exquisite perfume of clo­ Mrs. Mary Adams, formerly of ver and other flowering plants the peak of Squaw mountain, Estacada but now of Portland, fills the atmosphere, and a moun­ making this 4800 foot climb, ov­ spent the Fourth at the home of tain stream adds its music to the er the seven or eight miles of her daughter, Mrs. Theo. Ahl- many attractions. It is a park trail, and arriving there at half past one. Snow is yet on the berg. parks in a district in which Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hewitt and nature has outdone herself in mountain slope. The Look-out is not yet occupied, snow having daughter, H. H. Hewitt and fam­ natural park making been four feet on the trails low­ ily, all of Portland, were Fourth Estacada has a public library, er down, ten days ago. These of July guests at the S. E. Woos­ big community organization hikers carried packs of 22, 18 ter home. which extends its membership and 12 pounds weight, and spent Mr. and Mrs. H. B. VanDuzer, far into the surrounding country; J. M. VanDuzer and Miss Con­ has a newspaper and a commo­ the night about four miles west stance Cole, of Portland, were dious hotel with big, airy dining of the station, sleeping in the guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. Morse rcom and lobby, and grounds open air. From the top of Squaw mountain one can see the snow- on the Fourth. that are a delight to the eye and covered peaks of Mt. Adams, Mt. Mr. and Mrs. Noble McMillan to the sense of beauty. It has a Hood, Mt Jefferson and the Three and baby daughter arrived the grammar school and a big brick Sisters, at other points on the latter part of last week, from high school building, with a high trail, the Columbia and the Wil­ Wyoming, and are guests at the school organization said to be one lamette rivers are in view. Rho­ of the best in the state. Esta­ dodendrons and other flowers Wm. Dale home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Womer and cada is 40 miles east of Portland, are blooming everywhere, the little daughter, motored over and is reached by the trains of only annoyance being mosqui­ from Corvallis last Saturday and the Portland Railway, Light & toes. visited relatives here until Sun­ ower Co., or by automobile ov­ day, when they left for Port­ er a paved road to Gresham, 20 We do Job Printing. land to spend the 4th w ith e rs. miles, and thence by a well im­ + + * + * + + + + + + + proved macadam. Womer^s mother. Seven miles away, reached by When at Gresham Saturday, The Ladies’ Home we had the pleasure of meeting good country road, is Log La larre, a famous mountain inn, Journal now $1.50 Alfred D. Cridge, of tKe frater­ nal department of the Oregon set in the center of a giant bowl The Saturday surrounding hills, 1500 feet Journal. He proved to be a very above sea level, and with an out­ Evening Post $2 pleasant gentleman and inform­ ed us that he contributes to the look of extraordinary beauty.— Journal under the nom de plume Oregon Journal. of “ Uncle Jeff Snow.” Also subscriptions taken for Birthday Surpise A party of campers from Port­ for any other magazines at * publishers’ price. land, headed bv Mr. and Mrs. A birthday surprise was given George Morrow, pitched their at the Grange Hall in Garfield, tents in the Sparks grove on the June 22, 1921, in honor of J. D. river just across the Clackamas ?almateer, of Lodi, California, bridge, and celebrated the 4th and Mrs. R. G. Palmateer, of here. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Garfield,. Sixty-eight guests Sparks and son Andy were in were present, all relatives, ex­ The R e x a l l Store the partv. cept eight. The table was filled + f » ■> ♦ t + + + + + Messrs. W. C. Benfer and F. to its capacity with good things M. Zigler of Portland, called at to eat, among which were three this office last Monday. They birthday cakes, the principle one had come up to enjoy some fish­ having been baked in Lodi, Cal­ ing on the 4th, but in this they ifornia. The guests ranged in were disappointed. They are in age from 86 years down to 6 the employ of James, Kern & months. After dinner a number in at the P & E Transpor­ Abbott, the largest job printing of pictures were taken, and then tation Co.’s office on house in Portland, and naturally wishing Aunt Em. and Uncle Broadway, and ask for rates on any kind of drifted into a printing office Dan. manv more happy bithdays freight. We make the run the company dispersed to their while waiting for the train. from Estacada to Port­ several homes. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale and land and return every day. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Miller re­ Priscilla Club turned Saturday evening from We Have Trucks for Other The Priscilla Club held their their visit to Wallowa in eastern Runs at Your Service. Oregon, where they visited Dr. June meeting at the home of George Dale. They made the Mrs. Gladys Hughes. At noon Have all goods for Esta­ trip in Mr. Miller’s Essex car, a delicious tray dinner was serv­ cada delivered to 143 which proved very enjoyable, ed, and the afternoon pleasantly Front street, Portland. although the roads in places were spent with fancy work. Eleven something fierce. The crops in members were present, also one Portland, Estacada that section are fine. On their | visitor, Mrs. Sisson, of Spokane, Transportation Co. return they were detained a daughter of Mrs. Hughes. The couple of days for repairs on the July meeting will beat the home Fred C. Bartholomew, car, caused by the roughness of G. M. Lawrence. the roads. Mr. Miller was much of Mrs. Rose Lovell. our business is picking up attracted by the scenic features of Wallowa lake and surround­ Don’t forget your Fair dates — ing region, and would like to September 8th, 9th and 10th. visit it again. S T O P I Attention Farmers! 1 have th e agency for the farmers’ Mutual F i r e Relief Association. Call in at my office and I will explain it to you. It is one of the best and cheapest mutuals in Oregon. _____JL _E. WOOST E R. Ag en t. ' HAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED -----at----- The Progressive American Shoe Shop First-class Chicken Dinner EVERY HARRY JOHNSON, Prop. SUNDAY i at the Hotel Estacada, for 75 cents. Come ! Bring your friends and be i1 a sport. SATURDAY, JULY 9th, Afternoon and Evening, - i THE SKY PILOT. THURSDAY EVENING, July 14th, RUTH OF IRE ROCKIES. Lochinvar of the Line, Pathe News, Drink Hearty (Comedy.) THE U N I V E R S A L A. E. SPARKS, Manager. CAR The Ford Motor Com pany w as the first to re ­ duce prices on cars, S eptem ber 22, 1P20 T hat first reduction prices all models below the 1914 price basis. Now another c u t is made - effective .June 7. 1921 —to the follow ing prices f. o. b. D etroit: Chasis ...................................................$345.00 Runabout ............................................. 370.00 Touring .. 415.00 I ruck with Pneumatic Tires............ 4H5.00 Starters on above models $70,00 ad­ ditional. Demountable wheels $25.00 additional. Coupe with Starter and wheels.... ..................... Sedan with Starter and wheel* ............ Demountable $695.00 Demountable $760.00 EX CISE TAX E XTRA. Ford prices are uniform everyw here, ex cep t for fre ig h t because Mr. Ford him self fixes th e re ta il price Place your o rd er quickly to avoid, delay from th e rush o f or- Uers these new prices will produce. RAKER Estacada and Gresham, * & SON, Oregon ~ \ SOME REAL BARGAINS. TAKE A GENUINE NAUGAHIDE BAG on your vacation trip—W A T E R PR O O F and wears better than Leather. Men’s 18-inch Bags, $12 and $14 Value, $7.50 GENUINE ALL-WOOL GOVERNMENT BLANKETS, Sold Everywhere for $5.50 to $6.50. We have just a few of these left a E A C H $4.50. M e n ’s W o r k S h i r t s . B LU E C H A M B R A Y. K H A K I, B L U E A N D W H IT E S T R IP E D . We are offering real values at exceptionally Low Prices. Jar Rings, Preferred Stock, Extra Heavy Grey Rubber. 2 Doz. 15c. Special Blend Steel Cut Coffee, roasted and packed for us, per pound package, 35c. Bulk Coffee, the best that money can buy:—Camp Fire Roast, 5 pounds for $1. Peaberry, 3 pounds for $1. Concordia Club, per pound 45 cents. JOIN THE CROWD AT The People’s Store H. B. SNYDER, C. E. KILGORE. Where the Motto Is Service.