Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 07, 1921, Image 2

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Farmers Paying the Bills
Eastern Clackamas News
With continuous agitation and
Entered at the poatoffice in Eatacada, threatened legislation to have
Oregon, aa second-class mail.
the government take over or reg­
ulate the meat packing business,
the market for live stock has not
Eatacada. Oregon
been helped.
Those who believe the stock-
! yards and the great meat pack-
Editor and Managor.
; ing houses are a menace to the
producer and the consumer, are
S ubscriptio n K a t e s
One year
$ 1.50 numerous, and it is very easy to
Six month*
.75 appeal to the stomachs of the
I multitude with savory legisla-
Foreign Advertising Ke-ire.entailve
! tion.
But legislation and government
taking over transportation and
Thursday, July 7, 1921.
manufacturing of anything, has
never helped the consumer a
The Big Fight
penny, and has never made a
The agony is over, and the market for a steer, a hog or a
heavy weight championship re­ I sheep—in spite of good inten-
mains in America. The contest I tions.
It is refreshing that a number
was short, sharp and decisive,
with an attendance of 90,000 of western senators voted to kill
and gate receipts over $1,600,000. the Kenyon bill to regulate the
All classes were present, even packing industry—on top of all
the clergy, for a prominent Bap­ present governmental regulating
tist minister who has stirred up and investigating and commis­
Mew York for some months past, sion muckraking.
This crusade will do for the
conducting a crusade somewhat
similar to that by Dr. Charles packing industry what ten years
Parkhurst some years ago, was of similar methods have done
present from a sense of duty. for the railroads—put them
He went to make a pscyhoiogical where no one o f ordinary busi­
study of the tight, to ascertain ness inteligence will build a mile
at first hand, the moral effect on of railroad.
Senator Stanfield, o f Oregon,
the spectator, etc. Others at­
tended simply for the thrill and who is one of the largest sheep­
and excitement it afforded, and men in the west, made an able
in this lies the secret of its draw­ and courageous speech for indi­
ing power. It makes a powerful vidual initiative and enterprise
sensual appeal pure and simple. in the packing industry, and to
What better were those who at­ oppose govern ownership and
tended, than the Romans ot old control.— The Manufacturer.
who thronged the coliseum to
see gladiators fight to the death
A Thriving Burg
and Christians thrown to the
Saturday afternoon we went
Certainly our boasted
to Gresham on business, and
civilization has not made such
called at the Outlook office. We
wonderful strides since the days
found Bro. St. Clair up to his
the days of Nero and other Ro
neck in work, as he prints five
man emperors. But alas, we
publications besides his own
must convict our own self, for
twice-a-week paper, and job
we were greatly interested in
galore. We called also on W. A.
the outcome, and eagerly real
Hessell, one o f our esteemed ad­
the reports, And if we should
vertisers who keeps a most com­
have the opportunity of seeing
plete line of farm machinery,
moving pictures of the fight, it is
and carries a numbet of bargains
more than probable we shall do
in used machines. But the con­
so, for the animal man is strong
spicuous improvement in Gres
within us.
ham. is the magnificent new
garage of Raker & Son, which
A Bulletin De Luxe
covers nearly a whole block.
The N e w s acknowledges the We doubt whether Portland has
receipt from the 0. A. C of Bui a finer one. This firm is the
letin No. 355. o f date o f June 1 Ford agency and carries an im­
1921. It is entitled “ Training mense line of supplies for Ford
for the Vocations,” and is a su machines, besides being well
perb example of typographical equipped for all repair work on
Every convenience for
art. The cover is in colors and them.
shows the entrance to one of the handling autos is provided. And
main buildings. It containg de­ one noteworthy feature which
scriptions o f the various depart appeals to the ladies, is a rest
ments of this eminent institu room furnished with rugs and
t'on, profusely illustrated with comfortable lounge chairs, plants
half tone cuts o f every building and a canary, and in addition,
and phase of student life. It a kitchenette, equipped with a gas
certainly should attract a large range for cooking lunches, etc.
number of prospective students,
“ In the old days we tried to get
as it would be hard to find a
more attractive environment the book through the pupil in­
stead of the pupil through the
than here presented.
book,” commented Chaides E.
Oliver, veteran school man of
Oregon, now principal o f the
For Liberty
high school at Walport, Oregon.
For the »acred cause ot per­ “ We didn’ t believe in rushing
sonal liberty, several thousands the boys and girls the way so
marched in parade on the Fourth many schools do to-day.” “ What
in New York City, as a protest we aimed to do was to see that
they learned all we could teach
against the 18th amendment. them in the time they were in
Mayor Hylan reviewed them and school. " —Oregonian.
thus showed where his sympa­
The old method was the right
thies were.
one, and the sooner there is a re­
turn to it the better.
At last we are formally at
peace with Germany aui Austria,
R. M. Standish and family
and free to resume diplomatic re­ passed through Estacada Mon­
lationships. It took two years day. They had been camping at
and half to get us into the war, Clear Creek and were on their
and about the same time to get way home to Portland. An ac­
us out of it, after the armistice cident to their machine necessi­
was concluded.
Evidently the tated its being repaired and thus
government’s motto is festina gave opportunity to meet old
lente, (make haste slowly.)
friends and acquaintances.
Published every Thursday at
The appointment of William
H. Taft to be Chief Justice of the
U. S. Supreme Court, has re­
ceived universal approval. It is
the post to which he should have
been appointed years ago, and
would have been, if he not run
for president.
The N ews acknow ledges with
thanks the receipt of the March
quarterly of the Oregon Histori­
cal Society's magazine.
number contains an interesting
sketch of the Rogue River Valley
history by Alice Applegate Sar­
E V E R Y D A Y M Y S T E R IE S .
The Story* of
Our States
HE second
s t a t e to
udopt tkeCou-
I stltution was
' l* ennsylvauiu.
Its u r e a of
45,120 squar«
miles is larger
than the combined New Eng-
luud states, except Maine, with
New Jersey thrown In for good
Its name m e a n s
“l'euu’s Woodland" and was so
named by King Charles II, who
grunted this territory to the
Q u u k e r, William I’ enn, and
named it In commemoration of
Penn's father, who had been a
distinguished admiral and on
terms of peculiar friendship and
intimacy with the royal fumily.
This grunt was made iu lieu of
£10,000, which the king owed Ad­
miral l'enn. On this basis it
origiuully cost ubout $2 u square
Pennsylvania bus assumed
sueli uu important place among
tile states tlmt it Is ufteu culled
the Keystone state. This term
was probably derived origiuully
because her uume wus curved
on the keystone o f the bridge
over ltock creek, between Wash­
ington und Georgetown. Later on
it was applied on uecount of the
great Importance of the state In
national elections. Its delega­
tion to congress totals 38, sec­
ond only in size to that from
New York, and Pennsylvania
accordingly has 38 presidential
electors. •
William l ’enn first came over
to America In 1082. The follow­
ing yeur he laid out the city of
Love,” which wus named ufter
a biblical city in Asia Minor, As
Pennsylvania was the only col­
ony without a seacoust, Penn
obtained from the duke of York
the control of Delaware, and un­
til the Revolution these two
provinces were under the same
proprietary government. Quar­
rels with Maryland over bound­
aries caused a formal survey
to be made by two surveyors,
Mason and Dixon, and it was
this which beenme famous dur­
ing the Civil war as the Mason
and Dixon line, tho dividing
mark between the slave and the
free states.
‘ •This much 1 do not understand/*
Said llezekiah Bings.
“ I don't know why a friendly hand
Unto another clings
With such a sense of confidence
When tiling* are going wrong,
And makes the universe immense
A realm of smiles and song.
is your Home Company.
See us rogardi. g your
Insure your
a u t o m
o b i l e
If you are fipuriniron Paint­
ing get my prices. 1 will
furnish the material or you
cati furnish it. I will do
your work by day or con­
tract. Leave your orders at
Smith Hardware Co.’s store
at Estacada.
- )■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Paper Hanging
and Tinting.
“ I don't know why the roses bloom,
Nor why the snowflakes fall;
Nor why the stars dispel the gloom—
And yet I love them all*
Ami life, though wisdom's way is grand.
Seems sweetest for the things
1 cannot hope to understand,“
Said Hezekiah Dings.
: J. W. Reed Estate ;
Rt I, Estacada.
+ + + + + + + + + •*• + +
Built hi 1748, tliu State House lu
Boston wus the pride of the city long
before the Revolution. It was, when
constructed, a fine edifice, with an Im­
posing front, und surmounted with a
glided dome. Much of Its original
appearance has been preserved, and
It is today a Mecca for the tourist who
visits the sacred shrines connected
with the birth of liberty In the United
States of America.
For the welfare of our district have developed this
week. The berry groweis have shown their ability to
pack their crop and prepare it for market without out­
side assistance. The power plant development bv the
P. R. L. & P, Co., has commenced, which means that
all our people who want it may have work, and that
the prosperity of our district is assured.
Let us again Suggest that the time
to Save is While We are Earning.
I Vulcanizing
— AND—
* S A F E T Y A N D S E R V IC E ”
Re-treading J
Satisfaction Guaranteed
iW T Four Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Accounts. m l
—A T —
((J) by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
| S . P. Pesznecker Shop ||
Microscopic Infants.
A tiny baby was born at Ilford (Eng
land), recently. At birth It weigher
two and one-lmlf pounds and gained
three ounces in u little more tlmi
three weeks. Perfectly formed, tin
baby gives promise of growing lntc
a healthy child. This Is not a ree
ord, however. In 1824 Sir Evernrd
Home described n bnby which weighed
Just one pound at birth and lived t
be idne years old when It measured
22 Inches In height. In 1S96 a baby
was born In n Philadelphia hospital
which weighed one and three-quarter
New Kind of Tombstone.
What he calls n ‘‘new und improved
tombstone” lias been Invented by ni
Oklahoma man. A life-sized figure of
the (load person Is made o f galvnn
Ized Iron, the lower part filled with
cement to mnke n heavy base. The
body Is hollow und In It is placed
an urn contnlnlng the nshes of the
deceased. It will bo noticed that this
“ tombstone" can only be used In the
case o f dead person^ who linvo been
Queer Coincidence.
Peculiar coincidences were revealed
at n Tonbridge (England) Inquest on
a boy sixteen years old who was killed
from a slrny shot from a rifle range
at a local fair. Thirteen years ago a
lud o f sixteen was killed on the same
spot In exactly the same manner, and
the doctor who was called to him was
the medical witness In the present
Inquiry, llo produced In court the
bullet -which he took from the other
dead lad 13 years ago.
Estacada, Oregon.
Get Hunting and Fishing
Licenses Here
Camping Outfits, Electric
Flashlights Baseball
and Enlarged
“Baby Grand" Models
This is unquestionably the Best Car on the market
to-day selling under $1425.00.
of Riding.
Coughing Restored Speech.
After being dumb for 33 years a
woman living In Christina Mueford
England, coughed bnck her speech
Tho woman who Is slxt.v-one years
old has been bed ridden for 49 years.
Three weeks ago. during recovery
from a serious attack of bronchitis,
her voice was restored while coughing
Amusing Mixed Metaphors.
Rather n
ions case of mixed
metaphors ,
irt i In a Middle West­
ern newspup- recently: "In dosing,
she asked i : t h e hinges of their
friendship never grow rusty, but al
ways he links In the golden chain
of fellowship.”
Pine Trees’ Peculiar Growth.
A render sends a description of two
pine trees growing Into each other on
n farm at Polnnd Ontario. Thvy are
two distinct trees at the ground; at a
height of ton feet they are separated
by n hand's breadth, and thence to the
top they are oue tree.
in Power, Room, Looks, Durability and Ease
CO M E IN and let us demonstrate what a truly
W O N D E R F U L C A R it is.
Built by General Motors Co., the hrgest mak rs of I
Automobiles in the world.
vGoing to
---------------- I
Willard Storage
Battery Service!
¿Whether it’ s the outside or
^the inside of your house that
needs paint, we recommend
" d u t c h b o y
^YVith pure linseed oil, it makes
a good-looking, durable exterior
ipaint; with Dutch Boy flatting
Toil, it makes a handsome, gloss-
llcssrwashable interior paint."
jLct us figure on your painting
p w c can sat e you money. Our j
paint materials are reliable, and
^yve guarantee a satisfactory iobU
George Pointer,
Don’t forget to save your best
Plant something now on your
Cominjr! “ A Box of Monkeys”
fruit and vegetables for the best ground, for the Eastern July 12.
Always at home evening at res­
Eastern Clackamas Fair.
Clackamas Fair.
Read the Ads in the N e w s .
idence over N ews office.
MONEY TO LOAN $2500.00 + + + +
to loan on good improved real
estate. See S. E. Wooster. 37tf
Gome in and get your BATTERY TESTED. We are here to
jrive you WILLARD SERVICE. Vern Duus, our Battery
Man, is at vour service. and will give you the benefit o f his
* expert knowledge pertaining to the care and up-keep of
* your battery.
Willard Storage Batteries for Sale.