Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 07, 1921, Image 1

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    îEasimt (Clarkamaa f a s
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 14,
N umber 42
$1.50 P er Y ear
E st a c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r sd a y , J uly 7,1921.
■ w
1 . 0, 0. F. LODGE
T~)K. r . g r a h a m M c C a l l
Office over Estacada State Bank. Lo­
cal and Lontf Distance Telephone. The
doctor’s phone can he connected with
your home phones at night if requested.
One long ring.
Last Saturday night the Esta­
cada Lodge, No. 175, I. O. O. F.
held its semi-annual installation
of elective and appointive officers.
The ceremony was impressively
conducted bv Hugh Jones of Cur-
rinsville, who is District Deputy
Grand Master. The following
were inducted into their respect­
ive chairs:
N. G.—H. L. McKenney,
V. G .-C . F. M. Brown,
Sec’y.—J. G. Hayman.
Treas.— B. F. Bullard,
Warden William Gilgan,
Con. W. M. Douglass.
R. S. N. G.—Rex Ludlow,
L. S. N. G.—Fred Lynns,
R. S. V. G .-H . Gilgan,
L. S. V. G.—W. Adlon.
R. S. S.—Albert Lynns,
L. S. S.—Frank Harkenrider,
O. G. J. O. Tunnell,
I. G.—F. C. Bartholomew,
Chaplain M. G Weatherby.
4th of July N otes
Estacada has some band.
The railroad passenger traffic
was immense.
The small boy was allowed to
enjoy the festive firecracker to
his heart’s content.
The R. R. Co. merits a vote of
thanks for the free use of the
park and its conveniences.
Bob Marchbank made himself
solid with the kids when he dis­
tributed free candy among them.
Dr. Morse’s lawn Tuesday, re­
sembled the morning after, The
doctor had a big stunt cleaning
Again we regret to « p o rt that
as the flag passed by in parade,
a number of men and boys did
not remove their hats.
The wisdom of the interdict of
vehicles in the park, recently
made by the R. R. Co. was ap­
parent on the Fourth.5
Contrast the order and absence
of rowdyism of last Monday’s cel­
ebration, with those of former
years, when the state was wet
though the day was dry, and
the 18th amendment unthought
A small blaze on the roof of
the residence of O. E. Syren, on
Gurrin Street, caused a ripple of
excitement about 10 o’clock. It
was probably due to sparks from
the chimney, and was soon put
out with little damage resulting.
The contest for Goddess of
Liberty waxed warm towards
the finish. The final vote for
those polling 100 votes or more,
was as follows: Audrey Linn,
I. 0. O. F. nominee, 1,432; Ruby
Hull, Springwater’s nominee,
571; Gladys Miller, George’s
nominee, 139; Helen Wooster,
Masonic nominee, 132.
The Fourth has come and gone.
It was duly celebrated in Esta­
cada and the way this was done,
made it a day of pleasure rather
than one of wearisome excite­
ment. Nearly everybody in the
vicinity seemed to have turned
D u
and many former Estaca-
dans came from Portland and
other points, so the occasion
PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. made a regular reunion of old
Offiee and Residence Second and Main friends and neighbors, which
streets, Estacada, Oregon. Telephone
was perhaps the most pleasant
feature of all. The weather was
ideal, bright but cool. The pro­
gram was arranged for by the
Graduate Chicago Musical College. 10
years Teaching Experience. Estacada, Carl Douglass Post and was well
About 10:30 the parade marched
from the school house
had formed, to national
and Embilmer. Night and Day Tele­
Lady Assistant
Mr. Any airs played by the Estacada band
Hawkins, helper. Telephone.
and led by W. A. Davidson and
Rex Ludlow. Then followed G.
A. R. veterans in autos, and
and Notary Public. Estacada, Oregon. right behind these marched the
Carl Douglass Post and other
men. A formidable ap­
“tank” protected them
General Practice. Confidential Ad­
viser. Oregon City. Oregon.
from behind provided by Raker
& Son. The I. O. O. F. in re­
U p p e r —W h e r e t h e fir st m a n (Med in th e R e v o l u tio n . W o u n d e d in t h e lig h t on L e x i n g t o n C o m m o n , J o n a t h a n H a r r i n g t o n
came next, and then the
o r a w l e d to t h e d o o r s t e p o f h i s h o m e a n d fell d e a d in t h e e n t r a n c e J u s t u s h is w ife o p e n e d t h e door. T h e H a r r i n g t o n liou.se,
w h i c h h a s b e e n c a r e f u l l y p r e s e r v e d , is a t L e x i n g t o n , M as s.
At Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­
L e f t —H i s t o r i c o l d - f a s h i o n e d h o m e of P a u l R e v e r e , f r o m w h i c h th e p a t r i o t s t a r t e d on his m i d n i g h t rid e to w a r n t h e p e o ­
days anu Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow erty, Mrs. Audrey Linn, and her
ple o f B o s t o n o f t h e a r r i v a l o f t h e B r itis h soldie rs . T h e old h o u s e , B it ua te d In t h e N o r t h E n d , B o s to n , is vis ite d f r e q u e n t l y
building. Portland office, 009-15, Pen- maids of honor, Gladys Miller,
b y to u ri s ts .
ton buudi
R i g h t —W a s h i n g t o n ' s h e a d q u a r t e r s In G e o r g e to w n . T h i s q u a i n t t w o - s t o r y s t r u c t u r e w a s t h e h e a d q u a r t e r s o f G e o r g e
W a s h i n g t o n d u r i n g 17G0, w h e n he w a s a s u r v e y o r . T h e s t r u c t u r e w a s a t t h a t ti m e a w a y s i d e in n of t h e m a i n s t a g e ­
Ruby Hull and Helen Wooster.
c o a c h ro a d . I t is c o n s t r u c t e d o f n a tiv e bould e rs , a n d Is s a i d to be a s s olid t o d a y a s w h e n b uil t.
The Woman’s Auxiliary float at­
tracted a good deal of attention,
ed him by th e F ren ch governm ent. To shall be filed by July 1.
Beaver building, Oregon City, Oregon. .'his was elaborately decorated
the cross w as added a s ta r fo r p ar­
Com plaints charging burglary were
with flags and bunting and car­
ticu lar bravery.
filed in the justice court a t Albauy
ried six girls, representing va­
Fire destroyed four grain w are­ by
D istrict
A ttorney
houses, an elev ato r and m an? thou­ ag ain st W illiam A. Schultz, Irvin L
Buys Mortgages, Rents your property, rious branches of the auxiliary’s
Write* Insurance in the very,best com­ service.
sand bushels of grain at .Mynck sta ­ W right and R. W. Cooley, as a result
Pauline Rose was a
panies—he can get you results. Esta­
tion, six m iles n o rth east of Pendleton, of th eir attem p t to break into the H al­
colonial girl, Mildred Douglass Principal E v e n ts of the Week ¿causing
cada, Oregon.
dam age estim ated a t from sey S tate bank last week.
was Betsy Ross, Lydia Mattson
$165,000 to »200,000.
Increased rates, sought by the
Briefly Sketched for Infor*
a yeomanette, Nova Smith an
The second w oman fire lookout to A m erican Railw ay E xpress company
mation of O u r Readers.
be em ployed on the D eschutes na­ affecting the tran sp o rtatio n of but­
army nurse and Retha Ames a
tional forest has taken up h er official term ilk, cream , milk ami ice cream
Red Cross nurse. Two truck
duties. Mrs. R obert M errill of P o rt­ have been denied by the Oregon pub­
loads of children next appeared,
F ra n k J. Lovell h as been appoint­
London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.
land hus been stationed a t Black butte, lic service com m ission. T he increase
followed by citizens in automo­ ed sta te tax com m issioner.
35 miles from nend.
Great American Fire Insurance Co.
requested in the application ranged
Only seven fo rest fire s have been
biles which were all decorated
Cheese producers in C urry county, from 20 to 26 per cent.
Keep your policy in our Fire
in good taste. A very pretty
instead of shipping to Coos Bay for
T he m ost im portant wool sale of the
Proof Vault, tree of charge.
reshipm ent have u n d ertak en a deliv­ season w as held a t Shaniko, in which
feature was Baby Deming being th is season.
A second sh ift m eaning th e employ­ ery a t San Francisco, w here th e first
drawn in a wagon with canopy m ent of 100 m ore men, will be started
th e clip of th a t section was offered
of rambler roses, Rosco Deming a t the Brooks-Scanlon mill a t Bend. cargo was recently tak en by the gaso­ for sealed bids. T he sale a ttracted
line schooner Osprey.
A gents .
buyers from many foreign and eastern
Jr. dressed as the immortal
F ire com pletely destro y ed th e large
Seven hundred thousand bushels of m ills. About 250.000 pounds, the clips
George, held the tongue, while barn and co n ten ts on th e McDonald the new crop of w heat have been con­ of 31 grow ers, w ere disposed of at
Mary Alice Reed and Ardella ranch, two m iles so u th w est of W eston. tracted for a t $1 a bushel, o r prices prices ranging from 13 to 20 cents.
Dunlop, dressed in white, furn­ Home building has p rogressed a t the n ear th at figure, by II. W. Collins,
Linn county and Oregon will have
ra te of $861,693 a m onth in prom inent Pendleton gralum an, ac­ the distinction of supplying the young­
ished the motive power. The average
P o rtlan d for the first six m onths of cording to announcem ent.
e st m em ber of the famous Sousa's
Estacada Feed Co. had a float th e y ear 1921.
D am age estim ated a t $175,000 to band on its next tour. Loren J. Lu-
displaying a truck load of feed
H aying in easte rn L inn county is $200,000 was caused a t A storia by two per of T angent, who is only 22 years
2d door north o f Depot.
stuffs, the T. & T. Co. had one well under way and the farm ers are fires which destroyed the m ain saw ­ old, will leave early in Ju ly for New
trying to care for one of th e largest mill and pow er p lant a t the A storia York, where he will become a m em ­
| SPECIALTIES for 5c, 10c, | representing “ central at the hay crops ev e r raised in th e county. Box com pany’s plant, th e big double ber
of tills famous musical organiza­
switch;” the Cascade gatage
The sixth ann u al to u rn a m en t for dry kiln and 30 curs of lum ber.
15c and up.
sent a Case tractor and the Reed th e ten n is cham pionship of th e W il­ M em bers of the D ouglass county
Fred W illiams, chairm an of th e O re­
Needlework, Crochet. Thread X & Shibley firm a Rock Island lam ette valley will open a t Salem forest patrol and of tho U nited S tates gon public service commission, will
tractor. The usual accompani­ July 7, and continue for th re e days. forest service m et in R oseburg S at­ go to San Francisco July 13, w here
Etc., for sale.
ment of roustabouts were not T he society of O regon com posers, urday w ith supervising w ardens from he will attend a conference of the
THE GATES TO SUCCESS | wanting, one of whom was through Its president, Dr. Em il Enna adjoining counties for a school of in terstate com m erce comm ission, with
| rigged up as a cannon cracker. of P ortland, h as p resen ted to th e state m ethods and fo re ste rs’ convention.
relation to an adjustm ent of freight
library a volume of O regon com posi­
M otor vehicle reg istratio n s in O re­ rates on the Weed-Klumuth Falls
The ladies of the Rebekah order tions.
gon during th e period Ja n u a ry 1 to branch of the Southern I'aclric ra il­
G rasshoppers are becom ing so plen­ Ju n e 30. 1921, ag g regated 102,274 as road.
marched with grace and dignity,
dressed • in white with sashes of tiful on C rane prairie, n e a r Bend, that ag ain st 89,173 for the sam e m onths
The extent of th e powers vested
d estru ctio n of th e range, w hich ordi­ last year, according to a rep o rt Is­ in the sta te board eugenics under the
Oregon Poultry Farm
narily c a rrie s 1700 head of cattle, is sued by Sam A. Kozer, se c retary of so-called sterilization act, will be de­
green. These ladies after the threaten ed .
term ined In a te s t case filed In the
parade, gave an exhibition drill
P resid en ts and se c re ta rie s of com­
A pproxim ately
has circuit court at Salem by Tom Gar
on Broadway, the members of m ercial clubs of ten U m atilla county been received by the sta te from taxes land, P ortland attorney. The proceed­
tow ns were guests of th e Pendleton levied on gasoline and d istillate sales ings w ere brought on behalf of Jacob
To make room for the 1500
the I. 0. 0. F. likewise.
head of young stock I am rais­
Comm ercial association a t a banquet in Oregon during the period F ebruary Cline, an inm ate of the Oregon state
Picnic dinners were next in in Pendleton.
ing this spring. I will sell off
1, 1919, to May 31, 1921, according to penitentiary.
some of my Choice Breeding
order and it was a most pleasing
H. M. G ard n er of S tanton, h as filed a re p o rt prepared by Sam A. Kozer,
liens, with line trap-nest re­
O scar H ansen, a tran sien t, was nr-
cords back of them, at $1.50
sight to see in the park, the w ith th e sta te en g in ee r ap p lication to secretary of state.
restc4 n ear Eugene, charged with se t­
each. This is a rare bargain.
number of family groups en­ ap p ro p riate 1200 second feet of w ater T hrough the opening of a second ting num erous fire* on the right-of-
They are worth five times that
joying an appetizing dinner of from the N orth S antiam riv e r for pool by the W illam ette Valley Prune way of the main line of the Southern
amount for breeding purposes.
pow er purposes.
association, loganberry grow ers of the Pacific railway. With a blow torch
chicken, pies, cakes, ice cream,
The m arine strik e has had its ef­ Salem vicinity are hopeful of receiv­ in one hand and a suitcase in the
fect upon the cargo lum ber shipm ents ing 5 cents a pound for th eir product. other, H ansen had been w alking along
Unfortunately the speaker of from the Columbia, which for June The pool will be open to all grow ers, the track from the north for tw o days,
(Farm located one milt out of Esta­ the day was prevented from com­ w ere th e sm allest of any single month w ho have not yet obtained a m arket
settin g fire to th e dry grass and
cada, Oregon, on Garfield road.)
for th e ir berries.
ing, which caused some disap­ in several years.
T here w ere a to tal of 125 permits to
pointment, but the band played ap p ro p riate w ater and six permits to T he auto cam p grounds in M M intfc O. P. Hoff, sta te treasu rer, at the
vllle are being rem odeled.
conclusion of a conference with Salem
several numbers, which made up sto re w ater Issued by P ercy Cupper,
H arry C. Brum baugh of Portland bankers, announced th a t he had com­
for the omission. A number of sta te engineer, during the m onths of h as been appointed executive secre­ pleted arrangem ents w hereby w arrants
races and other stunts were pull­ April, May and June.
tary of the world w ar v eteran s’ state drawn on the general fund of the state
ed off, and a boxing bout and The p resid en t of th e O regon S tate aid com m ission, created under an act would be honored and would not be
B an k ers’ association has appointed a
indorsed "not paid for w ant of funds,"
wrestling match were held in the com m ittee to in v estig ate th e salm on of the last legislature.
More than 100 deaf persons, many as predicted xjlicn the general fund
in dustry with the idea of devising the of them graduates of the Oregon of the state becam e exhausted several
At 3 o’eloek a base ball game best m ethod of financing it.
arhoel for the deaf, assem bled at
YOUR HOME AGENT WHO was called on the school diamond Several hundred re p re se n ta tiv es of Salem S aturday and organized the
W A. To Meet
between Estacada and a nine of
Oregon S tate A ssociation for the Deaf.
the employes of Lang Co., Port­ are handed to g eth er In th e A m erican
A pproxim ately half of the 7000 cor­
Women’s Auxiliary will
land. It proved a close r.np, Es Legion m et S atu rd ay In E ugene for porations operating In Oregon have meet in the Odd Fellows’ hall,
tacada winning by a score of th e Oregon d e p a rtm e n t’s th ird annual filed with the Btate corporation de­
Monday evening at 8o’clock.
3 to 1. The proceedings of the convention.
p artm en t th eir annual rep o rts as re­
W illiam A. Botz, w ho lives on a
quired under the state laws. The
Cary Real Estate Co. ■ to midnight.
ranch n e a r Bend, received through the
sta tu te s require th a t these statem ents
Read the Ads in the NEWS.
For Fire Insurance
Red Cross, his cru ix da guorro award
Estacada Cannery
As was announced last week,
a cannery association has been
formed, with W. R. Woodard,
H. 1). Trapp, John Marchbank,
Earl Day and John Osborn, di­
rectors, J. C. Hayman, secretary
and treasurer, and R. C. Deming
acting manager. The old can­
nery building owned by W. F.
Cary has been placed at their
service, and the machinery has
been thoroughly overhauled and
a new boiler installed. Opera­
tions will begin this noon. The
undertaking is being financed by
local capital without outside as­
A. G. Ames government hunt­
er returns to his station on the
Santiam, today, after a brief vis­
it with his family. He is |pre.
paring to build on to the front of
his house.