Thursday, June 23, 1921 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS BARTON ITEMS Mr. George Foreman has had his house painted which adds greatly its appearance. M. Lorn berry returned last returned last week from Barton, where he has been employed by Mr. VV. P. Ferrel, the past few weeks. It is rumored that a new gen­ eral store is to be opened in Bar­ ton in the near future in the Burkhart building. Hurrah for Barton. Mr. Ferrel had his dwelling re-modeied insrdeand many con­ veniences added. The front room was enlarged and oak grained paneling effect with wall board, with plate rail and trimmings stained golden oak, with painted ceilings and tinted plaster board above plate rail, which hamonizes with grained paneling, etc. Outside the house was given two coats fresh paint, which makes the premises look new. Notwithstanding the high cost of material, Mr. Ferret spared neither time nor cost to get the best results. J. Page Seven I r STOP NOW! in at the P & E Transpor­ tation Co.’s office on Broadway, and ask for rates on any kind of freight. We make the run from Estacada to Port­ land and return every day. W e can now Make Immediate Delivery on We Have Trucks for Other Runs at Your Service. /C H E V R O LET/ r — ' i --------1 Have all goods for Esta­ cada delivered to 143 Front street, Portland. "Baby Grand" Models Portland, Estacada Transportation Co. * ! * ! \ t 4 4 This is unquestionably the Best Car on the market ¡J to-day selling under $1425.00. Fred C. Bartholomew, G. M. Lawrence. Excels in Power, Room, Looks, Durability and Ease A of Riding. ^ O U R B U S IN E S S IS P IC K IN G UP C OME IN and let us demonstrate what a truly 4 W ONDERFUL CAR it is : Built by General Motors Co., the largest of J Automobiles in the world. f D O VER KODAKS- Mr. and Mrs. Elliot were call­ ing on Mr. and Mrs. Denburger Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinesmith are entertaining friends from Van­ couver. Miss Margaret Seward arrived from Minnesota Tuesday, and is visiting her parents at present. Mrs. H. Develin and children were visiting friends in Vancou­ ver several days the past week. Mrs. Alice Roberts is in Port­ land at present taking care of Miss Hilda Roberts, who is sick with measles. Mr. and Mrs. Schim in sky and Bruce and Miss Brown, of Port­ land, Joseph DeShazer and fam­ ily and Mrs. Iva Parks, were vis­ itors at the Henry Udell home Sunday. ALL kinds and SUPPLIES GUNS- And AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE Get Hunting and Fishing Licenses Here Camping Outfits, Electric Flashlights. Baseball Supplies KodaKPicturesDeveloped and Enlarged ED. BONER’S W E Í • Willard Storage Battery Service! Come in and get your BATTERY give you WILLARD SERVICE. Man, is at your service, and will expert knowledge pertaining to your battery. TESTED. We are here to Vern Duns,'our Battery give you the benefit of his the care and up-keep of 4 Willard Storage Batteries for Salt. * ! * CASCADE GARAGE ( è HANDLE W IL C O X BROS. THE r’s Line o f Pumps, FOR D EEP OR SHALLOW W ELLS. . i H Also the cTVIEYER’S HAY CARRIERS. Both the BEST on the market. A complete line of MOWER and BINDER SECTIONS are on Our Shelves ready for you. Come in and See the H. T. G. Harness. SMITH HARDWARE STORE, ESTACADA. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 è 4 4