Thursday, June 16, 1921 EASTERN C L A C K A M A S N E W S Pnge Four - » — 1 — 1— « - "J * T§T ¥ I" IfTPK I I - i - i - - l - . « ■ - N a k e d vs. D o lle d Eastern Clackamas News Entered at the postoffice in Estacadu, Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada. Oregon U PTO N H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S ubscription K ates One year - Six months - . - . 11.60 . .75 Foreign AdvertiMinp Representative T i l l . AM! KIC AN PRESS ASSOCIATIO N Thursday, Jun * 1(5, 1921 M a g n a C h a rta D a y The writer when a boy visited one day a small island on the Thames. It comprised only a few acres and had but one dw el­ ling house on it, yet this small island played a most momentous part in the history of England and subsequently in our own, for on it was signed that memora­ ble charter of the rights of free­ men, known as the Magna Char­ ta. One who knows English history cannot but feel moved when he stands on the historic spot, and also sees the stone on which tradition asserts the char­ ta was signed by the unwilling and craven king. The docu­ ment itself can be seen in the Rrittish museum. Yesterday, June 15, was the 706th anniver­ sary of the granting of the char­ ter. It is proposed that the English speaking peoples shall celebrate this day annually, to remind them of their common heritage of the rights o f self- government, of free speech in free meeting, of equal justice by one’s equals, and thus promote among them a fraternal sense of goodwill. Certainly the propo­ sition deserves regard, especial­ ly as our own national Fourth of July was the direct outcome of Magna Charta. ■ — ■ 11 ■■ - School M e e tin g The annual school meeting for the election of two school direc­ tors and clerk, will be held in the High School auditorium, Monday evening, June 20th, at 8 p. m. There should be a good atten­ dant e espei i .lly of parents of ti e school children. The N e w s has no choice as to candidates for di­ rectors, but suggests they should have the following qualifications: 1. They should bej sincerely interested in the schools. 2. This interest should be an intelligent one, with clear cut. practical ideas of the require­ ments of the schools to maintain their efficiency. 8. Preferably, but this is not essential, they should have chil­ dren of their own in the schools. The present school clerk, Mrs. Susie Sarver merits re election, us she has given absolute satis­ faction in the fulfillment of the duties of the office. Up T ru th Secretary of the Navy Denby evidently thought that Admiral Sims in his recent speech in Lon­ don, spoke unadvisedly with his lips, for he has ordered him to return home at once. The old sea dog is not versed in diplo­ matic speech. So much depends on how a man expresses himself, whether offense is taken or not. I f a man is called a natural born liar, he will resent it as an insult, but if he is described as one w'ho is congenitally addicted to term­ inological inexactitudes, he may regard it as a compliment. The same with Ambassador Harvey, when he said America went into the war to save herself, he ex­ pressed himself too bluntly. But what he said was in substance the same as President Wilson’s declration„ that it was to make the world safe for democracy. The U. S. A. is a democracy, and the ex-kaiser warned its ambas­ sador that after the war, he would stand no nonsense from America. I f there had been no real peril to ourselves, if Ger­ many were victorious, was there strong enough justification for our going into it? J For Fire Insurance £ Leave orders at Estacada Hotel J | I P R I C E $4. r liiiiflT TT TV . * .,li —V* 1X1 ■ ■ r 'n ■ ■ v PLACE Y O U R IN ­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO WILL PROTECT YOUR INTEREST -,* * 1 * ™ W ■VJ — -4,0 ----------------!•!»------ i a ” , 1, S , -» - i - i * * * _ ' JT I , V V ! I:( b Cary Real Estate Co. + + + + * + *♦ + + ♦ ♦ Rexall Corn Solvent Helps remove corns far more effectively than by cutting, and without pain or danger. Price 25 Cents. i l l Going to Paint? Whether it’ s the outside or the inside of your house that needs paint, vve recommend DUTCH BOY WHITE-LEAD /■ * ,W ith pure linseed oil, it makes a good-looking, durable exterior ‘ paint; with Dutch Boy flatting /oil, it makes a handsome, gloss- ( less, washable interior paint. Let us figure on your painting^ — we fan save you money. O u r j paint materials are reliable, and,' LIWC guarantee a satisfactory iob./j George Pointer, The + T Rexall ESTACADA, OREGON. Store I Always at home evenings at res­ * • » + + + + + idence over N e w s office. Retxer be safe than sorry. Otder your next suit at the Re-Nu-Em Cleaners and iTailors, 5-26 tf Estacacla. W M . DALE, Representing J. E. G A T E S , Undertaker, Embalmer and Fu- eral Director, Estacada. Ni£ht and Day Telephone. H a v e you t r ie d the n e w 10c package? D e a le rs n o w c a rr y bo th ; 10 f o r 10c, 20 f o r 20c. i t 's to a ste d . THE U N I V E R S A L C A R The Ford Motor Company was the first to re­ duce prices on cars, September 22, 1920 That first reduction prices all models below the 1914 price basis. Now another cut is m a d e- effective June 7, 1921—to the following prices f. o. b. Detroit: ’ £ ha*'» • .......................................... $ 345.00 Runabout ........................................... 370.00 I ouring ................................... 415.00 Truck with Pneumatic Tires ............. 495.00 ¡Starters on above models $70.00 ad­ ditional. Demountable wheels $25 00 additional. ' Coupe with Starter and Demountable wheels . . . .................. $696.00 Sedan with Starter and Demountable wheeI* .........................................$760.00 • E X C IS E T A X EX T R A . Ford prices are uniform everywhere, except for freight because Mr. lo r d himself fixes the retail price P I»«»’ your order quickly to avoid delav from the rush of or­ ders these new prices will produce. :IG A P ^ T T E , * j- [3L---=al F arm ers’ W e e k A large attendance of farmers from over the state, is at the O. A. C. this week. Co-operative marketing, the success o f com­ munity organteations and social improvements constitute the .main features of the program. I * - . 1 1■I ■ 'fW '■ I I I - 1 ' , 11 '* T ' f# 1 - f '* l i ' i l r i l i f - .L .-» Our guarantee is pure wool, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. | extra special hand tailored and 15 years experience f perfect fit at a price you can f afford. % F R E D B. J O N E S , t Re-Nu-Em Cleaners and Tailors, 6-2 t f Estacada. f Piano Tuning and Repairing + R A K E R & SON, Elstacada and Gresham, Oregon