Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 16, 1921, Image 1

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Community Cooperation
aatent (i lar lutmaa Npurs
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 14,
E stacada , O regon , T hursday , J une 16, 1921
N umber 39
Last Thursday evening be­
tween 7 and 8 o’clock, when
Martin E. Holgate and his broth- •
er Ray, were coming towards Es-
tacada, and were at the curve of
the road, about 200 yards below
the Y^urrinsville store, where
they met a truck approaching
them. They turned out to the
edge o f the grade to avoid it, but
the driver of the truck paid no
attention they said, but kept the
middle of the road. The conse­
quence was, that the Holgate car
slipped off the grade and turned
Qver into the ditch, a fall of
about twelve feet. Martin Hol­
gate jumped when the car began
to overturn, and escaped with a
few bruises, but his brother Ray,
wTho was driving, had the car fall
on and pin him underneath.
The driver of the truck, whose
name is Loggan, and is hauling
wood for J. E. Myer, of Portland,
paid no attention to the accident
and went right on without stop­
ping. Help was summoned and
.Ray was taken out from under
the car and brought to town.
He went into a state c f coma,
which lasted till the following
day. The doctor found that he
had three ribs broken on the
right side and his back injured.
However medical treatment is
putting him to rights. A war­
rant was issued, and served Mon­
day, for the arrest of the truck
driver, on two counts, that of
not sounding an alarm on reach­
ing the curve, and of not keep­
ing to the inside of the curve.
W. L. Campbell, the state in­
spector of motor vehicular traffic
and also the sheriff, tim e later
to investigate the matter.
Later: The case was tried in
Justice Wooster’s court, yester­
day, before a jury consisting of
A. E. Sparks, foreman, J. C.
I)uus, C. Duncan, R. Marchbank,
W. H. Holder and G. R. Craw­
ford. The prosecution was con­
ducted by E. W. Bartlett and the
defense by Bradley A. Ewers of
Portland. The jury brought in
a verdict for the defendant of
not guilty.
Additional Brevities
Play Ground Open June 21
Lee Bronson and family are
visiting relatives in Estacada.
Beginning June 21, the public
play ground at the school play
shed under the supervision of
Miss Josephine Connors, will be
open from 2 p. m. tofip.'m ., on
Tuesdays to Fridays, inclusive.
A charge of 50 cents per month
for each child, will be asked to
help meet the expenses of con­
ducting the play grounds.
There will be classes in folk
dancing, Indian club work and
hand work, in addition to the
recreational games of volley ball,
base ball and tennis. A'class in
esthetic dancing will also be con­
ducted if a sufficient number of
the older girls form a class and
sign up.
Mrs. Herbert Bistau and little
son Raymond,
from Berkley
Station, spent the day Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. J. B. Wag­
Robert Link Smith, of Colton,
Calif., arrived Tuesday night to
join his wife and family at the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Bartlett.
Mrs. Burt Moore and baby,
Lois Jean, arrived home yester­
day from Portland. Mr. Moore
went after her and her sister,
Miss Nell Richmond, came with
J. C. Hillman notifies the
N ews .that he has traded his
Springwater ranch for a prune
farm near Vancouver, Wash.
His address is Vancouver, Wash.
Route 3, Bx. 164.
Mrs. C. P. Wellman, of Palo
Alto. Calif., the aunt of Mrs. E.
W. Bartlett, who has been visit­
ing the latter for some weeks
past, has pone to Portland and
later will visit at Eastern Ore­
gon points.
The Lee Stock Co. played a
successful three nights’ run at
the Family Theatre, Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday. T1 ey
drew good
houses and gave
great satisfaction. Mr. Lee and
his company will again be here
for the closing night of the Fam­
ily Theatre under Mr. Linn’s
management, Saturday, June 30,
with matinee and show at night.
A fter attending the show last
Thursday evening at the Family
Theatre, Guy Wilcox was start­
ing home in his Ford car, with
his wife and baby.
In turning
the corner by the drug store, the
car went into the open ditch,
where repairs are being made to
the water main.
One of the
wheels of the wheels of the car
was injured, and Mrs. Wilcox
and baby thrown against the
wind shield, but fortunately were
not hurt beyond a slight shaking
H. J. Carter, who bought out
Davis’ confectionery and pool
hall two or three months ago,
sold out last Tuesday to C. N.
Willard, who has taken posses­
Mr. Willard has been
engaged in trucking in this vi-
ciniitv since last November. Mr.
and Mrs. Carter will move on to
a ranch in Washington state.
A party from Oregon City
drove over here yesterday morn­
ing, consisting o f Wm. H. How­
ell, E. G. Caufield, M. D. Lat-
ourette and Fred McCausland of
the water works board. They
were joined here by Mayor
Stephens and Councilman Dr. L.
A. Wells and then went to the
head intake of the Oregon City
water system on the South Fork
river. The object was to see
whether the supply at the head
could be increased, and if so ar­
rangements could be made to
supply Estacada.
Personal and local matter will
be found on the 2nd and 3rd
pages of this issue.
---------- --------------------
Pool Hall Changes Hands
The Water Supply
Car Accident
G. P. Rose has reshingled his
house and is having George Poin­
ter paint it. It makes it look
like new. M. J. Kerkes is re-
shihgling the roof of his house,
which he recently purchased
from Mrs. M. H. Evans.
Community Club
A t the next meeting of the
club, on Friday of next week,
June 24, the election of officers
will be held. In addition there
will be an interesting program.
$1.60 P er Y ear
Tuesday afternoon, from the
Christian Church an esteemed
citizen was taken to his last rest­
ing place in Lone Oak Cemetery.
Since 1907, Calvin Lewis Allen
has been a resident of Estacada,
where he was respected by all
who knew him. for his kindness
of heart and probity of Charac­
ter. He was born in Bradford
county, Penn., May 16th, 1838,
making him at the time of his
death, 83 years and 27 days old.
In 1855 he moved to Wisconsin,
where he was piarried to Mary
Shanahan, and to this union nine
children were born. His wife
died, and a few years afterwards
he was united in marriage to
Miss Emma Califf, by whom he
had four child-on. He was a
sincere Christian, and took an ac­
tive part in church affairs. About
five weeks ago he was taken
with a cold which he could not
shake off, and his strength grad­
ually declined untif he passed
away, surrounded by his family,
last Sunday, June 12, at 3:15 p.
m. The funeral services were
held by the Rev. J. O. Staats,
of Portland, and the internment
was under the supervision of J.
E. Gates, Estacada’s efficient
funeral director.
Besides his
widow, only three of his many
children survive him. These are
E. 1). Allen, o f Marmot, C. S.
Allen, of Estacada, and Mrs. C.
E. Surfus, and there are four­
teen granchildren and two great
grandchildren. *
Buy Out Pesznecker
Messrs. Martin E. and Ray
Holgate from Idaho, have bought
out S. Pesznecker. They will do
all kinds of car repairing, elec­
tric wiring, plumbing, etc. Thev
took possession Monday and the
firm will be known as Holgate
Bros. They are expert mechan­
ics in their lines and will guar­
antee all work they turn out.
They are relatives or H. I,. Mc-
Kenney and the McWillises.
We do Job Printing.