Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 09, 1921, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six
Hohnstein. Quite a number of
the residents of Dodge also at­
tended the exercises.
Miss Christina Graham is home
from the Normal.
Charles Miller was here to see
his folks last week.
Mrs. W. Gibbs is going- to
Portland for a few weeks visit.
Miss Norma Randolph is going
to Portland to attend her cous­
in’s wedding.
Mrs. Mattoon’s daughter, Mrs.
Brown and children, were visit­
ing here last week.
James Hamilton, Ed. Miller
and Clark Ccckerline'visited Or­
egon City this week.
Miss Alma Graham left for
Portland last week and is going
from there to the beach.
Fred Braasch and daughters
Hattie and Oiive, were home for
the week end. They are work­
ing in Portland.
J A. McComb, ¡C. N. Braasch
and B. J. Clark went to Oregon
City to talk over the proposed
market road.
Mrs. C. Braach with her grand­
daughter Marian Collard, is leav­
ing for California to attend the
wedding of a granddaughter.
A Children’s day program will
be given on the 12, at the Bethel
Sunday school, and several from
Viola are planning to be present.
A very interesting Farm Bu­
reau meeting was held Saturday
evening, with a good attendance.
Mr. Lankins acted as chairman
and gave some good advice.
Other speakers were J. A. Ran­
dolph, C. N. Braasch. James
Hamilton and John Hamilton Jr.
A committee was appointed to
cooperate with the neighboring
Bureaus for a joint picnic on the
4th of July. J. A. McComb. J.
Hamilton Jr. and James Hamil­
ton were the ones selected. The
ladies from here attended the
meeting at Firgrove to learn
how to make dress forms at
home, this being a special fea­
ture for the home dresmakers of
the Farm Bureau. Some forms
were made as a demonstration.
Mrs. Randolph will be glad to
help any one wanting one.
I. O. O . F
the legal voters of School D'strict No.
108 of Clackamas County, State of Ore­
gon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL
MEETING of said District will be held
at Estaeada High School; to bagin at
the hour of 8 o ’clock P. M.. on the third
Monday of June, A. I). 1921.
This meeting is called for the pur­
pose of electing Two School Directors
and One Clerk, and the transaction of
business usual at such meeting.
Dated this 31st day of May, 1921.
Chairman Board of Directors.
District Clerk.
Painting, paper hanging and
tinting, contract or day work, at
right prices.
S a u n d e r s , Rt 1, Estaeada.
any case of C a t a r r h a l D e a fn e ss t t it c a n n o t
b e c u r e d by H a l l ' s C a t a r r h M e d i c i n e .
C ir­
c u l a r s f r e e . A ll D r u g g i s t s . 75c.
F . J . C H E X E Y & CO.. T o l e d o , O.
Read the Ads in the N ews .
Any Quality and Quanty.
Prompt Delivery. Guaranteed Measure. Order your
Winter’s Supply NOW ! Prices Right. Terms Cash.
Needlework, Crochet Thread
Etc., for sale.
REX LUDLOW, The Wood Man.
Leave Orders at 2*Mc Grocery.
cannot reach
16 -inch or Four Feet.
2d door north of Depot.
SPECIALTIES for 5c. 10c,
15c and up.
by l o c a l a p p l i c a t i o n s , a s t h e y
[ Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
Estaeada Lodge, No. 175, I. t on h e ly d o i s n e e a s t w d a y p o t r o t i o c n u r o e f c t u h e t a r e i h a r a . l d T e h a e f r n e e s s Is ,
0. O. F., meets every Saturday i : c a n a d t a r r t h h a a l t Is D e a b f y n e s a s c is o n c s t a i u t u s e t i d o n a b l y r a e n m e d i n y - ,
tlam ed c o n d itio n of th e m u co u s lin in g of
evening in their lodge room, i t n h f e l a m E e u d s t a y c o h u i a h n a v T e u a b e . r u m W b l h i n e g n s t o h u i n s d t u o b r e i m is -
corner of Broadway and Third ! c p lo e r s f e e d c . t D h e e a a f r n i e n s g s , is a n d t h e w r h e e s n u l t . i t U is n l e e n s s t i r t e h l y e
streets, t A good attendance of ! i r n e f s l t a o m r e m d a t t i o o n I t c s u n not b e m r a e l d u c c o e n d d i a t i n o d n , t h h i s e a r t u i n b g e
be d e s tro y e d forever.
M any c a se s of
members is desired, and visiting d will
e a f n e s s a r e c a u s e d by c a t a r r h , w h i c h is
brothers are always welcome.
an in flam ed c o n d itio n o f th e m u f ' j s s u r ­
H a ll's C a ta r r h M edicine
cts t h r u
R. L. G ithens , N. G.
th e blood on t h e m u c o u s s u r la o s of th e
J. G. H a y m a n , Sec.
W e w i l l g i v e O n e H u n d r e d It i l l a r s t o r
Notice of Annual
School Meeting
Thursday, June 9, 1921
-¡-X -X -X -X -X -X -X -;*
Oregon Poultry Farm
M A K Q U A M ’S T R A P - N E S T E D
S. C. W H I T E L E G H O R N S .
To make room for the 1500
head of young stock I am rais­
ing this spring. I will sell off
some of my Choice Breeding
Hens, with tine trap-nest re­
cords back o f them, at $1.50
each. This is a rare bargain.
They are worth five times that
amount for breeding purposes.
Dressed or Live, Bought.
See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles, Relishes, Catsups,
Cheese, Butter,Milk, and Salt and Smoked Fish.
We are in the Market to Buy Your Wool.
M. J. KERKES & Co.
(Farm located one mile out of Esta­
cada, Oregon, on Garfield road.)
Mr. and Mrs. Will Clossner
and family visited at the Fred
Horner home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and
family and Rosa fen Eyck made
a trip to Estaeada Saturday af­
ternoon. Mrs. Horner is having
some dental work done.
The Sunday School will observe
Children’s day, Sunday, June 12,
with a program and basket din­
ner. Be sure and come.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kaake
and son Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs.
G. VV. Keller made a trip to
Wilsonville Sunday to get straw­
The Community club held its
meeting in the Dodge school
house Saturday evening. Quite
a number were present and it
was decided to give a dollar to
the boy who kills the most squir­
rels during the summer.
The eighth grade pupils of the
Dodge school all passed in the
May examination and on Friday
attended the Eighth Grade grad­
uating exercises at Gladstone.
They are Johnie Myers, Vernon
Keller and William and Philip
The Family
Cream Separators
Good Show
One DeLaval No. 12 Cream Separator,
nearly new, at
:or $45.00
One Ankerholth Cream Separator No. 5,
used one year, at
June 9th.
—IN —
; Used Engines, Plows,
Drag Saws, Disc Harrows
“ Crooked Straight."
First show opens at 7:30 p.m. sharp
VV'. E. LINN, Manager.
W . A. HE SS EL .