Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 09, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Thursday. June 9. 1921
Additional Brevities
Let your next suit be a hand-
tailored one. They don’ t cost,
any more and they fit.
Re-N u-Em Cleaners and Tailors .
Miss Marion Dunlop arrived
Sunday morning, after the close
o f her school in Umatilla. Ore.
Home grown strawberries are
now on the market, and ship­
ments are being made to Eastern
Oregon points.
‘ Miss Maud Sturgeon who with
her mother, has been on a vaca­
tion for some weeks at Newport
and other points, returned home
Macoly Dale left last week for
Eastern Oregon, where he has
Ted Howe took
his place as operator at the Fam­
ily Theatre.
Misses Ruth and Anna Dillon
after having voted Tuesday, as
good citizens, took the 9. a. m.
train, the former to Portland,
and the latter to Bull Run.
Lewis Jones, who is attending
Reed College in Portland, was in
Estacada a few days last week
visiting his sisters, Mrs. Love­
lace and Mrs. Tom Rhodes.
»Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stan dish
and children, Margaret and John,
and Mrs. H. Evans, drove over
from Portland last Sunday in
Mrs. Evans’ new coupe, and
made a few brief calls on Esta­
cada friends.
J. K. Ely was another Estaea-
da representative at the Glad­
stone graduation exercises and
later was one of the nine to play
a baseball game against the
graduates. J. K. says he made
a tally and we believe him.
The water pipe by J. V. Barr’s
■hop, which connects with this
office, was clogged with mud and
Stopped the How until the pipe
was cleaned out Tuesday. The
water system carries along a lot
of real estate after a rain.
f Painting,
Attention Farmers!
1 have t h e agency for the
Farmers’ Mutual F i r e Relief
Association. Call in at my office
and I will explain it to you. It
is one o f the best and cheapest
mutuals in Oregon.
Paper Hanging
and Tinting.
If you are figuring on Paint­
ing get my prices. I will
furnish the material or you
can furnish it. I will do
your work by day or con­
tract. Leave your orders at
Smith Hardware Co. ’s store
at Estacada.
Rt I, Estacada.
ia your Home Company.
See us regardii g your
Insure your
4 ♦ A U T O M O B IL E
— Against—
[C O L L I S I O N . ♦
I J. W. Reed Estate 4 ♦
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 + + +
Come in and let me explain the
merits o f a hand tailored suit.
500 samples to choose from.
Re-Nu-Em Cleaners and Tailors,
5-26 tf
Undertaker and Embalmer
Gresham - Oregon
Warren McWillis
Local Agent for Estacada
Notice of Publication.
Department of the Interior, (»6932,
U. S. Land Office at Portland, Ore.,
May 25th, 1921.
NOTICE is hereby given that Alfred
Williams whose post office address is
Sandy, Ore., did, on the 16th day of
August, 1920, file in this office, Sworn
Statement and Application, No. (>6932,
to purchase the S 1-2 NE 1-4 and S 1-2
NW 1-4 Section 28, Township 2 S,
Range 6 E. W Willamette Meridian,
and the timber thereon, under the pro­
visions of the act of June 3, 1878,
and acts amendatory, known as the
“ Timber and Stone Law ,’ ’ at such
value as might be fixed by appraise­
ment, and that, pursuant to such ap­
plication, the land and timber thereon
have been appraised for the sum o f
$412.00, the timber estimated 428 M.
board feet at 50 cents per M. and the
land $160.00: that said applicant will
offer final proof in support of his ap­
plication and sworn statement on the
12th day of August, 1921, before the
Register and Receiver o f the United
States Land Office, at Portland, Ore.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initiate
a contest at any time before patent is­
sues, by filing a corroborated affidavit
in this office, alleging facts which would
defeat the entry.
In the County Court o f the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the matter o f the Estate o f John P.
Irvin, deceased:—
To Elsie Covey, William K. Irvin,
Charles S Covey, Oliver L. Covey,
and Fred H. Covey, Alice Folsom
John T. Irvin, Frank M. Irvin, and
Joseph A. Irvin, being all the de­
visees and heirs and beneficiaries
o f the Estate o f John P. Irvin,
deceased, and also all other persons
unknown claiming any right, interest
or estate in the real estate described
in the petition for sale o f real pro­
perty filed herein.
GREETING :— I n the N ame of the
S tate of O regon , you andeachof you
are hereby cited and lequired to ap­
pear before the Hon. County Judge of
the State o f Oregon for Clackamas
County, at the Court House in Oregon
City, Oregon, on Tuesday the 5th day
July, 1>*21, at the hour of 9:30 o ’clock,
A lexander S w ee k , Register,
a. m., o f said day, to show cause, if
any exists, why an order should not be
made in said matter authorizing, licen­
Executrix’s Notice
sing and empowering said Executors to
sell the following real estate belonging
Notice is hereby given that the un­
to said estate, and described as follows: dersigned has been appointed by the
The E half o f NE quarter SE quarter County Court o f ClacKamas County,
the E half o f W half o f NE quarter Oregon, Executrix of the Last Will and
o f SE quarter the W half o f W half of Testament o f Silas E. Card, deceased;
NE quarter SE quarter, and all that por­ all persons having claims against said
tion o f E half o f NW quarter o f SEquar- estate are hereby notified to present
ter lying East of the county road running the same, duly verified as by law re­
North and South through said NW quar­ quired, within six months from date
ter o f SE quarter, all in Section 35 in hereof, to Lilly Acock, Estacada, Ore­
Township 3 South o f Range 4, East o f gon, or to E. W. Bartlett, her attorney,
the Willamette Meridian.
at his office in Estacada, Oregon.
Witness my hand and seal o f said
Dated at Estacada, Oregon, May 11,
County, atiixed this 24th day o f May, 1921.
L illy A cock , Executrix.
F red A. M iller , Clerk.
E. W B artlett , Attorney,
G. H. P ace , Dtputy.
for Executrix.
First publication June 2d. 1921.
First publication May 12th, 1921.
Last publication June 30, 1921.
L,ast publication June 9th, 1921.
Goddess of Liberty Contest
The committee in charge o f the
Fourth of July Celebration, has
decided to limit the contest for
the Goddess of Liberty to the va­
rious oiganizations in and about
Estacada, and to the different
In other words, each contest­
ant must be backed by some or­
ganization or community. It is
hoped that more interest will be
aroused in this way.
Less th m a month rein, i is to
work in. Get your candidate
in the field now, to-morrow may
be too late.
Rules of contest will be pub­
lished next week.
Betxer be safe than sorry.
Order your next suit at the
Re-Nu-Em Cleaners and Tailors,
5-2(1 tf
We do Job Printing.
-------------------------- --------------
A new size package I
Ten for 10c.
V ery convenient.
Dealers carry both;
lOforlOc; 20for20c. *
It’ s toasted.
Lucky Tiger
Men, be Kind to Your Wives!!
Take them to .“Hotel Estacada”
to Eat Sunday Dinners. The cool­
est Dining Room in Oregon, and
plenty to eat.
1 Positively eradicate*
dandruff — correct* m e -
m atron* scalpa — stop « fallin a hair—
prom otes luxuriant g r o w t h -a d o * lus tr a
beautr, health — action Im m ediate and
certain. M oney-Back Guarantee.
At Urug(l««a «ne t o t W n , or «end