Page Six Communication To t h e E dito r There is a measure to be vot­ ed upon at the special election, June 7th, for which every wo­ man’s organization in the state is working, and in which every woman of OreRon should be vit­ ally interested; namely: “ The Women Jurors and Revised Jury Law.’’ These organizations feel that it would be a great factor in law enforcement and public, morality could the wives, mothers and sis­ ters serve as jurors. They believe in case of minors, women are better fitted to act as jurors than men, because they have come in closer contact with children, having had the care of them in the home and in the school. One of the keenest criminal lawyers on the coast, is quoted as saying: “ We need women ju- ro s in all cases where our com­ mercialism needs to be tempered with humanity.“ Aside from the good which they believe it will be to society in general, and women and chil­ dren in particular, they have submitted a summary of practi­ cal reasons why the bill should pass. 1. Women pay taxes, women are sued and bring suits in the courts. 2. Women are compelled to obey all laws and are prosecuted for violations. 3. Women are voters, help to make the laws, and should be al­ lowed to help determine when and in what degree they are vio­ lated. 4. Women defendants should have the privilege of women on the jury if they should be de­ sired. Women in Washington , , have served satisfactorily on juries since 11)11, and about one-half of the jurors in that state are wo­ men. , Such men as King Dvkeman, Judge Superior Court, Malcolm Douglas, prosecuting Attornev, Seattle. King countv. and W. H. Abel, Attornev of Montany, say that courts of Washington, as *a whole, would not w>sh to change the present system. 1. That women are not. unduly swayed by their sympathy. 2. They come to decisions as ouiekly. and do disagree more frequently than do men. IV That women jurors are benefited by jury service. 4. That women do not seek to avoid jury service more than do men. W. H. Abel furthersays: “ My experience is that women pay as close attention to th e evidence as men, and if anything, tak e their obligations more seriously.“ In Washington, and Califor­ nia. we find women g iv in g sat­ isfaction as jurors, and also in Utah. Nevada. Michigan and Kansas.- Why not in Oregon ? We hope the women voters will realize the importance of this measure, and \hough some mav be prevented from rendering this public service, vet they may contribute to the public welfare hv voting for this measure, and thus help to make it possible for those women who are free to EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS give their services so to do. M r s . T. J. R e a g a n . Thursday, June 2, 1921 Reduced Prices Attention Farmers! . 1 have t h e agency for the Farmers’ Mutual F i r e Relief Association. Call in at my office and I will explain it to you. It is one of the best and cheapest mutuals in Oregon. S. E. WOOSTER, Agent. on Cream Separators, Wagons, Harrows and all Implements. R. R. CARLSON Undertaker and Embalmer Gresham - Oregon Warren McWillis Local Agent for Estacada j: X WAGON IRON WH » with regular Foie and 30x34-inch wheels, 4-inch tires at $72.00. THE BAZAAR, 2d door north of Depot. 50-tooth Harrow *% Guard End Lever I SPECIALTIES for 5c, 10c, f I 15c and up. X Needlework, Crochet Thread X X Etc., for sale. I THE GATES TO SUCCESS | X .J. Proprietors Y X Harrow at $ 24.85. ANKERHOLTH CREAM SEPARATORS Easy to Turn and Gets all the Cream The Bowl guaranteed not to get out of balance. No. 3 at $76.00 No. 5 at $85.50 No. 6 at $95.00 M ARQUAM'S T R A P -N E S T E D S. C. W H IT E L EG H O R N S. Get Our Prices Before You Buy To make room for the 1500 head of young stock I am rais­ ing this spring. I will sell off some of my Choice Breeding rlens, with tine trap-nest re­ cords back o f them, at $1.50 each. This is a rare bargain. They are worth five times that amount for breeding purposes. Satisfaction Guaranteed, and you'll Save Money. P HI L MARQUAM (Farm located one mile out of Ksta- caila, Oregon, on Garfield road.) Hessel’s Farm Machinery, GRESHAM. OREGON. SILOS, ENSILAGE CUTTERS. + ♦ ♦ + ♦ The Family Theatre Good Show TO-NIGHT! SATURDAY-SUNDAY, June 4 and 5, D. W. GRIFFTH Presents “ Scarlet Days.” + + ♦ + + + + ♦ + + ♦ + *♦ + * ♦ * * + ♦ + ** + + *♦ Oxy-Acetylene Welding AND LATHE WORK. We now have installed our WELDING O U IF II and LATHE, and are prepared to handle this class of work. Give us a Trial on Your Starting, Lighting, and Ignition Troubles. * + * + + + + + + + ♦ + + ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ + * + + THE STATE L A W REQUIRES two separate sets of + Brakes. ARE YOU WITHIN THE L A W ? Brakes ♦ properly lined and p*-operly adjusted are the greatest fac­ + + tors for safety. LET US EXAMINE THEM. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A Tale of the Golden West, and ♦ MYSTERIOUS MOYER. ♦ Recently from Pantages Circuit, in person. Regular Priees. ♦ ♦ ♦ First show opens at 7:80 p.m. sharp W. E. LINN, Manager. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Yours for Correct Service, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ BACON & LEMON. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Reed & Shibley Building, Estacada, Oregon. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦