Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 26, 1921, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Pnge Four
Eastern Clackamas
Ent ered at the postoffice in Estaeada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
Published every Thursday at
Estaeada, Oregon
Editor and Manager.
S ubscription K atks
One year
Six months
f o r e i g n A d v e r t ¡ « i nn R e p r e s e n t a t i v e
Thursday, M ay 26, 1921
Thursday, May 26, 1921
Alive or Dead?
“ Toll for the brave,
The brave th a t are no m o re.”
But are they no more? One
lesson the late war taught and
•mphasized, was the imperisha­
bleness of human life. Those
who were in it, and saw the car­
nage, whereby millions of young
men were apparently snuffed out
like the flame of a candle, felt
that somehow, somewhere these
were carrying on. This convic­
tion was sound, for there are
many situations in life, we sense
rather than arrive at through
reasoning methods, and this is
one of them.
Mankind has always felt, if
nothing more, that physical dis­
solution does not end all. “ 1 sha 1
not all die,” is a conviction o f ev­
ery thinkingman. In the hey­
day and vigor of life, we may
dismiss the thought, but when
the evening comes, then we
halt from too hauty a conclusion.
“ To die, to sleep, perchance to
dream,” fer sleep and death are
half brothers. And so for our­
selves, our friends and compani­
ons, we predict a new develop­
ment rather than extinction.
Of late years there has been a
progressive, more comprehen­
sive grasp of what life is, its
meaning and scope. Life is one
in all its manifold phases, and
life cannot lie destroyed. It may
may enter new fit Ids. new con­
ditions. new variations and man­
ifestations, but it must goon ad
infinitum. Human life, more­
over. is personal, and personality
persists in and under all condi­
tions. It may be clothed with a
material body, or it may be un­
clothed, but in whatsoever state
it finds itself, it will be able to
nay of itself, “ la m .” Christian
revelation confirms this as true,
by the concrete example of Jesus
Christ, but independent of this,
the universal, innate consensus
of mankind that such is the case,
cannot otherwise be explained.
And when we come to think
of it, funeral rites and memorial
services are empty formalities,
unless there is life to give them
meaning. Memorial Day is a
solemn farce if we are not hon­
oring living memories. The day
brings to us those who while be­
yond our physical ken, are near
to us in spirit. For the moment
the veil is lifted and we behold
them, not as mouldering dust but
as living souls.
The commemoration, however,
next Monday, has an additional
significance, in that it is designed
particularly for those who served
in the defense of their country
and its principles. That the in­
alienable rights of life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness are
still our heritage, is due to their
devotion. And so we honor them
* in gratitude, and point to their
immortal and illustrious example
as an imperishable ideal for us,
our children and children’s chil­
dren to emulate.
“ Wherefore seeing we also are
compassed about with so great a
cloud of witnesses, - - - - let us
run with stedfastness the race
that is set before us.”
Remember the Bazaar,
“ Gates” to Success.
15 years experience
We do cleaning and carding for com- |
fo rte rs and m atresses. M anufacturers *
o f pure wool b a tts,
, J
P ortland, Oregon. Office t<02 Spalding *
building, Mills 760 U m atilla Avenue.
F R E D B. J O N E S ,
Piano Tuning and Repairing
Leave orders a t E staeada H otel
A Great Commercial Asset
The forests are one of our chief m eans of support, for lum ber­
ing is our g reatest Industry. Its yearly o u tp u t in the Pacific S tates
brings $297,500,000, or m ore th a n $800,000 a day, m ost of which
comes in from outside these states. Almost all of th is im m ense
sum is paid out for labor and supplies, so th a t every fam ily shares it.
I t contributes to every business we have— to farm er, m erchant, me­
chanic and professional m an. No other product of these states, not
our w heat, our fru it, or our wool, furnishes em ploym ent for so many
people or brings in so much money.
Lum ber makes up 75 per cent
of all the freig h t we ship out of these states by rail or boat.
The Country Church
The value of the country church
was strikingly exemplified, Sun­
day, by the three visiting Meth­
odist clergy. Bishop Shepherd,
Dr. Crawford a college president,
and Dr. Youngson, the district
superintendent. Each one was
the product of the country
church. And the product was
the finished article, the Bishop
dignified, cultured and learned,
as befits his high position, Dr.
Crawford, brainv, forceful and
scholarly, and Dr. Youngson of
bright and intellectual counte­
nance as befits the holder of a
Phi Beta Kappa key. The coun­
try church may be small and
served by no marked talented
men, but still some of the great­
est prophets and leaders in the
nation have sprung from its
loins, who afterwards rose up
and called it blessed.
This Space is Donated by
Estaeada, Oregon.
Leave your orders for Plowing or Discing at our offic e.
as we have people with Fordsone Tractors that will do
outside work.
In a new size package
x p Æ
/ ..»l
y ; •
^ § v M h \
Musical Entertainment
The Library Association has
secured Emil Enna, concert pi­
anist, composer and lecturer, of
Portland, to give a recital in Es-
tacada on the evening of Decor­
ation Day, May 30, at the high
school Auditorium. He will be
accompanied by Miss Clara Coak-
ley, soprano, and Mrs. Herbert
Gaar Reed, dramatic reader, all
of whom are highly recommend­
ed. Mr. Enna will also hold a
community sing. The program
is to be all American and very
appropriate for Decoration Day.
As a percent of the proceeds will
go to the Library Association, it
is hoped that there will be a
good attendance. Admission 35
cents. Come if vou want to
enjoy an evening with high class
l O f o r l O c t s
. rW 4t
- -
A / f ANY smokers prefer
1VX it. They *11 find that 9
this compact package of ten
Lucky Strike Cigarettes
will just suit them.
Try them—dealers now
carry both sizes: 10 for
10 cts; 20 for 20 cts. *
It’s Toasted