OUR SLOGAN: Community Cooperation lEafitmt dlarkamaa Mrais / V olume 14, Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County . N umber 36 E stac ad a , O regon , T h u r sd ay , M ay Additional Brevities RED LETTER DAY AT THE M. E. J. B. Wagner and daughter. Myrtle, were Portland visitors Saturdey. Motorman Smith took a lay off last Saturday and with Mrs. Smith visited relatives. Government huntbr, A. G. Ames, returned home Saturday afternoon for a brief visit. Mrs. Emma Jones who has been visiting her friend Mrs. Ida Holder for two weeks, left Sun­ day for Tacoma. Mrs. Ida Holder is attending the Jubi'ee Convention of the Co­ lumbia River District of the Bap- * ,tist churches at Spokane. Capt. Adrian Orrill and wife with lady friends, from Vancou­ ver barracks, called on Capt. Or- rill’s uncle, W. H. Holder, Sun­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton with son John Jr., of Portland, and Cecil Schock of Bull Run, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Margaret Schock. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farrell an3 son Jack, were here from Port­ land last week to see their niece Doris Finch graduate. The Far­ rells returned home the next day but Jack stayed for a more ex­ tended visit with his cousins. It is proposed by the Library Association to buy new books with the proceeds realized from the entertainment on Monday evening, May 30. I f you want to help the library, attend this concert. Nine jolly high school girls had a party at the Holder home Mon­ day night, complimenting their teacher Mrs. Ida H 1 It r, to whom they had become very much at­ tached during the past school _ y e a r . _________ The special services at the M. E. church last Sunday, proyed a a notable and exceptional occa­ sion, and one which will be long: remembered. As might have been expected from the presence o f the distinguished visiting cler­ gy, the church was packed to overflowing at the morning ser­ vice. Bishop Shephhrd was the preacher, and he honored his hearers by giving them o f his best. His sermon was masterly, in which he described the ascent and development c f faith. Cer­ tainly those who heard him, must have been stirred by this inspi­ rational effort. Dinner in the church basement followed the service, and after­ wards the Bishop, Dr. Youngson and Dr. Crawford, President of Allegheny College, Pa., were taken to Garfield, to see the No­ ra Looney memorial church, re­ turning for 'the 2:30 service. Dr. Crawford spoke at this ser­ vice on the value o f a Christian heritage, and the Bishop on the growth of the church. By a happy co-incidence both Bishop Shepherd and Dr. Youngson em­ phasized Dr. Crawford’s address by pointing out how he was an exemplification of his subject. The hope was expressed that gome of the young people present that day, might be influenced to give themselves to the ministry o f service in some form or other. Special Notice All G. A. R. and Spanish- American war veterans are re­ quested to be pr sent and parti­ cipate in the program, Memorial Day. Please send your names to R. C. Deming, and arrangt- ments will be made for transpor­ tation. Eighth GradeCom m encem ent ~9 Rebekah Election A t a regjlar meeting of the Rebekah lodge last night, the following new officers were elected: Noble Grand. Val Cary; Vice Grand, Elva Ahlberg. Sec­ retary, Mary Eschleman; Treas­ urer, Cordelia Carter. Tow n Cleaned U p Those who undertook yester­ day to clean up, not in a preda­ tory but in a sanitary sense, the town, did heroic work, judging from the number of loads tak­ en to the dump heap. i 26, 1921 Community Club Don’t forget the Commuity Club Picnic in the park tomor­ row evening. Everyone is in­ vited. An especially fine pro­ gram has been arranged in which all the clubs and organiza­ tions of the community will take part. program : American Legion—Address by Com. Rex Ludlow Women’s Auxiliary— Duett, Mes- dames Lawrence and Moore. Masonic Lodge—Address, O. E. Smith. Eastern Star— Reading, Mrs. R. H. Carter 1. O. O. F. — Male Quartette. Rebekah Lodge— Drill. United Artisans—Address, H. F. Hudson, S. M. A. Priscilla Club— Song by children of members. George Social Community C l u b - Reading, Mrs. C. A. Johnson. Members o f the Eagle Creek, Garfield and Springwater Grang­ es, the Modern Woodmen and Parent Teacher Associations will participate, and musical numbers by others, will intersperse the proceedings. DOVER Mrs. Keller visited friends in Portland Sunday. Mrs. Shaw and Olive are spending a few days at Pleasant Home visiting friends. Born To Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Updegrave, Tuesday, May 17, a boy. Mother arid baby doing nicely. R. H. DeShazer and family from Dilley, Oregon, James De­ Shazer and family of Firwocd, Joseph DeShazer and family of Dover, Wm. Updegrave and fam­ ily of Sandy, had a family gath­ ering and picnic at Multnomah Falls on the Columbia highway Sunday. The commencement excerises for the 8th grade graduates o f Clackamas county, will be held at Chautauqua Park, Gladstone, Friday, June 3rd, the program beginning at 10:30 a. m. Parents, teachers and friends are all given a cordial invitation to attend this meeting, the first of its kind in Clackamas county. It is suggested that all gradu­ ates wear plain, inexpensive clothing. • For the girls, nothing would be nicer than plain middy suits. Bring lunch. The Springwater Telephone association held a business meet­ ing on Saturday, May 21st. A c institution and by-laws were drawn up and unanimously adop­ ted by all present. But when they were printed and taken around for the signatures of the share holders, one o f the officers refused to sign, thereby retain­ ing his office and defeating the efforts to put the company on a business basis. S. N. K i l g o r e . Come in and let me explain the merits o f a hand tailored suit. 500 samples to choose from. Re-Nu-Em Cleaners and Tailors, 5-26 tf Estacada. Painting, paper hanging and tinting, contract or day work, at right prices. S a u n d e r s , Rt 1, Estacada. Communication $1.50 P er Y ear IAL TO BE OBSERVED Under the auspices o f the American Legion, Memorial Day will be fittingly observed in Es­ tacada. A parade will start at the school house at 9:30 a. m.. in which G. A. R. and Spanish vet­ erans, besides the Legion, will participate. The school children are also especially desired to lie present in thin parade. A stand will be erected by the flag pole for the speakers and singers. The following is order o f the program : Community Singing. FI ur Drill by School Children. Remarks by Mayor Stephens. Two Quartette Numbers. “ Flanders Field” by Mrs Morton Moore. Address by (). I). Eby, of Oregon City. Community Singing. There should be a large attend­ ance, as it is a solemn duty to honor the memory qf those who served their country in the time of peril. DODGE NEW S Clarence Jubb left Friday on a trip to Klamath Fallis. Mrs. Parrott, from Vancouver, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. Jochinsen Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keller from Viola, visited at the John Keller home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Kilgore and daughter Helen, took dinner at the Fred Horner home on Tuesday. Mrs. Folson and Mrs. Harold Horner and daughter Kathleen, visited at the Fred Horner home Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Gordon and little daughter, from Colton, are visiting with Mr. Gordon’s moth­ er, Mrs. S. W. Benjamin. Mr. David Keller, from Ne­ braska, made his cousin, G, W. Keller, a visit last week. They had not seen each other for 25 years. A number of the residents o f Dodge met at the school house Saturday evening and organized a Communi y Club. Fred Ho n»*r waselected chairman and Charles Colso secretary, They decided to meet the first Saturday even­ ing in each month, in the sum­ mer time, and the first* and last Saturday evenings in the winter time. A fter the meeting, a basket supper was served. Belter be safe than sorry. Order your next suit at the Re-Nu-Em Cleaners and Tailors, 5-26 tf Estacada. *