Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 12, 1921, Page Page Four, Image 4

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C la c k a m a s N e w s
E ntered a t the poatoffice in E staead a,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
Published every Thursday at
Estaeada. Oregon
E ditor and M anager.
S u b sc r ipt io n
One y ear
Six m onths
Thursday, May 12, 1921
Pige Four
K ates
Foreign Advertising K cpre.ent jtiv e
Thursday. May 12, 1921
Mutt be Faced
The newspaper that criticises
educational expenses usuall v finds
that it has taken hold of some­
thing hot.
And for this reason many a
newspaper passes it up—it
doesn’t like the gaff.
Hut right now when everybody
knows that new standards have
got to be found, and expenses
have to correspond, we might
just as well face school exnenses
with the rest.
Special school levies of the
state total over $9,000,000. Add
the regular school taxes and the
levy for the elementary state
schools, and we have the huge
aggregate of 511,082, 491.44.
These figures are given out
from state otlicials at Salem.
Educational facilities are about
the last place to cut, but the side
lines the extras, will simply
have to take their part in re­
adjustment, because the people
simply cannot stand them.
The above is from the Oregon
City Manner-Courier, and the
point is well taken. The editor
of the N ews has always stood
for liberality in matters of educa­
tion. but there is reason in all
things. The tendency is now to
spend money recklessly on what
are luxuries in education. The
educational system is becoming
too diverse, and the consequence
is the pupils are not sufficiently
grounded in fundmentals. Com­
petent teachers with adequate
salaries should be provided, but
cut down on edcuational shock
Com m encem ent
The [Estaeada High School
(Mass of 1921 will hold its
extreises on
Wednesday evening, when it will
make its final bow to the public,
and be dismissed with the cus­
tomary diplomas. Commence­
ment seems a strange name to
apply to a conclusion of an edu-
ucational period. But like the
scriptural time computation ot
evening and morning making a
day. instead of the reverse order,
it indicates an important truth
that each new period is born of
the womb of the past.
When the newly Hedged gradu­
ates step off the platform they be­
gin file anew. All what has gone
before is, as it were, a prenatal
experience. And as in physical
fife, some are born strong and
healthy, some weak and sickly,
all depending on prenatal condi­
tions, so with them. Their di­
plomas will not tell the story, but
their future careers will provide
the aeid test, and the former will
be worth just what they have
cost. If they do not represent the
fruit of toil, study and applica­
tion, they will be worth less than
scraps of paper. Practical fife is
a hard task master and cannot
be hoodwinked. It has no mercy
on incompetency.
The poet sings :
“ T h a t men may rise on steppi ng stones
O f th e ir dead selves to higher th in g s .”
And in bidding God speed to the
young people of the class of 1921,
we hope that on the stepping
stones of their school years in
Estaeada, they may rise to the
higher things which the future
may afford them opportunity to
Palmam qui meruit
An Ominous Condition
Joseph Cook, who in former
years was a well-known lecturer
before high brow audiences at
Boston, in one of his lectures,
made the assertion that the down­
fall of the powerful Roman em­
pire began with the issuance of
its first lax divorce law. This
was the symptom of social decay
which was due to a moral decline
brought about by increase of
wealth and luxurious living.
Rome became great on Spartan
simplicity, when she had “ to fight
to win the prize,” and endure
hardness. But when her fines
were cast in softer places, she
morally and physically flabby, so
degeneration set in which proved
her undoing. Haec fabula docet.
History is repeating itself in
our midst. From Monday’s Or-
egonian, the following is taken
which should make us pause:
Bishop Moreland, who presents
statistics of increase in the total
number of divorces and in the
rate of divorces in the United
States in the past twenty years
an increase far out of propor­
tion to the increase of popula­
tion of the country at the same
tim e—discloses that the total for
61,698; for 1920 it was 132,753,
or almost double. In the decade
1901-1910 the total was 733.895;
for the present decade 1,149,696,
the increase being again far
greater than is accounted for by
increase of population. The to­
tal number of divorced persons
involve for the two decades is
3,767,182. The figures are made
even more significant, however,
by inclusion of 1,318,514 minor
and 500,000 adult children in the
total, making a grand total of
5,585,696 individuals directly in­
Bishop Moreland, who is the
Bishop of the Sacramento diocese
(Episcopal), has made a study
of this matter for years, and is
an authority on the subject. If
this goes on, Macaulay’s New
Zealander won’t have to go as far
as London, to view the remains
of what was once a powerful na­
Do you know
you can roll
5 0 Mood
cigarettes for
l O c t s from
o n e b a g of
Lorain Range, Kitchen Cabinet,
Davenport, Folding Bed, Side­
board, Chiffoniers, Fireless Cook­
er and Elecric Washer, for sale.
B ert H. F inch .
15 years experience
F R E D B. J O N E S ,
; Piano Tuning and Repairing
1; Leave orders a t E staeada H otel
P R IC E $4 .
■ ‘ «“ F T
"B ull 'D urham
'¥ T * T T
L um ber Special
Now is the time to get LUMBER for that new building.
We are going to move about June 1st, and to Reduce Our
Stock in the yard, we will sell
Dimension Lumber at $7.50 per 1000 Feet at Mill
Our Lumber will be up to market price again as soon as we
move, but we will fill orders placed up to several days prior
to that time. SEND YOUR ORDERS NOW, so we can
cut sizes not in yard.
PARK LUMBER COMPANY, Estaeada, Oregon.
•¡“ W -X -X -W -X -X -M -X -X -X -i-X -X -l-X -X -W -X ” -X 1 v v ,:"X * v v .'* X * v 'X " !"
F. J. Denny, Salesman for Raker & Son, of Estaeada,
claims that the shortage on Fords this year, is going to be
just as bad as it was last year. At the present time, we
have a waiting fist at Estaeada and also Gresham. Cars
will be delivered according to the way your order is filed.
A $25.00 deposit is all that is required on an order. It is
a fact that you won’t buy them any cheaper, but you
might pay a little more, and I will go this far as to say,
that if you are in doubt as to whether you want a car, I
will give you this privilege, and that is: you can cancel
your order at any time, and also the money you paid on
deposit So why put off buying that Ford. Protect your­
self, a car if you want i t or leave if you don’t. We also
have some good buys in the second-hand cars from
$250.00 and up. We also have a bargain in a 1920 Ford
touring with starter, Hassler shock absorbers, speedome­
ter in A 1. shape, for $400.00. Just got this car in stock
this week. So come early and avoid the rush.
Ford— Fordson Dealers, Estaeada.
;; REMEMBER, we give you terms that will help you get a
11 car. so have a talk with Mr. Denny, and let him show you
1 [ how easy it is to get a Ford.