% Page Five EASTERN C LA CK AM AS NEWS hursday, April 14. 19212 T — ■■■■■■■.............. . LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS I ' EMS It is cherry blossom time. Mrs. R. G. McCall was a Port­ land visitor, Monday. Dr. H. L. Flinn, o f Portland, was a guest ot Dr. McCall, Fri­ day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller, Carrie Hannah, F. E. Burns and A. Schoth. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wagner and baby, went to Portland, Sun­ day afternoon. Henry Dillon, o f Portland, was yisiting friends and relatives here, last week. Mrs. Andrew Richmond, of Portland, visited her daughter, Mrs. Burt Moore, Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Cary and children, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Mayme Boyle, in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Ahlberg spent the week-end in Portland, at the home Mrs. A hlberg's mother. Mrs. H. Ring, who was visting her sister-in-law, Mrs. P. M. Wagner, returned to her home in Portland, last Friday. The Estacada Pharmacy has an interesting exhibit in its wir- dow, o f the tiles o f prescriptions filled by it since 1898. Dandelions are more in favor than they formerly were, as their excellent stomachic properties are becoming appreciated. Tom Morton, who has been in California on furlough from his government position in Alaska, has been visiting, Mrs. A. K. Morton, his mother. W. F. Cary and George Kelly, attorney for the P. R. L. & P. Co., went to thel Cary Hot Springs in the mountains, last Friday, for a week’s fishing and hunting trip. Miss Josephine Connors, o f the primary gtade, has opened a kindergarten alter school houis to teach folk dancing and educa­ tional play. She has about 20 children enrolled. Mrs. J. C. Hillman and Mrs. Reichen, of Salem the sister of J. C. Hillman, visited the latter on his ranch in Springwater, last week, returning to Portland Sun­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Page had a family gathering o f all their children last Sunday. There were present Mr. and Mrs. H o­ gan, o f Gladstone, and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore, of Gladstone, and Mr. an l Mrs. Bert Page and baby, o f Bull Run. F. C. Gates, o f the Bazaar, made a business trip to Portland, Monday. P. M. Wagner is building an out door sleeping porch on to his house. Mrs. Nina B. Ecker visited her daughter, Mrs. M. H. Bovle, in Portland, Sunday. Miss Florence Kendall has re­ turned after some weeks’ absence in Seattle and Portland. Elder J. 0 . Staats will hold the regular services at the Christian Church next Sunday at 11 and 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus, went to Portland, Friday, and thence to their daughter, Mrs. Kirchem, o f Logan, before returning home, Sunday evening. Last Saturday’s week-end vis- iiors to Portland were : Mrs. C. F. Howe and daughter Leila, Mrs. S. E. Wooster and daughter Helen, Mrs. R. C. Deming, Mrs. Ray Willcox and three daughters, John Topp, o f Gale’s Creek, Ore-, who sold his Ranch to G. Rein, will move here with his family, he having taken the res­ idence property o f Mr. Rein as part payment on the deal. Mr. Topp is an elderly man. New Spring Millinery on sale at D a l e ’ s . Call and see it. 24tf Attention Farm ers! ¡THE BAZAAR, j 1 have t h e agency for th e ! Farmers’ Mutual F i r e Reliefi Association. Call in at my office and 1 will explain it to you. It i; is one o f the best and cheapest mutuals in Oregon. | S. E. WOOSTER. ________________________ Agent. 2d door north of Depot; SPECIALTIES for 5c, 10c, 15c and up. i R. R. CARLSON Undertaker and Embalmer Gresham - Oregon Warren McWillis Local Agent for Estacada y X Needlework, Crochet. Thread v | Etc., for sale. | Mr. & Mrs. J . E. Gates, | X Prop rie to rs We Have a Pefect Right to Make This Assertion! We carried your Groceries through rain, mud and bucked the snow on our delivery routes. Our competitors:—one said, “ Ah, it will only last a short while. Another one said: “ Ah, it won’t pay.” But we see when the weather becomes nice and balmy, and the roads comparatively good, our com­ petitor who says it won’t pay, is the one who must follow us up. It’ s to Lead and Have Others Follow. THE 2-Mc GROCERY W. P. McWillis. H. L . McKenney. ! Gill’s Oregon Grown Seeds on sale at D a l e ’ s . 24tf Don’ t forget the Chicken Din­ ners at the Estacada Hotel on Sundays. 3-10tf Counterfeit Dollars SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Produce trouble. So do Counterfeit Bank A c ­ counts. where one’s surplus is deposited in an old clock, old shoe, tin can, under a stump or “ handy place,” where it is easy to “ get at.” T h ey are an open bid for trouble and loss. 15 years experience F R E D B. J O N E S , Piano Tuning and Repairing Leave orders at fiataeada Hotel PR ICE $ 4 . - t . a . , 1, " - "■ o »- "r I' ’ f" ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < . . Mi , a -JLt i l | a . .< ..< ■ ■ ■ ™ Whether your surplus is large or small, its safety is assured by giving it Bank Protection, to say nothing of the convenience of a Bank Account. . m, , ■ ♦ + ♦ ♦ THE FIRE ESTACADA STATE BANK is your Home Company. See us regardi. g your property, Insure yofcr AUTOMOBILE — Against — v WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW ! . Dyeing done at tt e Re-Nu-Em cleaners. i- f ’ SAFETY A N D S E R V IC E " + ♦ i ♦ Four Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Accounts. FIRE, THEFT or COLLISION. ♦ \ ï J. W. Reed Estate ♦ ESTACADA, ORE. * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . • . > -X* -X--M- •XM W •*X— X— > X— >