P ige Four Eastern Clackamas News Tragic Published every Thursday at Estacada. Oregon UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S ubscription R ates [ - - - $1.50 • .75 F oreign A d v e rtisin u K rp ie a e n tu tiv e THF. A M E R IC A N P R E S S A S S O C IA T IO N Thursday. April 14, 1921 S tatement of the O wnership , M an ­ agement , C irculation . E tc ., R e ­ quired by the A ct of A ugust 12 th , 1912, of E astern C lackamas N ews , pub­ lished weekly at Estacada, Oregon, for April 1. 1921. Editor, Managing Editor and Business Manager, Upton H. Gibbs, Estacada. Oregon. Publisher, Upton H. Gibbs, Estacade, Oregon. Owner. Mary Louise Gibbs, Estaca­ da, Oregon. Known bone holders, mortgagees, and other security holders, none. Subscribed and sworn to before m e, this 1st day of April, 1921. H. S. S tephens , Notary Public. My commission expires March 26, 1923. The Presidential Message “ In the existing league of na­ tions, the world governing with its super-powers, this republic will have no part.” With these words President Harding definitely rejected the league of nations. He fuvors a declaration of peace, and after­ wards seek to negotiate “the covenant relationships 90 essen­ tial to all. This position is what might have been expected from bis previous utterai c -s. Those who will be disappointed at the scrapping of the covenant, may console themselves that its main purpose may be attained in other ways, if covenant relationships are entered into for t ie p om >• tion of peace. As to disarma­ ment, he is ready to co-operate with other nations, but points out it would be folly for the U. S. to disarm alone. His domestic policies are such as commend themselves as piae- tieal and sane, among which are relief for agriculture and the es­ tablishment of n large mercan­ tile marine. Two statements deserve care­ ful attention, which are: “ Labor must join management in understanding that the public which pays is the public to be served and simple justice is the right of all people.” “ t'ongress ought to wipe the stain of barbaric lynching from the banners of a free and order­ ly representative democracy.” He also gives the senate to un­ derstand that he knows his pre­ rogatives in foreign policies and will not allow it t<> usurp them. Altogether the m enace is most reassuring. Perhaps you have a dress or Theo. Ahlberg has been au­ suit you want dyed. Let us do R-Nu-Em Cleaners, Odd thorized by the P. R . L. & P. Co. it. to receive payments on the gold Fellows' building. notes subscribed by people resi­ dent here, and also to sell notes of this issue to any desiring to Oregon Poultry Farm purchase them. N o tic e The death of the former em­ press of Germany, in exile at Doom, Holland, which occured Monday morning, is full °f pa­ thos. How different from what she expected when she married Prince William of Prussia, in 18- 81, forty years ago. It is proba­ ble that she had little to do with po’.itics, but confined herself to the domain of “ the church, nur­ sery and ¡kitchen,” as her hus­ band once expressed it. The war even when victory seeming­ ly was going to the Germans, must have been a severe strain on her, and when the German collapse came, and she had to flee huiriedly from Berlin, it must have been a heart rending experience. Poor woman, death must have brought her a wel­ come release. After life’s fitful fever, may she rest in peace. Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. One year Six months Thursday, April 14, 1921 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Col. Harvey, editor of Harvey’s Weekly, and the great adversary of Woodrow Wilson in the last Presidential campaign, is to be ambassador at the CourtJ of St. James, if bis nomination is con­ firmed. A possible emharass­ ment might ensue if Woodrow Wilson should visit London while Col. Harvey is ambassador, The former could not well avoid mak­ ing a call on his country’s chief representative, and the latter would feel it incumbent on him to show special courtesy to a former President. To those who know the strained relations be­ tween the two, it would be amus­ ing to watch their official smiles when they met. MARQUAMES T R A P-N E ST E D S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With L O C A L A P P L IC A T IO N S , a s th e y c a n n o t re a c h th e s e a t o f th e d ise a se . C a ta r r h is a local d ise a se , g re a tly in- lu en ced by c o n s titu tio n a l co n d itio n s, a n d In o rd e r to c u re It you m u st ta k e a n in te rn a ] rem ed y . H a ll's C a ta r r h sM edi- cine Is ta k e n in te rn a lly a n d a c ts th ru th e blood on th e m ucous s u rfa c e s of th e sy stem . H a ll’s C a ta r r h M edicine w as p re sc rib e d by one of th e b e st p h y sic ia n s In th is c o u n try fo r y e a rs . I t is co m ­ posed of som e o f th e b e st to n ic s k now n, co m bined w ith som e o f th e b est blood p u rifiers. T h e p e rfe c t c o m b in a tio n of th e in g re d ie n ts in H a ll's C a ta r r h M edi­ cine is w h a t p ro d u c e s su c h w o n d erfu l re s u lts In c a ta r r h a l c o n d itio n s Send fo r te stim o n ia ls, free. r. J. C H E N E Y & CO.. P ro p s., T oledo. O. All D riiu g ists, 75c. H a ll's F a m ily P ills fo r c o n stip a tio n . Get Your Order in Early for EGGS FOR HATCHING. A limited nmmbet of BABY CHICKS for April and May delivery at $25,b0 pe hundred. ORDER EARLY. PHIL MAR QU A M ] (Farm located one mile out of Rsta- cada, Oregon, on Garfield road.) The Estacada Meat Co B E E F CA TTLE, V E A L AND HOGS, Dressed or Live, Bought. See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles, Relishes, Catsups, Cheese, Butter, Milk, and Salt and Smoked Fish. M. J. KERKES & Co. Estacada :: Oregon WM. DALE Representing HOLMAN & PACE Undertakers, Kmbalmers and Funeral Directors Oregon City. STOCK ON HAND IN ESTACADA. T elephone Freight and War T a x Included ESTACADA: X I Vulcanizing I — AND— Re-treading -A T — - R °aj*Ier ........................................ $529.84 Roadster S ta r te r ......................... 602.73 Touring ..................................... 576.70 1 o u rm g S t a r t e r .................. <540 eo COUPE— ............ 8 S tcr^ r xaw,d dem ountable Rim* 894.28 o tD A N — Satisfaction Guaranteed I THE U N I V E R S A L CAR NEW PRICES HENRY BOHN, t ¿/Zorn// i I ♦ ! S. P. Pesznecker Shop Estacada, Oregon. ■ w -i w-.’-x -x -H '-x -sx -x -v x v -:-: Starter and Demountable Rim* Truck* Pneumatic Tire* . . . . Tr*c t o r .................. Raker GRESHAM & 946.34 674.78 750.00 Son ESTACADA