Exposition Site In the Oregon Voter of April 9th, our esteemed predecessor, R. M. Standish, has a very able article favoring “ Rocky B utte,” on east side, along Sandy Boule­ vard, just beyond Rose City Park, as the site for the 1925 exposi­ tion. He makes out a good case, and we might be persuaded if we had not already succumbed to the charms of the Sellwood site. In this connection, we saw in a recent issue of the Boston Evening Transcript, that Boston is also planning for a world’s fair in that year. We wonder if so, how will this effect that of Portland? BORN.—At the Lovelace hos­ pital, April 11th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blaisdell, of Eagle Creek, a ten pound son, Dr. R. G. McCall being the attending physician. George Pointer has secured the agency for a high grade of lime, paints, varnish and Dutch Boy Lead, at market prices. 3-24 tf For Glass and Glazing, see George Pointer 3-24 if We clean everything, Re-Nu- Em cleaners. A Popular Course Students numbering 824, have enrolled in the School of Com­ merce, at the O. A. C., so far this school year. Commerce is considered one of the most pop­ ular courses in college. Gradu­ ates are placed in good positions with attractive salaries. Spring is here. How about your winter overcoat cleaned and pressed before you lay it away. Re-Nu-Em Cleaners, Odd Fel- lows’building. Administratrix’s Notice N otice is hereby given th a t th e un- «leraigneii has been appointed by the County C ourt of C lackam as County, Oregon, A dm im stratix of the e s ta te of J . W. Heed, deceased; all persons h av ­ ing claims ag ain st said estate, are h ere­ by notified to present th e same tv* m«' at K stacada, Oregon, or at the office of my atto rn ey , O. 1). Ehy, in Oregon City, Oregon, duly verified as by law required w ithin six m onths from date hereof. ¡. poy M ak K e e p , Administratrix. 0 , 1». E b Y, A ttorney for A dm inistratrix, F irst publication April Tth. 1921. 1. ast publication May 5th, 1921. Administratrix’s Notice Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed by the County C ourt of ClavKamas County, Oregon, A dm inistrix of the partner­ ship. e sta te of J . W. Reed and Karl Shibley, as Reed & Shibley; all persoi s having claim s ag ain st said e state are hereby notified to p resent sam e to me at E stacada, Oregon, or at the offiee of my atto rn ey , O. T). Kby, in Oregon C ity, O regon, duly verified as by law required, w ithin six months from the d ate hereof. LtH'Y M ak R kki *. A dm istratrix. 0 . D BUY. A ttorney. fo r A dm inistratrix F irst publication April Tth. 1921. 1. nst publication May 5th, 1921. I. O. O. F Estacada Lodge, No. 175, I. For Fire Insurance 0. 0. F., meets every Saturday evening in their lodge loom, j corner of Broadway and Third streets. A good attendance of PLACE Y O U R IN­ members is desired, and visiting SURANCE THROUGH brothers are always welcome. YOUR HOME AGENT WHO R. L. G ithens , N. G. WI LL P R O T E C T J. G. H ayman , Sec. YOUR INTEREST Farmers Attention.* When in town, get your dinner at Esta­ cada Hotel. Best 50c dinner in town. 3-10tf Cary Real Estate Co. Spring Millinery at D ale ’ s . 5 To Serve on Jury The Clackamas county circuit court jury for the April term, been called to covene April 18th, and the names of the jurymen have been drawn for duty. Those from this vicinity are : Andrew Graham, Estacada, route 3. „ Fred C. Bartholomew, Esta­ cada. Sydney E. Smith, Estacada, route 2. H. H. Watkins, Boring route 1. John Ellsworth, Boring route 1. William Bard, Estacada, route2 Thursday, April 14, 1921 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Two NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS Extensive alterations have been made at our First and Alder Streets Passenger Station, and much better accom­ modations have been provided for our patrons. This building is now being used exclusively by us and, in addition to the ticket office, lost articles’ bureau and ex­ press, we have installed an “ ELECTRIC STORE,” where Mazda lamps and electric appliances may be purchased, applications made for electric light and power, and where light and power bills may be paid. Cigarette This will make it possible for our patrons to transact such matters of business with our company without going up-town to our main offices in the Electric building; and vou will receive the same courteous and attentive service. T o s e a l in t h e d e lic io u s B u rle y t o b a c c o f la v o r . It’s T oasted Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Arrived and Ready for Delivery, Car of A 1. Eastern Oregon Tim­ othy Hay of good quality. - - . l - . l . - i . . l . . â - . l . - 1 - . l . . i . .»..a.. a . j TXT i “ - t t x x ^ T ’T^TTT t T T T T T T A n o th e r C a r o f A lfa lfa H a y 9 WILL BE SPOTTED OS OUR SIDING SOON. .fr.fr.fr IF YOU HAVE POTATOES FOR SALE, now is the time to get busy. W e are shipping a car this week, and another will follow soon after. E S TA C A D A FEED C O M P A N Y . The Store Where Your $ Does Its Duty. 1 . S. MORGAN .. W. H. H AN D LE