OUR SLOGAN: KEEP Community Cooperation YOUR EYE ON ESTACADA! Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 14, N umber 30 FOR THRILLS SEE “DIRTY” Next Monday night. April 18, at the Family Theatre, the fa­ mous First National Picture, “ Dinty” will be given for the benefit of the library. Wesley Barry, the “ freckled-faced fu- norm nin,” will appear in the title role, and he will be sup­ ported by a bunch of stars, sel­ dom equalled in filmdom. Of course, the picture alone, would attract crowds, but as it is being given to help a public institution, standing room at each perform­ ance should be at a Dremium. SYNOPSIS OF THE STORY. With a bundle of newspapers under his arm, and a voice as loud as any other kid in San Francisco’s Chinatown, “ Dinty” fights the world for a living, and makes himself Newsboy King, at the head of the Newsboys’ Trust. He does it all to provide a home for his old Irish mother Then when his mother dies, “ Dinty” has to fight down the feeling that life “ isn’t such a much,” after all, and he battles to get back into the game and make himself the success his mother always longed to see him. As king of the Newboys’ Trust, “ Dinty’s” two lieutenants are a little Chinese half-breed and a jolly little coon, both selling mem­ bers of the Trust, and for them “ Dinty puts up many a fight. One nighi he picks a wallet be­ longing to Jack North, the third assistant district attorney, and returns it to him. 'this is the beginning of a ery real friend­ ship between the two, and “ Dm- ty ” just nutui a ly begins to fight for 3rd A. D. A. Later when N orth’s fiancee, Kuih Whitely, is kidnapped by “ King ’ Dorkh, Malay halt-breed and leader of a gang of cutthroats, “ Dinty” puts up the one great fight of his life for her. The activities of an up-tc-date band of opium smuggleis have lor some time been puzzling the district attorney’s office. This picturesque groupe of highbind­ ers operates via airplane and cutter route between Mexico, the Orientand San Francisco with se­ cret wireless stations and strong political influence to aid them. “ Dinty” and his gang are per­ fectly familiar with Chinatown, both on the surface and under­ ground, and this familiarity en­ ables “ Dinty” to do a little de­ E stacada , O regon , T hursday , A pril 14, 1921 tective wrork in just the right way and just the right time. Then comes the big fight. There is a beautiful love inter­ est in the story, and in this, of course, “ Dinty” has a hand, while running a little romance of his own on the side. O, Yum, Yum! Mine Host Hauser, of the Es- tacada Hotel, has arranged for a grand banquet on Wednesday, April 20, at 6 p. m. It wili be a genuine “ Southern Dinner ” cooked and served in Southern style, with the famous typical Southern pieces de resistance, which make the mouth water to think of. This should meet with a generous patronage as the Ho­ tel deserves encouragement from our people. He had intended get­ ting this up at an earlier date, but was prevented. Below is the menu which speaks for it­ self: « Florida Grape Fruit Cocktail Mixed Pickles, Queen Olives, Chicken Gumbo Soup — New Orleans style, Halibut Steak—A La Creole, Baked Virginia Peanut Cured Ham, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Alabama Rice Croquettes, Maryland Beaten Biscuits with Honey, Tomato Salad—Southern style, Chocolate Nut Sun lae, Coffee, DANCING, Tickets - - - - - $1.60 Rein Sells Out G. Rein, who has been doing a flourishing business as a shoe­ maker and repairer, for the last two years, has sold his shop to B. H. Johnson, of Gresham, who took possession Monday. Mr. Rein found the shop too confin­ ing for his health, so decided to try an out door life, and has bought a farm at Gale’s Creek, six miles from Forest Grove, where he went with his family last Tuesday. Mr. Rein traded his town property in on the ranch he bought. Change of Time The first show at the Family Theatre will commence at 7:30 from now on. “ DINTY” will appear at the Family Theatre, April 18th. $1.50 P er Y ear Additional Brevities Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Smith were in Portland Tuesday. Miss Enola Oakley of Seattle, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Reed. Mrs. C. Dubois went to Port­ land Tuesday to see her husband at St. Vincent’s hospital. She reports him as slighlly improved and able to sit up a short time in an invalid chair. Mrs. R. G. McCall entertained yesterday afternoon the follow­ ing ladies: Mesdames A. E. Sparks, Fred Bartholomew, Ir­ ving Smith, Burt Moore, Theo. Ahlberg, A. K. Morton, U. H. Gibbs and Miss Florence Ken­ dall. Mr. and Mr. C. L. Allen went Tuesday to visit their daughter, Mrs. C. F. Surf us, at Carlson’s mill, Viola. They found her quite sick with a bad cold and cough, and expect to have her home in a few days. PHONE TINGLE STILL UNRAVELED % The winter rains had flooded the basement under the “ Dinty Moore” restaurant to the depth of about three feet. A little Beeman tractor was set to work to pump it out, and after two or three days valiant effort, it man- acred to do the job. Lisle Wagner, accompanied by his sister Mrs. George Arm­ strong, went to Portland Tues­ day morning for medical exam­ ination and treatment, returning on the noon train. He stood the trip very well. His physician holds out hope of his ultimate recovery, but improvement pro­ gresses very slowly. Park will be Improved The P. R. L. & P. Cc., has sold its park at Canemah, and will proceed to improve the Es­ tacada Park. A ball ground is being considered among o th tr features, to make the park at­ tractive, as a general favorite resort. This will mean much to the town, and our citizens should show appreciation of what the company is doing in the way of drawing holiday crowds to this town. . The meeting last Saturday at the hotel, to consider the phone situation was well attended. Af­ ter much debate, it was voted that the rural subscribers would not pay more than 25 cents monthly rental, and that a com­ mittee be appointed thoroughly to go over Hie books of the Es­ tacada Co. and make report us to its exact financial situation. H. C. Stephens at the commence­ ment, marte a report of the com­ promise suggested by the busi­ ness men’s committee, which however, was not accepted. It was as follows: First.—The connection of all lines which have been discon­ nected. Second—Monthly rental on ru­ ral lines to be 25 cents until such time, as the system in the City of Estacada is brought up to the point of efficiency, as required by the Public Service Commission, before the rates are raised in the city. Third — Delinquent switching charges to be brought up to date within thirty days, and the Sec­ retaries of the various lines to ^collect the same hereafter. F ourth-A committee to be ap­ pointed, consisting of one mem­ ber by the rural lines, one mem- by the business men of Estacada, one member by the Company, to investigate and determine the earnings, expenses and value of the plant and equipment, and to determine therefrom arate which will pay the expenses, provide for the repairs, and pay a reason­ able interest on the value of the value of the plant. It may be added that the tele­ phone company has established a service from 6 a. m. until 10 at night, with an emergency ser­ vice all night, the latter to be with the charge of ten cents per call. Sunday service the same as week day service. Good Eats Come to the Old Fashioned Supper to be given at the M. E. Church, tomorrow, Friday, April 15 1921, at 6 o’clock, 40 cents a plate. Look out for “ DINTY,” April 18th, Family Theatre.