K e e p up the Standard Eastern Clackamas News Entered ut the poatofflce in Kutacuda, Oregon, us second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada. Oregon UPTON H. (HUBS Editor and Manager. SUBSCRIPTION One year Six months . . . Thursday, A pril 7, 1921 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS P tge Four K a TBS . $1.50 .75 T oielwn A riv rri i-iitu M e |i re « e n t a tiv a 1111 VNil ItK 'A N F K I'.S S V S S O C IA H O N Thursday. April 7, 1921 Wt* endorse the proposition of that American Legion post, that Bergdoll be prohibited from us­ ing the honored name of (drover Cleveland. Last week we pur­ posely refrained, on this account, from using it in connection with him, and this was before we read the notice of the action of the post. The late Grover Cleveland was a man who never shirked a duty no m atter how distasteful to him, and to allow one who proved a traitor to his country to use that honored name, is a gross insult to the memory of a great man and a patriot. As we predicted last week, the American detectives who tried to arrest Bergdoll on German soil, have been released. And we are confirmed in our opinian that if the agitation to extradite Berg­ doll is dropped, be will get so homesick after a while, that he will try to sneak home. They all do, as witness Jack Johnson, and numbers of former bank cashiers who absconded to Can­ ada a few years ago, when there was no extradition treaty under which tht*y could be arrested. It is said that a murderer is drawn to the scene of his crime, and it is remarkable how many escaped criminals risk arrest by returning home. The editor acknowledges with thanks, a copy of his esteemed contemporary, the Hycada. and edit.il by the Adelhic Society of the High School. It gives in­ formation that the senior class play will be given May 22 As this issue is dated April 1, the two middle pages were left b ank with the exception of the legend. ’’April Fool.” As it was also the spring number, a number of the stories showed the writers* thoughts were lightly turning to love, l'he next number, he lx - lirves, is to be issued un 1er.the auspices of the Wcbsterian So­ ciety. and suggests that it might apprepiately lx* of a high­ brow character. ^ — -. • Twenty-three stuients have been dismissed from the Univer­ sity ot Oregon, and 100 placed on probation for the spring term, as a result of the winter term ex­ aminations, This is as it should be, if the University is to main­ tain a high standard. It will al­ so react beneficially on the high schools of the state, because if these do not keep up a fair stand­ ard. it will become evident by their graduates failing in college. There is too much temptation to be lax in the high schools, and if the colleges hold to a high stand­ ard, it will help materially in up­ holding the hands of a conscien­ tious high school principal in keeping up the standard of his school by refusing to pass the unqualified. THE U N I V E R S A L C A R NEW PRICES F reight and W a r T a x Included ESTA CA D A : R o a d s t e r ..................... $ 5 2 9 .8 4 R oadster Starter . . . . 6 0 2 .7 3 T o u r in g ........................ 5 7 6 .7 0 T ouring S t a r t e r ............................ 6 4 9 .5 8 COUPE- Starter and D em ou n tab le Rim s 8 9 4 .2 8 SEDAN— Starter and D em ou n tab le Rims 9 4 6 .3 4 T rucks P n eu m atic T ires . 6 7 4 .7 8 T ractor............. 7 5 0 .0 0 A new verb will probably be adopted as the result of the Berg­ doll affair. To bergdoll will be used to denote first, evasion of military duty, and then evasion of any duty a man owes his country. Raker GRESHAM Perhaps you have a dress or suit you want dyed. Let us do it. R-Nu-Em Cieaners, Odd Fellows’ building. » & Son ESTACADA Floors —Refinish Yours Yourself with paint or varnish. W e tell how T ’S a simple matter, if you cannot get a painter, to re­ finish any floor— fun, in fact, I ishes called “Fitteen-for-Floors” and "Fullerwear.” to do the work yourself. They are Fuller’s Specifica­ tions for home floors— each for a particular effect. « « W e make the finest finishes. T hey dry over night, so you can walk on them in the morn­ ing. They are made for lav-men’s use as well as painter’s — they flow and spread easily and cover well. T he result is a smooth •n d lustrous finish — just the one you want to get, although you — an a m a te u r — do the work. W omen can apply these prod­ ucts as w ell as men. Fuller makes a famous floor paint— Rubber Cement Floor Paint and two famous varn­ W e make also a special line of paints, varnishes, enamels, etc., for all kinds of interior decorating. And we maintain a Free Advice Department that will tell you in detail how to use them. You simply describe the article, how finished now, and the effect you want to get. W e’ve specified these ma­ terials and methods for you after 72 years’ experience with paints and painting practice. W e are one of the largest paint m anutictwiett in the United States Fuller’s • SPÉCIFICATION Home Servece Painfs i - iw o—els D uller p a in t s 7 2 ' Rubber Cement Floor Paint— ■ «amtnry wnt.rp.oo» end dur- afcie paint for foors ot fctebeoe. clou ts. Attractive in color and « •ft . . ^ * Made s* 12 color«. AUo nvskert of House P»htt A V p irp cse V ir a u h « . Silken- v s it t Enamel Füteen-for-Floor*. W s s h a b ’. t W ell Finish Auto E" am ai Earn and Rocf Paint. Pcrch *r * Ste*> • near White Deed. end fs*. D on’t think j’ou can’t de work like this simply because you haven’t ever done it. Fol­ low Fuller Specifications and you’ll get the right effect W here to Buy I m p o r ta n t that you get the right material so be sure to go to the right sto r e fo r F u l l e r Products. Cut out , the coupon below as a memo to direct you. W. P. Fuller & Co. Dept. 2. San F rancisco Established 1S49 Pioneer P ain t M anufacturers for 72 Y ears Branches in 16 Cities in the W est Dealer« E veryw here SAVE THIS (Cut this out and put it in your . pocket hook or hand baa as a B R no.) ^ Fuller-» "Home Service" Paint Products are sold by the following In your City I w BERT H. FINCH, Estacada, Oregon.