EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, March 31, 1921 Page Seven YOU GOING TO BUILD House, Barn, Woodshed or Garage? We keep in stock all regular sizes of Doors, Windows and Mouldings, Roofing and Building Paper. Also a Complete Line of Builders’ Tools— Saws, Planes, Squares, Hammers Etc., Etc. All Kinds and Colors of Paints, Stains and Varnishes for Outside and Inside Use. B E R T H. FINCH. L isten ! This is the time to buy your GRAIN BAGS, New Calcut­ ta ’s for 8c.—50 to a bundle. U-C-THEM. We have a Bargain and are passsing it along. Nitrate of Soda. Just what you will want soon for your Prune Trees and Gar­ den. Ask for prices. We want more Grey Oats, We want more Potatoes, We Buy and Sell for Cash. It will Pay You to Stop! Lo ok! and Listen ! OUR BUSINESS IS PICKING UP P. & E. Transportation Co. KODAKS- ALL KINDS and SUPPLIED GUNS - And AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE Get Hunting and Fishing Licenses Here Camping Outfits, Electric Flashlights. Baseball Supplies KodakPicturesDeveloped and Enlarged ED. BONFR’S ESTACADA. CASCADE GARAGE WILCOX BROTHERS, Proprietors. Announcement! We now have the Best Equipped Machine Shop in Eastern Clacka­ mas or Multnomah Counties. : : ( \ \ \ I Our mechanics are capable men who take pride in doing all their work RIGHT. ALL WORK IS FULLY GUARAN­ TEED ! We are prepared to do all kinds of Machine Work t Acetyline Welding, Cylinder Grinding, Piston Fitting and * Ignition Work. IGNITION WORK, PISTON and BEAR­ ING WORK ARE OUR SPECIALTIES. Our new Com­ pressed Air Valve Grind Machine will grind the valves in one-half the time that the job was done by the old method. Many other Labor-saving Devices enable us to do your work quickly and efficiently. * Some time ago, we inaugurated ALL NIGHT SER­ VICE for the conveniece of our patrons, which also \ affords your car greater protection from fire while in our shop. t We wish further to announce that we have secured the agencv for the well-known “CASE” TRACTOR, and can furnish all the equipments required in connection. Watch for our Ad. announcing our Special Tractor Service. We \ can make immediate delivery on Buick and Chevrolet Cars. None better in their class. Get your order NOW. l Í ! W illard Storage Battery Service! Come in and get your BATTERY TESTED. We are here to give you WILLARD SERVICE. Vern Duns, our Battery Man, is at your service, and will give you the benefit of his expert knowledge pertaining to the care and up-keep of your battery. * * ! ! 4 t l CASCADE GARAGE Willard Storage Batteries for Sale. W ILC O X BROS. * è