Page Six Artisans Will Dance The Kstacada lodge o f the United Artisans, will give a dance in the Odd Fellow’s hall, Wednesday night, April 6. Dance will start at 8:30 o ’clock, sharp. Ladies 25c, gents 25c. Everybody welcome. WM. D ALE Representing 0 HOLMAN & PACE Undertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors, Oregon City. • x ~ x k k ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x k k k ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x * > v STOCK ON HAND IN ESTACADA. We handle House of Irwin Clothes. Eight dav service $ff8.50 up to $75. He Nu Em C!eane.*>J FOR SALE Fresh cow with calf. Price 575. Mrs. W. H. Kellendonk, 4-14 ____________ R t 1. FOR SALE 4 foot maple and alder slab wood by the cord. See Pesv.uecker. 3 31tf FOR SALE A fresh Jeresy Cow. Geo re Walters. Currins- ville. ki Goodbye old leak, if fixed with ^ FOR SALE One 4 horse disk. Gilsonite Roof Paint. George as good as new, $25.00, also 3 Pointer. 3-24 tf Belgian Hare does. Tom Smith, Eagle Creek, Ore. You must be satisfied or we in I v L. 1. Bx 28. won’t be, Re Nu-Em cleaners. T elephone x - x ~ x x-x~x~> * T y y HesseFs Farm Machinery Co., Chevrolet Motor Company Deals With Price Problem in Logical Way The Chevrolet Motor Company in a recent announcement, deals with the present price problem in a most sensible and logical way. It seems that a part of the company’s program is based on the production of 50,000 Model “ Four-Ninety” cars. This model is well known and there are about 500,000 in use. The com- panp proposes to build the 50,000 before August 1, 1921 and if it reaches this number, and it has every reason to believe that it is going to be successful, each pur­ chaser of an open car of the “ Four-Ninety” type will receive a refund of $70, and those who buy closed cars of this type will receive a refund ol $100. ft‘A certificate setting forth the terms of the plan will be given to each retail purchaser and the total number of Model “ Four- Ninet’es" produced by Chevro­ let factories during the period which governs the proposed plan will be published not later than Aug. 10, 1921. Those who purchased Model “ Four-Ninety” Chevrolets under the Chevrolet Motor Company’s price guarantee of last October, benefit by the refund plan. During the period of readjust­ ment, the Chevrolet Motor Com­ pany, mindful of its duties to its employes, its patrons and the general public alike, refrained from making any impulsive price change. They knew that a drastrie cut, based on a guess as to future conditions could have only one effect, the destruction of the nation's buying power. It would tear down public confi­ dence and stagnate the move­ ment of crops and merchandise. It would slush wages and visit sufferings and hardships on mil­ lions of people. Hut conditions have changed, ltaw material prices have found new low levels. Inventories have been readjusted to the bot­ tom of the market and it is there fore possible for the company to make a definite proposition based on quantity production. Thursday, March 31, 1921 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS GRESH AM , OREGON. Y Y Y Y • y Y Y Y Y Y Y REPAIRS FOR ALL IMPLEMENTS. ? implements for the Large Farm, the Diversified Farm, the Dairyman or Berry Growers. KENTUCKY SILOS. * i i HENRY BOHN, | Vulcanizing x i Re-treading | 1 1 Ï Y ? THURSDAY NIGHT March 31, THOMAS MOORE -IN - 4‘Lord and Lady Algy” SATURDAY NIGHT, April 2d, WM. S. HART, “SAND" Also - RUBE SHAW. n Vaudeville, appearing on the stage in person and on the screen. in ‘‘A Correspondence School.” Admission Thursday, 25c and i O c . Saturday 36c and 16c. First show opena at 7 p.m. sharp W. E. LIN N , Manager. have given Perfect Satisfaction to all users. Perfection Milking Machines, Case Tractors with all pow­ er driven machinery, Fowler Cultivators for all shallow cultivation. Drag Saws, Water Systems. W RITE FOR CATALOGUE with prices, on the implements you are # interested in. Gresham, RELIABILITY, x * x —A T — The Family Theatre ANKERHOLTH CREAM SEPARATORS + ♦ + + + + + ♦ ♦ + * * + + + + + + + ♦ + + + - - X Y Y Y Y Y ? Oregon. Phone 1041 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? * HESSrL’S FARM MACHINERY, ? Y Y Y Y Y S. P. Pesznecker Shop Y Y Y O Y Y ? ? ? ? —AND— Satisfaction Guaranteed J Get our Prices on SILOS before you buy. You will get a BETTER SILO for LESS MONEY. v ? I y i ? SERVICE. - x k k * x * x - x » x k k k k * x k ~> j --?~ x * x ~ x - x * x * x * x ~ x - x ~> x *\~ x + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Oxy-Acetylene Welding + • AND LATHE WOifK. We now have installed our W ELDING OUTFIT and LATH E, and are prepared to handle this class of work. Give us a Trial on Your Starting, Lighting, and Ignition Troubles. TH E STATE L A W REQUIRES two separate sets of Brakes. AR E YO U W ITH IN TH E L A W ? Brakes properly lined and properly adjusted are the greatest fac­ tors for safety. LET US E X A M IN E THEM. ♦ + ♦ Yours for Correct Service, ♦ ♦ ♦ y Y Y BACON & LENNON. ♦ ♦ Reed & Shibley Building, Estacada, Oregor. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + + + + + ♦ ♦ + + ♦ + + + + * * * + + + + + ♦ + ♦ * + ♦ ♦ ♦ + + + ♦