EASTERN CLACK AM.AS NEWS Thursday, March 31, 1921 Milton Evans of St. Johns and a lady friend were in town Mon­ day afternoon. L. J. Ellis, who is with Law­ rence & Holford, architetcs in Portland, spent Easter with his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ellis. The upstairs over the N e w s ’ office may well be called bache­ lors’ roost as George Pointer and Doc Crowe have taken up their abode in them. Mrs. C. Dubois visited her hus­ band at St. Vincent’s hospital on Monday. She reports him as very emaciated, but the doctor is hopeful o f his ultimate recovery. Mrs. J. C. I)uus entertained Walter Douglas and family, Her­ man Duus and family, for din­ ner last Sunday. In the after­ noon John and Ernest Duus with their families, arrived for s visit. LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS I'l L MS Rev. J. A. Dunlop, spent Sat­ urday in the metropolis. J. M. Melton has resinged from the employ of Raker & Son. Mrs. J. E. Gates and daugh­ ters, spent Sunday in Sellwood. J. K. Ely and his daughter Miss Mary, were in Portland for the day, last Saturday,. Mr. and Mrs. George Hislop went to Portland. Saturday morn­ ing and remained until Sunday night. * Mr. and Mrs. George Morrow family, of Portland, spent Easter at the home o f their uncle, A. E. Sparks. Albert Lichthorn, Chester Wo- mer, Carl Kimmel and Russell Reed, returned to the 0. A. C. Tuesday. Charles Wanzer, the father of Mrs. A. W. Botkin, of Gartield, spent the week-end with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Page left Monday afternoon to visit their daughters at Gladstone and Ore- go i City. Elder J. 0 . Staats of Portland, Oregon, will hold.the regular ser­ vices at the Christian Church, on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. George H. Davis has sold his confectionery and pool hall to Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Carter of Portland, who took possesion on Tuesday. Mr. Davis will proba­ bly leave Estacada in a few days. Robert Miller was selling heads o f broccoli last week in town, o f his o w n raising. They were especially firm, compact and white. This shows that this section is very suitable for the cultivation of this delicious vege­ table. Attention Farmers! THE BAZAAR, 1 have t h e agency for the ï Farmers’ Mutual F i r e Relief I Association. Call in at my office I and I will explain it to you. It X 2d door north of Depot. Y V is ope o f the best and cheapest' mutuals in Oregon. ' S. E. WOOSTER. t ________________________ Agent. V ¥ X Needlework, Crochet Thread R7 R. CARLSON :j; Etc., for sale. A Undertaker and Embalmer | SPECIALTIES for 5c, l()c, 15c and up. :j: Mr. Gresham - Oregon & X Warren McWillis Local Agent for Estacada I Mrs. J. E. Gates, Proprietors Everybody Happy? COME ON ! YEA BO ! S O L D O U T B R O T H E R ! Sold another set of 42-piece Chinaware. Come in and make your selection before they are all gone. Only $ 1 0 per set. Come in and get Good Toilet Soap at 5c per bar. W E HAVE Lettuce, Rhubarb, Apples, Oranges, Broccoli, Asparagus, a fill' line ot Dried Fruits. Oh, yes ! We have Garlic, too ! THE 2-Mc GROCERY W. P. McWillis, 4 i * v v w * .* v J ? ♦ f . <1 % é When in Estacada eat at Dinty Moore’s, fernir.st the Depot. I New Spring Millinery on sale at D a l e ’ s . Call and see it. 24tf Gill’s Oregon Grown Seeds on sale at D a l e ’ s . 24tf M any a i man picks his own pockets by frittering away on little, unnecessary expenses, the funds car­ ried Don’ t forget the Chicken Din­ ners at the Estacada Hotel on Sundays. 3-10tf ! Don’t PicK Your Pocket! Dyeing done at tl e Re-Nu-Em cleaners. with him, and then wonders “ W here all his Money goes.” A Checking Account is as good as its name. It checks the little leaks and regulates the expenditures» + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ THE : FIRE + 4 ♦ i 4 + ^ is your Home Company. See us regardi. g your property, Insure your Against 4 FIRE, ♦ 4 4 4 + AUTOMOBILE ▼ * ♦ ♦ and enables one to know where his money goes. STATES : ECO.: THEFT or COLLISION. + + + + ! 4 J. W. Reed Estate * 4 ESTACADA, ORE. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 % ♦ 4 9 H. L. McKenney. For Glass and Glazing, see George Pointer 3-24 tf Miss Arleta Cannon and Miss Roberts, o f Portland, the sister and cousin, respectively, of Mrs. J. M. Melton, spent the week-end with her. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Inglis left last week for Gresham, where Mr. Inglis, will be in charge o f the office at Raker & Son’ s garage. A food demonstrator was at the People’ s Store all last week, turning out delicious cakes, rolls and waffles from the Kerr-Gifford brands o f flour. A bunch o f Hrls wp^t ont to Gibson Park. F^gle ('reek, last Monday eveniri'T to indulge in a wiener roast. Thev were Lydia Matson, Doris Finch, Anita Kopp, Frances Hansel1, Bertha Burns and Irene Saling. Ed. Boner took them nut in his car. The nine a. m. train Saturday, to Portland, contained a bunch o f Estacada people: Mrs. Anna Mickulecky, Miss Frances Mur­ phy, Misses Helen John and Vera Murray, Messrs. F. E. Burns, Frederic Burns, F. C. Cleworth, A. J. Schoth, R. H. Keatinge, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eshelman, Misses Hermina and Rosira Ziople, M. H. Maher, Mr. and Mrs. R. Walker and family, o f Springwater, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Guttridge, o f Springw ater Page Five T ry it by opening an account with your H om e Bank. i Y Y Y Y Y Y ï i f ï 1 i I ï Y Y Y Y Y ESTACADA STATE BANK I Y ‘ S A F E T Y A N D S E R V IC E ” Four Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Accounts. „ m l € ' I ! !