Thursday. February 24, 1921 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Two Both undertaker and funeral director are declared out of date, mortician being the proper word to denote the gentleman who a t­ tends to the obsequies of the de­ ceased. But the name, we should judge makes no difference to the corpse, cadaver or remains. DIED.—February 19th, 1921, BORN. -February 19th. 1921. the infant daughter of Walter to Mr. and Mis. Harry Miller, a Osborne, of intestinal trouble. daughter. Another wise cabinet selection was that of Governor Low- den for Secretary of the Navy. It proved all the more fitting in that Governor Lowden declined the appointment on the 'ground that he was not qualified for the position. I.O . O. F Estacada Lodge, No. 175, I. 0. 0. F., meets every Saturday evening in their lodge room, corner of Broadway and Third streets. A good attendance of members is desired, and visiting brothers are always welcome. • President-elect Harding has made a wise selection for Secre­ tary of State in the choice of Charles E. Hughes. The selec­ tion apparently meets with gen­ eral approval. As regards the proposed trans­ fer by Great Britain of her West Indian possessions to the U. S., to apply on her war debt, the main difficulty is the objection of the people of those islands. R. L. G ithens , N. G. i WE LEM ALL OTHER COMPETITORS • Over a .period of Two Weeks WE PAID TWO TO FOUR CENTS higher than anyone else. We never lose sight of the old adage “ Self Praise is Half Scandal.” Î Agent. NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS * Extensive alterations have been made at our First and Alder Streets Passenger Station, and much better accom­ modations have been provided for our p aten s. t This building is now being used exclusively by us and, in addition to the ticket office, lost articles’ bureau and ex­ press, we have installed an ‘‘ELECTRIC STORE,” where Mazda lamps and electric appliances may be purchased, applications made for electric light power, and where light and power bills may be paid. * t 9 This will make it possible for our patrons to transact such matters of business with our company without going up-town to our main offices in the Electric building; and ou will receive the same courteous and attentive service. Small Oranges, Friday, Only, 15c Per Dozen. SUGAR is going up, undoubtedly. Canning Season. 1 have t h e agency for the Farmers’ Mutual F i r e Relief Association. Call in at my olfice and I will explain it to you. It is one of the best and cheapest mutuals in Oregon. S. E. WOOSTER, J. G. H ayman , Sec. The 2-Mc Grocery in the price paid for EGGS. Atter.iior. farmers! Now is the time to buy for THE 2-Mc GROCERY W. P. McWillis, H- L. McKenney. ! Portland Railway, Light & Setting a Precedent for High- Class Dairy and Poultry Foods MAIN FEATURE ATTRACTIONS: Another Car of EASTERN CORN here and ready for delivery. $2 PER HUNDRED, furnish your own sacks, Cash Basis. Power Co. * For Fire Insurance PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO W IL L PR O T E C T YOUR INTEREST Same conditions as previously— Cary Real Estate Co. LILLY'S— Scratch Food, Egg Mash, Baby Chick Scratch, Calf Meal, Butter Fat. One of the big results of Prune Week, is the fact that prune bread has about displaced raisin bread. Also the fact, that prune bread is really worth while and mighty good. FRY'S— Ground Bone, Grit, Etc., Etc. Meat Scraps, t • * Shell, • NEW ARRIVALS IN TIMOTHY AND ALFALFA HAY OF No. I QUALITY, JUST RECEIVED. All of the above commodities are of such quality, that we guarantee them to hold their own or better. under any circumstance. ESTACADA FEED The Store W here Your D. S. MORGAN $ . COM PANY. Does Its Duty. W. H. KANDLE $100 Reward, $100 T h e r e a d e r s o f t h is p aper w ill be p le a se d to le arn t h a t th e r e is a t le a s t on e d read ed d i s e a s e t h a t s c ie n c e h a s b een ab le to cu re In a ll Its s t a g e s and th a t is c a t a r r h . C a ta r rh b ein g g r e a t ly tniluenced" by c o n s t it u t io n a l c on d ition s requ ires c o n s t it u t io n a l tre a tm en t H all's Catarrh M e d icin e is ta k e n in te r n a lly and a c t s thru t h e B lood on the M ucous S u r ­ fa, es o f t h e S v s t e m t h e re b y , d e s t r o y in g the fo u n d a tio n o f the d i s e a s e g t s in p th e Patient s t r e n g t h by b u ild in g up the c o n ­ stitu tion an d a s s i s t i n g n a tu r e in d o in g it s work. T h e p rop rietors h a v e so m u ch f a it h In t h e c u r a t iv e p ow e r o f H a ll's C atarrh M edicine t h a t th e y offer One H u nd red D o lla r s for a n y c a s e th a t It fa lls t o cure. Send for list o f t e s t im o n ia ls A d d ress F. J C H F N E V * CO., Toledo. Ohio. S old b y all D r u g g is t s , T3c.