Thursday, February 3, 1921 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Fas»? Sev en 8 ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF RANGES AND HEATERS JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LA R G E ASSORTMENT OF Mattresses, Springs, Chairs, Rockers, Kitchen Cabinets and Tables When in Need of any kind of ♦ ♦ ♦ F A R M M A C H I N E R Y , ♦♦ ♦ we have Oliver Chlled Plows and Plow Repairs, Drag Harrows, Spring- tooths, Disc Harrows, Drills and Seeders. HARDWARE, s •? ? IMPLEMENTS HARNESS B ER T H. F IN C H . ESTACADA' conomy~ fficiency ndurance “ Old Homestead Smoke Flavor,” for Preserving MEAT, FISH and SAUSAGE. yy Cheaper, Better and Quicker than the old way. THE I 1 ESTACADA O REG O N These three Stirling qualities, sought by every motorist, and essential to the success of a Car (doubly so in a hilly country ) are embodied in t h e ................................ PHARMACY The tel S » rvx\«an=uv' ot»re C H E V R O L E T For the Business Man or Pleasure Seeker, our “ 490 ” and * “ FB ” Models fulfill all the requirements of the Most Dis­ criminating Motorist. Mother, wife or daughter can safely, easily and comfortably drive these “Easiest to Handle” Cars. In the Commercial Field and in the Farming and Fruit Growing Industry the CHEVROLET MODEL “ F ” ( one-ton truck ) has amply demonstrated its ability to cope with any situation. S. P. PESZNECKER CHEVROLET OVER THE TOP Machine Shop Oxy-Acetylene Welding ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ K0DAKS-- ALL KINDS and SUPPLIES And AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE White Mazda Lamps Soft Light; Not Dim Light Plumbirg, Tinning Electric Wiring a n d Repairing Estacada, Oregon Get Hunting and Fishing Licenses Here Camping Outfits, Electric Flashlights. Baseball Supplies Kodak PicturesDeveloped and Enlarged ED. BONER’S W IL C O X BROS. OF THE CASCADE GARAGE Persons who aren’t growing Milk, eggs and well cooked any asparagus on their farms for vegetables will produce better home use, should figure on put­ growth of children than meat, ting in a small an a this spring. which should he used sparingly Provision for stock should be or not at all until the child is six made now as there is always a or seven years old. For very strong demand about planting young children the vegetables time. The asparagus can be may be cooked, put through a kept in the ground until planting and given with milk on time in April. Ample supply for sieve, an average family may be ob­ toast. Home economics, O. A. C. tained from 150 to 200 plants. Mrs. A. G. Ames went Satur­ Charles Handle was on day to Portland to meet her hus­ sick list yesterday and unab band and accompany him home. come down to the store.