Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 03, 1921, Image 1

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Community Cooperation
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 14, N umber 20
Next Wednesday, Februay 9th,
is known the Church calendar as
Ash Wednesday, and on it be­
gins the penitential season known
as Lent. The preceding day is
called Shrove Tuesday, and in
England the curious custom pre­
vails of eating pancakes on that
day. At the ancient Westmins­
ter school adjoining Westmins­
ter Abbey, London, the hoys
assmble in the great hall and
await the entrance of the school
cook, who carries in a huge fry­
ing pan containing a large pan­
cake sizzling hot. He then pro­
ceeds to toss it into the air
towards the boys, who scramble
for it. The fortunate lad who
catches it takes it to the Dean of
the Abbey and receives as a gra­
tuity, two guinea«, which|under
normal exchange, w ould be worth
ten dollars.
On the continent of Europe,
beginning Sunday evening and
lasting till midnight Tuesday, is
the great carnival season, when
hilarity reigns supreme, and
maskers roam the streets, pelt­
ing everyone with confetti, flow­
ers and candy. In New Orleans
this custom has been kept up as
a survival from the days of the
Spanish dominion, and is com­
monly known as the Mardi Gras,
literally meaning the fat Tuesday
as distinguished from the lean
Wednesday, immediately follow­
ing it.
School Debate
Helen Wooster and Gilbert
Shearer will uphold the affirma­
tive, Friday night, in the High
School auditorium, on the ques­
tion, "Resolved, that the Prim­
ary Election Law in Oregon,
should be repealed." They will
engage the Oregon City team
which takes the negative side.
The same night at West Li: n,
Frederic Burns and Peail Fautz
will take the negative on this
question against the West Linn
affirmative. There should be a
good attendance to stimulate the
school t an, as a large and in­
terested aiidierce adds much to
the effl deucy of the debaters.
E stacada , O regon , T hursday , F ebruary 3, 1921
O f Interest to Duck Hunters
"Sportsmen here should be
interested in the bill introduced
by Representative Davey to pro­
hibit the feeding of wild ducks.
Under the present law ducks are
fed in the lakes and marshes
which are kept* for game pre­
serves by those who have the
money to spend. Few ducks
scatter through the open waters
of the. state. With the high
gm e bag allo.vei on d icks and
other water fowl it makes duck
hunting merely a matter of
slaughter by the privileged hunt­
er. It was found last winter
that some of the Portland gun­
ners had been storing away their
kills in cold storage. Few states
allow such game preserves as
are allowed in the state of Ore­
gon although foreign countries
have had their privileged class­
es. Real sportsmen who would
like to see waterfowl hunting
open to all should write their
senator and representative in
regard to the matter. Repre­
sentative McFarland, chairman
of the game committee in the
house, is the spokesman of the
bag hunter and is opDOsing the
The above is published at the
request of some Eagle Creek
sportsmen, w ho seemed con­
cerned about the matter.—E d .
N ews .
New Stage Route
A. Haidlen started Tuesday
morning a stage line between
Estacada and Portland, He will
leave every morning from the
Cascade Garage at 8:30 and from
Portland at 4:30 p. m. He has a
handsome new Premier which
seats seven or eight passengers
and carries insurance against
personal and property damage.
This will be a convenience in
many ways, especially for those
who live along the Portland
road away from the tail road,
as thev can stop the stage as ,t
goes past their homes.
W. A. M eeting
The Women’s Auxiliary of the
Carl Douglas Post, No. 74, will
meet in the Oddfellows Hall next
Monday afternoon, February 7th,
1921, at 2:30 p. m. .
A Notable Catch
The following are extracts
i from a very interesting story in
Sunday’s Oregonian, of the hunt­
ing prowess of a local man:
"Life imprisonment awaits
the most notorious game destroy­
er in Oregon, whose poaching on
wild game alone is thought to
have caused the loss of at least
a thousand deer and probably
many elk. For a great Cascade*
wolf, aged leader and only sur­
vivor of a pack ihat preyed for
years on the Moose creek coun­
try of the Santiam national for­
est, arrived in Portland yester­
day bound for Washington, D.
C., where he will pass the re­
mainder of his life in the nation­
al zoological park.
A. G. Ames, government trap­
per and captor of the wolf, de­
livered his charge in Portland.
k On January 11 the wolf was
caught in a trap in the Moose
creek country. For more than a
»mile he dragged a 15-foot maple
clog through brush and snow.
Mr. Ames and a companion
trailed him. After much ma­
neuvering they snared him about
the neck with a telephone wire
noose and subdued him enough
to "hog tie" his legs and muz­
zle him. They then slipped him
into a wool sack, thrust a pole
through and carried him like a
stretcher for 25 miles through
the snow covered miles to Mr.
Ames’ cabin, One night was
passed on the trip. To make
sure that his charge was wtdl
cared for Mr. Ames slipped a
strong collar and chain upon
him, loosed his bonds and left
him tied to a tree throughout the
Mr. Ames expects to pass a
week’s vacation at his home in
Estacada, Clackamas county,
and then return to his trapping.
During the month of January
he cought three coyotes and
eight wild cats in addition to the
two wolves. One of the wild
cats was jumped by his dogs
near the fresh carcass of a deer.
The timber wolf will be in
Portland several days before it
is shipped to Washington."
$1.50 P er Y ear
fiE R
At the meeting of the Com­
munity C.ub last Friday night it
was moved that the Club should
lend its efforts to revive the East
Clackamas Fair, which has been
suspended during the last two
years. A committee was ap­
pointed by President Stephens to
consult with the old fair board,
consisting of C. E. Kilgore,
chairman, Mrs. Lloyd Yocum and
J. K. Ely. The school glee clubs
furnished music and entertain­
ment, and talks were given by
President Stephens on "the res­
ponsibility of the community to
the schools," by F. E. Burns on
"the responsibility of the schools
to the community," and C. E.
Kilgore on "the advantages of
good schools from a business
man’s point of view."
Our Duty to the Soldiers
We publish this week notice of
two bills for the relief of the
soldiers which are before the
state legislature. We are confi­
dent it won’t ignore the duty to
grant the demanded relief, altho
both bills may not pass. It has
been announced on good authori­
ty, that the federal government
will grant a cash bonus to the
men SOM FUME, but when it is
not certain. But the soldiers are
not able to wait indefinitely and
some immediate help from the
state is imperative. The obliga­
tion is obvious and must not be
shirked, and while it will involve
a large increase in taxation, no
right minded person will object
provided the boys will I k * per­
manently bcnefitted.
When Fred Bartholomew came
down town last Friday morning,
his friends noticed that he was
wearing a smile which would
not come off, and that his clothes
seemed to be an extra tight fit.
On making inquiries it was as-
certaine l|that the night before
the stork had left a little daugh­
ter tor him at the Lovelace hos­
pital. Both Mrs. and Miss May
Rose Bartholomew are doing
well, while "Father" Fred is
trying hard to live up to the
dignity of a paterfamilias.